The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 29, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1908.
T Miss Mary Fossett Now
J "V . - .
Leads With 67,308
Other Candidates Are Making Sub
stantial Gains
Mi Mary lfnctl now lead in
the Aiioriaii' ureal coti'tcit with other
candidates near Iter, itiul all are doing
a lot if unlet liuittlitiif.
Much day briiiR furth greater ef
fort on the part of the coitlcxtnnts,
1 hey .'mil their menu arc draining
every nerve l ecrc as many vote
B t(inible liitwren now and the
clone of the contest, Kvcry friend of
every contestant are interesting them
iclve more intensely every day ntul
re rolling up lnre number of votel
ami nuburiptions daily, That alone
ihowi that they do not intend to nee
their favorite lose, and will put forth
every effort to nee them lead all the
way and not be beaten In the end,
Cet into the habit of rounding up
every subscription and coupon you
possibly can and keep it up, Get out
among the numerous friend who
have pledged their support and make
a good showing every day. Lose no
Imc if you expect to win one of the
handsome prize. Those who are ad
vancing their (cores daily stand a
better chance of winning than those
who stay in the ame position from
day to day and endeavor to make a
final rush the lait day or two. It i
the experience of alt in voting con
tests that candidate who are at the
top secure vote from the fact that
the public believe they have the belt
chance of winning, Your friend also
think your chance the beat and ex
tend help in many way.
There la a ballot box In the A
toran office where the vote may be
deposited for any young ladiet whom
you may ice fit to vote for, If you
cannot bring the ballot to the office,
aend them in by mail to the Contest
Manager and the vote will be ac
corded to the young lady for whom
they are Intended. The vote are
counted twice, o there can be no
mistake as to the proper number of
ballot accorded to each candidate.
The votea are atwaya open for inspec
tion to insure a fair deal.
The easiest and quickest way to win
it for candidate to ask their friend to
prepay their subscription for 6 to 12
months. It costs the lubicriber noth
ing extra to do thi and they are
taved the annoyance of weekly and
monthly collection. By to doing you
receive a special vote ballot which i
good any time during the contest.
Order for the prize will be given
the successful conteitants at the
dote of the contest; same may be
used by the contestant herself or
disposed of in any manner ihe may
ee fit
Any young lady residing in the
above mentioned territory is eligible
to compete in thi contest.
Anvone who desires to vote in this
'contest may do so by ballot cut
from the Daily and Weekly Attorian
or by special vote coupons obtained
by subscribing to the Attorian. The
coupon tecured by subscribing to
the Attorian may be held as long as
desired and voted at any time up to
the desired dote of the contett, but
ballot cut from the Attorian arc only
good for one week from publication
and will not be counted if voted after
the date printed on the ballot
Perton living in one district are
not confined to voting for ladies In
their own particular district, but may
vote for anybody in the race.
The offer affords the girls of As
toria and surrounding territory an
excellent opportunity to travel or re
ceive a business education at the ex
pense of the Astorlan.
The districts will be divided as fol
lows: First district will include all
the City of Astoria east of Twenty
second treet; second district will in
elude all the City of Aitoria east of
Ninth street to Twenty-second; third
district will include all the City of
Astoria west of Ninth ttreet to city
limits; fourth district will include all
the towns in and around Ilwaco and
Chinook; fifth district will include the
towns of Hammond, Warrenton and
The automobile will be awarded to
the young lady receiving the targett
number of votet in the the five dis
tricts- The piano the second grand
prize will be awarded to the young
lady receiving the second largest vote
in the five districts. The trips one
in each district the lady ttanding
tecond, will receive the icholarthip
and the third will each receive the
gold watch.
Frank J. Donnerberg, who aeveral
month ago opened a handsome jew
elry itore at 574 Commercial street,
hat won a reputation that has brought
him what it perhaps the best trade in
the city. After 16 years' experience in
the large jewelry and watchmaking
storet of San Francisco and Portland.
Mr. Donnerberg came to Attoria and
opened a small place at 110 Eleventh
street, confining himself largely to
repairing watches, and carrying a
small stock of jewelry and watches.
His customers found him a good
watchmaker and discovered they were
given fair treatment and patronized
him liberally, enabling him to in
crease his ttock rapidly. Mr. Donner
berg Is a broad-minded business man,
and his up-todate stock includes all
the newest styles which he purchases
from New York and San Francisco
wholesalers, and hi establishment is
a credit to the city.
FIRST DISTRICT-Includes all the City of Astoria east of Twenty-
secona street to City Limits.
Miss Esther Mattila, 1336 Grand ave , .......37,943
Mis Rose Nordstrom, 2165 Bond.. 34,154
mi Margaret Avaina, 222 33d street. , ... . 33 185
Miss Annie Bue, 1660 Franklin avenue 31,412
Mis Clara Larson, 1411 Franklin ave nue , 31032
wis Mamie Wilson, 364 35th street 29,994
Miss fcnberg, Z3Z3 Cedar street 29.043
Miss Nellie Davis, 1702 Franklin ave nue .....23,974
Miss Nellie Anttedt, 1653 Irving aven ue 15,021
SECOND DISTRICT 'Includes all the City of Astoria east of Ninth to
Twenty-second streets.
Miss Mary Fossett, 749 Grand avenua, . . 67,308
MmsLydia Yoder 41777
MiisLelah Gilbaugh, with Hoefler 33,023
Miss Martha Foard, 392 17th street 32,996
Ml Olga Heilborn, 592 Franklin avenue 3U78
MiMay Dench, 3731 18th street 31,038
Miss Mary Boentgen, 538 Duane . 29.011
Missjeanie S. Lynch, 74. Franklin avenue 28,158
Miss Birdie Wise, 478 Harrison street 27,482
Miss Hattie Tallant, 682 Grand avenue 25348
Miss Mabel Simington, 395 15th street 25,848
Mill Hazel Hamlin, with A. R. Cyru 25,530
MiArmella Grussi, 775 Franklin avenue ..23,197
MiEdna Campbell, 458 Commercial street 18,757
Miss Birdie McCroky, 719 Duane 18,619
Miss Alice Nelson, 578 Grand avenue. 17,648
Miss Elsie Elmore, 385 14th street 16,978
is an expression that is always heard at aight of a well
developed woman. If you are flat chested, with BUST
undeveloped, a scrawny neck, thin, lean arm the
above remark wUl never be applied to yon. "SIREN"
wafers will make you beautiful, bewitching. They DE
VELOP THE BUST in a few weeks from 3 to 6 inches
and produce a fine firm, voluptuout botom. They fill
out the hollow placet. Make the armt handsome ud
well modeled and the neck and thouldert shapely and
of perfect contour.
Send for a bottle odav and
ful. "SIREN" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasent to take and con
venient to carry around. They are lold under ruarante tt An all
claim or MONEY back. )
Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire at ood drua- stores or send DIRECT
to us.
C Dec During the next 30 days only we will send you a tampW
I lLL6ottle of these beautifying wafert on receipt of 10 cents t
THIRD DISTRICT-Includes all the City of Astoria west of Ninth
street to City Limits.
Miss France Norberg, 233 Alameda a venue 57,217
Miss Ella Powell, 171 Exchange 54,477
Mist Edith Smith, 189 6th street..... 40,103
MiLeta Drain, 244 6th treet 36,748
Mi Mary Gregory, 545 8th street 35,567
Miss Maude Ron, 103 2nd street 32,960
Mist Either Anderton, 368 Kensington 31,141
Mr. Arthur Hes, 34! 7th treet ....29,715
Miss May Parker, 291 6th street 27,199
MissNancie Reed, 91 Bond, at P. O .' 21,819
Miss Esther Gearhart, 359 Grand avenue 19,989
Miss Ruth Blinn, 386 9th street 17,914
Miss Hazel Estes, 237 Commercial street 16,822
Mi Nellie Hagman, 108 Astor 13,973
Miss Alma Baker, 261 W. Astor . 11,043
W cost of packing and portage If you will mention that yo
saw ths Advertisement in this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient
if defects are trivial " '
Desk 22 ESTHETIC CHEMICAL C O., 31 West 125th St New York.
FOURTH DISTRICT-Includes the Towns of Ilwaco and Chinook and
territory on the north aide of the river.
Miss Elinor Williams, Ilwaco .26,658
Mis Olive Thompson, Chinook 25,732
Mis Ida Williamson, Ilwaco 20,778
Miss Myrtle Alexander, Chinook 15,928
International Harvester Co. of Kan
sas City Will Fight for Existence.
CHICAGO, May 28.-Thc Inter
national Harvester Company begin
its fight for existence at Kansas City
today in court when a dozen witnesses
will try to show that the corporation
is "not operating in restrain in
By this hearing the harvester com
pany endeavors to prove these three
That the price of harvester imple
ments ha not been raised,
That prices are lower than before
the formation of the corporation.
That it abandoned exclusive con
tracts, prohibiting its agents from
handling other goods in 1905.
That the corporation believes the
proof of these contentions means
victory and that such a verdict might
influence the Kansas State Supreme
Court in its decision in the criminal
action appealed from the district
court at Topeka, which assessed the
big corporation $12,000 on the same
charges involved in these proceed
ings. It also declares that it would have
a tendency to discourage other states
from similar prosecutions.
'Defeat for the company is said to
'means a continuance of the business
through Interstate commerce and the
establishment of general agencies out
side of state lines, and receiving cash
before the implements are sent to
The suit involves the discharge of
3000 regular salaried employes, in
cluding agents and warehousemen
and the abandonment of numerous
repair shops at cross-roads.
Selection Of Jury On The Adams
Case Will Take Four Weeks.
May 28. Counsel for Steve Adams,
to be charged in July in tthe charge
of murdering Arthur Collins at Tel
luridc, has made a motion asking the
state to furnish the defense with a
copy of the alleged confession of
Adams at Boise.
The motion will be heard by Dis
trict Judge Shackleford at Ouray
next week.
District Attorney Huge Selig be
lieves that the selection of the jury
in the Adams case will take at least
four weeks, The jury will be sum
moned June 22.
FIFTH DISTRICT-Includes the Towns of Warrenton, Hammond and
Seaside and all territory in Clatsop County outside of Astoria.
Miss Louise Brown, Hammond. 28,934
Miss Nettie Utzinger, Seaside 28,619
Miss Mabel Taylor, Flavel 25,983
Miss Eva Coffman, Seaside .....24,609
Miss Eva Parker, Warrenton 23,949
Miss Hazel Vannice, Warrenton 23,526
Mrs. C. E. Linton, Warrenton 22,920
Miss Edith Haney, Seaside , 20,922
Miss Anna Si"rdsen, Warrenton 10,697
f Dist, , Address.
Good for one vote when filled out and sent to The Astorlan
office by mail or otherwise on or before expiration date. No ballot
will be altered in any way, or transferred after being recevied by the
CHICAGO, May 28. Marshall
Field was the scene today of the
Middle West athletes for the team
which will represent American ath
letes in the Olympian games.
Winners of the races and jumps
today must set their marks close to
the National records to make the
American team.
According to the metric system,
which adds distance to many events,
the Americans will have to make
some unusual records.
Morning Astorian, one month $ 0.60
Morning Astorian, three months 1.80
Morning Astorian, six months 3.50
Morning Astorian, one year 7.00
Morning Astorian, two years 14.00
Morning Astorian, three years 21.00
Morning Astorian, four years 28.00
Morning Astorian, five years 35.00
Weekly Astorian, one year $ 1.50
Weekly Astorian, two years 3.00
In all cases where ballots are issued subscriptions must be paid in advance.
The full amount of money must be sent direct by mail, paid to local agents,
or brought to this office.
The paper will be delivered by mail or through agents, as requested.
Besides the votes given on subscriptions there will be a coupon published
in each issue of the Morning Astorian which when cut out and filled in, will
count as one vote. These coupons must be mailed to the Morning Astorian
Contest Marag?r before the expiration printed on each ballot
Contest Closes Tuesday, June 16, 1908.
60 120
300 600
1000 2000
2500 5000
7000 14000
11000 22000
18000 36000
25000 50000
400 800
1500 3000
Fisher Brothers Company
Barbour and Finlayson Salmon Twins tad Netting
McCormick Harvesting Machines
Oliver Chilled Plough
Malthoid Roofing
Sharpie Cream Separators
Raecolith Flooring Storetts Tools
Hardware, Groceries, Ship
Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal Tar,
Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass
Goods, Paints, Oils and Glass
Fuhacn's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twins and Ssin Web
We Want Your Trade
Shasta Route and Coast Line of the
Southern Pacific Company
'Through Oregon and California
Over 1300 miles of scenic beauty and interest attractive and instnf
tive. This great railroad passes through a country unsurpassed for its
scenic attractions, and introduces the traveler to the vast arena soon to
become the scene of the world's greatest industrial activities. There is
not an idle or uninteresting hour on the trip .and the variety of conditions
presented excites wonder and admiration. ,
Special Lew Rate Tickets now on Sa!e at All Ticket Office
Portland to Los?Angeles and Return
Long limit on tickets and stop-over privileges. Corresponding rates fronr
other points. Inquire of G. W. Roberts, local agent, for full particulars
ana neiptui publications describing the country through which this great
nignway extends, or address
WM. McMurray:
General Passenger Agent, Portland.
Subscribe for The Morning Astorian
60c Per Aonth by Mail or Carrier
Are you going to
The Rose Festival?
Monday, June 1st, will be the OPENING
DAY Continues throughout the week.
Ample accommodations will be provided by the
For further information regarding special features on
various dates, etc., call on
G. B. JOHNSON, General Agent
12th St., near Commercial St. Astoria, Oregon
John Fox, Pres. F. L. Bishop, Sec. Astoria Savings Bulk, Treas.
Nelson Troyer, Vice-Pres. and Supt
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Correspondence Solicited. Foot of Fourth Stmt