SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1908. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON, i Confidence when eating, that your food is of highest wholesomeness that it has nothing in It that can injure or distress you makes the repast doubly comfortable and satisfactory This supreme confidence you have when the food is raised with The only baking powder made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar There can be no comforting confi dence when eating alum baking pow der food Chemists say that more or less of the alum powder In unchanged alum or alum salts remains in the food. mAmW Fruit and fx owers ORCHARD PRACTICE. Individual Trtss Should Bs Studitd Bfor Pruning. Pruning I n !roml subject and one that la ui't iniK'b understood by uiottt people. Usually when iimu buys treos bo (Ii!iiI;h bo nuiist bo always pruulng them, but aui'li Is not the ease. Pruning lit to iiKNlKt nature and must bo iJ iiii' with certain definite oh Jecta In vlc'vv-iiinwly, to promoto growth, t) " tlik-o fruit spurs, to re tanl t'XWH.ihc growth and to form the trw the (iimlntl shape, There Itt it struggle for light, heat and air among tlx? Individual branches or twin of n trco which In commonly WIIONO ritl.NINO, f Thla kltij of work I never pcrnilmilble. Always cut cloio to iho trunk anil maka a amouth wound.) termed "struggle for exlNteuce." Every Mwig rwjuires nir, Utat and Hgut, and, as vneh ban not the Hume position on the tree, some mtiMt die or bo removed. Those nenr the center munt be watch ed more clOHely, uh those near the out ildo reeelvo plenty of nlr nud suu. Al niOHt every variety of 'tree has Its Individual shape. If ench lg studied and pruned according to its churae terlBtlc tendencies, the process of prunlug will bo very simple. After the crown has been properly started the first year the next great Important step 1b to decldo at the beginning of tho second year whether you are go ing to grow trees with a central leader or hollow center. These methods of forming trees are much discussed by prominent orchordlsts, and both meth od nro being used. In pruning the fruit trees always raw IN ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK MT!t it 10W 11 UtTlM HOUSIS S- make a clean, smooth cut and have a bucket of good wax or paint bandy and thoroughly cover the wound. This prevents decay of the wood and al lows the Dew tlmue to grow over un molested by fungi or the elements. The cambium, 6r Inner bark, wfll be gin to cover the wound as soon as the tree becomes active In the spring, but will form only over a limited portion of the cut surface. The growth of the cambium can be encouraged and made to completely cover the wound IX cut along the Inner side of the callus with a sharp knife. In all your prunlug take tho branch off just as close as possible to the limb where It Issues and never leave a stub. It Is generally thought by fruit grow ers that the high headed tree Is better. aa it allows better and easier cultlva tlon. This Is the main point upon which tho advocates of high headed trees base their whole argument high beaded tree is generally the worst kind to cultivate under, for ususlly the lowest limbs are permitted to make decided lateral growth almost parallel to the soil, and when these limbs are laden with fruit they extend almost to the ground, and it Is readily seen that close cultivation Is Impossible. The trees In the old orchards and yards all over Oregon show the evolu tlon of the high headed tree. It Ib simply this: When the lowest limbs Interfere with cultivation tbey are re moved, the next set of limbs are per mitted to make a lateral growth sltul ler to tho first, and eventually these are cut off. Thus it continues until the crown of the tree Is ten to fifteen feet from the ground, and tho fruit Is practically out of reach. On the other hand, the crown of the low headed tree Is started near the ground, nud tho limbs make an up right slanting growth, which allows far closer cultivation. The limbs by pruning are caused to grow strong and able to support their fruit 0. L. Lewis. The Baldwin. I nm aware there Is a difference In the appearance of Itnldwln apples, as may be seen nt nny exhibition Where a number of samples are shown, yet they uro Baldwins just the same, but are grown under different conditions hence the difference In looks. There nro some who think that the Baldwin lias deteriorated and the fruit Is not Mint It was when first Introduced. do not believe this nt all. I do think. however, that the trees have In some cases been weakened by propagating them from scions taken from stunted and unhealthy beating trees or from tarvatioti.-Dr. Joseph B. Ward. A GLIMPSE OF TANGIER The Oddities of This Famous City of the Moors. ITS QUEER, WINDING LANES. :: II It ID 12th St.,' Below Commercial Short Orders and Oysters at All Hours. The Best the Market Affords Good Service Fresh Oyers always on hand from one pint . TONNIE THEAUDEAUS. -mm- mam URINARY DISCHARGES RELIEVED IN 24 HOURS Each Cap- sule bear.fMIDY) the nameSarv Bewart tf countertill ; ALL SBCQOISTS ; ............... No Whsslsd V.hlcl.i Art to Be Found There, and the Street of the Chris tians, the Main Thoroughfare, It Only Twenty Ftet In Width. First Impressions of a city like Tan gier are dlllk'Ult to give because of their enormous confusion. It Is a varlo gated and klnetoscoplc plcturo that one recalls of events since ono's arrival, full of motion and color, but devoid of order or sequence. It is as hard to ur range one's Ideas as to assemble one's coins of American, English, Spanish and Moorish mints, reduce them to pe setas and centlmos and get back tho right change when making a purchase. From the pier one passes into and up the main thoroughfare, or Street of the Christians, and here your first Idea of Tangier itself begins. Bare legs, flowing rolx's, red fesies, white turbans, donkeys, mules, men, women, children and produce pass before tho eyes, and a babel fills tho cars. The Street of the Christians is the widest In town, averaging twenty feet Others are ten, eight or as llttlo as six All are paved with rough cobblestones, and of course there Is no room for sidewalks. Wheeled vehicles there are noue, cither In Tangier or elsewhere In the country. Men and donkeys Jostle and push each other without ceremony, but with certain comity and mutual respect that comes of long and close as sociation. While your head Is turned a donkey with water casks protruding from both sides of his back will bump them against you, sending you careen ing against auother patient beast laden always overladen, it may be said with bags of grain. Houses are of masonry plastered out side and usually calclmlned with a slightly bluish tint to reduce the glare otherwise of unrelieved white. Mostly they are two and three stories In height, many with such windows at tbey have opening upon an Inside court and only narrow peepholes looking out upon the street Tula, taken together with the narrowness of the highways, makes It bard to distinguish architec tural landmarks as you go about From either side of the Street of tho Chris tiana queer lanes branch out and wind and cross and double and end with tan talising frequency in a blank wall. Finding oue'a way la beset with diffi culties and following directions hope less. Soon after nrrlval I decided to visit the American consulate. I fixed it upon the map as about two minutes' walk and dismissed my Moorish guide with scorn when he offered to accom pany me. An hour later I was thank ful merely to find myself again on the Street of the Christians and had for gotten all about the American con sulate. The next day I was bumble Into a scene of harmony and beauty. enough to let the guide show mo the way. ' Guide here are numerous, but, out side of a narrow limit, worthless on account of their slight acquaintance with English or any other tongue ex cept Spanish and their native Arable and their Inability or disinclination to do for you what you want Their main object seems to be to take you on don key rides when you would rather walk and divide your pesetas with the driver or steer you Into cafes, where they or def coffee which you do tot want, but for which, as an American and there fore A millionaire, you are expected to pay. On tho other hand, one cannot well do without these guides, because ho cannot auk a question of two words on the street or even pause to read a sign before he Is surrounded by a dozen interpreters interrupters would be better donkey drivers, street vend ers and beggars, each of whom thinks himself entitled to half a peseta for merely offering bis services. Ho, after all, It is as well to be bled by the guides, because while they are with you they drive off the other para sites, wishing to preserve your pesetas for their own better purposes, and It la a question of suffering at the bands of ono rather than otherwise support ing tho whole town. As an instance of the cosmopolitan character of the town, the owner of my hotel is an Englishman whose wife Is a Spaniard bora in Tangier. The French, British, German and Spanish governments maintain separate post- offices, but all take the money of the others. The first letter I mailed I took to the German postofBce, tender ed English money In payment and got back Spanish In change. If one baa occasion to send considerable mail it pays, I have been assured, to bay stamps in Moorish money, because all coin is accepted at Its face Talus at the postofflccs, but Moorish la so depre ciated for commercial purposes that It can be secured upon the most fa vorable terms of all from the money changers. Every "dog of a Christian" In Moroc co is living here by the tolerance of a people which Is 'little different now from what It was a thousand years ago, when the Moslem hordes swept across northern Africa and into Europe until halted by Charles Mattel on the field of Tours. This tolerance. It la true. Is one of long standing in the coast cities and likely to continue, but It must not be forgotten that it is a tolerance none the less and that these people are capa ble of both wild and wonderful deeds when aroused, as the record of their Invasions and the civilization of An dalusia attests. Arthur JX Warner la New York Tost. San Joss 8calt. Upon purple prunes, red apples, etc., the scales appear only as minute gray ipecks, usually clustered about the cav ities at cither end, but upon the yellow fruits, like pears, peaches and the yel low plums and apples, each scale pro duces a bright reddish discoloration. Slirubi and Climbers. Shrubs and climbers together, Judi ciously placed, will often transform a bare and dreary house and grounds FAT FOLKS ONE DOLLAR invested in a bottle of these wonder fuL harmless fat reducing tablets and in 30 days you will be a normal, well-formed person again. Don't carry around your ugly bulk, your ungainly superftous flesh. It makes yen miserable, ridiculous and what is more important, it subjects you to fata) consequences, sudden death from fatty Degeneration, Heart Disease, Kid ney Tiouble, Apoplexy and Musular Rheumatism all come from OVER. FATNESS. ANT1CORP0 E O V E S DEVELOP TH( BUST SHE'S A QUEEN SHE'S A SIREN is an expression that is always heard at sight of well developed woman. If you are flat chested, with BUST undeveloped, a scrawny neck, thin, lean arms-the above remark will never be applied to you. "SIREN wafers will make you beautiful, bewitching. They DE VELOP THE BUST in a few weeks from 3 to 6 inches and produce a fine firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill out the hollow places. Make the arms handsome ni. well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely and of perfect contour.' Send for a bottle odav ami vnn'ii k r.m,..A nA f..l KCItlPltlt . .... ' " IU waiers are absolutely harmless, pleasent to take and con venient to carry around. They are ;old under guarantee to do all t claim or MONEY back. Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or send DIRECT to us. ;. ,. ppCpDuring the next 30 days only-we will send you a sampW I IL,L,6ottle of these beautifying wafers on receiot of 10 cents tm -. oay cost of packing and portage if you will mention that yo saw the Advertisement in this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient if defects are trivial Desk 22 ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO. 31 West 125th St New York THE ROAD OF A THOUSAND WONDERS Shasta Route and Coast Line of the Southern Pacific Company Through Oregon and California Over 1300 miles of scenic beauty and interest attractive and tive. This great railroad passes through a country unsurpassed for tts scenic attractions, and introduces the traveler to the vast arena soon to become the scene of. the world's greatest industrial activities. .There is not an idle or uninteresting hour on the trip .and the variety of conditions presented excites wonder and admiration. Special Low Rate Tickets now on Sale at All Ticket Ota Portland to Los Angeles and Return Long limit on tickets and stop-over privileges. CorresDondinar rates from other points. Inquire of G. W. Roberts, local agent, for full particulars ana neipiui pubhcationa describing the country through which this great highway extends, or address WM. McMurray General Passenger Agent, Portland.' -''v ASTORIA & COLUMBIAOTER RAILROAD Only All RailiRoutelto- i PORTLAND EASTERNiPOINTS gTWO DAILY TRAINS Steamship Tickets via all Ocean Lines at Lowest Rates. Through tickets on sale. For rates, steamship and sleep ing-car reservations, call on or address ' G. B. JOHNSON, General Agent 12 th St., near Commercial St. Astoria, Oregon Thousands of Testimonials From Grate ful Persons Prove This YOUR MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS U A NTI-CORPU" is absolutely the greatest discovery in medicine for reducing FAT. It is made in the form of a little tablet out erf VEGETABLE matter and is easy and pleasant to take. It is endorse by every reputable Physician and College of Medicine. Ask your doctor. ( A ANTI-CORPU" is absolutely harmless. The formula used in making this preparation is on file in the Bureau of Chemistry in Washing ton, which is proof that it is PURE and HARMLESS. U A 4TI-CORPU" reduces FAT from 3 to 5 pounds a week. It reduces Double chin, Fat hips and flabby cheeks. No wrinkles result from this reduction, for it makes the skin close fitting and smooth. it A TI-CORPU" strengthens WEAK HEART, cures PALPITATION, SHORT BREATH and acts like magic in MUSCULAR RHEU MATISM and GOUT. Pfi ff 8 1 OO per bottle' Wonev back if Jt don't do all we JT11L.C U J. JJ ciaimi if your druggist does not keep it, show him this advertisement and make him get it for you, or you can send for it DIRECT to us. We pay postage and send in plain wrapper. PDFP 30 DAYS' TREATMENT IN EVERY BOTTLE. rKCC We will .semi vow a sample of this wonderful fat reducing rmeK on nvM t of 10 cents to pay for hostage and pack- uis , l he san le it"-n . sumcient to reduce the desned weight. 'enti-n this -per -- FSTHETIC CHEMICAL COH 31 West 125th Street', Njw York. N Y. To the First 500 Children Bringing this "Ad." and opening an account, we will denosit the first 50 cents. conrHtinnnl that tTi riA deposit 50 cents at time of opening account and one dollar per montn lor eleven months. The account will then be worth $12.00 besides 5 per cent, interest and is subject to withdrawal according to State law. Remember your account is secured by real estate. Children under fourteen eligible. THE BANKING SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS'C'N. 168 10th St. Phone Black 2184 STEEL & EWART Electrical Contractors Phone Main 3881 . . . . 426iBondtreet 0 W BAY BRASS & Bl ml ASTORIA, OREGON I ON AND BRASS FOUNDERS LAND AND MARINE EKCI3EEE3 Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery. ista ana mnkua Ave. Prompt attention gives i ill repah mA Tsi tisJa3Sl .