THURSDAY, MAY 28, '08. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. Just Tkee Weeks Re mains of This Great Contest Lose No Time But Get in Make Every Day Count and The beautiful Reo automobile which will make huppy some young lady in Aoloriu it now on exhibition in the show window of Chat. llcilborn & Co.'s furniture store and all are in vited to call '! iimpcct it. The beau liful hifjh-griulc Kimball piano can be seen jut acroitii the street at P. A. Stoke. Hither one of these grand prim are will worth liiihting for, In this content the Aitorian is givin liiBger values as premium than have ever been given in a city of this sizj but the management believe in doing: nothing by halve. We made up our mind to add 1000 new snbtcribcr to the Atorian' list during this content and at the present rate of increase we will go away be yond this mark before the contest le. All the candidates arc beginning to work hard and each is striving to win with the help of their friends. Just three weeks remain of the con test, so get in and hustle, for. as in everything else, this it what will win. There u ballot box In the A loran office where the vote may be deposited for any young ladie whom you may tee fit to vote for. If you cannot bring the ballot! to the office, end them in by mail to the Contest Manager and the votes will be ac corded to the young lady for whom they are Intended. The vote are counted twice, to there can be no mistake a to the proper number of ballot accorded to each candidate. The vote are alway open for inpec tion to iniure a fair deal. , HOW TO WIN. The easieit and qulcket way to win it for candidate to ask their friend to the detired close of the contest, but ballot cut from the Aitorian are only good for one week froVn publication and will not be counted if voted after the date printed on the ballot. Perion living in one diitrict are not confined to voting for ladle In their own particular district, but may vote for anybody in the race. The offer afford the girl of As toria and urrounding territory an excellent opportunity to travel or re ceive a husineat education at the ex pense of the Aitorian. DISTRICTS The district will be divided a fol lows: First dlatrict will include all the City of Astoria east of Twenty tecond street; second diitrict will in clude all the City of Aitoria eatt of Ninth ttreet to Twenty-second; third district will include all the City of Aitoria west of Ninth street to city limiti; fourth district will include all the towns in and around Ilwaco and Chinook; fifth district will include the towm of Hammond, Warrenton and ij I seaaiae. List of Nominations. FIRST DISTRICT-Includea all the City of Astoria east of Twenty- second street to city umlts. VOTE MissEsther Mattila, 1336 Grand ave... ... ... 37,943 Mi Roe Nordstrom, 2165 Bond 33,954 Mis Margaret Avaina, 222 33d street. , , 32,698 Miss Annie Due, 1660 franklin avenue , . ' . . . , . , .31,196 Mis Clara Laron, 1411 Franklin avenue 30,919 Miss Mamie Wilson, 364 35th street.... 29974 Mis Enbcrg, 2323 Cedar street Mis Nellie Davis, 1702 Franklin avenue .... .......23,961 Miss Nellie Anstedt, 1653 Irving avenue '..."l5)j21 SECOND DISTRICT-Includea all the City of Astoria east of Ninth to iwenty-second streets. Miss Lydia Yoder 4177 Miss Mary Fossett, 749 Grand avenue . . . . . . . ,'.'. . . .35,326 MUsLelah Gilbaugh, whh Hoefler ...32,978 Mi Martha Foard, 392 17th atreet 32,916 MissOlga Heilborn, 592 Franklin avenue 3378 Miss May Dench, 373 18th street . .29,348 Miss Mary Boentgen, 538 Duane... 29!oiO Miss Jeanie S. Lynch, 74. Franklin avenue 28124 ' - T ,m mm.. 1 nus uiraie wise, 4b Harrison street 27.482 M!s Hattie Tallant, 682 Grand avenue 2848 Mi Mabel Simington, 395 15th street 25824 Mi Hazel Hamlin, with A. R. Cyru 25.440 MiArmella Grusi, 775 Franklin avenue , 23,194 MiasEdna Campbell, 458 Commercial street ....18,757 Mis Birdie McCrosky, 719 Duane 18,612 Miis Alice Nelson, 578 Grand avenue. 17648 MiisEliie Elmore, 385 14th itreet 16978 SHE'S A QUEEN DEVELOP THl BUST SHE'S A SIREN' is an expression that is always heard at sight of a well developed woman. If you are flat chested, with BUST undeveloped, a scrawny neck, thin, lean arms-the above remark will never be applied to you. "SIREN" wafers will make you beautiful, bewitching. They DE VELOP THE BUST in a few weeks from 3 to 6 inches and produce a fine firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill out the hollow place. Make the arms handsome ad well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely and of perfect contour. Send for a bottle Odav and vou'lt h nlraA and rral. t.. HPTnc h 1 1 . . - - ra iui. oai. water are absolutely harmless, pleasent to take and con- vemem io carry around. They are jold under guarantee to do all claim or MONEY back. Price $1.00 per bottle. to a. Inquire at good drug store or send DIRECT PQCCl)urinS e next 30 days only-we will send you a ampl I aXLaiottle of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10 cent u FRANK J. DONNERBERG. Frank J. Donnerberg, who several months ago opened a handsome jew elry store at 574 Commercial street, has won a reputation that has brought him what is perhaps the best trade in the city. After 16 year' experience in the large jewelry and watchmaking (tore of San Francisco and Portland. Mr. Donnerberg came to Astoria and opened a small place at 110 Eleventh street, confining himself largely to repairing watches, and carrying a small stock of jewelry and watches. prepay their subscription for 6 to 12 His customers found him a good months. It costi the lubicriber noth- watchmaker and discovered they were ing extra to do this and they are given fair treatment and patronized aved the annoyance of weekly and him liberally, enabling him to in monthly collection. By so doing you j crease hi tock rapidly. Mr. Donner receive a special vote ballot which is, berg is a broad-minded business man, rood anv time, durinst the contest. and his up-todate itock includes all Orders for the prizes will be given the successful contestant at the close of the contest; same may be used by the contestant herself or disposed of in any manner (he may set fit Any young lady residing in the above mentioned territory i eligible to compete in this contest. Anyone who desires to vote in this contest may do so by ballots cut the newest styles which he purchases from New York and San Francisco wholesalers, and his establishment is a credit to the city. HOW THE PRIZES WILL BE DISTRIBUTED. The automobile will be awarded to the young lady receiving the largett number of vote in the the five dis trict. The piano the second grand prize will be awarded to the young from the Daily and Weekly Astorian.lady receiving the second largest vote or by ipecial vote coupon obtainedin the five district. The trips one by subscribing to the Aitorian. Thein each district the lady standing coupons secured by subscribing tosecond, will receive the scholarship the Astorian may be held as long asand the third will each receive the desired and voted at any time up togold watch. fcEMORIAL DAY AUTO RACE. DENVER, May 27.-Over a tri angular course 32 miles in length, 10 powerful racing automobiles will run on Memorial Day in the first Rocky Mountain endurance race. The ma chines are to run the measured road 10 times, making a total of 320 miles distance to be traveled. Several of the machines entered have records of 90 miles and hour and surprises arc expected in speed and endurance. The first prize is a $500 trophy and there are second and third prizes also. In addition to the regular officers there will be 100 men strung along the course to keep it clear and guard against possible accidents. Most of the details of the contest wit be the same as those prevailing in the Van derbilt cup race and many of the drivers of the contest have taken part in that contest. THE AMERICAN LOBSTER. 300 Choice Lobsters Taken From American Waters to Europe. NEW YORK, May 27.-An in vasion of European waters by the American lobster 'has been begun, When the Kaiser Wilhelm II steam ed for European yesterday she car ded in her fish tanks 300 choice Specimens of the lobster species. The trip will determine whether they can be kept alive until they are landed In Europe. If they are able successfully to undergo the voyage there is good reason to believe a new industry will be the result. At present the lobster is only obtainable along certain por tions of the European coast and for the most part difficult of access and an invasion of the American lobster is likely to be hailed with joy by the epicures of the continent. The Kaiser Wilhelm's tanks have pipe attachments which supply fresh water with pure air by a patented process and the fact that fish have been easily kept alive in them throughout a trans-Atlantic voyage lead to the belief that lobsters will be similarly preserved. Another improvement which the Kaiser has undertaken is that of transferring two live frogs to Ger many with a view of breeding for the Germany markets. They were taken from New Jersey swamps and will be placed in Bavarian environs as simi lar as possible. THIRD DISTRICT-Includea all the City of Astoria west of Ninth street to City Limits. Miss Frances Norberg, 233 Alameda avenue 57.071 Mis Ella Powell, 171 Exchange , 53,866 Mi Leta Drain, 244 6th treet 34748 Mis Edith Smith, 189 6th itreet 36,163 Min Mary Cregory, 545 8th itreet 35.480 Miss Maude Ron, 103 2nd itreet 32,940 Mm Either Anderson, 368 Keniington 31,046 Mrs. Arthur Hess, 341 7th street 29,715 Miss May Parker, 291 Sth street 22.120 MiNancie Reed, 91 Bond, at P. 0 21,798 Mis Esther Gearhart, 359 Grand avenue 19,989 MiRuth Blinn, 386 9th treet 17,914 Miss Hazel Ettei, 237 Commercial street 16822 Mm Nellie Hsgman, 108 Astor 13,971 Miis Alma Baker, 261 W. Aitor 11,043 . oay cost of packing and portage if you will mention that roa law ths Advertisement in this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient if defect are trivial. Desk 22 ESTHETIC CHEMICAL C O- 31 West 125th St New York. FOURTH DISTRICT-Includea the Towns of Ilwaco and Chinook and territory on the north aide of the river. Miss Elinor Willlama, Ilwaco 26,658 Mis Olive Thompson, Chinook 25,688 Mist Ida Williamson, Ilwaco 20,778 Mil Myrtle Alexander, Chinook 15,928 FIFTH DISTRICT-Includea the Towns of Warrenton, Hammond and Seaside and all territory in Clatsop County outside of Astoria, Miss Louise Brown, Hammond 28,934 Miss Nettie Utzinger, Seaside 2&619 Miss Mabel Taylor, Flavel 25,983 Miss Eva Coffman, Seaside 24,609 MisiEva Parker, Warrenton 23,949 Misi Hazel Vannice, Warrenton 23,341 Mrs. C. E. Linton, Warrenton 22,920 Miss Edith Haney, Seaside 20,922 Miss Anna Sijnrdsen, Warrenton..... 10,697 NOT GOOD AFTER JUNE 16, '08. ASTORIAN VOTING CONTEST. For Dist Address. County Good for one vote when filled out and aent to The Astorian office by mail or otherwise on or before expiration date, No ballot will be altered in any way, or transferred after being recevied by the Astorian. VALUE OF SPECIAL BALLOTS BY CARRIER AND MAIL The World's Best Climate is not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less ex tent, according to altitude. To over come climate affections lassitude, ma laria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and general debility, the most effective remedy is Electric Bitters, the great alternative and blood puri fier; the antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and in somnia. Sold under guarantee at Charles Rogers & Son drug store. Price SOc. Morning Astorian, one month.,. , $ 0.60 Morning Astorian, three months 1.80 Morning Astorian, six months 3.50 Morning Astorian, one year 7.00 Morning Astorian, two years 14.00 Morning Astorian, three years 21.00 Morning Astorian, four years 28.00 Morning Astorian, five years 35.00 WEEKLY. Weekly Astorian, one year $ 1.50 Weekly Astorian, two years 3.00 In all cases where ballots are issued subscriptions must be paid in advance. The full amount of money must be sent direct by mail, paid to local agents, or brought to this office. The paper will be delivered by mail or through agents, as requested. Besides the votes given on subscriptions there will be a coupon published in each issue of the Morning Astorian which when cut out and filled in, will count as one vote. These coupons must be mailed to the Morning Astorian Contest Manager before the expiration printed on each ballot Contest Closes Tuesday, June 16, 1908. Subscribe for The Morning Astorian. VOTES OLD NEW 60 120 300 600 1000 2000 2500 5000 7000 14000 11000 22000 18000 36000 25000 50000 VOTES OLD NEW 400 ' 800 1500 3000 Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS Barbour and Finlayson Salmon Twins and Netting McCormick Harvesting Machines Oliver Chilled Ploughs Maltboid Roofing Sharpies Cream Separators Raecolith Flooring Stoi?ett's Tools Hardware, Groceries, Ship Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Paints, Oils and Glass's Pore Manilla Rope, Cotton Twin and Seina Web We Want Your Trade FISHER BROS. BOND STREET 3a THE ROAD OF A THOUSAND WONDERS Shasta Route and Coast Line of the Southern Pacific Company Through Oregon and California Over 1300 miles of scenic beauty and interest attractive and instruc tive. This great railroad passes through a country unsurpassed for its scenic attractions, and introduces the traveler to the vast arena soon to become the scene of the world's greatest industrial activities. There is not an idle or uninteresting hour on the trip .and the variety ol conditions presented excites wonder and admiration. " . " " ' - ' ijj.i- Special Low Rate Tickets now on ISale at All Ticket Office 1 $BB.OO Portland to Los Angeles and Return Long limit on tickets and stop-over privileges. CorresDondina- ratea fret other points. Inquire of G. W. Roberts, local airent for full n.rtit.r. , and helpful publications describing the country through which this great nignway extenas, or address WM. McMurray: General Passenger Agent, Portland. Subscribe for The Morning Astorian 60c Per Month by Mail or Carrier ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD n Only All Rail Route to PORTLAND EASTERN POINTS TWO DAILY TRAILS Steamship Tickets via all Ocean Lines at Lowest Rates. Through tickets on sale. For rates, steamship and sleeping-car reservations, call.on or address G. B. JOHNSON, General Agent 12th St., near Commercial St. Astoria, Oregon ASTORIA IRON WORKS SKrN? R S A N D MANUFACTURERS OF THE LATEST IMPROVED . .7. . Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers rnMCOMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. Correspondence Solicited. . . Foot of Fourth Streat