J THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1908. o ' , . , . " 1 ! Z: v. ! ir i 11' J i i WMMMMMMB ... I "The Message Man is SYLMAR Guaranteed absolutely pure. of California Olives. Pint bottles 60c A. V. ALLEN SOLE AGENT FOR BAKER'S BARRINGTON HALL STEEL- CUT COFFEE, PHONES-711 AND 3871 S3SBSSE FRAGMENTARY RETURNS (Continued from page 1) the Oergonian, may not exceed 1000. PORTLAND, June 2 (2 A. M.) Chamberlain's vote in Multnomah has teen cut down materially since mid night. Of the 5600 votes counted he is in the lead by only 290. Late re turns from Marin show Cake making gains there. At 1 o'clock, Baker City reports that Cake is ahead in that county. The last report from Wasco estimates CUamberlain's majority to be 250, with the rest of the Republi can ticket elected. It is estimated that Chamberlain has carried Jackson by 200. Little attention is being paid to Tailroad commissioner, . but from the meagre returns it is conceded Aitchi on has been re-elected bv a sub stantial majority. Only one complete J precinct Portland counted, number seventy-three and a half, Rose City Park addition gave Chamberlain six, and Cake four. Returns slow, will file Bulletins tomorrow giving reliable figures from counties as get returns. PORTLAND, June 2 (1:50 A. M.) In the city of Sellwood two to one against prohibition which makes the Oakes wet. Hawley retains his seat in Congress, constantly increasing by t.: ti. p.u;n Vlg lUdJUl Iljf . -lit Cllliiv ivjuuiiviih legislative ticket appears to have swept the state. At midnight Mc Minnville, Cake was 91 to Chamber lain's 87. Cake carries Yamhill by 200. Statement No. 1 stand of in Yamhill. Ontario two to one for pro libition. University and Armory bills caries, suffrage and single tax defeat ed in the state. PORTLAND, June 2 (1:45 A. M. At 11:20 last night it was thought that Cake would carry Clackamas county by 200 and that Hawley would get it by 1200, but while the count was slow, Chamberlain was in the lead. It is said that the early morning vote fa Yored the Republican nominee. Hood River City will go for Cake and j against prohibition but it is thought the bill making Hood River county out of a portion of Wasco has passed by a safe majority. Yamhill county will probably swing 200 votes into J the Cake column, but it has defeated the single tax and tavored. tne univer sity appropriation. In Malheur, Cake and Chamberlain are running so close that no prediction have been given out since early in the evening. Prohibtion seems to be leading there two to one. Woodburn is against pro hibition. At 11 o'clock last night the count in Clatsop gave Chamberlain 248 and Cake 215. It is exected that Chamberlain will have a slight lead. At II o'clock last night Union had a light lead for Cake from the count on majority of the precincts. Prohibi tion has carried the county. Meagre returns from Lane give Cake 239, Chamberlain 112. University bill Grand Prize, Reo Automobile, See Page 16 For Special Offer of the OLIVE to O - LIVE" OLIVE OIL Made from the choicest Quart bottles - 1 40c PER CAN. BRANCH PHONE-713 carried Malheur by 41X1, single tax loses by 1000. The bill giving Tort of Portland greater powers though to have been passed. Chamberlain's friends here are showing that he will be named vice-president at the next Democratic convention in Denver. The city is excited over the election returns. PORTLAND, June 1 (12:50).-The indications are that Chamberlain has carried Multnomah county by 1500, although this may be decreased when the vote from the country and pre cincts is counted. A rumor has it tonight that the friends of ex-City Au ditor Tom Devlin fought Cake al leging that the senatorial candidate and his brother who is now county central chairman knifed Devlin at the Mayoralty primaries a year ago. It is also said that all federal officials here worked for the defeat of Cake and also reported that former Senator Mulkey did nothing to aid the Repub- lican candidate PORTLAND, June 1 (12:45 A. M.) It now looks like Chamberlain has carried Multnomah by 2000. Cake running ahead in the State. The en tire Republican ticket will probaby be elected in Multnomah. Manning concedes his defeat. PORTMAND, June 1 (12:30 A. M.) -Partial returns in Multnomah coun- ty give Cake, republican, 1273; Cham Deriain. uemocratic. ioo. u tnam berlain's lead continues at the same I V. n -..111 --- .Via iintv Kv Icltlir lie will Vfliij iv vwMii'j J about 2000. PORTLAND, June 1 (11 P. M.) The total vote counted in Multno mah up to 10:30 gives Chamberlain 1089 and Cake 921. University ap propriation 977 for and 346 against. The armories will be slightly favored. Cameron away ahead of District At torney Manning. The latest reports from Albany say Linn will give Cake a 500 majority. The count is very slow in Clatsop and shows that Cham berlain has a slight lead over Cake. It is thought prohibition will make a clean sweep in Clackamas which count is at present showing a slight lead for Cake. 1 he Kepuoncans nave swept Tillamook county but it is tholIglt that Cake's majority will be very small and there is some doubt that Chamberlain may win yet. Union may give Cake a lead of 300 and pos sibly more. The real early count from Marion was against the University ap propriation and favored prohibition. It is estimated that Cake has carried Benton county by one hundred. Lin coln countv has none for Cake but the majority is not large. Indications ' are that Washington will go wet. Woman suffrage is loosing ground rapidly and the single tax amendment has no doubt been snowed under. Lat- est returns indicate Gilliam has gone wet. City Judge O'Day concedes his to be Given Away by MORNING Next Week. i . hm. . n .1 1 ..I....! , from trouble. rORTI.AND, June l.-The returns front Multnomah county received by the Orcgoniun up to 10:05 tonight in dicate that Chamberlain (Democratic) has cmmiml the eountyby about 2000. PORTLAND, Juno l.-At 9:30 this evening returns from Morrow reports that Cake will carry the county, and he is ahead on the first counts in Marion. Multnomah is runniny very close. Portland gives an overwhelm ing vote for the university nppropria I tion, but is against the armories. Kllis is getting a big majority in Portland although ths is the home of Jeffrie, the Democratic nominee, l'.arly re ports from Gilliam and Jackson show Cake in the lead. Tom Word, Mult nomah's reform sheriff of two years ago, is being completed snowed under by the present sheriff, Stevens. It is the hevaiest vote cast in the State's history. The woman suffrage has lost but the fisheries vote is in the air. O'Day, appointed circuit judge of Multnomah county by Chamberlain, is running behind. PORTLAND, June 1-At 9:30 to night the indications arc that Gover nor Chamberlain (Democratic) has carried Multnomah county (Port land), largely. Returns from the country show Cake (Republican) to be slightly in the lead. If the pres ent ratios continue. Chamberlain will win, but it is too early to venture any prediction by what majority. PORTLAND, June 1. In some of the Williamette Valley counties Cake, Republican, is running well, and in other counties the candidates neck and neck. Returns from Eastern Ore gon are coming in slowly and it is impossible to declare anything on them at ths writing. KILLS WOMAN. OAKFIELD, Wis., June 1. While attending services at the Methodist Episcopal Church yesterday, Grant Pool, aged 35 years, shot and killed Mrs. E. IT. Orvis, a leading resident of the village. Rev. Sabin Halsey had completed the services and had gone to the vestibule door to shake hands with the members of the con gregation as they left the church. Pool occupied a pew in the church directly in front of Mrs. Orvis and followed her to the door. Mrs. Orvis was about to shake hands with Mr. Halsey when Pool pulled a "revolver, firing three shots in rapid succession, one bullet entering the heart, causing instant death. Mrs. Orvis fell into the arms of her husband. Mr. Halsey asked the congregation to remain and offer prayer for the dying woman. The congregation was panic-stricken, however, and fled from the church in haste. The pastor re mained and prayed over the body. It is said that Mr. and Mrs. Orvis objected to Pool's atentions to their daughter, and that this was the cause of the shooting. "Anarchism and the Law of the Land" was the subject of the address at the Unitarian chapel last night, delivered by Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr. A large audience greeted the speak er and the Foresters of America were present in a body. WITH BUTCHER KNIFE. LOS ANGELES, June 1.-Robert Gonzales, a Mexican laborer, attacked his wife with a butcher knife at their home in Rincon, near Whitticr, and before she succeeded in escaping, he had stabbed her fight times, mhictmg probable fatal injuries. Armed with the knife, Gonzales defied a crowd of ,50 persons some time and attempted to cut his throat when the citizens rushed him. He is in jail. ASTORIAN in Popular Contest. ueieai. i nc i oriiiiuu i-iccuuii is net THE BOOKS AT SEA No Trace of Roosevelt's Library Presented to Seamen FIRE DESTROYED RECORDS Library Returns Which Was Sent on Its Seafaring Journey Oct. 17, 1866, Which Was Two Years Before the Roosevelt Athletic Club Sent Theirs NEW YORK. June l.-No trace of the shin's library which President Roosevelt presented for the American Seamen's Friend Society in hi-- maiden speech forty years age has been dis covered by the office... of th. t organi ration to-day. That this chest of books, which was launched on the clipper-ship "Rival" by the President in his tenth year, may still be tossing on the high seas was proved po-.sible by thte return this week of a similar library which was sent on its travels October 17th, 1N66, two years before the "Roosevelt Athletic Class" sent out theirs. Records of the ,25,742 book chests circulated by the society ince 1859 show, however, that a life of forty-two years for these volumes in the forecastle is exceptional. Whether Captain Uriel Doane, who set sail for San Francisco on Decem ber 12th, 1J68 wiih the books present ed by young Roosevelt, is still alive or whether ship or crew survive to tell the tale of their late cannot be deter mined here to-day( because of a fire. years ago, which destroyed all ship ping records. Only one report, how ever, was received by the society on the corresponding library shipped two years before for Galveston and just now finally returned. On December 16th, 1873 this book chest was report ed transferred to the "Piscatauqa," a Gloucester fishing craft. Its return by express from its forty-two years of service, by Captain Israel Bartlett of this vessel, brings the first tidings of it for thirty-five years. From 3,000 captains, mates and sea men the American Seamen's Friend Society has to-day exact records of its loan libraries now known to be afloat. These records show that 618,400 vol umes have been read by 442,230 sea men, while 129,315 jackies of Uncle Sam's service have read 39,415 books especially sent out in navy bottoms. More than a hundred and fifty of these chests of books have been re ported as in use in U. S. Life Saving Stations where 1,327 keepers and surf men have read their 6,336 volumes. Each library is numbered and regis tered, and reports of its voyaging ntadc to anyone who may launch and keep it afloat by paying twenty dol lars. A weather-beaten case of these books is today awaiting reshipment at the society's headquarters after hav ing served for two years on board the Peary Arctic Club's steamer "Roose velt" in quest of tthe North Pole. During the long Arctic night from October 12th to March 6th, Lieut. Peary declared, every book was read and re-read by every member of his crew. These libraries, of which al most 300 have been sent to sea this year, contain forty-three volumes of travel and adventure, biography, ref erence and religion. A bible, diction ary, atlas and Pilgrim's Progress arc included with many of the latest and most suitable works of poetry and fic tion. Half a dozen of these books are in the Swedish, German and Norweg ian tongues, Records of tthc 100 li braries sent through the society as a memorial to the heir of Aberdeen by tthe Dowager Duchess of Aberdeen in 1870 show tthat many of the books dedicated to this wandering "George Gordon", who left a dukedom to fol low the sea and be swept overboard, still travel the seas, thumbed hard in the forcastle. INDICTMENTS GALORE. Los Angeles Grand Jury Going Af ter Railway People. LOS ANGELES, June l.-Thc fed eral grand jury today returned a large number of indictments including three against the Southern Pacific for al leged rebating in violation of the Sherman anti-trust act, twenty-nine counts were contained in the three indctments. The officials of the com pany are cited to appear on June 15 to answer the charges. The company is charged with rebating on orange shipments to eastern points. Seven indictments were returned Harriman individually, for land frauds in the Imperial San Diego County. against alleged Valley, Tlio mnd You Have Always la uso for over 30 yearn, All Counterfeit, Imitation and " Just-ON-guml " ro but Experiment that trill with nnd endanger tho health of Infant and Chlldrou Experience nguluMt Experiment What is CASTORIA Cofttorln I n harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Par frorlc, Drop nnd Soothing Syrup. It 1 rieannnt. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jfarcotlo SubttUnec. Its ago Is Its guarantee It destroys Worm and allays Feverlidine. It cures Dlurrhuui nnd Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Trouble, euro Comttlpatloa , And Flatulency. It nnHlmllatcs tho Food, regulate tho Stomach nnd llowcl, giving healthy nml natural alccp, Tho Children' Fanaceiv-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAYO Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. MI NIMII), ?? Buaut T.rf. . MTV. I. v r":T?s.jsasa WATER DRINKING If Induced by Too Copius Use of Water STATEMENT OF OR. MASON Also Declares Patent Medicine Drunk eness Almost as Prevalent as the Generally Recognized Forms Pat ent Medicine 75 Per Cent Whisky, CHICAGO, June J. Water intoxica tion induced by too copius use of water externally or internally wa pointed out last night by Dr. L. I). Mason, vice president of the Ameri can Society for the study of inebriety, alcohol and drug neorois is being dangerous as over-indulgence in al cohol. Dr. Mason, a leading physician and philanthropist of Brooklyn, delegate to the American Medical Associa tion Convention, addressed inmates of the Washington Home oh "Why Men Drink", He declared patent medicine drunkenness almost as prevalent as the generally recognized forms. "I have a friend who is a victim of a)(ia mania" he said. "He spends hours in a bath tub and drinks so much water that he has reduced the solids of his body and worked serious injury to himself. Many men and women drink too much water and are victims of that form of intoxication, "We are all creatures of habit. And our best men and women are victims of habit. Thousands are victims of patent medicine drunkenness. One prominent temperance lecturer of my acquaintance drinks so much of this stuff that he is constantly tinder the influence of this drug or intoxicant. Most of these patent medicines are 75 per cent cheap whiskey. "This really is a serious question for temperance societies. When they "secure a pledge of abstinence from a woman or man they also should ex tract a pledge against the use of pat ent medicines. "Tea and coffee drinkers also gen erally are intemperate. They keep themselves constantly, under the in fluence of these stimulants to the in jury of their sight and other senses. Cigars are narcotics and men Who pride themselves on abstinence from liquor carry one in their mouths all day or a pipe when they go to bed. "Sanitariums are springing tip everywhere and there never is a paucity of patients." EIGHTY-NINE DROWNED. KHABAROSVIKA, Asiatic Rus sia, June 1. Eighty-nine prisoners of state were drowned by ' a capsized boat in the Amur river. 01 If I 1 I Bought, and which has boon lias borno tho signature of nnd luu boon iniulo timier in per eoiud supervision ftlnco it Infancy. Allowno ono todecelve you In thl. Signature of SHOOTS SISTER AND HIMSELF. Sister Fatally Injured and he Dies Cause Unknown. I T ACQ MA, June 1. Frank B, Kel-' cy of Everett, tonight shot and probably fatally injuring hii sister, Mr. Harriet Cole at the latter' room in the Arcade Hotel, then shot and killed himself. The cause of the shoot ing i not known. Mr. Cole was sick wiih lung trouble and was lying on her bed when her brother ihot4ier twice, lie had been a tender a"rd devoted miniitrator to her want. V SECOND TRIAL SEPTEMBER 21. 1.0S AN'GF.LKS, June I. The sec ond trial of William J. McComas, the clubman and mining expert, accused of the murder of Mrs. Charlotte L. Noycs, wife of a Boston traveling salesman, was today set for Septem ber 21. The first trial resulted in a hung jury a few days ago. ACTOR DROPPED DEAD. Leading Man at Keith's Theatre Diet of Heart Failure. CLEVELAND, June l.-Eugcnc Jeppson, 50 years of age, of New York, the leading man in a vaudeville sketch at Keith's theatre, dropped dead of heart trouble induced by a fright received in his dressing room this afternoon when an alarm of fire was sounded. N'o one was injured jrt the audience, The orchestra continu ed to play and the actors continued with the play, BRYAN RECEIVES NEWS. ALLIANCE, Neb., June l.-Wm. J. Bryan received from the Associated Press news of Jones' death while delivering his speech. He stopped to read the telegram and announces the death of his friend to the audience. He spoke feelingly and said he was indebted to Jones for an oppor tunity to alone debate on the tariff in Chicago in 1896. CHURCH COURTING ROOMS. CHICAGO, June 1. There is one church in Chicago where Dan Cupid will occupy as prominent a place as the minister, It is Christ Church, of which Rev. J. E. Snyder is the pastor, that has bowed to the little God of Love and established a "courting room" in which ' the young people may do their "sparking." Features of the noval addition to the house of God are cozy corners, screens and soft-toned lights. CELT MAKES RECORD. NEW YORK, June l.-Cheered by more than 25.(1(1(1 nor, rn t,l three-year-old, bearing the colors of James R. Kecne won the twenty- second annual running race in . the Brooklyn handicap, at the Gravesend track, today. He made a new record for the race and the Gravesend track, stopping distance. Mile and quarter, 2:04 2-5. Fair Play, second; Master Robert, third, v