THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 2D, 1908. THE MORNING ASTORIAN REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE A FEW SPECIALS 2 11 III IK Established 1873. Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELLINGER CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year $7,00 By carrier, per month . . ; 60 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in advance S1-50 Entered as second-class matter July 30, 1906, at the postoffice at As toria, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence or place of business may be made bypostal .card or through telephone. Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. THE WEATHER Oregon, Washington, Idaho In creasing in cloudiness, followed pos sibly by rain. CLATSOP'S DUTY TO CAKE. As a normally strong Republican county, with a majority that permits no escape from its patent and organic duty, Clatsop must give H. M. Cake a clear majority for United States Senator, or stultify itself broadly, and discreditably, to the Chamberlain in terests. It has no middle ground of home favoritism now; it must stand by the man who has the only vestige of Republican endorsement and au thorized candadicy, for that dignity before the party; or frankly confess itself renegade to its partisan status and program and go out of the busi ness of posing. In the present conditions of con fusion and factional misdirection now prevalent all over Oregon; with all the splits and splinters of partisan alignment asserting themselves and defeating organic action, it were well for a few of the strongest of the Re publican counties to save the face of the party in case re-organization shall ever be attempted for the real good of the State; and Clatsop, being, proportionately, among the strongest, her duty is plain, and the straightest exemplification she can make of her faith, in this premise, for this purpose, is to stand behind the State's nomi nee for the federal senatorship with the major limit of her vote on Monda next efficacy than this same Astoria. Get in!. Emulate it!. Take it over; adopt it; pursue it; make it the cry and creed of our business develop ment!. Cut out the old. useless, hoary, hap-hazard and heartless style of doing things, and WAKE UF, GENERALLY!. ADOPT PORTLAND'S PLAN. Astoria has arrived at a point where, to save her future she must make radical change in her policies of civic ad commercial action. She has used her time-worn, time-proven and time defeated programs of waiting and wailing and wasting, until their fall acy is written large on ner commer cial and industrial fronts. She must throw a few commercial somersaults and land on a new platform of com munal endeavor and success; she must pick up her idle commercial lines and drive straight through, over, under, around, all obstacles, no mat ter who, or what they may be; she must stick to the "middle of the road" that leads to Astoria; she must thrown down, and out, all the home selfishness that has impeded her for her longest years; she must waken to the fact that she has no friend but her own municipal and communal self; that every public benefice with in her reach must have HER string on it, and she must pull stoutly and unitedly, if she is going to land it away from the other string-pullers; she must realize that her splendid natural advantages have been what they are for thousands of years and will remain as they are for a thou sand more, unless she spends her money and time and talent in prov ing their value to the outsider and giving him a share in them for what he will do to exploit them, and cease, demanding his last dollar for a "look in" only to drive him to some more sensible and public spirited com munity to spend his investment hap pily and successfully; she must for sake the dilotory, dubious and dis credited doctrine of dawdling along and waiting for fate to chuck some thing into her lap without even her thanks for the gift; she must spend her money at home, for the good it will do here, and spend more of it to save and bolster that home and to magnify the home-city. In other words, she must adopt the Portland plan of working and living (and even dying) for Portland 1. Hot air, printer's ink, commercial resolutions, industrial prospectuses and all the ordinary expediments of the day and place, are utterly worth less without the spirit of unity, back ed by the ready and persuasive dol lar and deed-of-gift, that marks the indelible genuineness of that spirit. This is the crux of the "Portland plan," and no city nor town in the State has better reason to know its NEW COUNTY COMINt. A new county is to be born to the old Oregon commonwealth on Mon day next, if the will of the people of Hood River" county and its par ent, Wasco shall be carried out. "Hood River" is to be the name of the thirty-fourth organic parcel of the State, and it is right that the people of that particular and prosperous country should have their own dis tinct and separate alignment if they want it; they have won it by sheer hard work, the spending of their own wealth, and making the world realize that they have something peculiarly and notably valueable; as is the way with all live and successful communities. We hope that they will win out hands down, and that the future may bring all the sequent and incidental bless ings that innure by right of the pub lic spirit, thrift and courage of the people behind such a departure. Hood River is the best type in all Oregon, today, of real, effective, modern de velopment, and her people should have what they want for the purpose of centralizing and accentuating he advantages. . If Canada selects all her citizens as cautiously as her Immigration com missioner is now doing in England, the Dominion must some day be what the natives often dream of the Utopia of the Anglo-Saxon race. The Influx of southern and eastern Europeans and orientals is vigorously opposed, and even the English themselves must pass a strict examination as to their desirability. The searchlight is turned mercilessly upon all proposed importa tions from the London slums. In 1844 Edgar Allan Poe furnished a New York paper with his renowned "balloon hoax" invention, a tale of a balloon which came from Europe and landed near where recent experiments with the aeroplane were conducted. It may be that the first real aerial transatlantic flight will start from the very region where the fictitious one was made to end sixty-four years ago. Another latter day problem of the air is how the mother birds can pre rent their reckless youngsters from lying In front of the aeroplanes. Sometimes men ride two horses In the political arena as well as In the circus. But the political equestrian takes the heavier risk. The arbitration treaty with Japan respects the dignity of the signatory powers. But the little Jap's touchiest point is his dignity. A PROFIT, ANYHOW. He was filling his first prescription, and when he handed it to the lady he told her it was a dollar and ten cents. She paid the dollar and ten, and after she had gone he informed the proprietor that the dollar was coun terfeit. The proprietor looked over his glasses at the young man and said: "Well, how about the ten cents is that good money?" The young man answered in the af firmative. "Oh, well," the proprietor xeplied thats not so Dad we still maKe a nickel." Success Magazine. Cards of Candidates in the Coming Election REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET For Representatives C. A. Leinen weber John C. McCue Vor County Commissioner (Four-year term) John Frye For County Commissioner (Two-year term) Fred H. Moore For County Clerk J. C. Clinton For County Sheriff M. R. Pomeroy For County Assessor T. S. Cornelius For County Treasurer W. A. Sherman For County Surveyor G. F. Parker For County Coroner J. A. Gilbaugh For Justice of the Peace P. J. Goodman For Constable John Sayer For United States Senator H. M. Cake For Congressman W. R. Ellis Justice Supreme Court Robert S.Bean Oregon Food & Dairy Commissioner J. W. Bailey Commissioner of Railroads Clyde B. Aitchi son Prosecuting Attorney E. B. Tongue VOTE FOR John Sayer "LIVERPOOL JACK" Republican Nominee for Constable CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of GRANITE REFF DAM . PHOENIX, Ariz. May 28.-Gran-ite Reff diversion dam, an auxiliary unit of the Salt River reclamation project, of which the chief feature is the Roosevelt storage dam, has been completed. The Granite Reff (lain and diver sion works at either end arc about 1,300 feet long. The formal open ing will possibly take place in about two weeks. The dam is a substi tute for individual canal dams in this section and marks the beginning of absolute control of the river flow, It is located 22 miles above Phoenix and cost approximately $250,000. Subscribe for the Morning Astorian, 60 cents a COFFEE Good coffee is partly in buying and partly in making; like everything else. Tar rrocer return ynt mntr It fa 4m1 Vk Ssblliiof Btit; w pay hla. At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business. May 14th, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $389,294.29 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 6,097.30 U. S. Ponds to secure cir culation 47,000.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds.. 1,400.00 Bonds securities, etc 55,430.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents).... 52,094.42 Due from State Bunks and Bankers 22,169.77 Due from approved reserve agents 189,322.37 Checks and other cash items 283.92 Notes of other National Banks 2,280.00 Nickels, and cents 546.08 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, via: Specie $191,300 Leaal-tender notes 355 191,655.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent. of circulation) 2,350.00 SOMETHING EXTRA FINE Total $959,923.15 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus fund 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid... 28,453.40 National Bank notes out standing 47,000.00 Individual deposits subject to check $595,717.05 Demand certificates of de posit $163,252.70 Certified checks. 500.00 759,469.75 Total $959,923.15 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss: I, S. S. Cordon, Cashier of the above-named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of May, 1908. V. BOELLING. Notary Public. Correct Attest: G. C. FLAVEL, w. f. McGregor, JACOB KAMM, Directors. Crcsta Blanca Sauterne (Chateau Yqucrn). Pints OUC Cresta Blanca (Red and "jr White). Chianti OC Cresta Blanca Sparkling op Burgundy. Nips OOZ AMERICAN IMPORTING CO, 589 Commercial Street THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE ELKS BUILDING, PORTLAND. OREGON A course In our College means better workbetter wages. If Interested, call or write for catalogue A. I. M. WALKER, Pre, . . . O. A. BOSSERMAN, Sec, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ASTORIA III 11 At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, May 14, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $402,577.76 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 5,634.82 U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 47,500.00 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits 20,000.00 Other Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits 34,000.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds.. 3,045.00 Bonds, securities, etc.. 73,730.66 Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 4,0.10.00 Other real estate owned... 8,233.41 Due from State Banks and Bankers 18,387.72 Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash items ,o.i Notes of other National Banks 885.00 Fractional oaner currency. nickels, and cents 857.05 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Soecie $100,668.85 Legal-tender notes hmjum Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 ner cent of circulation) 2,375.00 To the First 500 Children Bringing this "Ad." and opening an account, we will deposit the first 50 cents, conditional that the child deposit 50 cents at time of opening account and' one dollar per month for eleven months. The account will then be worth $ 12.00 besides o per cent, interest and is subject to withdrawal according to State law. Remember your account is secured by real estate. Children under fourteen eligible. THE BANKING SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS'C'N. 1G8 10th St. Phone Black 218 1 Total. $906,621.66 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided orohts. less ex penses and taxes paid... 15,863.14 National Bank notes out standing 44,900.00 Individual deposits subject to check 5364,584.26 Demand certificates of de posit $48,964.56 Time certificates of de posit $282,018.70 Certified checks.... $291.00 U. S. deposits... $50,000.00 745,858.52 Total $906,621.66 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, is: I. J. E. Higgins, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. HIGGINS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of May, 1908. M. c. MAUEE, Notary Public. Correct Attest: GEO. H. GEORGE, GEORGE W. WARREN, A. SCHERNECKAU, Directors. Subscribe for The Mornin Astoriar 60c a month by carrier or mail. PRACTICAL POINTS ON BANKING NO. 4. Diligent Saving. It is a very good plan to establish reg ular dates for depositing your money. You will find that this will soon be com: a vcrv valuable habit, and you will be much pleased to see how soon your funds will accumulate at com pound intesest. Interest paid on Sav ings Accounts and Time Certificates of deposit. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK, FIT M11L UK USTOEIA DIRECTORS Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G. C. Flavel J. W. Ladd S. S. Gordon aPl!al 9100,000 Stockholders' Liability IOO OOO EHTAHLISIIEJ) 18Nft ' J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President. O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President. FRANK PATTON, Cashier J. W. GARNER, Assistant Ctihitf Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid fa $115,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits $100 000 Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time FOUR PER CENT PER ANNUM P Eleventh and Duane Sta. A(torJtt 0rf THE GEM C. F. WISE. Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors Merchants Lunch rr.m n.i "??!?. :3om. to .:30 p.m. Hot Lunch at All Hours. aj Cent, Comer Eleventh and Commercial. ASTOKIA, OREGON Subscribe to The Morning Astorian