The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 05, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUESDAY, MAY. 5, 1908.
.. ... THE JOY OF LIVING ... ..
Is not all in eating, but you would mrely enjoy some
for breakfast
lit IlltS III I I
One More Couple
''ft wcddinji license was issued yen
'tiny afternoon by County Clerk
won in favor of Mr. wiinam nor- , .
t ..; and Mis Anna Motion, both of County Sunday School Convention
. .... f . . I C..l....l
nf the official' naraohanalia of the of
fice of the fish warden which has 1en
in the Astoria Saving Bank Building,
preparatory to shipping the same to
his new office in the Oregonian build
inK in Portland. Me will return to
the tiictropolii this evening. -
After Manv Year .
When the steamship Koe. City ar
rived in port yesterday, there came
down her giyiKway a gentleman once
well known Were and happily rcmcm
tercd by many, K. ' II. Ketchum, of
Arroyo Grande, San Urn Obispo
county, Caliofrnii),' who being tired of
the lea. and with a thought of catch
inif siuht and a handshake, of home
ntd-tiine friend. disembarked and
took the evciiinir express for Tort
fand, for, Ketchum will return here
in a short while, and take a few dayi
off with hi old friend in Astoria,
chief of whom is Captain John W.
Habbidge, an old shipmate of his in
the day when both were younger.
this city.
And Still They Come-
Bernhard ' Martin Qlscn, a native
of Norway, yesterday filed hi dec
h laration of intention in the matter of
hit American citizenship, with
County Clerk Clinton.
More to the Good
Sheriff M. R. I'omcroy yesterday
turned over to the treasurer of the
county: William A. Sherman, the sum
of $816,52, tax collection for the
past week, and the further sum of
20.i0, fees received in the office iot
the amc period.
Stopped Off en Route
Judge E. 0. Potter, a prominent
citizen of tiugenc, was a passenger
in tni the steamer Breakwater on
Sunday last, having been to Marsh
field m matter of business in con
nection with the State University.
He dropped off here to greet omc
old friends and took the evening train
Sunday for the metropolis and home.
At 9 o'clock last evening a fire
alarm was turned in from Box No.
14. at the McCregor mills, caused by
the sawdust beneath the plant catch
ing fire. No" serious damage was
done, v and the department had no
trouble in putting t out in short
Off For Norway
Mrs. V. V. Walters, of Seattle, who
has been the guest of her sisters,
Mrs. L. A. Larson and Mrs. Tcter
Cimre, of this city, for the past sev
eral weeks, left yesterday morning
for a protracted visit to her old home
in beautiful Norway. She will remain
there for an indefinite period of time.
New Fiah Warden Here ,
Master Fish Warden H. C. McAl
lister is gathering up the loose ends
Tli Clatson County Sunday School
convention will be held in the Metho
dist Church at Seaside. Friday and
Saturday of this week, Speakers from
abroad as .well as a number from the
schools of the .county will take part
on the program. Extensive prepara
tions have been made for an excellent
convention. The Astoria Sunday
schools will be largely represented.
No Trial Needed-
Hsnrv Boardman. the young man
arrested at Rainier on Saturday last
and brought back to this city by Dep
uty Sheriff Arch. McLean, on a charge
of having stolen $47.50 from his em
ployer, Frank Scott, at Seaside, was
dismissed from, Justice Uootiman s
i-oiirt vterdav. the maticr naving
un ...nlrd between " himself and
Mr. Scott without the intervention of
the law.
the best in the world
50c a Pound,
Formally Withdrawn-
Thomas Linville, police patrolman,
mhn tiii.t filed a oetition with the
rntmtv authorities, as an independent
Republican candidate for the ottice oi
Mh.riff at 1 comma election, has
withdrawn that document, tn con
formitv with his published declaration
of intention to do the same, which ap
pcared jn these columns some days
Opens Tomorrow
The .Hon. County , Court tor ciai
sop County wilt nicer - wmuirvw
morning in regular session, (or the
nimtth of Mav. and perhaps for the
last time with just the same official
linc-uD. The court intends to give
emiecial attenion to the development
of some of the leading road interests
r,t tu innntv this summer and a
number of the most important, in
eluding the Tillamook connections,
nn,t ti rhnch-roads will receive at
In the Police Court-
Three disciples of 'John Barleycorn
were before his honor Judge Ander
son in the police court yesterday af
ternoon and two were assessed the
customary $5.00 or two days and the here on the day the war fleet goes
- . . i i - .... ....
other who was mixed up in a ngni north' oast Astoria s doors, ana tms
ere i iii if drunk will I "rW Ttinrne" at the As-
contribute $800 to the city's funds Lria Theatre Sunday Evening, May
. . i r-i. :f l.
or lit llic guesi oi ncims V""-' MU
Obcrg for four days. One who had
deposited $10 bail did not appear and
upon the recommendation of city At
torney Abercrombie his bail was de
clared forfeited. ,
An Equable Montlf-
Accordinii to the statistics on the
weather of April last, kindly furnish
ed by Weather Observer J. J. Kelli
her, of the North Head station, that
month was an equable period, -he
highest tcnioerature was 30.52 de
crees: the lowest lout pre
cipitation for month, 3.34 inches;
greatest in given 24 hours, 1.08 inches,
on 16th-17th. A 17-milc wind prevail
fnr th,. month as an average, with
V . . 7 , ,
the highest velocity uor nve mm
utesi on the 16th. of 85 miles an
hour. t
committee will report at the next
meeting of the association. .The as
sociation enjoyed a delicious lunch
eon before adjournment last evening.
These business, men of Astoria are a
keen and active set and have done
great deal of good in a quiet way
since their organization, and they
have done it without any accompany
na noise, show or difficulty, a fact
that speaks for itself.
For Typewriter Supplies see Lenora
Bcnoit, public ttenograpber, 477 Com
mercial street.
For the Bohemia District
J. A. Fastabend, of this city, de
parts this morning on the o:u ex
press for the Bohemia mining dis
trict of Oregon, and he will have
headquarters at Orsccai Lane County,
(or some months to come. He has
large interests there, and intends to
nm&mit them to a finality before
i - - -
he returns. He is president and gen
cral manager of the Mayflower Min-
inir Company, a concern wnicn nas
lame and promising properties there,
and the fact that it has just installed
a 125-ton-capacity per day Vaughn
crushing mill, indicates that there is
something doing, or to be done.
M. R, Pomeroy, sheriff, to Martin
Foard, et al. acreage in sec 33-7-9;
W. J. Ross et ux'to W. R McFar-
lome, 10 acres, in D C Ramey, D. L.
C; $1.
U. S. to John. Nordstrom, 160 acres
in sec. 3t-7V.
U S. to H. S McCormick, 160 acres
in ec. 32-7-9.
U. S, to Lot Gilmore, 160 acres
sec. 32-7-9.
Grimes Grove Land Co to S. Louise
Patton, lot 12, Grimes Grove; $165
Caniain Oscar Wicklund. of the
Point Adams life savers, wis in the
city yesterday on business
Otto Mikkelsen, of Portland, was
The Kind You Have Always Boujrjbtf and which has been
in use for over 30 years, fca borne the signature of
ana Has Dccn maae nnuer dm per-,
sonal ropcrvislon Blnce lt Infancy.
cUcuAi Allow no one to deceive you In this.
ii rnnmtTfu. TmltatlonaandJnt-a-eood"arebnt
ISxpcrlmentu that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infant and OaJldren-Experlence against Experiment.
Cautorla 1 a harmless Buhrtltnte for Castor OIL Pare
goric, Drop and Soothingf Syrups. It U Pleasant.
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NarcoU
substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays teverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic, It relieves Teething Troubles, enras Constipatloa
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate the ,
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ,
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
m i iiMMBMrmiwiir
The Kind You HaYe Always
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Holiday In Prospect-
Since the fleet cannot and will, not
come to the people of Astoria, and is
going to be within easy view ot the
hlnff. iettv and uo-lands at the mcrtith
of the river on a certain date not tar
away, there is a concerted movement
afoot to have the stores, mills, fac
tories and plants of the city give a
general holiday so that all hands may
drift ocean-ward and take a leisurely
gaze ot the majestic group of war
ships as they flock north to the
Sound country. Astoria does not
have any too many holidays anyway,
,and one more wont come amiss.-
The Spring Exodus-4
Tkia it tin- tason when thoughts
of the old home back cast or across an over-Sunday visitor among his As
the seas, or elsewhere abroad on the tona friends
..-.rlh rnma tn till f ."ISV-CTOinCr AS-
V U I ... u v. .
inrlm an.1 tip n!rk ll r his fanvilv Valued Same as Gold,
and hies him away for a month or ,B. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar
tuff tA lfirfi the nromise he has View. Miss., says: "I tell my cus
K-.n mni-imr fnr vtars to . the "old tomers when they buy a box of Dr.
fii-e ,t hnmi.." Anion those who Kine's New Life Pills they get the
are in this humor may be mentioned worth of that much gold .in weight, f
Ben Young, who left out last1 night afflicted with constipation, maiana or
for British Columbia to visit his biliousness." Sold under guarantee at
dauchtcr. Mrs. W. P. Ogilvie; Mr. Charles Rogers & Sons drug store.
and Mrs. Henry Zapf and family, 25c
who deuarts this morning for Sauk
Rapids, Minn., for several months'
stay aud a broader trip returning;.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Young, and
Miss Young, who took the 6:10 ex
press last evening for Tell City, Ind ,
to spend the summer.
Shasta Route and Coast Line of the
Southern Pacific Company
Through Oregon and California
Over 1300 miles of scenic beauty and" interest-attractive and instruc
tive. This great railroad passes through a country unsurpassed for it
scenic attractions, and introduces the traveler to the vast arena soon to
become the scene of the world's greatest, industrial activities. There i
not an idl or uninteresting hour on the trip ,and the variety of conditiont
presented excites wonder and admiration.
Special Low Rate Tickets now on Sale at All Ticket Officse
Portland to LosJAngeles and Return
Long limit on tickets and stop-over privileges. Corresponding rates from
other points. Inquire of G. W. Roberts, local agent, for full particular!
and helpful publications describing the country tarough wtucft tms great
highway extends or address .' . . ,
WM, McMurray f
. - v
General Passenger Agent, Portland.
Columbia River Smoked Shad..
Cured by an expert, with just enough, heat
and smoke to leave the natural jukes of the
meat intact, is a palatable and.delicate treat
'20 Cetits Per Pound .
Scholfield, Mattson & Co.
" 120 TO 124 TWELFTH STREET. ' -
Leaves for Europe Today
Dr. Ausust M. Kinney, son of Dr
and Mrs. Alfred Kinney, of this city,
leaves Portland this morning for
London, with his wife (nee Miss
Maud Buckston, of Forest Grove, to
whom' hcJ was married on Wednes
day last) to take up his post-gradu
ate work under the celebrated phy
sician Sir E. Wright. , .After con
cludine his special studies with this
eminent practitioner, Dr. Kinney will
go to Berlin for several months, and
from there to the great sanitarium of
Dr. Turban, at Dafonne, Switzerland.
After finishing his European courses
he will return to New York city and
take a position as assistant surgeon
at the Bellevue Hospital, under Dr.
Gill-Wylie. There arc scores of
friends in Astoria and Oregon who
wish this capable young physician all
thm ciipss his devoted study and
earnest ambition can achieve.
For a
Johnson Phonograph
Parlora Second Floor Over Scholfield & Mattson Co.
uay iO
Bertha M. Clay's Beautiful
Love Play :
Dramatized by
Lem.B. Parker '
Prices 25, 35, 50, 75
Clerks do Business
The. Astoria Retail Clerks' Asso
ciation was in regular and formal 9cs
sion last evening, and added a group
six to their roster. They also
oasscd a resolution to stand by the
Astoria fiirht for the fisheries bill at
the suggestion of the Cigarmakers' h gt . BeJ0W Commercial
m r . ' . Art 1 ' .
Union Men wno were yrcscm
save the industry on the Columbia,
and will contribute in the neighbor
hood of $40, in this behalf, when the
committee appointed to see the in
dividual members shall have done its
lunrt A committee was also
named and charged to confer with Fresh Oysters always on hand from
ii th morrlinnta nf the citv. on the I one pint UD
matter of making a popular holiday! TONNIE THEAUDEAUS.
Short Orders and Oysters a
All Hours. The JJesttne
Market Affords' ;
Good Service
Only All Rail Route to
Steamship Tickets via all Oceanl Lines
at Lowest Rates. Through tickets on
sale. For rates, steamship and sleeping-car
reservations, call on or address
G. B. JOHNSON, General Agent
12th St., near Commercial St. ' Astoria, Oregon
Gold Fish
25c and 35c Each -
Hildetrand & Got
Old Bee Hive Bldg.
The greatest tea-drinkers
are -full -bottom Dutch
men. There isn't much
nervous prostration in
Tom trocar returns rr mon U T '
k Bcbiuine'i Batti w p7 bi
Fresh Chocolates,
Candies, etc. ,
Made fresh every day in our
own factory.
843 Commercial Street