The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 02, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1903.
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The torpedo fleet is in port. The
Preble, Fox and Farraguet were in
the city channels by 4 o'clock, alright
after their heavy heading tip the coast
and their refuging in Coos and Hum
boldt. The Davis came in just be
fore sundown. It was reported that
one of the vessels was outside in
trouble, but this could not be verified.
They are all in port however, and
will leave up the river this morning.
They made an interesting display and
had plenty of reviewers from Smith's
to Tongue Point.
The steamer Nahcotta will make
her initial trip from the O. R. & N.
pier to Megler, the station of the
Ilwaco Railroad Company, opposite
this city, this morning at 7:30 o'clock;
and this will be the rule until further
orders, Sundays included. The rail
way line from Megler to Ilwaco is now
in good shape and ready for the sum
mer business to the beaches, the first
train on schedule passing over the
line yesterday morning.
It is authentically rumored that the
fine, fast steamer Bailey Gatzert will
enter the Astoria field on Monday or !
Tuesday next, when it shall be deter
mined whether she is to run opposite
the Spencer or against her. With
Tea is not infallible;
moneyback makes
amends. We are not, in
the least, uneasy about
the money.
Tow rroctr return roar bmmt U roa ie't
At StUUla 't Bwt: wo pa? kirn.
It la wonderfully
convenient to do
kitchen work on a
stove that's ready
at the instant wanted,
and out of the way the
moment you're done.
Such a stove is the New
Perfection Wick Blue
Fiame Oil Cook -Stove.
By using it you avoid the
continuous overpowering
beat of a coal fire and cook
with comfort, even in dog
days. The
Wick Blue Flame
is so constructed that it cannot add perceptibly to the heat of
a room; the flame being directed up a retaining chimney to
the stove top where it is needed for cooking. You can
see that a stove sending out heat in but on di
rection would be preferable on a hot day to
a stove radiating heat in all directions. The
New Perfection keeps a kitchen uniformly
comfortable. Three sizes, fully warranted.
If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency.
for family use safe,
convenient, economical and a great light
giver. If not with your dealer, write our near-
tit agency.
j The! StoreM
i Women BEEiS&flVE Outfitters i
Dimities, in small floral designs 14c, 15c and 18c
Fancy Cotton Etamines 12c, 14c and 20c
Silk Mulls, in the newest designs 23c, 25c and 50c
Scotch Ginghams 18c, 25c and ?0c
Mercerized Gingham 18c and 25c
We have an immense assortment of wash goods; they
are as cheap as they ever will be, so make your selec
tion now.
these two fine boats added to the al
ready good fleet on the river between
here and Portland, there will be
something doing, or nothing.
The steamer R. D. Inman came
over the bar on Sunday afternoon late
on a quest for lumber, with Captain
Uardwick on the bridge. The Astor
ian was mistaken on Saturday when
it assigned this capable officer to the
Tho. L Wand.
The steamship Roanoke left San
Francisco on Saturday night last at
9:30 o'clock, and wll not be in port
until this morning. Everything is
making heavy weather of it up the
coast these days.
The British steamship Yeddo is
down from Portland and at the T. P.
docks, where they arc rushing her
deck-load on her to get her away for
San Francisco in time to save her
mail charter out of there on the Sth.
The swift little packet Chas. R.
Spencer resumed her Astoria , tri
weekly run yesterday, bringing down
plenty of people, and taking back a
large group of Astorians bound for
the Rose Festival.
The steamer Sue II. Elmore arrived
in at noon yesterday from Tillamook
with a good list of passengers, and
went to Portland on her last trip
with that city as headquarters.
The steamship Rose City docked at
the 0. R. & N. piers last evening at
6:15. She had a big list of people and
a fair manifest of freight. She went
on to the metropolis at 8 o'clock.
The steamer Undine is sticking
close to her schedule ad carrying
well on both decks as usual. She took
tip a number of excursionists last
evening to the Rose Festival.
The steamer Thomas L. Wand went
to sea on Sunday, with lumber from
up-river mills.
The steamer F. S. Loop was a Sun
day arrival, reaching here during the
afternoon. She comes for lumber as
The steamship Breakwater was
among the Sunday arrivals, coming
in from Coos Bay Points, with good
business in cabin and hold.
Put This Stove In
Your Kitchen
yj ""
Oil Cook-Stove
i .
p ...
The steamer Wellcsley arrived in
from the Bay City on Sunday after
noon and went ot) to Stella where she
load lumber outward.
The fine steamer Northland was
one of the Sunday arrivals from San
Francisco, going on to Portland with
out much delay here.
The steamer Alliance went out
early on Sunday bound for Coos, with
a fair crowd of people and plenty of
The steamct Yosemitc arrived in
from San Francisco last evening and
came after lumber as usual. As did
also the steamer Yellowstone.
The steamer Thomas L Wand went
to sea on Sunday, with lumber as
Scores of Astoria Readers Are Learn
ing the Duty of the Kidneys.
To filter the blood is the kidneys'
When they fail to do this the kid
neys are sick.
Backache and many kidney ills fol
low; Urinary trouble, diabetes.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure them all.
A. P. Maney, Hawthorne Terrace,
Portland, Oregon, says: "My work
subjects me to much jolting and as a
result my kidneys became disordered,
causing sharp knife-like pains in my
back. This trouble bothered me a
great deal while working and being
desirous to rid myself of it, I decided
to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial
procurng a supply. I found quick re
lief from their use and finally a com
plete cure. Although this was over
three years ago there has never been
a return of the trouble since, clearly
showing that when Doan's Kidney
Pills cure, they cure permanently."
Plenty more proof like this from
Astoria people. Call at Charles
Rogers' drug store and ask what cus
tomer's report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., P-uffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
So Says Commodore Mackey In His
NEW YORK, June 1. Commo
dore Wm. E. Mackey, postmaster at
Rutherford, N. J., a naval veteran of
the Spanish War and a Republican
candidate for Congress, created some
surprise yesterday when he made the
following statement from tthc plat
form at the unveiling of a cannon in
Hackensack to memory of soldiers
and sailors who lost their lives in the
wars of tthc United States:
"It is sad to relate that we are
getting the American sailors. We j
are erecting magnincent windings,
in almost every city in every state to
be used as public libraries, hospitals j
uiiu isjiuiiii - " -.v.v .
do we tind any of those achievements
for the sailor? Because he is a sea
fearing man away from friends he
is forgotten, except when it is thought
there is a possibility of a foreign
country making invasion somewhere
on our coast; then we think of our
"Do you know how many places
there are in the United States where
a sailor can except a cordial welcome,
a comfortable room a wholesome
meal at a reasonable price?
"There are just six, and there
should be six thousand.
"It is seldom the sailor is remem
bered by our people when attending
Divine Worship and I think it is
wrong. I am glad to know that this
monument is erected to memory of
our sailor-heroes as well as to the
Japanese vice consulship in San Fran
cisco which was made vacant a few
days ago by the appointment of K.
Matsubara as charge d'affaires at
Chicago, will not be abolished as was
generally believed. From private
sources it was learned yesterday that
the government at Tokio had ap
pointed S. Takahashi for the position
and that the new vice consul would
soon set sail for San Francisco to
take up his new duties.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signa ture of
Pacific Coast Admen Get
gether In Portland
Banquet is a Unique Affair Presi
dent Roosevelt Personified by Ac
complished Actor Other Pleasing
Features Very Interesting Session.
PORTLAND, June l.-The opening
day of the Pacific Const Admen's As-
. ... i t : i
soc auon proveu an eveiu u. imu-
crable note, delegates being P
ron, all the Pac.t.c Coast
uurmg me ancrnoon session j. ji.
Whyte, manager of the Astoria Cham
ber of Commerce, address the conven
tion on the subject of "Putting As
toria on the Map." He spoke as fol
lows: The Astoria Chamber of Commerce
is now busy taking care of results
from its first year of advertising and
has begun its second year with re
newed energy and with a greater
force and power,
The first advertisement of the clas-
sified advertising system of this or- booklets are wasted if poorly distri
ganization appeared July 15th, of '.ast buted and that good advertising un
year and immediately following as wisely placed, is also wasted,
many as 4(X) letters a day were re- j During the Rose Festival here this
ceived and from that time on until week Astoria has a float which ap-
December 15th., a period of six penrs in the parade and sets forth
months, about 12.IXX) letters have been ' more or less allegorically, traits of
received and answered, and in addi- importance, emphasizing the fact that
tion to the personal or circular letter Astoria is the gateway of the Colum-
answers about 60,000 pieces of litera- bia River.'
ture were mailed to inquirers. i We cordially invite all the mem-
As many as 67 classified advertise- hers of the Association to isit As-
incuts were run at one time through' toria during the present convention or
out the United States and Europe and soon thereafter and see for them-
the combined circulation continuously selves what might be offered in the
for these adlets was not less than 90,- various lines of commercial and in-
000,000. dustrial possibilities by the second
We arc now in the position of a city in Oregon,
man who has worked up a valuable In closing let me say that the As
business and who can devote most of toria chamber of Commerce is now
his time and attention to caring for engaged in making an active cam
the same. We have established our paigu to secure the passage at the
pressed brick and terra cotta plant next session of the legislature of a
which speaks for itself and iwobably bill that will allow counties and
will speak in very loud tones through- towns to vote a tax to carry on pub
out the entire west because we have lk-ity and promotion work. In Ore
discovered a shale in Astoria that will Kon large tracts of land arc held by
make a dazzling porcelain-white brick railroads, timber and lumber corn
worth $100 a thousand, not to speak panics, not to mention foreign cor
of other kinds of less value. positions of various kinds. These are
To further our efforts towards set- all opposed to the making of sub
tliug our splendid dairy and farm acriptions for publicity work and there
lands, we have begun a cooperative j no way to reach them excepting
movement, if' we may express it in through taxation. We propose to do
these words, with the Forest Service this and have prepared a tentative bill
of the Agricultural Department of a COpy 0f which may be had by those
Washington, D. C, Dr. L. F. Haw- w10 arc especially interested and who
ley is now in Astoria and has his lab
oratory in place and will for the first
for-jtjn,e 1Tiaic a thorough chemical analy
sjs 0f tic volatile oils and other pro-
ducts 0f tir, spruce and hemlock trees,
especially paying attention to the pos-
abilities of extracting products from
ulc sunups on 01 uie em-over jawis.
Should Dr. Mawley be successful in (,uct and entertainment. President
ascertaining that there arc valuable Roosevelt was among those imper-bi-products
which may be extracted SOnated by a prominent local actor,
from these woods we will have per- The great president was represented
formed a double mission, enabled our- as coming in ali airship. Innumer
selvcs to clear off the stump land at able vaudeville and other stunts
a very much less cost, and at the wcre pulled off during the banquet
same time, have established a manu- and a pretty girl was brought in hid
facturing enterprise of value. den in a basket of flowers and was rc-
Should we find that there are valu-
..i t,. 1.: 1. ...... :.. .u. !...... f..
dMic mi-iji omnia in me hci iimm t
despiscd stumps of Clatsop County
'H V . ,1. ...
we win oner mem iree to every manu-
facturer of such bi-products in the
United States together with a bonus
of $25.00 an acre clearing.
If a man can successfully manufact-
ure bi-products from stumps in Mich
igan and in tthe southern states and
pay from $3 to $5.50 a cord for them,
it certainly would be of interest to
him to know that he could get free
stumps in the Northwest and in ad-
dition a bonus of $25 an acre.
Within a short time we shall have
completed arrangements for drilling
for oil and gas, expecting to be able
to find natural gas in commercial
quantities because natural gas is now
being burned to some extent in the
vicinity of Astoria.
We will soon have in shape an
electric railroad, enterprise so that
construction can begin on a line from
Astoria through Seaside to Tillamook.
A scientific cheese and butter maker
from Germany, early this fall will writes: "This is to certify that I have
stimulate the dairy interests of Clat- used Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup for
sop by the establishment of a steril- chronic constipation, and it has prov
iding plant, such that milk can be kept en, without . a doubt, to be a thor
if necessary for the purpose of manu- ough, practical remedy for this
facturing cheese, as long as fourteen trouble, and it i9 with pleasure I offer
days. my conscientious reference,"
We have completed a connecting
road with the Clatsop Beach so that
we now have an 18 mile seabeach
automobile speedway, the finest in the
We sell quality groceries at pop
ular prices and guarantee every
thing we sell
Acme Grocer y Co.
These are some of the thing that
m . on jif As,llia
,CoMntyf wl)icll ,hllW, that we are
or activf in IU n)tm, ,hc
second city of Oregon.
I There are other undertaking tinder
way there about which we arc not
talking at this time. We have ap
pointments with people frmn various
parts of the United Slates for almost
every day in June to meet us in As
toria and discuss various business
In continuing our advertising
tern which is a classified one we are
trying to bear in mind that good
will apply to us for the same."
The banquet in the evening at the
new Commercial Club building was
attended by 300 guests. In detail of
originality nothing like it has ever
been scen on the Pacific Coast and it
js doubtful if the Gridiron Club at
Washington ever excelled tins nan
leased to sing for the audience.
Admiral swinnuriic 01 the uiarics-
ton who, a year ago, was present in
Astoria at a banquet given there to
Vice-President Fairbanks, was the
honored guest of the occasion. Tom
Richardson was the toastmaster.
, .
Subscribe for the Morning Astorian,
60c a month by carrier or mail
Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs.
"Several years since my lungs were
so badly affected that I had many
hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, of
Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with
several physicians without any bene-
fit. I then started to take Foley's
Money and Tar, and my lungs are now
as sound as a bullet, I recommend
it in advanced stages of lung trouble,"
Foley's Honey and Tar stop the cough
and heals the
lungs, and prevents
from a cold. Refuse
serious results
W. R. Ward, of. Dyersburg, Tenn.,
Subscribe for The Morning Astorian
60 cents per month. Contains full
Associated Press reports, besides all
the news in the local field.
ni snoii is Hoie roi m
Try JELL-O, the dainty, tppetli
Ing economical dctcrt. Can ba pre
pared inntiutly-nlmply add boiling
water and icrve when cool. Flavored
jutt right; sweetened just right; per
feet in every way. A 10c. package
makes enough dessert for large
family. All grocers sell It Don't ac
cept substitutes. JELL-0 complies
with all Pure Food Laws. Seven
flavors: Lemon, Orange, Raspberry,
Strawberry, Chocolate, Cherry, Peachy
Will Cure Consumption
A. A, llcrren, Finch, Ark,, writes;
"Foley's Honey and Tar i the bet
preparation fr cough, colds and
lung trouble, I know that it ha
cured consumption in the first stages."
You never heard of any one using
Foley's Honey and Tar and not be
ing satisfied.
If you will make inquiry it will be
a revelation to you how many suc
cumb to kidney or bladder troubles
in one form or another. If the patient
is not beyond medical aid, Foley's
Kfrfney Cure will cure. It never dis
appoints. NEW TO-DAY
If you want a good load of fir wood
or bo wood ring up KELLY tho
The man who keepa the
Phone Main 2191 Barn, Cor. 12t
and Duane.
The very beat board to be obtained
In the city is at "The Occident HoteL"
Rates very reasonable.
The Palace Restaurant
The ever-increasing popularity o!
the Palace Restaurant Is evidence of
the good management, and the serv
ice, at this popular dining room. For
a long time the reputation of the
house has been of the best and it
does not wane as time progresses.
The system used, that of furnishing
the finest the market affords, and all
can be obtained, in season, is a plao
that will always win, coupled as it ia
with the best of cooking and prompt '
service. A common saying nowadas
is "Get the Palace habit"
"The Modern," A. E. Peteraen'a
beautiful tonsorial establishment, baa
been further modernized by the per
manent engagement of a highly train
ed young lady manicurist, who will
also serve the house as cashier. i
The Commercial
One of the coziest and most popular
resorts in the city is the Commercial.
A new billiard room, a pleasant sitting
room and handsome fixtures ali go to
make an agreeable meeting place for
gentlemen, there to discuss the topica
of the day, play a game of billiards
and enjoy the fine refreshments serv
ed there. The best of goods are only
handled, and this fact being so well
known, a large business is done at the
Commercial, on Commercial street,
near Eleventh.
The Clean Man.
The man who delights in personal
cleanliness, and enjoys his shave,
shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As
toria, always goes to the Occident
barber shop tor these things and
gets them at their best. '
New flrnrftnr Rnr.
Try our own mixture ot coffee the
J. P. B, Fresh- fruit and vegetables.
Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Main