THE MORNING ASTOH IAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. i WEDNESDAY. MAY 27, The MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. Published Daily Except Monday by , THE J. S. DELLINOKK tw. STTRSPRIPTION RATES. Bv mail, oer year .....$7.00 Bv carrier, oer month 60 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. t mail, per, in advance.... $1.50 Entered as second-class matter July 30, 1906, at the postorhce at Astoria, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence Tr clace of business may be made by . . I 1 A postal cara or tnrougn reiepnone. ny regularity in delivery should be im mediately reported to the office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. THE WEATHER Western Oregon and Washington Fair and warmer. WHAT OF ASTORIA?. According to the Oregonian (news paper) of Monday last, the die is cast in the great matter of the wheat shipments from the Columbia valley, by the Seattle, Portland & Spokane Railway, better known as the "North Bank" system, James J. Hill's new grain route from the Inland Empire. Portland is to be the sea port of the line, and the warehouses and docks of the system are to be built there upon a scale exceeding any plant of the kind in the country. This is a mag nificent accession for the city and port of Portland and the people there are to be (and are, so far as we are concerned), heartily congratulated upon the final ,and permanent, allot ment of this huge business. But, what of Astoria?. The purchase, by the Hill interests, outright, last year, of the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Company, from this city to Portland; and the acquisition of rights-of-way on the north shore of the Columbia from Kalama to Frankfort, opposite this city, with ample terminal territory there, has given James J. Hill abso lute command of the transportation interests of the lower Columbia Valley, a fact that justified the hope here that some portion of this great traffic was to find its export depots at this end of the river. It now appears that Hill has simply ! followed the "bottling" processes for which E. H. Harriman is notorious, and the A. & C. Railroad is nothing but a mere feeder, rather than a uni fied part of a great and direct inland route; the splendid harbor at these doors is to lie inert, unused, while the city and section that gave a mil lion to the building of the south shore line to the metropolis, is ignored, cut out, abandoned, a way-station be tween Pasco and Seaside; what of trade relation and headquarter sig nificance she once enjoyd being car ried away with the records, the offi cers and the meagre patronage of it all, to Portland and Vancouver; while the Frankfort end of the system across the bay, lies barren, without promise, a vague problem of the future. It becomes more and more appar ent as the days go by that Astoria is to turn to, and pon, herself, for re demption from the negligible condi tions thus thrust upon her, and which she has not deserved in view of the essential part she played in the earlier program of this development. She must do something to make her in dependent of these patent snubhings and place her where she will not have to rely upon the A. & C. or any line that uses her people and business with these contemptuous indefference so rawly manifest as is the case at hand. If San Francisco is the way out, then we must go to San; or if the Sound cities offer us release from this palpable turn-down, we might as well go there, as for Port land to send everything there cannot and will not send to this end of the Columbia, for fear it may give us a white of prestige commercially; if we must have wholesalers in the great marketable staples, we must go after them and get them in here. We have paid a dear figure for negation and dependence; we can afford more and pay more to shake it off and find the surface of communal success and activity; it is not enough that we are self-supporting and can maintain the even tenor of our commercial way; we have everything to inspire a new and extraordinary effort; and if we raise a commercial boycott against the business elements that have rid den us down, the responsibility, and the losses, may fall and lie where they belong, nor will they be hard to lo cate and estimate. Astoria stands alone; she is side tracked and left to her own devices, so far as the great agencies of the State and the Northwest contributing to her development are concerned. and the sooner wc realize this and get to work for our own up-lift and sal vation, by means at our mondand, the better it will be for everv man in Astoria and Clatsop. If the proven policy of the Hill people is to take all the money pos sible out of Astoria without vestige of compensation or return of any sort, then it were well to remember that the Columbia is wide and wide- open; that hoats are running here. and there are boats that can be bought and that the A. & C. road is not the only dependence left to us. If Hill is determined to make As toria tight for her existance. we might as well line-up and hand him one" over the shoulder of his little key-feeder!. FIVE DAYS MORE. Five days hence, on Monday next, the people of Oregon are to take over their franchise and say who shall represent them in the various admin istrative offices of the common wealth, and what laws they want among the score of those suggested under legal provision. The ticket each man will handle and dispose of n his voting, is entitled to his best thought in every detail, and Ins de cision, for and against the men and measures submitted, will make for the peace, the success, the credit and prosperity of the great terri tory of which he is an integre; or it will react to the disquiet, the failure, shame and recession of the State and her people. We have never thought so little of the people as to accept the doctrine that the bulk of the America vote cast at any polls was indifferent, unintelligent, purchased, or dishon orably inspired; we have always held it to be a fair, clean and honest ex pression of the manful concept of the people involved, though we have never doubted the mistakes, the mis conceptions, the disdirections that have swung results, on narrow mar gins, to plainly unfortunate public conclusions and the setting up of questionable men and policies. The ordinary American electorate is hon est and rational and may be trusted to help itself from bad to better, from lower to higher, every time. And it will be so on next Monday!. EDITORIAL SALAD In the Democratic primaries Min nesota is for Yon Yonson, but it would be a great surprise if the State could be induced to give its electoral vote to any Democrat. Minnesota well understands the dif ference between a State and a na tional contest. After figuring for some time on tonnage, displacement and sailing ca pacity, Congressman Hobson has concluded that the American Navy ought to be strengthened. In a mat ter of this kind the sensible thing to do is to let Hobson have his choice. Iowa has completed or has under construction 431 miles of interurban trolley lines, and boasts that it is ahead of this State. Missouri may be a little slow in this respect, but it expects eventually to carry the ban ner in all forms of transportation by land, water or air. A trade paper estimates that the South ships annually to Northern markets $100,000,000 worth of vege tables and fruit. The business grows fast, and suggests that the South will find a diversification of crops a great cash producer. Biliousness and Constipation. For years I was troubled with bil iousness and constipation, which made life miserable for me. My appetite failed me. I lost my usual force and vitality. Pepsin preparations and cathartics only made matters worse. 1 do not know where I should have been today had I not tried Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. The tablets relieve the ill feeling at once, strengthen the digestive func tions, purify the stomach, liver and blood, helping the system to do its work naturally. Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham, Ala. These tablets are for sale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggists. COFFEE Five degrees of excel lence: good; better; fine; finer; finest: all Schilling's Best. Your grocer returni your monej U you don't Uk it; we par him t hi fTTTf Cards of Candidates In J the Coming Election REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET For Representatives C. A. Leinen weber John C. McCue or County Commissioner (Four-year term) John Frye For County Commissioner (Two-year term) Fred H. Moore For County Clerk J. C. Clinton For County Sheriff M. R. Pomeroy For County Assessor T. S. Cornelius For County Treasurer W. A. Sherman For County Surveyor G. F. Parker For County Coroner J. A. Gilbaugh For Justice of the Peace P. J. Goodman For Constable John Sayer VOTE FOR John Sayer "LIVERPOOL JACK" Republican Nominee for Constable ALONG SCIENTIFIC LINES. Remarkable Discovery Made by So ciety for Psychical Research. BERKELEY, Cal., May 20.-Dur-ied a few feet under the classic soil of the University of California campus lie a city of the stone age whose massive walls respond to the instruments of the members of the Berkeley Society for Psychical Re search and show their well defined locations according to the investiga tions made by Prof. Joseph Voylc, president of the local Psychical So ciety and other members. The series of investigations to find the lines of the buried city which an tedates by thousands of years the time of Columbus have been carried, it is said, on quietly for the last month since the Society took up this important branch of their studies. None of the professors of the University has as yet thoroughly in vestigated the findings of the society, but it is likely that if their discov eries are found to have a foundation excavation work will be begun at once along scientific lines. ON CHARGE OF MURDER. DENVER, May 26,-Oov Buchtel yesterday issued a requisition for S. W. Morris, alias Frank Shercliffc, wanted at Leadvillc, Colo., on the charge of murdering John Wallace, a saloonkeeper, fifteen years ago. Sher cliffc created a sensation some years ago while under arrest in Iowa by charging well known persons in Omaha with being 'eadcrs of a des perate gang of criminals. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE B 111 IK 55,430.00 52,094.42 At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, May 14th, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $389,294.29 Overdrafts, secured and unseen red 6,097.30 U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 47,000.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds.. 1,400.00 Bonds, securities, etc...... Due from National Bnnks (not reserve agents),... Due from State Banks and Bankers 22,169.77 Due from approved reserve agents 189,322.37 Checks and other cash items 283.92 Notes of other National Banks 2,280.00 Nickels, and cents 546.08 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie $191,300 Legal-tender notes 355 191,655.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent. of circulation) 2,350.00 Total $959,923.15 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus fund 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid... 28,453.40 National Bank notes out standing 47,000.00 Individual deposits subject to check $595,717.05 Demand certificates of de posit $163,252.70 Certified checks. 500.00 759,469.75 Total $959,923.15 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss: I, S. S. Gordon, Cashier of the above-named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of May. 1908. V. BOELLING, Notary Public. Correct Attest: G. C. FLAVEL. W. F. McGREGOR, JACOB KAMM, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE i III At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, May 14, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $402,577.76 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 5,634.82 U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 47,500.00 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits 20,000.00 Other Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits 34,000.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds.. 3,045.00 Bonds, securities, etc 73,730.66 Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 4,030.00 Other real estate owned... 8,233.41 Due from State Banks and Bankers 18,387.72 Due from approved reserve agents 178,374.18 Checks and other cash items 4,677.21 Notes of other National Banks 885.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 857.05 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie $100,668.85 Legal-tender notes $i.,04S.uu luues Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 2,375.00 Total $906,621.66 LIABILITIES. Caoital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided protits, less ex penses and taxes paid... 15,863.14 National Bank notes out standing 44,900.00 Individual deposits subject to check sj04.S84.zo Demand certificates of de posit $48,964.56 Time certificates of de posit $282,018.70 Certified checks.... $291.00 U. S. deposits... $50,000.00 745,858.52 Total $906,621.66 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss: I, J. E. Higeins, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. HIGGINS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of May, 1908. M. C. MAGKK, Notary Public, Correct Attest: GEO. H. GEORGE, GEORGE W. WARREN, A. SCHERNECKAU, Directors. Subcribe for the Morning Astorian, Now 60 cents per month, delivered by carrier. A FEW SPECIALS SOMETHING EXTRA FINE Cresta Blanca Sautcrnc (Chateau 1S 60c Cresta Blanca (Red aud White). Chianti OC Cresta Ulanca Sparkling or. Burgundy. Nips ODC AMERICAN IMPORTING CO, 589 Commercial Street THE LEADINO BUSINESS COLLEGE ELKS BUILDING. PORTLAND. OREGON A course in our College means better work better wages. If interested, call or write for catalogue A, I. M. WALKER, Pret. . . - 0. A. BOSSERMAN, 8ec To the First 500 Children Bringing this "Ad." and opening an account, we will deposit the first 60 cents, conditional that the child deposit 50 cents at time of opening account and' one dollar per month for eleven months. The account will then be worth $12.00 besides 5 per cent, interest and is subject to withdrawal according to State law. Remember your account is secured by real estate. Children under lourteen eligible. THE BANKING SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS'C'N. 108 10th St. Phone Black 2181 MMMmMMM tM; PRACTICAL POINTS ON BANKING NO. 4. Diligent Saving. It is a very good plan to establish reg ular dates for depositing your money. You will find that this will soon be come a vcrv valuable habit, and you will tie much pleased to see how soon your funds will accumulate at com pound intesest. Interest paid on Sav ings Accounts and Time Certificates of deposit SC AMDINAVIAN'AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK, 506-508 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore FIT NATIONAL BAM OF ASTOEJA DIRECTORS Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G. C. Flavel J. W. Ladd S. S. Gordon Capital SlOO.OOO Surplus 25,000 stockholders' Liability 100,000 ESTABLISHED 18NU. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President. O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President. FRANK PATTON, Cashier J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid in $115,000. Surolus and Undivided Profita linn nnn - - BWWaVVV Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Denmf. Eleventh and Duane Sta. FOUR PER CENT PER ANNUM. Astoria, Oregon. M C. F. WISE, Prop. Choice Winei, Llquon Merchants Lunch Prem andCIgari 11:30 . m. to 1:30 p. m. Hot Lunch at All Hour. aj oDtl Corner Eleventh and Commercial. ASTORIA, - - . nwtrnnu ' w Subscribe to The Morning Astorian