The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 28, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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    TIIUKSDAY, MAY 2&; '03. v
Where the fineft biscuit,
cake, hot-breads, crus
or puddings are required
oyal is indispensable.
Baldng Powder
Absolutely Pure
Not only for rich or fine food
or for special times or service.
Royal is equally valuable in the
preparation of plain, substantial,
every-day foods, for all occa
sions, it makes the food more
tasty nutritious and wholesome.
Treatment and Care of One's In
cisors Very Essential
Tufts College Maintain! a Splendid
Dental Clinic Beauty, Order, Ser
vice and Value of the Great De
partmentChildren Looked After.
BOSTON, May 27,-The problem
of "What in the most practical kind of
charity'" has been solved here in a
thi in spite of the fact that every
human IniiiK i entitled to 52 teeth
of his own in a lifetime, and that each
tooth it practically a separate and
distinct patient.
ThroitKh the awakening to the im
portance of dentistry is general, as the
record of the hospitals and clinics of
every American city make evident, it
seems to have started in Boston and
to have reached the largest proportion
of the people here. In the number of
patient treated the clinic of the Tufts
College dental department is among
the largest in the world, and in the
size of its infirmary, a is called the
room where patients are operated
upon, it is second or third in the coun
try. In fact, so great are the de
mands put upon it, that an attempt it
to be made to raise a fund for enlarg
ing the present building, in order that
the facilities for looking after patients
may be nearly doubled.
Mich growth as tins indicates is
more significant when you stop to
way that will surprise a good many think that between 800 and 1,000 pa
people, no doubt, but that is being ap
preciated more and more everywhere
each day. The answer is in the
mouths of the fifty thousand people
who are treated during the year at the
dental clinics of Boston.
The importance, of "the hygiene of
the mouth" is only beginning to be
understood outside of the medical
professions. That Americans, who
maintain their supremacy among the
people of the earth by taking good
care of their health, and who have had
their full share in the marvellous pro
gress made in medicine and surgery
during the last half century, should
have failed until very recently to ap
preciate the value of good teeth, both
as a means to keeping well and as an
asset in producing personal appear
ance of distinct commercial value, is
astonishing. It is the more astonish
ing because dentistry was first re
duced to a science in this country, and
here the profession has been develop
ed as nowhere else. It is distinctly
American, even the most famous prac
titioners of Europe being Americans
or of American training. .
Yet it is undoubtedly true that, in
general, we have neglected our
mouths. While fully half a million
people apply to tin hospitals of great
er Boston for treatment in the course
of a year, only one-tenth as many
dental patients seek relief from tooth
ache and its attendant ills at the in
stitutions where they may find it. And
tients are being treated every week
during the nine months of the Tufts
Dental School term, and that for four
hours every week day the seventy-six
operating chairs in the big infrmary
are constantly in use. The large num
ber of patients treated, varying from
a hundred to a hundred and fifty in
the first part of the week to between
three and four hundred on Saturday
morning, is not merely a matter of
free treatment. Of course, no charge
is made for the major portion of the
work of the clinics, for many of the
patients are school children and den
tist s mils are a luxury that many
among the adults cannot afford. As
a rule, though, a patient pays the
actual cost of the materials used in his
work, getting free the knowledge, skill
and scientific appliances which utilize
them. If even so slight a charge is
beyond his means he pays such a por
lion of it as he can and only if he is
really destitute is his treatment with
out any price, for that is the method
of intelligent charity nowadays. So
the true reason for the present popu
larity of the traditionally unpopular
dentist's chair is that its importance
to the community and to the individ
uals is becoming more widely known.
As frequently happens, the first im
pressive, lesson to the public is being
taught in this case by the authorities
who have the health of the community
in their charge. About a year ago the
Boston school board installed trained
nurses in all the school houses of the
city supplementing the medical in
spection of the children, and it is they
who are responsible for a large pro
portion of the big attendance at the
Saturday morning clinics at Tufts,
i'rom nine o'clock until one of this
school holiday the Tufts infirmary is
crowded witth youngsters awaiting
Ihcir turns in tho dentist's chairand
youngsters, too, of the age when many
of til, if we were sent alone, used to
look hesitatingly at the dentist's door
bell and then scuttle away to spend
the hours of our appointment amid
pleasantcr surroundings.
lint being one of seventy-six pa
tients in a big, bright, airy room,
equipped with all the ingenious per
fection of hospital construction
everything immaculately clean, every
instrument shining bright from its
autisptic bath, the white enamel chairs
and glass shelving almost comforting
in their spotlcsstiess being one of
seventy-six boys and girls, men and
women, all of whom are almost as
uncomfortable as you are, but none
of whom is making the slightest fuss
about it, seems to have a psycholog
ical effect. Not only is there rarely
a sound to be heard here, but there
seems to be a sort of rcstfulness (if
you can imagine rcstfulness in such a
placed) caused by having something
else to occupy your mind besides your
own personal troubles.
Great things are expected from the
efforts of the dentists, particularly
an(ong school children, and the con
clusions that will be drawn from effect
of scientific care of the teeth will be
equally important and interesting
when the work has gone on long
enough to allow professional opinions
to be formed with positivencss. What
affects the health of the child is bound
to affect the health of the man; and,
is has ucen proved over ana over
again in other phases ot living, the
example set by the child frequently
has more weight with the parent than
any amount of advice from the most
competent grownup.
The theory now is that apart from
any question ot health as- attcctmg
other things, a child's scholarship, be
ing influenced quite as much in the
earlier years by physical condition as
by mental development, will be dis
tinctly benefited by whatever im
proves the bodily welfare, and so will
respond noticeably to the results of
dentistry. The children of the poor,
especially--t.ucli children as come in
great number to the Tufts dental ,
clinics should have the most careful
attention given to their teeth, which
are of more practical value to them
than to more fortunate youngsters.
The anaemic, ill nourished child of
the tenement falls into its unfortunate
state not only because it is not prop
erly fed and boused, but also because
it docs not get the most benefit from
what food it has, for the digestion,
the nerves, and so every part of the
system, are affected by the condition
of the mouth. Such satisfactory re
sults have already been obtained from !
the treatment of Boston school child-j
ren that farseeing observers antici
pate the time when every school
loose will have its own consulting
room where pupils will be regularly
inspected by both doctors and den
tists and will receive whatever treat
ment is necessary for their well being.
'Modern dentistry goes beyond
extracting troublesome molars, mak
ing "false sets," and filling aching
voids. The whole care of the mouth
is its province. The twentieth cen
tury dentist is a specialist in this, and
the importance of his speciality is ap
parent from the fact that most disease
germs enter the system through the
mouth and most diseases are now
known to be transmitted by germs.
In other words, if the mouth is kept
in good condition, a person is much
less susceptible to sickness, and on
that account alone dentistry makes a
strong appeal to the public health
authorities, who realize its preventive
virtues. The good work of the Tufts
dental clinics, for example, extends
beyond the thousands of patients who
come to the school's infirmary for
treatment and includes the care of
the inmates of an increasing number
of public institutions almshouses, re
formatories, asylums, and sanatar
in ins.
An immediate result of the general
awakening to the importance of dent
istry to the community at large is, as
has been suggested, the need of more
room at such institutions as the Tufts
dental department. Facilities planned i
half a dozen years ago to meet the I
needs of a long while to come are
already overcrowded, and students j
and patients alike are so numerous
that the demand for larger quarters j
is pressing. Thus has come the pro-1
position to add a large wing to the '
present building in Huntington Av-j
enue occupied jointly by the dental
and medical departments at Tufts, j
lhe architecture and construction of
such a building as is in mind are not
the lea3t interesting developments of
modern scientific work. The infirm
ary has all the perfection in finish and
equipment of a hospital; the labora
tories require even more skilful ar
rangement than most scientific work
rooms, for light is the prime necessity
light abundant, strong, and clear.
Though a troublesome tooth feels like
a large and fearsome object to its suf
fering possessor, it is, after all, a very
small and complicated structure, the
treatment of which requires infinite
skill and exactness. To get the light
necessary for this work, and espec
ialy for teaching novices how to do it,
peculiar architectural design is re
quired. The dentist of today has a very dif
ferent profession from that of his pre
decessor of thirty or forty years ago.
He has more general medical and sur
gical knowledge than had a good
many of the physicians who were con
temporaries of the pioneers in his pro
fession. In fact, the course of the
student of dentistry is at first precise
ly the same as that of the medical
students, specializing later in the
mouth and the organs directly con
nected with it. And more and more
the doctor in general practice calls
upon the dentist as he does upon the
occulist to help him restore and pre
serve the health of his patient by
means of his specialized knowledge.
Thus the extension of the work of the
Tufts dental infirmary is a matter of
general public importance and has
been made in a sense a public undertaking.
Entrance Whitman's BooK Store
Free writing desk and material in connect
ion, also stamp department; stamps of all
denominations; post cards, books of
stamps and newspaper wrappers sold.
Whitmans Book Store
I HHPs Famous Dryers I
Itching, Burning Skin Disease Rout
ed Without Use of Injurious Drugs.
Great inventors often have been
praised for surrendering the secrets
of their discoveries. Practically the
same thing happened in the medical
world in the case of Dr. Decatur D.
Dennis, the eminent skin specialist of
Dr. Dennis, in his own office prac
tice, discovered that pure vegetable
oil wintergreen, properly mixed with j
other simple remedies was practically
a sure specific for Eczema, psoriasis,
barber's itch, salt rheum, and other
itching skin diseases. But the oil of
wintergreen alone was found ineffec
tive. It required other mild ingred
ients such as glycerine and thymol
compounded with the wintergreen, to
.produce the real eczema cure.
This compounded D. D. D. Pre
scription positively takes away the
itch at once the instant it is applied
to the skin. This vegetable liquid
does away with deleterious drugs so
long used in an attempt to doctor the
blood, whereas modern science has
determined that eczema is first and
all the time a skin disease.
If you want to know more about
the merits of D. D. D. Prescription,
call at our store. We vouch for this
remedy. ' Charles Rogers & Son.
For the balcony, lawn, fire-escape, window balcony
and roof Have a world-wide reputation. They are in
a class by themselves. There are no other dryers simi
lar or in any way to be classed with the Hill Clothes ,
i The Foard & StokesHardvvare Co
Successors to Fo-.rd & Stokes Co.
First-Class Liquors and Cigars
602 Commercial Street
Corner Commercial and 14th. . ASTORIA. OREGON
Subscribe for the Morning Astorian.
J Without Plates.
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Tracks and Fnraitsm
Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street - - Main Phone 121
Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery.
18th and Franklin Ave.
Prompt attention given
l ill re pail m .tfc.
The Old Reliable
Cor. Commercial and Eleventh St.
Phone 3901
Are equipped to do all kinds of
Dental work at very lowest prices.
Nervous people and those aifiicted
with heart weakness may hive no
fear of the dental chair.
22 K. crown tUH)
Bridge work, per tooth IN
Cold fillings $1.00 ip
Silver fillings 50c to $1.00
Best rubber plate $800
Aluminum-line plate $10 to $15.00
These offices are modern through
out We are able to do all work
absolutely painless. Our success is
due xo uniform high grade work by
gentlemanly operators having 10
to 15 years- experience. Vegetable
Vapor, patented and used only by
us for painless extraction of teeth,
50c. A binding guarantee given
with all work for 10 years. Exami
nation and consultation FREE.
Lady in attendance. Eighteen of
fices in the United States.
Cor. Commercial and Eleventh Sts.,
over Danziger store.
Electrical Contractors
Phone Main 3881 .... 426 BondJStreet
To Republican Voters
AN OVERWHELMING majority of Oregon's
voters by registration have formally declared that
they believe in the principles of the Republican
Party. Let them now show that they are honest
by voting in accordance with their declarations. The
Oregon election comes before the Republican National
Convention. Let every Republican voter in the Second
Congressional District uphold the honor of the Republican
Party in Oregon and strengthen the influence of Oregon's
delegation in the National Convention by voting for
H. M. Cake for United States Senator and W. R. Ellis
for Representative in Congress. If either of these Repub
lican nominees fail of election the primary election system
will be discredited and a return of boss rule will be invited.
The good name of Oregon's delegation to the National
Convention will be placed in a humiliating position. For
the effect it will have on the November election it is
imperative that the Republican nominees in the June elec
tion shall be elected by an overwhelming majority. As
a believer in the principles of the Republican Party it is
your duty to be at the polls June 1st, and vote for
Cake and Ellis.
E. II. FLACG, Secy. W. E. WILLIAMSON, Chalraa n