The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 30, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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    I We not only have the largest and most complete
stock ot
China CrocKery and Glassware
But also offer exceptional values in both our
Tin and Granite Ware Department
Give us a call and be convinced
CdVilMW " - - '
Republican and Democratic Dem
onstrations of Interest
Ex-Senator J. M. Gearin and Hon. T.
J. Cleeton Occupy Astoria Stump
Simultaneously Two Successful
" Meetings Last Night.
There was quite a political revival
in this bailiwick last night, the Repub
lican and Democratic phalanxes as
sembling at widely separated points
in the city to discuss the issues, men
and measures, from their divergent
points of view, as they appear today
in Oregon. There were bands and
parades and oratory and a good deal
ot" apparent interest in both engage
ments, and the hour may be counted
as among the very few given over en
tirely to this season topic.
Ex-U. S. Senator J. M. Gearin, who
is in the city as the representative of
Gov. Geo. E. Chamberlain, the Demo
cratic candidate for the federal sena
torship, spoke in this interest at the
Astoria opera house to 350 interested
auditors, and spoke by the card as
Mr. Gearin always speaks. He is one
of the finest public speakers in Ore
gon and his Astoria hearers knew
about what to expect when they as
sembled. He pleaded the cause of the
Governor as became a good friend and
a sound Democrat, and left a deep
impression behind him, which may, or
may not, wear off by the fateful Mon
day looming near.
Mr. Gearin was attended last even
ing by the following notables of the
local Democracy, to-wit: Hon. John
H. Smith, City Treasurer Thomas
Dealey, Mayor Herman Wise, ex
Commissioner R. M. Wooden, A. M.
Smith and ex-Mayor Isaac Bergman.
There was no possible doubt in the
mind of a single man present of the
pure and utter democracy of the ora
tor, the plea of the night and the
character of the assemblage, except
perhaps as to numbers; nor is there
any doubt that the last man there en
joyed the presentment made by the
orator of the occasion.
At the other end ot the city, in
Suomi Hall, in Uniontown, 300 citi
zens gathered to listen to Hon. T. J.
Cleeton, ex-District Attorney of this
district, and a prominent attorney of
the metropolis, who spoke in behalf
of the claims of II. M. Cake for the
U. S. Senatorship, as the confirmed
and endorsed candidate of Republican
Oregon. Mr. Cleeton was the guest
of the Clatsop County Republican
Central Committee, and was intro
duced to his aduitors by Chairman
Frank J. Carney.
Mr. Cleeton proved himself a valu
able champion and talked interesting
ly of the situation as it presents it
self on this important score; holding
that Mr. Cake, as the only popular
and authorized candidate of the Re
publicans of the state as evidenced
and avouched at the recent primaries,
was entitled to the voters and prac
tical backing of the party at the polls
of Monday next; that he had the
right-of-way by virtue of the avowed
sentiment of the Republicans, over
any and all claims asserted by Gov
ernor Chamberlain, who talked miasi
Repuhlicanism from a Democratic
back-ground and posed for the chief
est gift in the hands of the dominant
party, which he opposed literally and
successfully for years. The speaker
was master of his subject and talked
well and earnestly for the consumma
tion of the franchise already given
Mr. Cake by virtue of the open and
major vote of the party in the pri
maries, and made a deep and lasting
impression on the minds of the quiet
and thoughtful crowd that confronted
The meeting was successfully car
ried out and is likely to be responsible
for a very pronounced advocacy of
the merits of Mr. Cake's claim in the
voting booths of Clatsop two days
As suggested by a friend at the re
portorial elbow, "it looks as though
Miss Goldman had arrived in Astoria
at an auspicious njoment for livening
Endorsed By Governor John A.
Johnson of Minnesota
In an Address to Students of the Chi
cago University David R. Forgan
Asks: Does Bryan Know What a
Bank Deposit Is?
CHICAGO, May 29.-Gov. John A.
Johnson of Minnesota, who was in
Chicago Thursday on his way from
the South to Minneapolis, gave his
endorsement to the effort Wra. J.
Bryan is making to have congress
pass the bill requiring publicity for
campaign contributions. Gov John
son suggested that candidates in gen
eral elections be required to reveal
how much was contributed but that
candidates for nomination be requir
ed to show how much they spent and
by whom it was contributed.
Does W. J. Bryan know what a
bank deposit is? David R. Forgan,
president of the National City Bank
of Chicago, believes that thte Xekras
kan does not despite the fact that the
democratic leader has spoken many
times recently on banking problems
and. has urged the guarantee system
for the depositor as a safeguard
against financial panics. Mr. Rryan's
latest utterance on the question was
delivered a few days ago before the
Bankers Club of Chicago.
Mr. Forgan addressed students of
the University of Chicago last night
and served for a moment from his
general topic, "the dignity of com
mercial life" by taking a rap at Mr.
Bryan." I heard Mr. Bryan speak for
an hour the other night on banking
problems" ho said. Mr. Bryan was
effective as an orator and forceful.."
but all the time he poke I conld find T
nothing in his talk to indicate that he
had the slightest conception of what
a bank deposit is.
"And yet Mr. Bryan is going about
giving advice on how to stop or pre
vent a panic"
Rounds of laughter greeted the
speaker when he t'-rk Mr. Bryan to
task in this way. Mr. Forgan then
apologized for "getting off the track"
of his main line of discourse and went
on to say that the average business
man is honest and to give the requis
ites for success in business life.
up the political energies, which had
become a bit torpid, if not altogether
MAKE $2,000,000.
Corner on May Corn Comes to an
CHICAGO, May 29 The comer
on May corn which has been run by
James A. Patten and his associates
came to an end today and the "Pat
ten crowd" generally credited with
having made about $2,101,000 on the
deal, although the admitted estimates
are largely guess work. Patten per
sonally declared today that be did
not know how much had been made.
Corner has been largely in May corn,
and Patten's holdings of this option
were accumulated at between 55 and
60 cents. He claimed that shorts have
delivered to Patten not far from 5,
000,000 bushels of corn and close to
8,800,000 bushels of oats.
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough)
UumLULiJ cJu do
Open Your Eyes arid
ttend t
n n n nn a no
I Of QJ 0J P I k
Can pay more for
clothing elsewhere
You? ??
We'll Make Good Every Word of Our Ads
Wahe Up Table No. 1 I Wake Up Table No. 2
1 Men's Suits, regular Q AQ 00 Men's Suits regular! 0 flfl
fj price $18.50 to $16 UA3 Lu4price$ 16.50 to $20 1 L i j(J
WaHe Up Table No. 3 Wahe Up Table No. 4
ODD Men's Suits, regular 11 OP Q 1 0 Men's Suits, regular 1 7 no
fc0gprice$18.50to$22.50lh00 0 I Oprice 322.50 to $25 1 1 .Ot
Pants worth $2.50 and $3;
WAKE-UP price
Pants worth $3.50 and $4;
WAKE-UP price
Pants worth $5 and $0;
WAKE-UP price
A few Men's Sweaters;
Tarn O'Shanter Caps; regular price 50c,
65c and 75c; fcCp
now ODv
All Boys' Wash Suits 30 per cent, off
All Boys' Knee Pants 30 per cent off
15c Sox or Ties now 8C
25c Sox or Ties f 8c
50c Sox or Ties 37c
18 Metal Hall Racks, with ten j on
hooks; worth $3.50; now P'
83 Outing Suits
worth from
$12.50 to $17.50
A Few
Blue Serge
Outing Suits
$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Hats,
WAKK-UP price
Latest Shape Hats,
WAKK-UP price rtUVO
25 per ct. Off
Straw Hats, 1 or 2 of a kind -2 Off
Leather Work Gloves 4 Off
Boys' Fancy Vests .9 Off
Smoking Jackets J -4 Offl
Silk Mufflers -4 Off f
SPECIAL PRICEou everything
in the store (except Knox hats and E.
& W. and Carhartt goods, which are
agency goods).
ttwttttt t ttw
Bears the
Statement to Voters.
The office of County Coroner is not
a political but a judiciary office as
much so as the Circuit Judge or Jus
tice of the Peace. In aspiring to that
office I would just as soon ask a Re
publican, as a Democrat, Socialist or
nonpartisan for his support, as the
office should be and during my in
cumbency always has been conducted
without regard to politics.
I have resided in Clatsop County
for 34 years, my whole interests are
here, and I expect to remain here.
I have tried, to conduct the office
with impartiality and fairness and
with a due regard to the interest of
the taxpayers. The annual appropria
tions of the County Court for the
Coroner's office which includes, physi
cians, jurors and witness fees and
other necessary expenses such as.
boat hire have been $600.00 and the
actual expense has often been much
below this figure. I have always
deemed it an honor to be Coroner and
am willing to submit the matter of
my re-election to the voters on my
record during my long tenure in the
office. W. C. A. POHL.
Valued Same as Gold,
B. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar
View, Miss., says: "I tell my cus
tomers when they buy a box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills they sret the
worth of that much gold in weight, if
afflicted with constipation, malaria or
biliousness." Sold under guarantee at
Charles Rogers & Son's drug store.
Subscribe for The Morning Astorian
60c a month by carrier or mail.
Sunday, May 31
i Game Called 2:30 . Adm. 25c
A cough cure tban can bs given to j. ... , ...
chilJrea without chance of harm u( 0t contain poUon. or harmful
Kemp'i Balsam, the best cough cure. It! m DruMUt "Hit.