The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 31, 1908, SECOND SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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    SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1008.
Mayor OTTw
T vST"" SAsed on G-ttBroadkurst's Successful Play J
m, TEE MAN &
Chapter I At the suburban home
of Charles Wainwright, "high finan
cier," he and his broker, Scott Gibbs,
hatch up a scheme to corner Borough
street railway stock. They rely upon
the support of Dick Horrigan, boss of
the neighboring city, who is coming
to discuss matters. Alderman Phe-
lan. the thorn in Horrigan's side,
whom Wainwright is anxious to con
ciliate, is also coming. Among the
members of Wainwright's household
are his niece and nephew, Dallas and
Perry Wainwright, and his secretary,
Thompson, a secretive young man in
whom the financier has implicit confi
dence. Judge Newman, a neighbor of
Wainwright, whose continuance in
office depends upon Horrigan's favor,
requests Wainwright's intervention
with the boss. Another visitor to the
Winwrights is Alwyn Bennett, in
loe with Dallas, who is calling to ask
her about her rumored engagement to
Gibbs. Perry is in love with Synthia
Garrison, also a neighbor. II Cyn
thia is the daughter of a bank presi
dent who nine years before the open
ing of the story was ruined by the
dealings of an unnamed dishonest
financier and shot himself. His son
thereupon disappeared. Mrs. Bennett
congratulates herself upon the imma
culate record of her son' defeased
father. Dallas refuses to marry
Alwyn unless he does something
worthy of his family and education.
Phelan and Horrigan face each other.
III. Phelan defies Horrigan. Judge
Newman is turned down by the boss,
but at Wainwright's request Horri
gan becomes suspicious of Thompson,
but Wainwright scoffs at the idea.
Horrigan and Wainwright makes a
corrupt deal whereby the former, for
a big consideation, is to procure from
the board of aldermen a perpetual
franchise for the Borough street
railway. The boss is worried by the
reform movement threatening his
power at the coming election and is
casting about for a candidate for
mayor with a clean record. He hits
upon Bennett, who has had some
light political experience. The lat
ter accepts, but warns Horigan that,
if elected, he will be absolutely honest
and independent
. iv. Bennett is elected and ap
points Cynthia his private secretary.
Phelan tells him that the financier
who caused the ruin of the Garrisons
was Wainwright, who is also the pow
er behind the crooked Borough fran
chise bills, with Horrigan and Gibbs.
Dallas and Mrs. Bennett visit the city
V Gibbs tries to induce Bennett to
sign the bill. The mayor's talk with
Dallas is interrupted by Horrigan.
VI Bennett refuses to be bulldoz
ed by Horrigan into signing the bill.
The boss lacks one vote in the board
of aldermen of the fourteen needed to
pass the bill without the mayor's as
sent. Despite the fact that defeating
the bill means impoverishing Dallas
and Perry, whose fortune Wainwright
has invested in Borough stock, Ben
nett vetoes the measure. VII Ben
nett's plan to save Dallas and Perry
is to have Perry sell Borough stock
short. The mayor's opposition cau
ses Horrigan and Wainwright to
amend the bill, retaining however,
some of the most objectionable fea
tures. VIII Alwyn's lovemaking to
Dallas at the Mayor's ball is
interrupted by Harrigan. IX Gibbs
secretly plays false to Wainwright
and Horrigan by buying Borough
stock on his own account. Horrigan
"fixes" Alderman Roberts, a waver
ing member of his "solid thirteen." X
Bennett warns Roberts against vot
ing for the bill. In the presence of
Cynthia, who is engaged to Perry,
Phelan exposes Thompson as her
brother, the long missing Harry Gar
rison, whereupon sister and brother
embrace. Perry entering suddenly,
is astonished at the sight.
The retreating secretary haU2s
though struck.
"That Is another mistake, sir," he
aid In a muffled voice. "My name Is
"Is It, though?" Inquired Phelan In
nocently. "It's queer how I could get
mixed up so. When I was chief of po
lice there was a bank president named
Garrison who shot himself after bein'
swindled an whlpsawed by a financier
who was his dearest friend He ten : a
little daughter, Miss Cynthia, who you
was lookin' at so keen Just now, an a
on, who disappeared. That was nine
years ago, an' I only saw the boy once
8o maybe Pye overplayed my hand
In plpln you ofT for him. But," added
rhelnn, laying a strong, detaining
hand on Thompson's shoulder, "here
comes some one who can clear It up
easy enough."
The secretary twisted In the Iron
grasp and sought vainly to break away
as Cynthia and Perry entered.
"Cynthia's lost her fan," explained
Terry nt sight of the alderman. "She's
had me looking all over for the measly
thing. Walt here a minute," he added
to her, "aud I'll chase Into the con
servatory and see If we left It there."
And, depositing the girl In a chair,
he bolted away in search of the miss
ing article.
"Now then, young man," said Phe
lan, "If your name's Thouipsou, as you
say, there's no reason why you should
object to my lntroducln' you to this
young lady. Step up, son."
Still holding the reluctant, struggling
ecretary by the shoulder, Phelan turn
ed to Cynthia.
"Miss Garrison," said he, "here's a
gentleman I think you know. Would
you mind lookin' him over?"
Wondering at the odd request, Cyn
thia raised her eyes to the stranger.
But the latter persistently kept his
face averted.
"I don't think I know him," she an
swered doubtfully. "There Is some
thing familiar about"
The secretary shifted restlessly, un
consciously bringing his profile Into
"Horrv," the girl teas pleading, "you
do know me I"
her range of vision. With a gasp, Cyn
thia sprang to her feet, her face white,
her eyes wide and incredulous.
"It's not it's oh, Harry!" she cried
in an ecstasy of recognition, flinging
her arms about the secretary's neck.
"Harry! Brother! Back from the dead!
Don't you know me? It's Cynthia!
"I am afraid you've made a very
strange blunder, Miss Garrison," re
turned the secretary, his voice hoarse
and tremulous. "My name is"
"Your name's Harry Garrison!" Phe
lan shouted. "What's the use of Iyln'
to your own sister? I give you credit
for havln good reasons for callln
yourself Thompson, an' I think I begin
to see what them reasons are, but when
it comes to denyln' your own sister
you're playln' it down low, whatever
your game may be, and I've a good
mind to"-
"Harry," the girl was pleading, "you
do know me! After all these nine
lonely years have you no greeting for
me? Every night I've nrayed that
God would bring you back to me, and
The secretary's pallid, expressionless
mask of a face broke in a flash Into a
look of infinite
love and yearn
ing. With a
single gesture
he gathered
Cynthia's frag
ile body In his
arms and crush
ed her against
bis breast.
"Oh, my little
sister!" he mur
mured, a great
sob choking his
words. "My
little, little sis
ter!" Phelan cleared
tiff. fl.An.
uio LuivciL aim
He gathered Cynthia' C0Ughed savage
Jrogfe hody in hin )y tQ
fop m mgt thflt q
h . ,d
n i s contempt
secretal7 to hlniseIf
you,ve fr d m fae n
wUh & , h
groan, "ana you must Dotn' promise
not to betray my secret. H wou't be
much longer now, thnuk God! Put
you'll both promise, wont you?"
"Surer' assented rhelan.
"And you, too, Cyuthla?" pleaded
ier brother. "You can trust nu, can't
"Of course I can. If you Insist, I
wou't tell any one. I"
"I'm happier this minute than I've
ever boon In all my whole life!" smiled
the secretary, again clusplng his sister
In his arms. "If you only knew, little
girl, how I've longed for this!"
"Here's the fan!" announced IVrry,
hurrying around the corner of the door
way. "Found It under a"
He stopped short, open mouthed,
dumb aud motionless. Thompson and
his sister stood lu close embrace be
fore him, with phelan looking on like
some obese caricature of a benevolent
Tho fan slipped from young Wain
wright's nerveless grip and fell with,
a clatter to the polished floor, Its Ivory
sticks snapping like Icicles.
JL T sound of the breaking fan all
three partlclpauU In the
l Bt range reunlou turned. , For
J Ja a second or more tbey faced
the crimson f:tced. dumfouuded Perry
without a word. Here was an element
In the affair on which neither Phelan
nor Cynthia had counted when giving
Thompson their promise not to reveal
bis identity. They gradually realized
this, and It left even the ready wltted
Phelan speechless.
Perry himself was first to break the
"Well," he observed, with an assump
tion of airy scorn that was meant to
be annihilating, "you all seem quite
happy. Don't mind me! I'm sorry to
butt in on this cute little love fest, but
I left a fiancee here. Perhaps one of
you can explain what's happened to
ber since I"
"Oh, Perry," exclaimed Cynthia,
"don't be silly! I'll tell you all about
It some time. It Is"
"Some time!" squealed Perry, rage
battering down his attempt at sarcasm.
"Some time! Maybe it might be Just
as well if you did condescend to ex
plain. Here you promise to marry me,
and ten minutes later 1 find you in a
catch-as-catch-can hug with this .ugly
little shrimp aud Phelan looking on as
happy as if he'd eaten a canary! And
then you've got the gall to tell me
you'll explain 'some time! "
lie glared at Cynthia In all the maj
esty of outraged devotion, only to sur
prise on that young lady's face a look
that Indicated a violent struggle with
the desire to laugh.
"This is funny all right, I guess not!"
he snapped. "Cynthia, you've mauled
and smashed a loving heart, aud I'll
make a hit with myself by forgiving
you, but as for you," wheeling about
and thrusting his furious face to with
in three inches of Thompson's Immo
bile countenance "as for you, I'm go
ing to do all sorts of things to you tho
moment Miss Garrison will have the
kindness to shassay out of the room.
Your sorrowful relatives will have all
manner of fun sorting you out when
I've finished with you! Steal my
sweetheart, would you, not ten min
utes after I'd"
"There!" Interposed rhelan, shovlug
his powerful hulk good naturedly bes
tween the two younger men and link
ing his arm in Perry's. "Now you've
got quite a bunch of hot words off
your chest, an' you'll be In better shape
to hear sense. Ain't you Just a little
bit ashamed?"
"Ashamed?" sputtered Perry. "Who?
I? Well, that"-
"Yes, you. youngster, and If you hol
ler like that in comp'ny I'll sure be
forced to wind up by spankin' you.
Now, stand off there no, over there
where you can see Miss Garrison an'
listen to me. So! Now, first of all,
did you happen to be in love with this
young lady?"
"It's none of your measly business,
but I did."
"Wby'd you ask her to hitch up with
you for keeps?"
"Because I loved her and"
"Because you bad a lot of faith in
her, too, hey?" persisted the alderman.
"Yes, and a nice way she's"
"Pretty girl, too," mused Phelan aa
if to himself. "In my young days If I
could 'a' got a little beauty like that
to sign articles with me I'd 'a' thought
I was the original Lucky Jim. I'd"
"So did I!" Interrupted Perry hotly.
But Phelan was continuing in the
same abstract monologue:
"An' If I could 'a' seen from her
eyes (like any dough head could see
from Miss Garrison's) that she bad a
heart as big as a watermelon an as
true as a Bible text an' as warm as a
happy man's hearth fire well, If I'd
seen all that an' got wise to the gor
geous news that that same heart was
Just chock-a-block full of love for my
own ornery, cheap skate self I'd 'a'
flopped down on both knees an sent
up a bunch of prayers to be allowed to
go on dreamln' an' never, never wake
Phelan paused. This time Perry did
not break In, and the half audible moil
ologuo continued :
"I'd have had the sense to know that
a girl with eyes like those couldn't bo
a flirt an' eonldu't double cross tho
mau she loved If her life depended on
her doln' It. I'd 'a' licked any guy that
said she could, an' If I'd soou her kiss-
In' another man I'd 'a' punched myself
on the Jaw an' called myself a liar,
That's what J I in my Phelan of the
Eighth would 'a' doiio. An' "-
"Say," broke In Perry In a curiously
subdued voice. "These ryes of mine
do funny things sometime. I'll bet f9
they played a Joke on mo Just now.
And even If they didn't I don't believe
'em. Cynthia, I'm dead stuck ou you I
You're all right even If you did happen
to be acting n trifle eccentric a few
minutes ago. You can explain or not,
is you like. If you'll Just say you love
at that's ace high with yours truly."
He slipped an arm about ber walit
a bo spoke, awkwardly seeking to
atone for his recent anger. The sec
retary looked at them for nn Instant,
then said briefly:
"You cau tell him, Cynthia, Ho'
good fellow. Come ou, alderman, )
think you and I still havo something
to ay to each other,"
Cynthia and Perry drifted away to
ward the conservatory again, quite ob
livious of the others, while Phelan and
the ecretary made their way to a de
serted alcove off the ballroom,
"I've been looking all over for you,
Mr. Bennett." called Judge Newman
hurrying out through the chain of aute
rooms as Alwyn wandered out of the
ballroom Into the foyer a few moments
"Anything Important?" asked Ben
nett, pausing In hla stroll aud greeting
the older man cordially. Ho had kuown
the Judge as long as he could remem
ber and hud always had a decided Ilk
Ing for the pompous lieu pocked little
dignitary. Surrounded as ho was by
political Intrigue, heartache and asso
ciation with rogues, the harassed young
man rather welcomed the variety prom
Ised by a chat with his old friend of
his boyhood.
"Anything Important. Judge?" he re
peated. "Or arc you Just talcing pity
on a lonely chap and giving him a
chance to that with you over old
"Well." began the Judge, his custom
ary air of pom
pous nervous
ness tinged
by an aliuout
maaner, "I
would like to
havo a little
business talk
with you if you
don't mind dis
cussing work at
a ball."
"Not at all.
I've bad the
honor of dane-
lie flipped on arm lng with three
about her waist as 0f your daugh
he spoke. (er9 tns cven.
lng, and the least I can do la to repay
such pleasure by"
"Did you, really?" beamed the Judge,
on whom the unmarried state of bis
four fast aging girls rested heavily.
"I'm sure Mrs. Newman will 1m?
pleased. But this business matter.
You you wou't misunderstand me"
"Of course not," replied Alwyn heurt
Ily. "You aud I are too old friend,
Judge, to"
"I hope so; I hope so," conceded New
man, with growing anxiety In bis tone.
"You see"
"I s(kj you have some troublo coming
to the point." said Alwyn, pitying tho
Judge's evident discomfiture, "and I'm
sorry you feel so. You were my fa
ther's friend, and I like to think of you
as one of my own best friends. There
surely should be no hesitation in ask
ing anything in my power to grant"
Thus emboldened Newman blurted
'IWG that Is, seems to me you
have been n little hard upon this Bor
ough franchise bill, If you don't mind
my saying so. Bennett. Couldn't you
let up on them now?"
"Why. no, Judge, I can't," replied
Bennett, still fulling to connect New
man with the Walnwrlght-IIorrlgan
clique and attributing the Judge's In
terest in the matter to an amateur's
love of dabbling In politics. "I can't
let up on that fight," he continued. "All
perpetual franchises are wrong, and
this particular franchise bill is rotten
to the core. In Bbeer Justice to my oath
of office I must fight it"
"My boy," said the Judge in a fa
therly manner that he had often found
successful In argument, "I was in poll
tics long before you were born, and I'm
speaking for your own good when I
say I deeply regret the stand you've
taken in this matter. You objected to
the bill in its original form. Almost
every change you demanded has been
made in It. As the gentlemen who
asked me to speak to you said"
He checked himself a minute too
late. The narrowing of Bennett's eyes
and the vanishing of the friendly light
in the young man's face warned New
man be had made a fatal error.
"So you come to me as an emissary .
not as a friend," said HenMclt f lowly,
"and the 'gentlemen' yon come from"
"Are the men who represent all that
can mnke or break your career capital
and political organization."
"In other words, Wainwright and
"Yes. All they ask H that you re
main neutral: that you"
"That I look the other way while
they rob the city?"
"I am an old man, Bennett," evaded
the Judge, trying another tack, "and
I've oen olio rusu step wreelfnniny a
bright career. Just as this will wreck
yours, Never iintngonlxo wealth and
tho organization. The public for whom
you sacrifice yourself will forget you
In a month. Capital and polities never
"1 am not catering to tho public. I
am acting as my own conscience"
"But this Is stubbornness, not con
science. All you havo to do Is to re
main neutral, If you do this I am
authorised to promise you now, listen
-to promise you tho nomination for
governor when your term us"
"That's the bait, Is it?" cried Alwyn
angrily. "If I consent to lietray my
trust I'll get the governorship. Tho
bribe Is golden, and I don't wonder at
Horrigan for offering It. Tho only
thing that surprises inn Is that he
should have chosen such a man a you
for hla lackey aud go-between."
"'Lackey!' 'Bribe!' 'Go-between!'"
echoed the Judge In real Indignation.
"How dare you, sir? This"-
"Isn't It a bribe," Instated Alwyn,
"and weren't you tho man chosen to
offer It? It will do you no good to
I luster or grow Indignant. In your
boart you know the words I used were
deserved. The governorship offer was
a bribe, pure and simple, and worthy
the modern highwaymen who made It,
but that you, a Judgea former friend
of my own blameless father that you
should confe to mo ou such a vllo er
rand turns mo sick. Heaven help Jus
tice and right when our Judges can lie
controlled by a political boss and a
roll of bills! That's all! I don't care
to go further Into the subject!"
Bennett walked away, leaving tho lit
tle Judge to stare after him, pink with
wrath, speechless with amaxomeut. In
all his sixty years no man had thus
laid bare to Newman his own heart,
stripped of It garments of respecta
bility and self deception. And. as usu
al in such rases, now that the truth
bad been driven home to him, Newman
wrathfully denounced It, even to him
elf, as a lie.
Still flushed and Incoherent, bo wheel
ed to face a trio who were Just return
ing from the supper room. They were
Dallas, Glbbi and Wainwright.
"Hello!" exclaimed Waluwrlght In
urprise. "Want's tho matter with you,
Judge? Are you III?"
"If If Mrs. Newman should come to
know of this," sputtered tho Judge, dotnliivtl by"
glarlng from one to'tho other, "alio" i "Alwyti!" ex
To know or wliatr" queried Glbbs.
"What has hapetied?"
"Uapened?" fumed Newman. "I
have been Instil ted-grossly, vulgarly
"Insulted, Judge?" repeated Dallas.
"By whom?"
"By Alwyn Bennett!" snapped tho
Judge. "Outrageously"
"Impossible!" exclaimed Dallas.
"There must be a mistake somewhere.
Mr. Bennett Is too well bred to Insult
any man, much less a man so much
older than"
"A gentleman, la he? I should not
have believed It He has insulted me
"I'm not surprised," observed Wain
wright "I am," announced Dallas.
"Naturally." sneered Wainwright "If
you can remain on speaking terms with
him after his alwrnlnable treatment of
me you cau easily overlook any other
brutality of his."
"Tell us about It Judge." Interposed
Gibbs, seeking to avert any further
clash between uncle and niece.
"I went to him." began Newman,
"bearing a request from from"
The Judge paused. It was not whol
ly easy to present matters to this hon
est eyed young girl In such a way as
to bring her In his way of thinking.
But Wainwright felt no dllnculty. His
shrewd brain caught at a means of
turning the affair to account
"i'ou f; -e, Pallas," tho financier broke
In, with a warning glance to Newman,
I begged the Judge to Intercede for
mc with Bennett, to ask him to bury
tho hatchet and let us be friends again
for the sake of old times. I thought
Judge Newman's age and his high of
fice would compel a certain respect
even wltli a man or licnnetts diame
ter. But I was wrong, and I am sorry,
Judge, for tho unjust humiliation I
caused you."
'I don't understand," said Dallas,
looking In bewilderment from one to
the other. "Judge, my uncle sent you
to mako overtures of peaco? And Mr.
Bennett refused to"
"He not only refused, but called Mr.
Wainwright a highwayman and"
"But why?' demanded Dallas.
"He pretended to misunderstand what
I said about tho conditions."
"Oh, It was a conditional offer, then?
I thought"-
"Certulnly there were conditions,"
cut in Wainwright, again coming to
tho emissary's rescue. "I asked that
ho take a position of neutrality In re
gard to this Borough bill. Simply neu
tral, mind you. Not to change his atti
tude In Its favor. or"
"That was a splendidly fair offer,"
cried Gibbs enthusiastically.
"So It seemed to me," agreed New
man, "but IJeiinett would uot listen
when I tried to point out his proper
line of duty, He called mo n go-be
tween and"
'Even after you told him wo were
granting practically nil the concessions
he had asked In tho bill?" queried
'Yes," said Newmau. "He must have
some motive behind It all. I cun't"-
"Nonsense!" exclaimed Dallas. "Whut
ulterior motive could he have?"
"That is more than I know positive
ly," returned tho Judge mysteriously.
"But I do," declared Wainwright,
pointing at Dallas. "There are the rea
sons!" "I?" exclaimed Dallas, Incredulous,
"Explain, please."
"Willingly," replied her uncle, "If
vmiMi L'ive me a fair bearing, Bennett
Is In love with
you, He knows
Gibbs uIno wish
es to marry you.
He knows, too,
that Glbbs1 for
tune depends on
(lie aueces of
the B'o rough
franchise. If the
bill Is beaien,
Glbbs will bo
practically ruin
ed and thus lit
no position to
marry. Wu'vo
known all along
of this reason
of Bennett's for
lighting our bill,
but Glbbs for
lie was afraid
"Joie iuif )"" lr T"
mid the juthje.
bade mo to leil you.
you might tlilnK lie -
"I don't believe one word of It!" cried
Dalian, her big eyes obtuse. "Alwyn
Bennett could not sloop to uch a
"No?" said Waluwrlght "Then you
probably will refuse to Mlevo what I
am about to tell you now. I consider
ed Borough stock a safe Investment,
aud 1 put ull your luoue; tud Perry's
la It Bennett knows this, and In eplta
of the knowledge he Is trying to'kllfl
tho franchise even on the certainty of
beggaring you and Perry along wlttn
Glbbs. If only he cau ruin Glbbs he;
crres nothing a Unit making you and;
Perry pauper too. That Is the sort1
of man you are defending aguliist your
own uncle. I havo Just learned lc-
.. . . ., i. I...,
UK'S Mllll 110 unn wen-uj, iiiruugu mih
brokers, sold large blocks of Borough.
t'K Sii"". J lius nut veio nun nim
us will make him a very rich man.'
"It Isn't true!" affirmed Dallas In
dogged certainty. "Mr. Glbb. do you
confirm this story of my uncle's?"
"Please leave mo out of this, Miss
Waluwrlght." answered Olbb gently.
"I prefer to suy nothing to prejudice
you. When I fight I light fair."
"Even at the cot of all your money,"
amended Wainwright, "Glbbs. this Is
carrying your sense of honor to an ab
surd polut And Bennett will"
"Pardon tne." broke in Alwyn, enter
ing the foyer and going up to Dallas,
"I'm a little Into for our dance. I was
yn! exclaimed Dallas m roller.
"I'm so glad you came here Just when
you did. Now we can clear this up In
a word."
"Clear what up?" queried Bennett,
glancing it tout In suspicion at the threo
silent men.
"You know Mr. Glbbs Is favored tn
the Borough Street railway affair," be
gan Dallas. "Ho told you so at your
office that day we were there. Well"
"Yes, but don't let's discuss business
tonight," replied Bennett. "This Is our
dance, and"
"Walt, please. You knew hla fortune
was largely tied up in Borough stock.
Charles Watnwriyht.
but here Is something you didn't know.
My undo says my money and Perry'
is all invested lu thut stock and that if
you defeut the bill we will bo depend
ent on Mr. Walnwrlght'a charity. If
that is true, you didn't know it, did
(To be Continued.)
Statement to Voter.
The office of County Coroner is not
a political but a judiciary office as
much so as the Circuit Judge or Jus
tice of the Peace. In aspiring to that
office I would just as soon ask a Re
publican, as a Democrat, Socialist or
nonpartisan for his support, ai the
office should be and during my in
cumbency always has been conducted
without regard to politic.
I have resided in Clatsop County
for 34 years, my whole interest are
here, and I expect to remain here.
I have tried to conduct the office
with impartiality and fairness and
with a due regard to the interest of
the taxpayers. The annual appropria
tions of the County Court for the
Coroner's office which includes, physi
cians, juror and witness fees and
other necessary expenses uch a
boat hire have been $600.00 and the
actual evncnen baa nffan mtirft''
f i , iiuj u . V V. 1 uvhi, '-
below this figure. I have always
deemed it an honor to be Coroner and
am willing to submit the matter of
my re-election to the voter on my
record during my long tenure in the
, W. C. A. POHL,
auDscrme for the Morning Astorlan,.
m 4 mm a .