The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 02, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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B vdvt f.K yin i vtmr' I'ririfBon: unu l a m "ar m, m ew -r m j- -. w w - -. ,
Judge Trciiclmrd ba made an order CHICAGO, May l,-A federal , iiiAvtnrnn
. ... ...J. j.. kMni sf uiu .hail at. , i I II r.I It Yl IT C
i nat incite aumi oe turncu uvcr w uw '" v . v. " , . war 11 a- it a
h not all in eating but you would surely enjoy some
1 for breakfast '
guardian of the two people at inter
est, and the estate cloned and admin
istratrix discharged, and her bond re
leased in due time. -
Opinion Filed
City Attorney
Charles II. Abcr-
over the work of the various itate
railroad commissions and obviate
much litigation and litigation and
legal jurisdiction dispute between
federal and state courts was advocat
ed by C. W. Mott, general immigra
tion agent of the Northern Pacific
in oi l ii
Dr. C. W. Barr Returns
Dr. Barr, the dcntlt, hu returned
from a visit to his ranch on Cray'i
River and is again at his office to at
tend to his professional work.
Marco Barcovlch Dead
Chut, if. Abcrcrombie, $S;"M. Franc
tovich, $5; N. Simonscn, $5; Frank
Schcidnagcl, $10; Foard & Stokes
Hardware Company, f25 Pacific Iron
Works, $1U; Axel . Jacobscn, $5;
American Importing Company, $20.
Alarm, But No Damage-
' At 10:40 o'clock yesterday morning
an'alartn was turned in, coming from
u. rv..n,ii- ul i !( t home ot ur urni reeeivnl tuiliiv bv M. G. if... I L'iniu urnt derationed by
f.v.w - 1 ' 1IIMV, - , w
Franetovich that Marco Bcrcovich, ,brnjng chimney. Chemical No. 1 an
i t !... , ai.!.r IfMfl . a . a . . I -a a t aufti
who formerly resided Hi this city, died
in Portland Thursday. The funeral
will take place in that city on Sunday.!
PUt Filed
The plat of Tolovana, a tract at Elk
Creek laid out by M. S. Warren wa
filed in the office of the city clerk
yesterday. The county court will pass
! ...... hi th next nicrt-
UJIUII il ii vv "
A Good Example
Cigar Makers' Union held a meet
ing last night and voted to donate one
full day's wage to the fund now be
ing subscribed for in regard to legis
lation for the protection of the fish
ing industry.
Business 11 Growing
The postal receipts at the Astpria
office for the month of April, 1908,
amounted to $2455.69, asagainst the
sum of $1978.58 for the same month in
1907; an Increase of $477.11; this, ac-
cording to mc niuuuu; m"
filed by Postmaster John Hahn.
To the Metropolia
Hon. John C. McCue was a pas
scnger for Portland on last night's
6:10 express; he goes up to attend to
business in several courts, including
the county court of Multnomah, and
the United States district court. He
will be gone for several days.
Additions! Subscriptions
The committee having in charge
the collecting of subscriptions for the
campaign relative to legislation for
the protection of the fishing industry,
report the following subscriptions:
R. H. Bocntgcn, $10; John Hahn, $10;
Sheriff rumcroy, $10; C. J. Trench-
1 ard, $5; Carl Knutscn, $2.50; C. W.
. Spriggs,' $2.50; John Haggblom, $10;
.wcred on the fly and the matter was
attended to without loss, scar or dam
age. Progress on New Road
Construction work on the ew road
from Skipanon to the beach is pro
gressing rapidly and tne coumy coun
expects to have the road open for
travel by May 15th. The opening oi
Hi road will make a safe and pleas
ant access to the ocean beach, a trip
which heretofore could not be made
with an degree of safety to the
Going tA Finland
John Harry left last evening tor a
visit to his mother in Finland- He ex
pects to stop along the way in the
Northern States and will be absent
about four months. Mrs. Harry will
.nnu him . in Minnesota and
will viMf with friends while her hus
band is abroad.
Invited to Seattle-
Mayor John Franklin and Josiah
Collins of the reception and entertain
ment committee of Seattle have in
vited Mavor Wise to attend the fes-
tivities in honor of the omcers ana
men of the Atlantic fleet which it is
expected will be in Elliott Bay on the
29th of this month. .
the best in the world
50c a Pound,
Finishing the Checking
F. I. Nelson, the expert mapper
who compiled the property maps for
the assessor's office in this county,
and who has been here for several
davs. checking up the map books and
th tntriea therein, completed the
work, yesterday afternoon, and re
turned to the metropolis on the even
mg train.
To Speak Here Soon
Arrangements are being made to
secure a hall or the Astoria theatre,
for the ourooses of an address to be
delivered by the Hon. C. E. S. Woods,
the well known Portland attorney and
thnmnion in chief of the single tax
theory. Details will be forthcoming
ina few days..
Probate Order
In the matter of, the estate and
guardianship of Mary Erickson, in
sane, and of Stener Erickson, a minor,
Ildred'Jcldness. administratrix, has
filed a report in court, showing that
the estate is ready for settlement, with
la to have the cleanest store and the best grade of
groceries to be found in the city.
Is to have the patronage of people who are particular
what they eat.
Scholfield, Mattson & Co.
For a
cronibic has filed with the auditor the aRilroad in an address yesterday be
written ooinion asked for by the coun- lore tne i ramc uur. ; ,
cil relative .to the authority of the "The traffic departments of all
city, to. compel property owiicri to raiiroau during tne last year ana
kcD the streets and sidewalks in front half, have been in a kaleidoscopic
of their property free from obstruc- form," said Mr. Mott, "and I think
Hons such as earth, ice, snow, etc. He that it one central oooy couia aavise
...i.... .,.!..i 7t nt h rtiartr and and trovcrn. many changes. would be
also to ordinance No. 1574 and adds made which would be beneficial both
that audi cases have been decided by to the railroads and to the public.
I. or.urt in lip a uroiwr exercites of "In the .case of a road which tra-
police power; and the enforcement of verses aeven or eight different states
such ordinance is the most effective ana is subject to tne aiciaiion oi
method for keeping the streets and many different state railroad commis
sidewalks in condition for use and sions a traffic manager has to be gov-
4 t t a .a'
travel by the public. Itmea largely ny gentlemen some oi
. . iwnom nave nau nine training ur
Off For the East knowledge of the business they are
'puu .iinmimrV X-?() rKiiri-si for I endcavorinc to direct. The refcent
... ...... .....B - I .
p.ti j.,,1 i.9r from thin citv Colonel (decision of the Minnesota rate case
and Mrs. John V. White and Miss by the United States Supreme Court
White. The colonel and bis wife win Its a Help in tne ngnt direction.
go to St. Loin for a two weeks' visit "Our commercial life and trade re-
with friends, and Mis White con- Nation have become so broad ana
tinue on to New York, City, where extensive and the railroad and steam-
she will remain until joined by her ship line have developed intertate
parents, when the family will proceed trade to such an extent that we vir-
dircct to Fort Williams, Maine, the tually have outlived the doctrine of
new official assignment of Colonel state rights or state control a far
White. a intere-statc railroads and inter-
-i - . tate trade are concerned, and it
Over From Gray River would be tar better to ao Dusiness
the active and ood I with one central body under federal
ular citizen of Gray' River, apent the laws which will be absolutely fair
day in Astoria yesterday on matters and equitable between tne people iiv
of business and pleasure. He reports ing in the different state and not giv
things going along swimingly over at ing any one state an opportunity to
the Pacific county dairy center and I have radical laws acinmcmai to me
everybody hard at work and happy interests of the people in other
with the best prospects they have ever states."
had which is saying much, considering
that the people over in the neighbor- BISHOP POTTER ILL.
hood have never known any dubious -
prospects. m to VDanaon rarutipauuu m
i i, I tnurcn wort.
Cheerful Northahore Newt ' V
Editors. G.Williams, of the Skam- NEW YORKMay I.-Announce-
ofcawa F.aale. was a business visitor ment was made last night that the
in this city yesterday, and reports the Right Rev. Henry Codman Potter,
northshore metropolis as moving isnop ot inc episcopal ioc u.
Uni lirartiK- Il avs the shincle New York, is so seriously ill that he
mills arc all at work again and busy has been forced to abandon his par-
with plenty of orders; but the weav- ticipation in the anatrs ot tne cnurcn.
cs arc suffering from the wrist-ache, For a week Bishop Potter has been
consequent upon their long enforced confined to a room in residence
idleness.' The trade is hampered only on West 89th street, suffering from
by the extraordinary activity of the the effects of a physical breakdown
boats which are so busy they have no due to overwork. His condition, which
time to come into port there for the by his physician and by those friends
output, half often enough. who have Men him is admitted to be
grave has been made worse by at-
May-Day Pleasure tacks 0 st0mach and liver trouble.
Ninety little people of the first and Bisn0p Potter is 74 years old and
second grades at the McClure school, until the day ms heaith gve way he
indulged yesterday in a round of May- insistcd on dojng as mUch work as
Day pleasures for them by their teach- (lone by men much younger arid
ers, Mrs. A. L. Fulton . and Miss stronger. There 'was a slight im-
Esthcr Anderson. There were May provement in his conditions yester-
dances and a May-pole and the gar- day when ;t became possible for him
lands wherewith the people was wound ,0 git on a coucb jn j,is room for a
up to the kit of May songs sung by short time He js stjji very weak,
the fresh young voices; and when the howcveri Dr. Janvren, Bishop Pot
May sunshine faded before a belated a.,pn(iiff nhvsician. could not
April shower, the youngsters swarmed concea his fears. "I hope," he said,
into the building and completed the ..tlm Bishop Potter's condition is not
schedule of the day, in which some i th:g stae of his
pretty baskets, laden with numberless L, not critical, and I am glad
good things to eat, cut very palpable , h b, to sav he is better how
and palatable figure. a little better' than he was three or
Following up an Ideal- , " days ago. I cannot deny, how-
Down on the Skipanon, amid the ever, uuc ne vry . ..
...i i .i,' .o., f down is purely physical. Mentally he
spring vviuuic onu me joh w. . - .
the sea winds, there is a dandy little the same capable man he a ways
five-acre ranch fast developing into an nas BCC"' ",s
ideal home-site and revenue-producer, was brought about by the tremendous
under the devoted culture of Messrs. amount of hard work he did. trouoie
Arthur and Charles Tee, brothers of stomacn ana ot tne liver aaueo
City Surveyor A. S. Tee. These gen- to his burdens."
tlemen arc training a bit of an Eden . .
out of the woods down there, and Mrs. S. Joyce, 180 Sullivan street,
nursing any number of promising and Claremont, N. H., .writes: About
delightful things, such as several year a& bought two bottles of
hundred chickens and ducks and Foley's Kidney Cure. It cured me of
strawberries and celery and all man- a severe case of Kidney trouble of
ncr of admirable things to look upon several years' standing. It, certainly
and to eat, and, withal, a -philosophic ia a grand, good medicine, and I heart
peace of mind not attainable short of y recommend it." T. F. Launn, Owl
such interesting semi-solitude. Drug Store. . . .
Auto-Day on Waterway , new YORK, May 1 Samuel B.
A group of Astoria automobilists Honnelly, secretary of the Board of
are preparing planes for an odd, yet Arbitration of the Building Trades,
pleasant, tour in ineir ta.s, i.c..c w w,n san tor ranama next luonaay
Seattle, to meet the great Armaaa, on on a mission, the exact nature ot
or about the 20th instant. The idea, which he will not at present dis-
novel, and practicable, is for the cars ciose,
l run nti linnril (inc Cii the hllCfC I T r.n..etorl tn on
barges here, anil with their respective was aboitt all he would say about the
parties of ladies and gentlemen, the pr0p0sed trip except that he would
...V. .Ia rMiAm tn ht. towd direct tO AnM.K!.m Kfivinaee!, nlAacurp. He
i aaviv vvmwt -w - uuuiuuiv u una 111.0.3 rr w - -
Kelso, Wash., where they will w;n De away four weeks and expects
take the very passable roads thence t0 see everything of the labor con
to the Sound metropolis, and return- ftitinns on the canal zone which
ing the same way. The party is likely tht period of time will permit
inriiifie inc Lais ucivitjtiUK . 1 111
Shasta Route and Coast Line of the
Southern Pacific Company
Through Oregon and California
Over 1300 mile of scenic beauty and interest attractive and instruc
tive. Thi. great railroad passe through a country unsurpassed for it ;
scenic attractions, and introduce the traveler to the vast arena soon to
become the scene of the world' greatest industrial activities. .There i
not an idle or uninteresting hour on the trip ,and the variety of condition
presented excites wonder and, admiration.
Special Low Rate Tickets now on Sale at All Ticket Officse
Portland to Los Angeles and Return
Long limit on ticket and top-over privilege. Corresponding rate from
other point. Inquire of G. W. Robert, local agent, for full particulars
and helpful publications describing the country through which this great
highway extends, of address
WM. McMurray
General Passenger Agent, Portland.
That We Pay 6 Per Cent.
It is for you to answer. . We have the investment se
cured by the best' city property. You have the
money to invest. We take large or small amounts.
A line or a call will put us at your service.
168 Tenth St Astoria, Ore.
Phone Black 2184.
Many Opportunities.
Almost ,everyohe is blessed with
opportunities for saving money.
Are you availing yourself of these
timely opportunities to increase your .
funds? The money you save now
will be one of the greatest joys of the
j future. Start an . accdunt with this ,
institution. Interest paid on savings ac
counts and time certificates of depoait
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President
O. L PETERSON, Vice-'President
J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cufcitf
Astoria Savings Bank
. Capital Paid in $108,00a Surplus and Undivided Profits, jSnflOO.
Transects a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Eleventh and Duane Sts. Astoria, Orejrea.
For Sale, or Rent ,
1 large seining float, 56x32; 3, gooa
rooms, all complete for instant use;
alse float, for stable, or cooking pm
poses, 60 feet by 24. Apply to John
Sandstrom, Clatskanie. 4-30-3t
Johnson P
honograph Go,
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is best
for women and children. Its mild ac
tion and pleasant taste makes it prefer
able to violent I purgatives, such as
pills, tablets, etc. Get the booklet and
a sample of Orino at T. F. Laurin,
Owl Drug Store. . '
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Carlson left
vesterday morning for Long Beach
for a few days' visit. 1 '
Mrs. M. T. Kindred and Miss han-
AreA of Warenton. were in the city
yesterday on matters of business and
pleasure. :
State Senator J. G. Megler came
over from the northshore yesterday
(nr one of his freauent and friendly
visits to the City by the Sea. '.
Mrs. E. M. Baker arrived in the
city 011 the noon express yesterday on
an errand combining social and busi
ness elements, and will return to the
metropolis this morning. , .
Notice to Our Customers. '
We are Dleased to announce that
PoleV's Honev and Tar for coughs,
colds and lung trouble is not affected
by the National Pure Food and Drug
law as it contains no opiates or other
harmful drugs, and we recommend it
as a safe remedy for children ana
adults. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug
Disturbed the Congregation.
The person who disturbed the con
gregation last Sunday by a continually
coughing is requested to. buy a bottle
of Foley's Honey and Tar. T. F.
Laurin, Owl Drug Store. , ,
Kemp' Balsam be esie cough eure
for it contain nothing thai earn ham
you. It is tne best cougn cure, dui
costs no more than any other kind. All
druggist sell it
Parlors Second Floor Over Scholfield & Mattson Co.
Messrs. G. C. Fulton, G. W. Sanbqrn,
F. A. Fisher, P. A. Stokes, Frank L.
Parker, Dr. O. B. Estes and Dr. 'J.
A. Fulton. The trip can be easily
made between sunrise and sunset, and
will be unique in character and de
lightful in oerformance; and they will
all see the fleet, which is the main
thing, of course.
For Infants and Children.
tits Kind Ycii Hstb Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Valued Same as Gold,
B. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar
ViW. Miss., savs: "I tell my cus
tomers when thev buy a box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills they get the
worth of that much gold in weight, if
affliVtwl with constipation, malaria or
biliousness." Sold under guarantee at
Charles Rogers & Son's drug store.
25c. '
' Tea is not infallible;
moneyback makes
amends. "We are not, in
the least, uneasy about
the money. .
Tear grocer returni your ntaer U yoe doe'l
M SchUltof'a Beat: wa par bim.
Lane'a Family Medicine cannot aave
all doctor bills, but. can save a good
hare of them. One two-shilling pack
age has kept a whole family in good
Fresh Chocolates
Candies, etc. .
Made fresh every'day In our
own lactory, 1
843 Commercial Street,'