The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 21, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1908
Big Special Offer Closes at 8 ptm. Sharp This
Evening So Be Sure and Get Your Sub
scriptions in On Time
It will depend lamely upon the cf
, fori of the next 26 days a to who
will win and who will nut win. Don't
let thl chance It p by; your competi
tors will not, yott nitty rest assured and
unless you n-t every available vote
these next 26 days you may be defeat
ed, It will be better to turn in sub
scriptions thin week and get the votes
than to hold the subscriptions back
until the last day of the contest. The
AMorlan is the lending paper of Clat
sop county. A trial 12 months' sub
scription will convince the most skep
tical that this is true. There is no end
to the interest. centered id this con
test, The eyes of the public are
focused upon each youii(f lady's en
' deavori. '
It is an honor to be in the race and
it will be a still greater honor to win
A man deaf, dumb and blind would
be aware of the fact that The Astorian
content li a big hit in Astoria and the i
surrounding towns.
"How can'you afford to do it?"
"Won't the vacations be delightful!
ballots cut from the Astorian are only
good for one week from publication
and will not be counted if voted after
the date printed on the ballot
Persons living in one district are
not confined to voting for ladies In
their own particular district, but may
vote for anybody in the race. ,
The offer affords the girls of As
toria and surrounding territory an
excellent opportunity to travtj or re
ceive a business education at the' ex
pense of the Astorian.
The 'districts will be divided as fol
lows: First district will include all
the City of Astoria east of Twenty
second street; second district will in
clude all the City of Astoria east of
Ninth street to Twenty-second; third
district will include all the City of
Astoria west of Ninth street to city
limits; fourth district will include all
the towns in1 and around Ilwaco and
Chinook: fifth district will include the
! towns of Hammond, Warrenton and
Seaside. .
List of Nominations.
FIRST DISTRICT-Includes all the City of Astoria cut of Twenty
second street to City Limits.
Miss Enberg, 2323 Cedar street ; 28,956
Miss Rose Nordstrom, 2165 Bond... , .....26,948
Miss Clara Larson, 1411 Franklin ave nue , , ( 25 908
iiis Annie uue, jow rrankiin avenue "... ?;r?7
Miss Mamie Wilson, 364 35tbx.street. .
MissLydia Yoder .................. ,
Miss Nellie Davis, 1702 Franklin avesnue .
Miss Esther Mattila, 1336 Grand avenue ..
Miss MargaretAvaina, 222 13d street
Miss Nellie Anstedt, 1653 Irving avenue . .
Miss Lillie Anderson, 2548 Franklin avenue
.... 24,968
M I .
inese are some oi me expressions; ulsxRIBUTED.
heard daily about the conte.t. The j T. . ... . 'AmA .
'the young lady receiving the largest
number of votes in the the five dis-
undertaking is indeed, quite large and
involves more work and "sticktoitive
ness" than most people would sup
pose. It is true that the most popu
lar young ladies entered in the race
and every one in the county desire Jo
have a finger in the pie of sending
those ladies to the summer resort or
getting the automobile or piano. This
is best evidenced by the large num
ber of votes received daily by The
Astorian which come from every nook
and corner of the county.
There is a ballot box in the As
toran office where the votes may be
deposited for any young ladies whom
you may see fit to vote for.. If you
cannot bring the ballots to the office,
send them in by mail to the Contest
Manager and the votes will be ac
corded to" the young lady for whom
they are intended. The votes are
counted twice, ao there can be no
mistake as to the proper number of
ballots accorded to each candidate.
The votes are always open for inspec
tion to insure a fair. deal.
The easiest and quickest way td win
is for candidates to ask their friends to
prepay their subscription for 6 to 12
months. It costs the subscriber noth
ing extra to do this and they are
saved the annoyance of weekly and
monthly collections. By so doing you
receive a special vote ballot which is
good any time during the contest.
Orders for the prizes will be given
successful contestants at the
close of the contest; same may be
used by the contestant herself or
disposed of in any manner she may
aee fit
Any young lady residing in the
above mentioned territory is eligible
to compete in this contest.
Anyone who desires to vote in this
contest may do ao by ballots cut
from the Daily and Weekly Astorian,
or by special vote coupons obtaine'd
by subscribing to the Astorian. The
coupons secured by subscribing to
the Astorian may be held as long aa
desired and voted at any time up to
the desired close of the contest, but
tricts- The piano the second grand
prize will be awarded to the young
lady receiving the aecond largest vote
in the five districts. The trips one
in each district' the lady standing
second, will receive the scholarship
and the third will each receive the
gold watch.
Frank J. Donnerberg, who several
months ago opened a handsome jew
elry store at 574 Commercial street,
has won a reputation that has brought
him what is perhaps the best trade In
the city. After 16 years' experience in
the large jewelry and watchmaking
stores of San Francisco and Portland.
Mr. Donnerberg came to Astoria and
opened a small place at 110 Eleventh
street, confining himself largely .to
repairing watches, and , carrying a
small stock of jewelry and watches.
His customers found him a good
watchmaker and discovered they were
given fair treatment and patronized
him liberally, enabling him to in
crease his stock rapidly. Mr. Donner
berg is a broad-minded business man,
and his up-todate stock includes all
the newest styles which he purchases
from New York and San Francisco
wholesalers, and his establishment Is
a credit to the city.
m SECOND DISTRICT-Includea all th. City of Astoria east of Ninth to
Twenty-second itreeta.
Miss Mary, Fossett, 749 Grand avenue ,'34,914
Miss Birdie Wise, 478 Harrison street. . . 2446
Miss Hazel Hamlin, with A. R. Cyrus. , t 2$ 291
Miss May Dench, 3731 18th street.... , . . . ."....'.',..".. .' . .' ' 24 534
Missjeanie S. Lynch, 74. Franklin avenue . 23956
Miss Martha Foard, 392 !7th street.. 2376
MissArmella GrussI, 775 Franklin avenue . ......... ... " 23123
Miss nary uoentgen, 3JB Uuane ..,.21,979
MissLelah Gilbaugb, with Hoefler " 1.21,951
MissOlga Heilborn, 592 Franklin avenue 21,376
Miss Mabel Simington, 395 15th street... 19,821
Miss Hattie Tallaot, 682 Grand avenue. . . . t 18,848
Miss Edna Campbell, 458 Commercial street ..'.18756
Miss Birdie McCrosky, 719 Duane , ' 18608
Miss Alice Nelson, 578 Grand avenue ...17 648
Miss Elsie Elmore, 385 14th street '.'.'.'.'.', 1678
Miss Hilda Klunkia, 570 Grand avenue , . . . .. . ..10,764
THIRD DISTRICT-Includea all the City of Astoria west of Ninth
street to City Limits.
Miss Edith Smith, 189 6th street 32,996
Miss Esther Anderson, 368 Kensington 28924
MissLeta Drain, 244 6th street '.'. '. '. '.'. .. 27 i
Miss Mary Gregory, 545 8th street '.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.26,953
Mrs. Arthur Hess, 341 7th street '. . '. . . . . . .26,S62
Miss Maude Ross, 103 2nd street !! ! ! 24 931
Miss Ella Powell, 171 Exchange '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..24,406
Miss Frances Norberg 233 Alameda aveune 23970
MissNancie Reed, 91 Bond, at P. O. ........"."21,798
Miss May Parker, 291 6th street " 21I0S
Miss Ruth Blinn, 386 9th street .. . . " 17914
Miss Esther Gearhart, 359 Grand avenue . . ."."!'.!"!l6954
Miss Hazel Estes, 237 Commercial street 1(5 822
MissneHie nagman, w Astor ...... 13960 if
fi Aim. n.t,.. wis wr . ij.Tu jA
wbrvi, vi tf. fisiur. ...a... . ... . moon
juiBiaupnic vanson, W3 UHumDia... S343
Kidney complaint kills more people
than any other disease. This is due to
the disease being so insidious that it
gets a good hold on the system before
it is recognized. Foley's Kidney Cure
will prevent the development of fatal
disease if taken in time. .
FOURTH DISTRICT-Includea the Towna of Ilwaco 'and Chinook .no
territory on the north aide of the river.
Misa Elinor Williama, Ilwaco ....19,563
Miss Olive Thompson, Chinook ' 19265
" im Williamson, iiwaco , 18778
p J IjT'jJ" il Tp'T l
oi Juulillj Ui I Ml
Contestants Should BEAD !
This Offer Carefully
......... unnu ,,, , t 10 70 T a """ '
jiiss Myrtie Alexander, Chinook x in ten new yearly subscriptions to Daily J
Miss Daisy Baker, P. O., Cathlamet...- 11,786.1 ... X
XfUt Nina Pilao.I1 Tt..A - IT ActAIHAfl TTrl 1 1 vssslim 1 1 1 1 A. f T
Miss Nina Russell, Ilwaco...... v , ....2860
f,IFT" DISTRICT-Includea the Towna of Warrenton, Hammond and
Seaaide and all territory In Clatsop County outside of Aatoria.
Miss Eva Parker, Warrenton ... 23,949
Miss Louise Brown, Hammond .... 23818
Miss Nettie Utzinger, Seaside , . . . " ' . .23 614
Miss Hazel Vannice, Warrenton ,.. . 22 339
Miss Mabel Taylor, Flavel ... .... 7.77... 7 721,975
Mrs. C. E. Linton, Warrenton .....77! 7721917
Miss Edith Haney, Seaside , . .7 7 . . . 7. 77. 7 7.2ol922
Miss Eva Coffmah, Seaside . . . 7 . . . . . . . . .77 . . . . .21,007
Miss Anna Siirdsen, Warrenton....; ,....77 ...... ... 10457
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup Is best
for women and children. Its mild ac
tion and pleasant taste makes it prefer
able to violent purgatives, such as
pills, tablets, etc. Get the booklet and
sample of Orino at T. F. Laurin,
Owl Drug Store. .
X County
Good for one vote when filled out and sent to The Astorian t
office by mail or otherwise on or before expiration date. No ballot f
will be altered In any way, or transferred after being recevied by the X
New Yearly Subscriptions Prepaid i
For each five new six-month sub-: :
scriptions, we will issue a special ballot i:
of 5000, besides the regular ballot, on j
each subscription. For each Five NEW : :
YEARLY subscriptions to the Daily As- i :
torian each candidate will receive 20,000 ! '
extra votes. Each candidate who turns : :
Astorian will receive a special ballot of f
50,000 extra votes. 7
This offer starts Monday May 1 1th,
and ends Thursday May 21, 108. Two j
new six-month subscriptions will count ::
as one new-yearly. This is your chance f '
to , catch the leaders. Take advantage J
of it.
is ah expression that is always heard at sight of a well
developed woman. If you are flat cheated, with BUST
undeveloped, a scrawny neck, thin, lean arms-the
above remark will never be applied to you. "SIREN"
wafers will make you beautiful, bewitching. They DE
' VELOP THE BUST in a few weeks from 3 to 6 inches
and produce a fine firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill
out the hollow places. Make the arms handsome ct
well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely, and
of perfect contour.
Send for a bottle oday and you'll be pleased and grate
ful. "SIREN" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasent to take and con
venient to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all .'
claim or MONEY back.
Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or send DIRECT
to us. , ,
rnrr During the next 30 days only we will send you a sample
iKCL M" of tnese beautifying wafers on receipt of 10 cents tf
- nay cost of packing and' portage if you will mention that yo
aw th Advertisement iil this oaoer. The samnle alone mav be sufficient
" v - - - - v
if defects are trivial.
Desk 22 ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO.. 31 West 125th St New Yor3
Morning Astorian, one month., ..,. ...$ 0.60
Morning Astorian, three months ., 1.80
Morning Astorian, six months 3.50
Morning Astorian, one year .no
Morning Astorian, two years.. 14.00
Morning Astorian, three years 21.00
Morning Astorian, four years 28.00,
Morning Astorian, five years 35.00
60 120
300 600
1000 2000
2500 . 5000
7000 14000
11000 22000
18000 36000
25000 50000
This Is Your Opportuiiity
Weekly Astorian, one year. ... ..... .$ 1.50 300 600
Weekly Astorian, two years..! 3.00 1000 2000
In all cases where ballots are issued subscriptions must be oaid in advanr e
The full amount of money must be sent direct by mail, paid to local agents,
or brought to this office.
The paper will be delivered by mail or through agents, as requested.
Besides the votes given on subscriptions there will be a coupon oublished
itj each issue of the Morning Astorian which when cut out and filled in, will
count as one vote. These coupons must be mailed to the Morninir Astnrion
Contest Maeag-r before the expiration printed on each ballot
Contest Closes Tuesday, June 16f 1908.
, The subscriptions should not be held x
back 'till Thursday, but should be turned
in as soon as secured. An accurate ac- i
count will be kept of all new subscrip
tioes turned in by the candidates. This
offer is for NEW subscriptions only,
turned in between Monday May 1 1, and I
May 21. ;
The contest manager will issue the J
extra ballots on and after this offer I
closes and will mail same to contestants
entitled to same.
Address All Subscriptions and Com-1
uiuuiiuuuin iu
ontest in
Morning' Astoriani
Astoria, Oregon.
For further particulars and Information read the daily Astorian.