IGfie T.ac I I FOR :vA V 3 I Women BEEliHIVE Outfitters f MILLINERY SaleofPatteriilats All $12 Patterns for one week at ........ These hats were the choice QUESTION SETTLED FINALLY JUDGE McBRIDE QUASHES THE WRIT OF PEREMPTORY MANDAMUS AND SUSTAINS THE LAST RECENT ACT OF THE COUNTY COURT IN THE LOCAL OPTION MATTERS. ;.: . ; . 'T t The following despatch reached the office of the Morning Astorian at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, from C. J. Curtis, of the attorneys representing the County Court of Clatsop County in the pleadings yesterday before Hon. Thomas A. McBride, in the mat ter of the local option issues pending on the score of the recent writ of mandamus put out by that jurist: w "Houlton, Or, May 13, 1908. "Astorian, 4 "Astoria, Oregon: "Judge McBride has quashed the writ of mandamus. The action of the County Court is sustained- The County Court's act was a judicial one, and not subject to mandamus. There will be no election in pre- cincts numbers two and three. "(Signed), C. J. CURTIS." ' This puts an end to the legal con troversy and narrows the local option contest in this city to the efforts now on foot to re-open precincts numbers one, six and seven; and these matters must be left to the action wishes of the voting population of those wards at the polls on the first first of June next. SECRETARY METCALF. Will Spend Vacation in California About July 1. SAN FRANCISCO May 13 Sec retary of the Navy Victor H. Metcalf will leave for Washington this morn ing. " I am compelled to return to Washington at once," said the secre tary last night, "but I shall return about the first of July for my sum mer vacation which I will spend in California." Plan for Summer Comfort Don't add the heat of a kitchen fire to the sufficient discomfort of hot weather. Use a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove and cook in comfort. With a "New Perfection" Oil Stove the preparation of daily meals, or the big weekly "baking," is done without raising the temperature perceptibly above that of any other room in the house. If you once have experience with the . MEW I Wick Blue Flame 0Q Cook-Stove you will be amazed at the restful way in which it enables you to do work that has heretofore overheated the kitchen and yourself. The "New Perfection" Stove is ideal for summer use. Made in three sizes and all warranted. If not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency. $6 hats of the season. FULL TEXT OF THE DECISION JUDGE THOMAS A. McBRIDE'S DECISION IN MANDAMUS PROCEEDINGS REGARDING WITHDRAWAL OF SIGNA TURES. The full text of Judge Thomas A. McBride's decision on the local op tion contest is given below and it clearly states the reasons for it, and why the writs of mandamus were quashed. "Now at this time, this cause com ing on to be heard on a motion to quash the writs of mandamus hereto fore issued in the above-entitled ac tion and P. J. Brix against defend ants and the defendants appearing by C. H. Abercrotnbie and C J. Curtis its attorneys and after hearing argu ments of counsel, the court being fully advised in the premises, finds that the petition as passed upon by the de fendants, did not contain sufficient signatures to present the question of prohibition to the electors at the June election, and that six signers of said petition in precincts 2 and 3 of Astoria had withdrawn their names in writing prior to the determina tion of said matter and that said signers had a right to withdraw their names upon sufficient cause shown to the defendants. It is therefore or dered, adjudged and decreed that said writs of mandamus heretofore is sued in precincts 2 and 3 of the City of Astoria be and the same are hereby quashed. , Said order is made to both pre cincts. THOMAS A. McBRIDE, Judge. DYNAMITE STREETCAR. PENSACOLA, Fla., May 12.-Po- lice and private detectives made every effort last night and today to locate the persons guilty of the dynamiting of a streetcar operated by strikebreak ers last nieht No arrests have been made. The attempt to assassinate the motorman and conductor aroused considerable feeling. Neither motor- man nor conductor was seriously hurt. ' f nmhintinn ERFECTIORI TflUMT whether high or low is therefore free from disagreeable odor and can- not smoke. Safe, convenient, ornamental the ideal light If not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency. . STANDARD OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED (CM The Kind You Have Always In use for over 30 years, U Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Jut-n-firoMlnre but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is lMnuuint. II contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotlft substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cunw Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYO Bean the The Kind You HaYe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM( CtMTMia MUM. TT IHIIU) mW, fW MT. PECULIAR ACCIDENT. Professional Weight Lifter Crushed by Mass of Iron Is Dying. NEW YORK, May 13-Cntshcd by a mass of iron weights which he was attempting to lift, Warren Lin coln Travis, a professional weight lifter, is dying in a hospital. Travis was practising in a Brooklyn gym nasium for an exhibition which he intended giving at a park this sum mer, when the accident happened. He intended to lift 20 men on a plat form on his shoulders. Yesterday he arranged a platform resting on two horses and placed on the plat form dumbbells, three weights ag gregating about 3000 pounds in all. Twice he lifted the platform on his shoulders successfully but the third time one of the horses broke and the shifting of the weights that followed knocked over the other horse, which struck Travis, felling him. The en tire mass of weights crushed him to the floor. Unable to free himself, Travis shouted for help, and the jan itor of the gymnasium summonsed assistance from the street. Several men quickly removed the weights, but Travis, when removed to a hos pital, was found to be suffering from internal injuries, with a dislocated hip and scores of cuts and bruises. The surgeons say he will probably die. ACTORS' FUND DEFICIT. Wiliam H. Crane Offered a Resolu tion, That Was Adopted. NEW YORK, May 13-The twenty-seventh annual meeting of the Actors' fund of America was held yes terday. Less than fifty of the 1800 members were present. Daniel Frohman, the president, said that in the 27 years of the funds existance it had disbursed more than a million dollars to the needy, but that the last year had shown a deficit of $27,000. Wm. H. Crane said that the troub le with the actors is that it is hard to find them, when they are prosper ous. Thereupon the speaker offered a resolution to ask all the managers in America to insert a clause in the contracts to deduct from the fourth week the annual $2 dues for the fund. The resolution was unani mously carried. The following offi cers were elected for the ensuing year: Daniel Frohman, president; J. R. Grismer, vice-president; Tony Pastor, second vice-president; Henry B, Harris, treasurer; Frank McKee, secretary; Al. Hayden, F. A. Mackey, Wm. II. Crane, Heinrich Conreid, Jos. Brooks, Thos. McGrath and Frank Burbeck, trustees. CHARGED WITH FORGERY. LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 13 Chargcd with forgery on two counts, Dr. F. C. S. Saunders, promoter of a santarium at Sierra Madra was ar rested here yesterday and lodged in jail. He will be arraigned tomorrow. Bought, and which has been has home the slgmituro of and bos been made under nw per Konal annorvlslon since Its liifuncy. no one to deceive you in this. Signature of 3 AWARDED $6000 DAMAGES. Patent Medicine Concern Published a Bogus Testimonial With Young Saleswoman's Picture. NEW YORK, May 13.-Bccause a patent medicine concern published her picture and a testimonial which she said she did not give, Miss Fran ces Wynne, a saleswoman in a depart ment store, has recovered $6(XX) dam ages". Miss Wynne stated in her suit that while she was engaged in a prominent store a fellow worker told that he knew of a place where they could get their pictures taken without payment simply by allowing the photographer to display copies in his show window. Miss Wynne with her friend took advantage of the offer. Later she was astounded to see her picture in a newspaper advertisement of a patent medicine with a testi monial as to the good effects of the medicine, signed "Miss Elizabeth Wynne." Miss Wynne stated that the publication of the advertisement made her life unbearable. Her friends and fellow employes made fun of her and she was finally compelled to re sign her position. An agent for the medicine company testified that the testimonial was signed with Miss Wynne's consent and that she con sented to the publication of the pic ture. This Miss Wynne denied and the jury found in her favor. MRS. HOWARD GOULD. Bequeathed One Dollar by the Will of Her Father Who Died Last Week CHICAGO, May 13.-A dispatch to the Record-Herald from Pittsfield, 111., says: Mrs. Howard Gould, wife of the multi-nu'lionaire New Yorker, and her sister, Mrs. Sun Yue, wife of a ban Francisco Chinaman, were bequeath ed one dollar each by the will of their father, 'Solomon Perry Clemen, filed here yesterday. His estate, which is valued at $6000, is left to his widow during her lifetime, with the excep tion of the two dollars mentioned. Mr. Clemens, 70 years of age, was adjudged insane by a commission in the Pike county court, March 6 last, and sent to the asylum at Jackson ville, Ills. The commitment was for the remainder of his life and he died there May 8. He was totally blind and in a most serious physical condi tion. So far as known no word ever came t? the desolate man from either of his daughters, although they were apprised of his commitment to the asylum. On behalf of the girls it has been said that their father was not always kind to them and that they were practically forced to go out and combat the world for means to live. i Mrs. S. Joyce, 180 Sullivan St., Claremont, N. H., writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It cured me of a severe case of Kidney trouble of several years standing. It certainly is a grand, good medicine, and I heartily recommend it." JALITY GKOCERIES.... We sell quality groceries at pop ular prices and guarantee every thing we sell Acme Grocery Co. HIGH GRADE GROCERIES 321 COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE 681 THE JEWEL With Moving Pictures and Illus trated Songs is now open; Performances at The Bijou Dream has been discontinued ii Cor. i ith & OPPOSITE STAR THEATRE FREIGHT RATE. Entire Campaign Against Increase May Hinge on Case Now Be fore a Federal Court CHICAGO. May ll-Upon the de cision of Judge Kohlsaat of the fed eral court in the case of the Beatrice and Blue Valley Creamery Companies acainst the Pere Marquette, Grand Trunk and Michigan Central Railroads may hinge the entire campaign against the general advance in freight rates. Buried in a comparatively un important injunction suit in which the final arguments were heard yesterday Is the whole issue which will serve as a prevedent in the coming great con test. Judee Kohlsaat's decision will de termine whether a federal court has power to enjoin the railroads from advancing rates pending a hearing before the Interstate Commission which alone is granted power to de termine questions of unreasonable ness and discrimination, or whether t can sit only as a court of review iftcr the opinion of the commission has been given. The case in which udec Kohlsaat's decision will decide this question is the application of the Beatrice and Blue Valley Creamery Companies of Nebraska for a prclim- narv injunction to restrain the Michigan Central, Grand Trunk and Pere Marquette from advancing their freight rates on cream pending a learina before the Interstate Com merce Commission as to the reason- bleness of the advance. ITINERARY ARRANGED. SAN FRANCISCO, May 13.- Rear Admiral Charles S. Sperry will not succeed Rear Admiral Thomas as commander-in-chief of the Atlantic fleet until May IS but he already has arranged the itinerary of the big squadron for the first leg of its voy age after its departure from San Francisco. The mayors of the num erous California, Oregon and Wash ington towns which the big white and buff vessels will call on or pass by have been informed of the exact time of their arrival by the naval au thorities. This cruise will end at Puget Sound. May 20 will witness the arrival of the ships at the Columbia River lightship. At 3 a. m. on the 21st the big ships will arrive at the entrance of the Straits of Fuca. COFFEE Why Schilling's Best? Because it is best and your money is yours if you think you don't find it so. Your grocer return yoof montj II yon don'l Uk.it; we pay hiro Commercial f NEW TO-DAY The PaUc Restaurant The ever-increasing popularity of the Palace Restaurant is evidence of the good management, and the serv ice, at this popular dining room. For a long time the reputation of the house has been of the best and it does not wane as time progresses. The system used, that of furnishing the finest the market affords, and all an be obtained, in season, is plan that will always win, coupled at it it with the best of cooking and prompt service. A common ttying nowadays it "Get the Palace habit" The very beat board to be obtained In the city it at "The Occident Hotel Ratet very reasonable. The Commercial One of the coziest and most popular resorts in the city is the Commercial A new billiard room, a pleasant sitting room and handsome fixtures all go to make an aireeable meeting place for gentlemen, there to discuss the topics of the day, play a game of billiards and enjoy the fine refreshments serv-A ed there. The best of goods are only handled, and this faet being so well known, a large business is done at the Commercial, on Commercial street, near Eleventh. The Clean Man. The man who delights in personal cleanliness, and enjoys hit thave, shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As toria, alwayt goet to the Occident barber shop for these things and gets them at their bent GOOD WOOD. If you want good load of fir wood or box wood ring up KELLY th WOOD DEALER, The man who keepa the PRICES DOWN. Phone Main 2191 Barn, Cor. 12t and Dnane. New Grocery Store. Try our own mixture ot coffee the J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables. Barfc-Uct & Co., grocers. Phone Main 1281. Just received a new line of umbrella covert. See C. H. Orkwitr, 137 Tenth street IjAUI MAH1LUKIST KNCiAliK "The Modern," A. E. Petenen's beautiful tonsorial establishment, hat been further modernized by the per manent engagement of a highly train ed young lady manicurist, who will also serve the house as cashier. Subscribe for The Morning Astoriai 60 cents a riior.th.