The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 31, 1908, FIRST SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1008.
W. P. Ely, of the Kclsonian Trint
intr r.imranv. of Kelso. ash.. W.1S H
business visitor in the CJty-by-the
Sea yesterday.
- '-. Al Marer. the "irenial showman"
; ..... Q - - , - V-
' of Seattle and Taeonia, well known in
CHARLESTON ARRIVES IN AND, this city whose thousand he has, in
LEADS YORKTOWN TO fUKi-.j Kone hy entertainment will
many a food show, arrived here yes
NIA OUT YEDDO DUE DOWN tcr(, 01, a few tlavs vjsit wjth oh
i friends, alt of whom were glad
(greet him again and to hear of hi
ti.- mmn sieamshiu Yed-. Charles Fowler, of the A. & C
do which has been to Portland fori at Portland, is an over Sunda visitor
part cargo of lumber, returns to the j with Astoria friend.
Tongue Point mills today for the J Mrs. D. F. McArtluir, mother ol
balance of her stuff, and will be load-! Mrs. T. J. Mansker, leaves on this
ed out in a hurry, in order to get her morning's express for her home in
c v ic in time to leave out i Berryville, Arkansas, after having
of that port on June S, with the royal ; spent the winter pleasantly m Astoria
m.n for Samoa and the Australias. ! Dr. Gene Vaughan, of Pendleton
She will take from the T. P. mills
2,500,(KX) feet of lumber beside what
she took on at Portland. Part of it is
for Samoa and the balance for
True to her wireless message to the
Yorktown, of Friday, that "she would
be in Astoria at 1:30 on Saturday," the
cruiser Charleston entered port and
passed up the bay on the dot. As she
came up the harbor she signalled the
waiting Yorktown and that fine little
vessel instantly forged into the wake
Ot me DIK snip iinu me i" r.ii v..- - . ,
. .u i;. wi.n fwin Ritiwi l on that occasion deliver, an ad
to the metropolis, with Captain Bin - .
Patterson on the bridge of the J"" of much interest to Astoria and
Charleston and Captain Pease guiding Clatsop county. Mr Whyte ex-
. , . pected to return on Wednesday,
the gunboat. miborn jg thU city
The fine old general utility steamer T Portland visiting her fam y
Harvest Queen was busy for several
of thf leading dentists of
Eastern Oregon, was in the city, yes
terday, the guest of his brother, Dr.
F. Vaughn.
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Fraxer, of
Eugene, who have been the guests of
Mrs. William Pendergast, the sister
of Mrs. Frazer, for the past week,
left for home on the morning express
Mr. John II. Whyte will leave for
Portland tonight to attend the Pacific
Coast Admen's convention to be held
in the new Commercial Club rooms
on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Wrhyte
hours yesterday in the north channel
of the harbor laying spar buoys for
the use of the Potter and other O. R.
& N. craft in approaching the new
river station of that company, Megler,
across from this city; having done
this she wended her way back to the
The Harvest Queen came down
early yesterday morning with the
four-masted schooners W. R. Hume
and King Cyrus on her tow lines.
The Cyrus went to the Tongue Point
mills dock to finish her load, and the
Hume is in the channel ready for sea
this morning.
The State of California came down
on time yesterday afternon and went
to sea after a brief stay at the O. R.
& N. docks. She had a god manfest
of freght and plenty of cabn pas
sengers. The bar pilot schooner Pulitzer en
tered port yesterday and sailed to her
anchorage off the 0. R. & N. pier.
She is on her monthly quest for sup
plies of all sorts.
The deep-sea trawler Evie went to
sea at 2 p. m. yesterday on her in
itial venture in the new scheme of
wholesale fishing. ,,. " -
The steamer Tallac, a new member
of the steam schooner fleet to enter
this port, came in yesterday from San
Francisco, and went on to Portland.
The steamer Alliance s due down
and out for Coos at 4 o'clock this
The steamer Argyle came down
Portland yesterday and went to sea
and the Bay City last evening.
The big oil tank steamer Atlas came
down from Portland yesterday and
proceeded to sea forthwith.
We wrint your goodwill
and your money; not one
cent without that good
will. Tmr tracer retvroi tow swotf II rot iomt
ttaSthUlioc't Bed; w par Ua.
S. M. Gallagher and wife have re
turned to Astoria from Seattle where
they have been viewing the fleet
Recommendations of Taxpayers'
League to Voters on Certain Ques
tions Submitted to the People.
Amendment increasing membership of
Supreme Court.
305. X. Yes.
305. X. No.
Voters are advised to vote YES.
Changing time of elections from June
to November.
306. X. YES.
307. X. No.
Voters are advised to vote YES.
Free transportation for office holders.
305. X. Yes.
311. X. No.
Voters are advised to vote NQ.
National Guard Armories.
312. X. Yes.
313. X. No.
Voters are advised to vote NO.
Appropriation for University.
314. X. Yes.
315. X. No.
Voters are advised to vote YES.
Limiting power of State control over
gambling, etc., in cities.
320. X. Yes.
321. X. No.
Voters are advised to vote NO.
Single tax amendment.
322. X. Yes.
323. X. No.
Voters are advised to vote NO.
Making indictments only returnable
by Grand Jury.
334. X. Yes.
335. X. No.
Voters are advised to vote YES.
Memorial Day Ardently Observed
Especially For Ladies.
Mr. Petersen, of the "Modern" ton-
sorial parlors at 572 Commercial
street, will, tomorrow, inaugurate the
modern advantage of a regular ladies'
hair-dresser, manicurist and masseuse;
a lady adept in all branches of the
profession, who will serve the patrons
at the shop or in their homes, as
To the Voters.
Monday is election day. Don't for
get that Joe Wilson, the well-known
police officer, is an independent can
didate for the office of Constable for
the Astoria precinct. x
The Store M HC Ladies
Women BEEifilHIVE Outfitters
Dimides,ia small floral designs.. .I4.C, 15c and 18c
Fancy Cotton Etamines 12c, 14c and 20c
Silk Mulls, in the newest designs 23c, 25c and 50c
Scotch Ginghams 18c, 25c and 30c
Mercerized Gingham 18c and 25c
We have an immense assortment of wash goods; they
are as cheap as they ever will be, so make your selec
tion now.
Flowers Were Scarce, But Enough to
go ' Around Splendid Memorial
Services Last Evening With Music,
Drills and Addresses.
Yesterday, despite the chill of the
belated season and the threats of rain
that portended all the day, and
notably observed by the people
of Astoria and Clatsop County
generally. By team and by boat, the
hosts of thoughtful and loving among
the living, sought out the graves of
the cherished dead, in all the ceme
teries in and out of the city; and the
reports that come from Ocean View,
Greenwood, Pioneer, Hillside, and
Granger tell of hundreds of hundreds
that visited them and marked the last
grave in each, until none was neg
lected anywhere.
In spite of the paucity of flowers
they were in evidence on all sides, not
as profuse as in the years of earlier
and more abundant season, but ample
to mark the day and the last resting
place of those to whom they are an
nually dedicated. All day long car
riages and wagons and auto's were
driven in and out of the city and the
river and bay was thick with boats in
public and private service, in this de
voted behalf.
Last night, under the auspices of
the dishing Post of the Grand Army
of the Republic, and the Ladies of the
Grand Army, there was held at the
Astoria Theatre, a splendid memorial
meeting at which a solid thousand of
men, women and children were pres
ent to round out the duties and senti
ment of the sad yet great day of the
year. Charles II. Abercrombie pre
sided at the meeting and was sup
ported on the stage by the following
staff of honored old veterans: B. F.
Allen, Thomas Dealcy. A. D. Craig.
O. F. Morton, Charles S. Wright, A.
Scherneckau, William Dench, C. Tim
mons and Mr. Reed; Howard M.
Brownell holding the post of orator
of the evening.
A fine program had been arranged
for the occasion and it was executed
in detail without a flaw, and with
general and generous satisfaction to
all present. It consisted of songs,
recitations, drills, and instrumental
music, the children being delightfully
conspicuous in many of the features
of the evening, especially in the drills
which were unique and beautiful. It
is impossible to seggrcgatc the clever
people and groups that won distinct
and deserved enconiums during the
progress of the long and appropriate
list fif contributions, and the declara
tion that only the happiest and heart
iest of expressions were heard on all
sides at its close, must suffice for the
The address of the evening was de
livered by Howard M. Hrownell, the
well known young attorney of this
city, who spoke feelingly and elo
quently upon the theme of the hour
and the memories of the day, direct
ing his periods in part to the old
soldiers with tributes of honor for the
part they took in the great of the 60's
and reviewing that conflict in terms
of interest and with clever adherence
to the leading historic facts; and in
part, to the children, admonishing
them to cling to the memories and the
examples and the lessons of the war,
and so bend their lives and characters
as to make them, one and all, fitting
heirs of the tremendous gift of a re
deemed and glorified country, saved
and re-united, and bequeathed to them
by the old Grand Army.
Mrs. C. H. Abercrombie was in
charge of the music and she left noth
ing to be desired from the first to
the last note of it. The meeting was
counted to be among the most suc
cessful ever held in this interest in
slight earthquake occurred at noon to
day. No damage was reported.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
111 ii
How about one of
those spring and sum
mer suits of
Hart Schaff-
ner & Marx
The best ever made
and the best you were
ever invited into and
ready for you now
The prices are very
reasonable consider
ing the quality and
make ranging from
Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffner W Marx
$18 fn $30
Nobby Clothier
About 600 letters arc being sent
throughout the United States cover
ing every soft wood manufacturer in
the country by Manager Whyte of
the Chamber of Commerce, calling
their attention to the fact that there
is probably a larger supply of soft
wood or Douglass fir, spruce and
hemlock in the vicinity of Astoria
than anywhere else in the world and
advising them .to establish their
branch or additional factories in As
toria, as there is enough soft wood
wasted and burned in local sawmills
refuse burners to manufacture all of
the matches and all the soft wood ar
ticles of commerce in the United
States for a considerable number of
years. Mr. Whyte goes on to ex
plain the excellent water and rail
transportation facilities of Astoria
which will be greatly improved in a
few years by the completion of the
Panama Canal; and which will give
the manufacturers an advantage over
the Atlantic markets, and in case they
should want to get well established
here before that time, that could not
be met by any of their eastern com
petitors, Mr. Whyte concludes by
inviting their correspondence into
detail, and assures them of Astoria's
hearty co-operation.
Sheriff M. R. Pomeroy Has Just
Claim on the Renewed Suffrage
of Clatsop.
When an officer has fairly and hon
estly performed the functions of an
important office, entrusted to him by
the people, and no complaint is of
record against him, he is, logically, in
line for re-consideration and re-election
to the trust if he shall want it.
We sell quality groceries at pop
ular prices and guarantee every
thing we sell
Acme Grocery Co.
This is the attitude of Clatsop's pres
ent sheriff. Mr. Pomeroy has done
his unqualified best to till the task
assigned him two years ago, and has
made known his desire to again serve
the people, and there is no reason why
he should be denied the confirmation
and approval such re-election will
There is no adequate reason for
refusing him the office; he has done
the work handled the big money
trust his office imposed with charac
teristic ardor and good faith, and
there will be few to say him nay in
the ballot boothes of Clatsop tomorrow.
Made New
All kinds of repairing and uphol
stering done in first-class work. Ad
dress Bob Davis, 59 9th street.
Subcribe for the Morning Astorian,
Now 60 cents per month, delivered by
If you want good load of fir wood
or box wood ring up KELLY, the
The man who keeps the
Phone Main 2191 Barn, Cor. 12t
and Duane. . '
The very best board to be obtained
in the city ia at "The Occident Hotel
Rates very reasonable.
"The Modern," A. E. Petersen's
beautiful tonsorial establishment, has
been further modernized by the per
manent engagement of a highly train
ed young lady manicurist, who will
also serve the house as cashier.
The CommerclaL i
One of the coziest and most popular
resorts in the city is the Commercial.
A new billiard room, a pleasant sitting
room and handsome fixtures all go to
make an agreeable meeting place for
gentlemen, there to discuss the topics
of the day, play a game of billiards
and enjoy the fine refreshments serv
ed there. The best of goods are only
handled, and this faet being so well
tftinwm a Ii - ! . , . . . .
. .. .., miSc uunincss is aone at tne
commercial, on Commercial street,
near Eleventh.
The Clean Man.
The man who delights in personal
cleanliness, and enjoys his shave,
shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As
toria, always goes to the Occident
barber shop tor these things and)
gets them at their bent.