The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 31, 1908, SECOND SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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SUNDAY, MAY 31. 1908.
Will SendRifle Team to Olympic
The U. S. Cartridge Company's Gen
erous Offer to Pay Entire Expense
of Team Schoolboy Rifle Practice
Received Impetus at Washington.
r). "i v .-. .
Arrangements are being completed
by the National Rifle Association of
America for sending a rifle team to
London to complete in the Olympic
Games. The U. S. Cartridge Com
pany has come forward with a gener
ous offer to pay the entire expenses
of the team which will consist of six
members with probably two alter
nates, a captain and quartermaster.
Gen. James A. Drain, president of the
National Rifle Association, has been
selected as captain of the team and in
this manner a double purpose will be
served for while in England, Gen.
Drain will meet the representatives
f all the foreign governments com
peting in the rifle matches and make
arrangements as far as possible for
the Palma Trophy Match to be shot
in this country in 1909. Should the
plans of the N. R. A. be successfully
executed, as no doubt they will, the
the names of the winning le;un and
the details of the contest. This
trophy has been won by Princeton
ami George Washington Universities.
The Wakefield range has been
placed at the disposal of the N. R. A
by the Massachusetts Rifle Assoc
lion. It is the range on which the
N'ew England Rifle Association holds
its annual matches and is within
thirty minutes ride of Boston. A
number of universities and colleges
have rille clubs atTilliated with th.
X. R. A. and a good attendance is ex
The movement for schoolboy rifle
practice received a powerful impetus
from the schoolboy matches held in
Washington recently. The National
Capital Rifle and : Revolver club,
small but energetic organization and
numbering among its members sonic
of the best pistol shots in the covin
try, undertook the task ot conducting
the tournament. The newspapers co
operated heartily, the Evening Star
and Washington 'limes giving hand
some silver cups to be competed for
annually until won three times. There
were company, battalion and inter
school shoots, with competitions on
the sub-target gun and competitions
for officers and for individual prizes.
Speaking of the competition secre
tary A. S. Jones in his report to the
National Rifle Association, says:
"The National Capital Rifle and Re
volver Club ranges arc the best I
have seen for contests of this nature.
They are located at the end of the
drill hall and are 16 in number. Rec
ord shooting is carried on iron tar
gets but for this shoot the Meyns
system of overhead trolleys to carry
the target to and from the backstop
was installed and gave tniick and cf-
Palma Match of next year will be the
greatest contest ever held for this j ticent service. The shooting was all
Tenowned trophy, now in the posses-! done at fifty feet and on the N. R. A.
sion of the United States.
Letters have been sent to the ad
jutants general of all states and ter
ritories, to the heads of the official
military establishments, to civilian
clubs and others, notifying them of
the preliminary contests to be held
for places on the team. These will
probably be held on three ranges in
targets with one inch bulls eye. All
matches were shot in strings of ten
shots for which a charge of live cents
was made. The new 22 caliber U. S.
Army rifle was used and again dem
onstrated its efficiency. It carried
a .22 caliber short cartridge, of which
all the different makes were used,
the elevations being the same.
order to attract the largest possible j "Alout 3,000 targets were used and
number of competitors. The ranges 1 30,000 rounds of ammunition cxpend-
400 boys participated and
itied as Junior Marksmen and
Mass. A number of the best shots i received medals. So much interest
will be selected from each competi- was created by this shoot, which was
Stunning Black Hat Tha New Fans.
Flowtrg Lead In Millinery.
A smart uiul piquant lint Is that of
black straw. Its crown Is surrounded
by a fancy baud of .the palest npplo
green, wtilto tbo military looking
plume Is of the came shade. It Is cer
tainly an attractive hat and suits well
a certalu type of girl.
In bat trimmings there Is much va
riety. Flowers nud follago take first
A Novelty In Mourning ValltBatlaU
A novelty In the way of a mourning
Tell Is a square uieslt not trimmed
with a double border of crape. He
tween the two crape bauds are stitch
ed three rows of very narrow luster
less ribbon.
Wide ribbons ro woru tied closely
about the throat, the long ends banff-
selected are Camp Perry, Ohio; Seajed. Nearly
Girt, New Jersey, and Wakefield, 1 148 qualified
tion to meet on an Eastern range
shortly prior to the sailing of the
team, where the final competition will
be held. The team will then be
selected and will have a few days
practice before sailing. It is under
stood the government rifle will be
used together with ammunition of the
U.' S. Cartridge Company, similar to
that furnished by this Company to the
government, although in view of the
importance of these matches it is
possible the U. S. Cartridge Comp
any may supply ammunition especial
ly designed for the purpose, which is
allowable under the rules governing
the matches. The team will probab
originally designed for the white
companies of school cadets, that the
colored schools took it up and
matches between the two colored
high schools were held extending
over four nights and under the same
auspices. A list of prizes was secur
very favorably with that for the white
I schools and the scores were about
j the same. The prizes for the white
j schools were presented at the close
j of the match but the colored schools
, arranged a special meeting for the:
j exercises, which was attended by
j representatives of the club, tthe N.
R. A. and the War Department.
Gen. James A. Drain presented the
ly be accompanied by a number of , prizes in both instances. Boston i
enthusiasts on rifle practice as was arranging for a schoolboy tourna
the case when tthe Palma team went i ment in the fall and Denver has been
abroad some years ago. In addition
to the team match at 200, 500, 600,
800, 900, and 1,000 yards, there will
be a team match at 300 meters and
an individual competition at 1.00(1
yards, to which the entries are limited
to 12 from each county. The match
es will be shot on the famous Bisley
The National Rifle Association has
extended an invitation to the leading
universities and colleges to partici
pate in an intercollegiate rille match
to be held on the Wakefield (Mass)
range during the third week in June.
There is an exceptionally handsome
trophy for this match, comprising
among other features an open book
on whose bronze pages are inscribed
conducting one although not unde
the auspices of the N. R. A. Th
Denver City Troop furnished th
medals and the match was shot on it
i rane. A large number of the cadet
and national guard officers were pres
ent as spectators and the interest ex
ceeded that anticipated by those pro
moting the shoot. Four companie
completed the match being won by
tthe team from Company C (Manna
Training High School). The schoo
clubs will probably affilliate with the
N. R. A.
For a burn or scald apply Chamber
tain s salve, it will allay the pain
almost instantly and quickly heal the
injured parts. For sale by Frank Hart
and Leading Druggists.
is an expression that is always heard at sight of a well
developed woman. If you are flat chested, with BUST
undeveloped, a scrawny neck, thin, lean arms the
above remark will never be applied to you. "SIREN"
wafers will make you beautiful, bewitching. They DE
VELOP THE BUST in a few weeks from 3 to 6 inches
and produce a fine firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill
out the hollow places. Make the arms handsome nH
well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely and
of perfect contour.
Send for a bottle oday and you'll be pleased and grate
ful. "SIREN" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasent to take and con
venient to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all - .
claim or MONEY back.
Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or send DIRECT
to us.
CQPP During the next 30 days only we will send you a sample
1 LL 6ottle of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10 cents ti
- . pay cost of packing and portage if you will mention that yo
saw the Advertisement in this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient
if defects are trivial.
Desk 22 ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO., 31 West 125th St New York,
ff1 V w
Fisher Brothers Company
Barbour and Finlayson Salmon Twins and Netting
McCormick Harvesting Machines
Oliver Chilled nought
Malthold Roofing
. Sharpies Cream Separators
Raecolith Flooring Storett'i Tools
Hardware, Groceries, Ship
Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar,
Ash Oars. Oak Lumber, ripe and Fittings, Brass
Goods, Paints, Oils and Glass'i Purs Manilla Rope, Cotton Twlna and 8lne Wb
Wo Wottt Your Trade
rank, and flowers and grasses are
made up into pompons and aigrets.
The tall colonel pompon of feathers
or flowers Is popular. In flowers some
of the season's novelties are beautiful
magnolias hi white, with touches of
greeu and pale pink as well as pond
lilies, Iris and even peonies and tulips.
These long stemmed flowers are worn
erect, adding greatly to the height ef
fect This twelve gored skirt seen in the
cut Is finished in round length. When
making the skirt It is possible that
some slight alteration may be needed,
as one hip Is usually larger than the
other. Unless the alteration Is very
slight the smaller hip should be pad
ded. The pad is worn under the corset
and If It is properly adjusted and
sewed in there will be no more trou
EKIHT OOlllSD 8KI1IT-3701.
lug almost to the bem of tbo skirt,
; while the gold bougie Is superseded
by a bond of velvet fastened about the
' arm with n Jeweled brooch.
! It Is not the dress that costs this sea
1 son, but the things that go with It
The dress itself Is easily managed, but
j when It comes to tbo things that go
with It thero is an expenditure of as
much as three or four times that of
the gown before one Is through.
- The skirt Illustrated may be made
short or the skirt may touch the
ground In front and on the sides, from
; where It slopes gradually Into a three
Inch train at tbo back. However, this
length must not be arranged for until
; the top of the skirt has been entirely
finished. It Is an eight gored circular
model with n box plait at the center
i back and can be made with or without
Are you goihg to
The Rose Festival?
Monday, June 1st, will be the OPENING
DAY Continues throughout the week.
Ample accommodations will be provided by the
For further inforniatioD regarding special features cn
various dates, etc., call on
G, B. JOHNSON, General Atfent
12th St., near Commercial St. Astoria, Oregon
Combination Cottage.
Brick Veneer and Frame Residence, Two Stories and
Basement Cost $3,500.
Copyright. 1908. by Henry Willeklnd. Chlcnuo.
mJ Mm m
Entrance Whitman's Booli Store
Free writing desk and material in connect
ion, also stamp department: stamps of all
denominations; post cards, books of
stamps and newspaper wrappers sold.
Whitman's Book Store
sl 2t Haifa 1
I ar-
OMU BOX jiwu. j 1 l
i I MMtca I ottMBto
I Hill's Famous Dryers
For the balcony, lawn, fire-escape, window balcony
and roof have a world-wide reputation. They are in
a class by themselves. There are no other dryers simi
lar or in any way to be classed with the Hill Clothes
The Foard & Stokes Hardware Go
Successors to Fo-.rd & Stokea Co.
Hi J, .
I I iff
In this design we have a combination brick
two stories and basement. The first floor contains a living room, with three
side exposure, open fireplace and seat In bay window, handsome dining room
and completely equipped kitchen and pantry. Upstairs there are four good
bedrooms and a bathroom. The estimated cost Is $.1,500.
First-Class Liquors and Cigars
602 Commercial Street.
vomer wommerctai ana Mtlu . ASTORIA, OREGON Z
John Fox, Pres. F. L. Bishop, Sec. Astori. s.-
Nelson Troyer, Vice-Pres. and Supt
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilcis
Corresponded. Solicited. . Fwt ?f ?iS Strm