The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 30, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    BATUHDAY. MAY 30. '08.
Log Cabin Flour
Makes more Bread and Better Bread, and costs no
more than a poor grade $ 1 40 Sack
mikn oi m town
llli Intention
Curl 1 1 citrik lljiirnniati, a tint i ve of
Finland, yeMcrday tiled hi declara
tion f intention to become a citizen
f ihi country an mmii a tin- law
Uniform Ordered
The Kaleva baud. f Uniontown,
ycMerday tiled it rd, with Jtnhl
Brother of thi city for 25 handsome
uniform, in which it will xoon array
itclf tu become a ttrM eln tntiiieal
Look It Up
On pane 7 of thin ionic of the Morn
ing Astorian will he found the full
text of the Clatnop county electoral
ballot, jutl a it i printed to he
voted upon next Monday. It may in
tcren the voter who ha not yet hail a
lance to man it.
Memorial Exercises
Memorial exercise will be held lhi
evening at the Astoria Theatre, 0.
C. Fulton presiding, and 11. M. Brow
lull delivering the addresn of the oc
cation. An admission fee of IS cents
will be charged to help defray the
exenci of the evening.
A Lively Evening
With final campaign rallies of the
Republican mid Democratic parties in
full swing at either end of the city,
and 70 men ashore on "special" lib
erty from the gunboat Yorktown,
with band, ami the Mimmcr crowd
of Astorian swarming through the
principal down-town thoroughfare
thing were fairly lively in the second
city in Oregon last night.
K. of P. Election
At the election of the Astoria Lodge
No. 6, K. of P., the following mem
bers were elected to serve for the
ensuing term: Chancellor command
er. Leo Wise; vice chancellor, Clin.
Darland; prelate, C. W. Spriggs; mas
ter of the work, Thos, It. Longher;
master at arms, A. T, Sievert; inner
guard, Carl l'ransccu ;outer guard, A
J aloft.
Field-Day Yesterday '
There Va plenty of fun and in
terest down at Tort Steven yester
day, it being "field-day" at that garri
son yesterday, in which the 105 men
quartered there were joined by 60
from Fort Columbia on the Wash
ington side of the river, and the sports
and game and athletic try-outs were
numerous and interesting. The whole
forenoon was given over to the physi
cal engagements scheduled and it is
said some local records were established.
Delayed For a Day
The deep-sea fishing boat Kyic
which was to have started on her in
itial trawling trip yesterday, has been
delayed for a day waiting for the
V wire' rope ordered from Portland, She
Vill leave out today if the much
iuded stuff come to hand.
Her course and grounds arc not
Coffee Satisfaction
Scholfield, Mattson & Co.
For a
JohnsonPhonograph Co,
Parlors Second Floor Over
known, but she will be out a day or
two, unless Iter initial hauls arc heavy
enough to send her into port loaded
to Iter limit. Captain Obce departs
out at 1 ;45 p. m. today,
At A. O. U. W. Hall
At a concert given lat night in the
A. O, U. W. halt by Tho Fredriksen's
pupils' orchestra, the capacity of the
house was taxed to its limit. The
entertainment was a huge success,
and was rendered by the participants,
in a delightful manner. Those who
contributed to the evening' enter
tuiununt were: C. Sliuman, Miss
Campbell, II. Wieniawsky, Mr. J, T.
Allen, Theo, Frcderiken, J. Haydcn
and the orchestra,
Arrived at Noon
F.x United State Senator John M.
C.earin, of Portland; lion. T. J. Clec
ton, of the (late) Rose City, and
Mayor Herman Wise, of thi port,
were passengers on the noon express
yesterday: the Senator coming down
to till an engagement for a public ad
dress that Gov. Ceo, E. Chamberlain
was compelled to cancel; Mr. Clecton
to deliver an oration in the interest
of II. M. Cake for the popular sena
torial vote; and the Mayor, to resume
hi functions a a citizen, merchant,
officer and home-maker here
Off For Spokane .
Rev. John F. Water, rector of
St. Mary' Catholic Church of this
city, left yesterday morning on the
8:20 express for Spokane, where he
will attend the installation of a new
commandery of the Knight of Co
lumbus ami, himself, be invested with
the fourth degree on this, Decoration
Day. Father Water will then con
tinue his journey to P.oise to visit his
mother. J. D. McGowan of Mc
Cowans' accompanied him to Spokane
on the same fraternal quest and will
return to this city on Tuesday next.
Closed For Three Days
State, Federal and County office
along with the bank of the city, will
be closed today, tomorrow and Mon
day, the three consecutive legal holi
days. Decoration Day, Sunday and
Flection day; save the postoffke.
which will close its money-order and
registry windows today, and give the
same delivery service as on Sunday,
plus the first morning delivery by the
carrier: Monda is not a legal holi
day with the postal people, and the
office will be open a usual. The As
toria Library will close for the entire
time today.
Subscribe for the Morning Astorian.
the best in the world
,50c a Pound,
Scholfield & Mattson Co.
Interscholastic Meet
A Western Union message wan re
ceived at this office last night regard
ing the High School team who went
to Corvulli to participate in the in
tercholastic meet, to th effect that
Short had qualified in the hundred
and 220-yard dash-lime for the 100
yard dash. 10-2 and for the 220 yard
dash, 24 seconds. Hobert win high
hurdle. No weight throwing, jumps
or pole vault until today. The mes
sage also reads that prospect M the
final event today are excellent for the
home team.
Sent To Puget Sound
The big and powerful searchlights,
which under the official and expert
manipulation of Captain Davi, U. S.
A., have been thoroughly and success
fully tried out at Fort Stevens, on
bay, ocean and land objectives, and
which were described in these col
umn a week ago, were despatched to
the Puget Sound fortification yester
day by rail, pending through this city
on three llatcar during the afternoon,
They arc splendid instruments and
have been tested to the limit here. In
due time they will be installed at the
mouth of the Columbia, but, where
and when, is not ascertainable just
Young's Draw Bridge-
Arrangement were made . some
lime ago by the county court for the
installment of a gasoline engine and
equipment for Young's draw bridge
which i expected to arrive soon.
Within the next few weeks the bridge
will be operated by power thereby
. 4 . 1 I ..
doing away wiin inc nciays in opening
and closing the draw. The work will
commence on next Wednesday by
Birch & Jacobson, the work will con
tinue for several weeks and during
that time the bridge will be closed to
travel between the hours of 7:30 and
5:30 p. m. daily, excepting on Wed
nesday and Saturdays when it will be
open during the afternoons, and on
Sundays when it will be open all day.
Astoria Has 150
Geo. B. Thomas, of Portland,' act
ing under the Rose Festival Commit
tee, has built a splendid grandstand,
200 feet in length, which will safely
and comfortably hold 2000 people,
from which its occupant can behold
the glories of four fine parades, two
by day and two by night. Reserva
tions for people from this city ISO in
number will be made until Friday
next, at $4 for the full season, or at
$1 for each for the parades. Those
of this city who desire to secure this
advantage will do well to sec Chair
man Lamar of the Chamber of Com
merce committee, who will see that
alt reservations are promptly made.
Must Pass Quarantine
It ha ben held by many people that
United States war vessel are exempt
from quarantine inspection on enter
ing port, but inquiry at the office. of
Dr. Holt, the federal quarantine ofh
cer for this port and district, elccits
the fact that all naval vessels arc re
quired to be boarded and passed,
though there is a provision of law
whereby the certificate of the physi
cian in charge of the vessel may be
accepted by the quarantine officer,
and thus the necessity for muster
and individual examination is obviat
cd, and this is more a matter of de
partmental courtesy than anything
else. But Uncle Sam's ships are
amenable to quarantine just the same
as any other ship if there happens to
be anything wrong on board, and they
instantly pass under the jurisdiction
of the local quarantine station until
they arc "safe to be at large."
A Delightful Affair-
Friends returning from Portland
yesterday who had the good fortune
to be present at the piano recital giv
en by Miss Hattie Wise, of this city,
;it F.ilers Hall there on Thursday
evening, are unanimous in their ex
pressions of delight at the quality of
the entertainment and the genuine
success of it. The hall was crowded
with invited guests, the majority of
whom were simply loaded with flow
ers hich they were happy to bestow
upon the brilliant young artiste of the
occasion. Miss Wise was assisted by
Miss Nona Lawler, a gifted soloist
whose work was received with de
light. The performance which Miss
Wise gave was elaborate and difficult,
as well as beautiful, in numbers and
rendition and confirms her as a de
voted student and an accomplished
musician, and embraced seven bril-
Candies etc.
Made fresh every day in on
own factory.
843 Commercial Street
Today, Saturday, all day,
we intend to make things
lively in our boys' depart
ment. The following prices will
doit. Read them and don't
l overlook this opportunity
; if you have to borrow the
money from your neighbor
7 The following are the prices all
6 marked in plain figures:
Per Cent. B0YS' suits
liant movements from Rachmaninoff,
Grieg, Chopin, Chaminade, and Dr.
Emil. Enna. The last-named artist is
her teacher and a delighted sponsor
for her unquestioned success, and her
friends are as glad to herald her pro
nounced achievement.
The Work of the "Amis"
State Press.
in the
PORTLAXD, Or., May 27.-(To
the Editor.) Again in obedience to
the decision of the executive commit
tee of our Oregon State Equal Suf
frage Association I respectfully solicit
space in your columns," this time for a
brief effort to allay the apprehension
of our 40,000 women adherents, who
totally unarmed, are standing in the
open, awaiting the state election and
carrying a flag of truce. I allude to
the syndicate articles now going the
rounds of the state press, sent out by
Rev. Clarence True Wilson of the
Anti-Saloon League and by Mrs.
Ralph Wilbur of the opposite power,
said articles being accompanied by
cash at advertising rates, which many
county editors are as able or willing
to refuse as the writer of the follow
ing letter has proven himself to be,
and which is herewith offered for
publication because it is brief, brave
and to the point.
President O. S. E. S. A.
The letter above referred to follows
"Burns, Od., May 22, 1908.
"Dear Mrs. Duniway I just had
the pleasure of returning a check sent
to me with an article for publication
by the nabob anti-suffragists of your
city, and of telling Mrs. Wilburn that
my columns are not open to any mat
ter to keep my wife and daughters
from voting if they so desire. I hope
the cause will win and thus crown
your grand, good life work. Very
For Rubber Stamps and Typewriter
Supplies see Lenora Benoit, public
stenographer, 447 Commercial street
Cheap Round-Trip Rates to the East
ine u. i. a i. company win sea
round-trip tickets to Eastern points
lima S t IVJ onrl ! llllv n i 'Z
u e.o, Aujusi u, , i aim ui
naviculars call on
U. W. ROBERTS Agent,
O. R. & N. Dock.
Any unpleasant after effects
from a late supper may be
quickly dispelled, and restful
sleep assured by taking a dose
of the world-famed correctives
Soldi Erarywhor. In tans 10c and 2S.
- today
The Brownsville Woolen Mill
Board of School Trustees to Board
of Trustees of St. Helen's Hall, lots
19, 20, 21, 22, 28 and 29 of block 2,
Alderbrook; and lot 80, block 103,
Adair's addition to Upper Astoria; $1.
H. W. Jordan et als to R. E. Bryan,
lands in sections 32 and 29-9-7 VV.;
A. M. Smith and wife to the Doug
las Land & Trust Co., 240 acres in
section 17-6-9 W.; $2. -
Geo, Voss and wife to W. R. Chis
holm et al, 160 acres section 34-8-7
W.; $10.
. G. F. McCIane, formerly of this
city but now of Castle Rock, Wash.,
where he is editor and proprietor of
the Cowlitz County Advocate, was in
this city yesterday on business. He
notes many substantial changes in
Astoria in the past four years.
S. A. Gimre and John Svenson have
returned from Seattle where they
have viewing the great Atlantic fleet.
Mrs. Frederick Oberg and children
left yesterday for St. John on a
couple of weeks' visit.
Mrs. P. Jordan and children leave
today for Portland on a visit to rela
tives and also to take in the rose car
nival. Mrs. M. J. Fox left for Portland on
the Kamm liner Undine last evening
for a stay with friends during the
Rose Festival.
Mrs. William True, of Portland, is
in the city, the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. Al. Leinenwebcr.
Mrs. E. X. Bussing left last evening
for the metropolis where she will
spend Decoration Day with friends
and relatives.
Miss Ada Andrieh was a homing
passenger on the Xahcotta yesterday,
after a years absence from the city.
Captain Percy Willis, U. S. Went
to Salem on last night's express for
Dedoration Day, joining Mrs. Willis
there, who preceded him on the morn
ing train yesterday.
J. W. Crow of Blind Slough, was a
business visitor in the city yesterday.
Mrs. D. K. Warren came up from
Warrenton on the afternoon train yes
terday. Mrs. Levi Strauss was passenger on
the Julia B. for Cathlamet yesterday,
going over for the exercises of De
coration Day.
The World's Best Climate
is not entirely free from disease, on
the high elevations fevers prevail,
while on the lower levels malaria Is
encountered to a greater or less ex
tent, according to altitude. To over
come climate affections lassitude, ma
laria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and
ague, and general debility, the most
effective remedy is Electric Bitters,
the great alternative and blood puri
fier; the antidote for every form of
bodily weakness, nervousness, and in
somnia. Sold under guarantee at
Charles Rogers & Son drug store.
Price 50c
$1 67
... $6.00
Per Cent
Grace Episcopal.
Sunday after Ascension Day. Morn
ing service, 11 a. m.; Sunday school,
12:30 p. m.
Holy Innocents Chapel (Uppertown).
Sunday school, 11:15 a. m.; evening
service, 7:30 p. m.
First Norw. Ev. Lutheran.
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.; morning
service, 10:45; evening service, 8 p. m.
Theo. P. Neste, pastor.
Christian Science.
Services in I. O. O. F. building.
Tenth and Commercial streets, rooms
5 and 6 at 10 a. m., subject, "Ancient
and Modern NecromanCy; or Mes
merism and Hypnotism." All are in
vited. Sunday school, 11:30; Wed
neday evening meeting, 8 o'clock.
Reading room same address, hours 12
to S daily, except Sunday.
Norwegian M. E.'
Morning service, 11 a. m., Rev. F.
A. Scarvie will preach Sunday school
at 11 a. m. There will be no evening
service. O. T. Field, pastor.
Morning worship, U o'clock; Sab
bath school, 12:15; Y. P. S. C. E., 7:00.
At the morning service the theme will
be "Echoes of the General Assembly."
Five minute addresses by the follow
ing men: Extract from retiring mod
erator's sermon, Jno. Bryce; "The
Ledger," J. A. Eakin; "The Presby
terian Church and Laboring Men," R.
M. Gaston; "Men," Prof A. E. Koenig;
"The Presbyterian Church and Young
People E. J. Kyman. Dr. J. M. Holt
will have charge of the service. Male
chorus. No evening service on account
of mass meeting in the theatre build
ing. Wm. S. Gilbert, pastor.
First Methodist
Sunday services as follows: "The
Unavoidable Christ" will be the ser
mon theme at the morning hour. At
this service Mr. Douglas Dirkin, lead
ing soloist of Zion Church, Winnipeg.
yanada, w-Hl Smg a solo. The even
ing service will be a mass rruwincr t
the opera house, addressed by F. A.
r m . .... J
scarvie. ine public is cordially in
vited to attend. C. C. Rarick, pastor.
First Lutheran.
Sunday school, both at the Upper
town and at the German Lutheran
church at 9:30 a. m. Morning service
in Swedish at 10:45; theme for ser
mon, "The Cause of Jesus Christ Vic
torious." Evening service at the Ger
man Lutheran Church on Grand ave
nue at 8 o'clock. This service will be
in English and of a memorial char
acter. Themje for sermon, "Christian
Patriotism." The Luther League
Circle meets at the same place one
hour before evening servic. All are
cordially invited. Gustaf E. Rydquist,
Subcribe for the Morning Astorian,
Now 60 cents per month, delivered by