WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 THE MORNING ASTOHIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. - - i 4k (XHJ, Ja, B, Kerr and Harrison Allen, of Portland, and Newell II. Clapp, of St, Paul, appear as attorney for de fendant and Chester Dolph for plain tiff. Log Cabin Flour SOME MEN I Makes more Bread and more than a poor ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. LEADING m w OF i Shipped To Skamokawa The remains of the lute J, 0. Ring Mead, who died several days ago vvill be chipped to Skamokawa thin morn ing (or interment, From Far Gottenberg Natanacl Fornquiitt and Andrew Johnon, both of Gottenberg, Swe den, yesterday filed tluir declaration of intention to become American citizens, with County Clerk Cilifton. "EverLlttle Bit Helps"- SherifT M. K. Pwncroy yesterday turned over to County Treasurer W, A. Sherman the sunt of $3027!, being collection for the pant week on the iiiii? . it ..i ..i.i !... i "ii 1.1 run ii wi .iuu(. M n M t . M . io ne iriea loaay D. C. Gritwold, the man who it charged, in Justice Goodman' court with Helling three bottle of beer from one of the West End- saloon on Sun day lal, will be tried for the offense in that court at 2 o'clock thi after noon, Licensed To Wed County Clerk Clinton issued li censes to wed in favor of the follow tag -named young people of 'the city and county, to-wit: Mr. Carl Thane Simmon and Mi Edith Mae Pohl; and to Mr. George Schmidt and Mis Eva 15. Parker. Quarantine The steam schooner "Yellowstone" which is expected to arrive in the course of a day or two, will be quar antined a she failed to follow the regulation when leaving San Fran- isco recently, according to telegraph- advice received from there by Dr. lolt yesterday. Unknown Man Drowned The body of an unknown man was discovered at Bay View by a fisher man Monday, and was taken to Cath Jamct and turned over to the coroner of Wahkiakum county. The body was badly disfigured making identification impossible. An Inland Hike The five pert little torpedo vessels, the Farragut, Davi, Preble, Jones and Fox strung out early yesterday morning for their hike to Portland, and reached that city at 1 o'clock, just about in time to figure promi nently in the day' pleasure and inter est as incident to the Rose Festival. Another Logger Hurt 0. Keilberg, a logger at work at Tongue Point, painfully injured his taken to the St. Mary's hospital for treatment, where an examination was Coffee Satisfaction HILL BROTHERS' FANCY COFFEES. STEEL CUT AND I VACUUM PACKED, IN GRADES AND PRICES TO PLEASE ALL TASTES. Scholfield, Mattson & Co. PHONE 1181 GOOD GOODSPHONE931 120 TO 124 TWELFTH STREET. For a VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH goto Johnson Phonograph Go, Parlor Second Floor Over Better Bread, and costs no grade $ 1 40 Sack GROCERS. made and showed that lie was, suffer ing from a badly dihlocated hip, hit condition, though painful, in not con iderei very ncriout. Rose Festival Pilgrims Among t lie Astorian departing yesterday for the metropolis and her Rose Festival were Mr. and Mr. Herman F. f'racl; Mr. M. R. Pom croy and baby on, who will be the guest of Mr. and Mr, Harry Ulan chard; and Mrs, W. E. McAfee, who will visit her sister Mrs, Barr, and then proceed to the Capital City, for a few week' stay with friend. Off For Europe- Mrs, llmari Paldauius and two children, , and Isaac Saari, wife and child will constitute a traveling party hence to Helsingfors, Finland, leaving this city on tomorrow boat, the T, J. Potter, and the 0. R. & N. for New York city, where, on the 11th in slant, they will tail on the White Star liner "Baltic" for their trans- Atlantic destination. Memorial Meeting The Memorial Lutheran Church will meet this evening, Wednesday, at 8 o'clock at the German Lutheran church on Grand avenue. Important business to transact. The Ladies' Aid Society of the same church will be entertained by Mr. Captain Larson at her home at Harrison and Fifth on Thursday, tomorrow afternoon. Mem ber and friend arc cordially in vited. Done By Deed Three deeds figured in the record matter at the office of County Clerk J. C. Clinton, yesterday, to-wit: Mar tin Foard and wife to R. E. Bryan, 141.05 acres n section 33-7-9 W. for $100; R. E. Bryan and wife to the Hawley Pulp & Taper Co., US4.20 acre in Clatsop county, $15,000; C. A. Campbell and wife to H. I. Blakeslce, 160 acre in section 18-6-6 W. for $10. Will Take Testimony Special Examiner Brodic will begin taking testimony today in the case of Burch vs. McCIure. This suit i the outcome of a large timber deal which involves interests in this county and is brought for an accounting of $100,- Chocolates the best in the world 50c a Pound, Scholfield & Mattson Co. On a Minor Scale While waiting for certain needed paraphernalia for the Evic, to com plete her deep-sea fishing gear, Mr, Obee, the manager of the new fishing venture here, along with a practical old fisherman who know every fathom of the near by Pacific, will go out to day with sonic lesser trawling gear in a couple of power boats and try their hand, just to keep busy while the Evic is getting ready for a second successful venture. Important Discussion At 7:30 o'clock this evening, at the Chamber of Commerce, in this city, there wii be an important gathering of the business men of Astoria, who will' discus, by and large, the expe diency of celebrating the "Fourth of July" this year, and other correlative matters. It is desired that every man in business in the city shall be pret ext, in order to give the session solid and authentic significance, whichever way the decision may fall. Astoria's New Directory The new directory for the city of Astoria and Clatsop county, the 5th of its scries, and published by R. L, Polk & Company, of Portland, and issued from the presses of the J. S. Dcllingcr Company, of this city, is in the market and is a handsome and serviceable book of reference. F. F. Hall, of Portland, representing the publishers, is in the city attending to the delivery of the new edition and it will soon find its way to the hands of all subscribers. Police Court Monday being election day the usual increase of drunkenness was in evidence in Astoria, 11 cases were re ported at police court, and were deposed of by Judge Anderson, ev- eral of which were arrested Saturday and Sunday and who had to remain in the city jail until yesterday, owing to three holidays following in succes sion. One case of vagrancy wa fined $20 and Effie Holt, who was charged with being under the influence of li quor forfeited a $25 bail by failing to appear at police court. Another Attraction Dr. Emil Enna, the indefatigable leader of the Astoria Philharmonic Society, and of its coming concert, has secured another fine attraction for that brilliant event of the 18th in stant, in the person and talent of Mr. Frank G. Eichenlaub, one of the lead ing young violinists of the .metropolis, who will take a conspicuous place on the program of that evening, and will be accmpanicd by Miss Beatrice Hid den, of that city. The staff of soloists for this splendid concert grows in interest all the time. Nothing of Relief Yet There is no solution at hand for the disappearance of young Vernon Elbon, and the first mate of the schooner Irene, who are supposed to have lost tjieir lives in the bay by the capsizing of the Irene's boat in which they were crossing from this city to Knappton. I. B. Elbon, the father of the lad was in the city yes terday endeavoring to relieve the situation of what ambiguity rests up on it, but was unsuccessful, and will await what developments may accrue later. He has the sympathy of a host of friends in this fearful sus pense. Will Wed Today- There will be a happy wedding this afternoon at the pleasant farm home of Mrs. Hannah Pease, near Skipan- on, in this county, when the lives of j Miss Eva B. Parker, her grand daughter also a grand-daughter of Hon. II. B. Parker of this city) and Mr. George Schmidt, of this city, are united. The wedding will be a home affair and performed in the presence of relatives and a few chosen guests. Both young people are well and hap pily known here, the bride having been born and raised in this county, and the groom being a valued and popular employe of the Tongue Point Milling Company, Campbell Case Goes Over Attorney John C. McCue was in Cathlamet yesterday in the interest of his client Michael Campbell charg ed with the killing of John McClel lan, but no material steps were taken in the matter owing to the absence of the regular judge of the court, the bench being served by a jurist from Tacoma. It seems there is an open question as to the status of the dis trict attorney over their, the present incumbent being an Oregon man, and holding by appointment, is is attack ed, and must be settled before any grave cases such as Campbell's can be safely committed to juridical ac- ': ''t! (if I i Copyright 190 by Hart Schaffner 13 Marx J RIGHT GOODS tion. As soon as Judge Rice returns Campbell will be permitted to plead under formal arraignment, but it is held to be dubious if he is granted any bond, under the Washington law, unless he shall be charged with the lesser offense of murder in the sec ond degree. Day's Marine Notes Things were unduly piiet on the Astoria waterfront yesterday. The schooner W. R. Hume, lumber laden for the Bay City, cleared from the custom house, and sailed. -The dandy little Heather returned last evening from a flyer to Lightship No. 50. The United Wireless station on Smith's Point picked up the steamship Wat son, off the Columbia at noon yes terday, bound to Seattle from San Francisco; and they also caught the Col. E. P. Drake, off here, bound for the olden Gate, from the Sound. The steamer Alliance got in from Coos last evening and went on to the metropolis. The steamship Argyle came down from Portland yesterday morning and went to sea direct. The steamers Shoshone and Rainier ar rived in from San Francisco; the for mer going on up the river and the latter direct to Tongue Point, for cargoes. The Roanoke came in from California at 8 o'clock last night and went up stream at 10 o'clock. The steamer Asuncion entered port last evening and will go up to Portland this morning early. Cheap Round-Trip Rates to the East The O. R. & N. Company will sell round-trip tickets to Eastern points on June 5, 6, 19 and 20; July 6, 7, 22 and 23; August 6, 7, 21 and 22. For particulars call on G. W. ROBERTS Agent, O. R. & N. Dock. Subcribe for the Morning Astorian, Now 60 cents per month, delivered by carrier. CASTOR I A lor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Have clothes ten say won't do MARX matter thes, and & M. All The New York. green and $2.50 to $7.50. COME IN! Nobby Clothier DONALD AND BELL Begin Their Last Week in This City. Almost a full house turned out last night at the Star to see "In Old Vir ginia," and judging from the enthus iasm displayed, no one was disap pointed. The play is quiet, yet in tense, and produced in the way this company does everything nearly per fect. The play is one of the best yet played, and will be continued till Thursday. It is with genuine regret that we heard announced, the approaching end of their season here. These clev er people came upon us unheralded some four months ago, and at once proceeded to warm themselves into the hearts of the Astoria Theatre go ing public; how well they have suc ceeded, can best be judged by the fact that they are today playing to what seems to us to be better busi ness than during the first weeks of their stay here. Of course a few "Old timers" are sandwiched in once in a while but for the most part, new plays have been given, and some of the best productions ever witnessed in the city have been by them. Nothing is ever lacking in whatever play they essay to produce, and if at any time they see fit to return to Astoria, they can be assured of a royal wel come. Both Mr. Donald, as business man ager, and Mr. Bell, as stage director, are gentlemen anyone would be glad to know; their business methods are known to most people in the city by this time, and it is to- be doubted if two men ever found a place in the hearts of the public quicker and more securely than did these two rustling young men. The Astorian wishes both them and their clever company a safe and pleasant season on the "road" and joins with a host of others, in asking their return here next summer. The Clean Man. The man who delights in personal cleanliness, and enjoys his shave, shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As toria, always goes to the Occident barber shop tor these things and gets them at their best a hard time getting f that fit. Such men of- "Ready - made clothes f for me." If you are that kind of a I man we'll surprise vou with t our HART, SCHAFFNER & f clothes, We'll fit you f better than you're used to. No who makes your clo you'll get the H. S. ? - Wool quality too. Priced from $ J 8.00 to $30.00 1 TROUSER TALK i I Noisiest - New are just from X Royal Creen Corduroy $5.00 J We Have Others FANCY VESTS Jusc ic! Swell line in brown and olive shades. Priced from weu anow louiNiity stunt RIGHT PRICE PERSONAL MENTION J. W. Hatfield, the well know drummer for typewriting parapher nalia, was in the city yesterday oa business, leaving for Cathlamet dur ing the. afternoon. Mrs. Mary C. Flavel and the Misses Flavel were passengers for Portland and San Francisco on the evening express yesterday. Judge Sol Smith of South Bend was in this city yesterday on his way home from Cathlamet where he has been attending court. Jas. B. Kerr and Harrison Allen of the law firm of Carey J. Kerr of Portland, are in the city. Chester Dolph and wife of Port land, are in the city. Mr. Dolph be ing here on legal business. Frank Busch and wife of Jewell are in the city and will leave this morning for Portland to take in the Rose Show. Born in Iowa. Our family were all born and raised in Iowa, and have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Rem edy made at Des Moines) for years. We know how good it is from long experience in the use of it. In fact, when in El Paso, Texas, the writer's life was saved by the prompt use of this remedy. We are now engaged in the mercantile business at Narcossee, la., and have introduced the remedy here. It has proven very successful and is constantly growing in favor.- Ennis Bros. This remedy is for sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. ALEX TAGG CONFECTIONERY FreshfChocol&ies, Candies.fetc. Made fresh every day in on own factory. 843 Commercial Street x