THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1908. The MORNING ASTORIAN Published 1373. Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. wu. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year $7.00 Bv carrier, per month.. 60 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. y mail, per vtar, in advance.. ..$1.50 Entered as second-class matter July 36. 1906, at the postoffice at Astoria, Oregon, under the act of Congress of . March 3, 187 C Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence w place of business may oe maae oy postal card or through telepnone. Any wreeularitv in' delivery should be im mediately reported to the office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. THE WEATHER Oregon, Washington, Idaho Show ' ers and cooler. A GOLD FACTOR. Now comes a brilliant scientist, a man of repute, of recorded achieve ment, and declares he can, and will, manufacture gold of a finess exceed ing Government standards, at the rate of $100,000,000 a year, at a cost of 10 cents on the dollar. He has discov ered the secret of transmutation and proposes to market it at an enormous profit and to give his Uncle Samuel the first go at it No man of today, who is abreast of the progress of the hour, is at all sur prised;1 this thing has been expected for thousands of years; and that it comes now, in the common course of big and marvelous developments along scientific'lines, causes no ripple of amazement, but takes its fixed and leading place in the-commercial pro gram, along with air-brakes, electric lighted channel depths, wireless teleg raphy and telephony, etc., etc.; and as long as the secret is guarded in violably and the processes remain un patented as at present, it will be the arch-triumph of the day. Once the bars are down however gold - will rank with copper and new standards will rise with radium perhaps as the crux. Ten-cent gold has long been a cherished dream of the editorial fra ternity; we have yearned for it with an earnestness paralleled only by the hopelessness of the dream; and now the blamed stuff comes hurlting along with a commercial tag on it and all the prescriptive barriers known to the law and the obnoxious cupidity of its discoverer and exploiters;, but dis appointment is our daily portion, and philosophy our refuge; hence, while passively regretting, our exclusion from the new field and its "Easy street" program, we rejoice in the marvel and wish it limitless success, even to the undoing of Wall street. ROESSLERIZE THE WORK! If the government of this country is anxious to have the Columbia jetties completed within reasonable time and at a cost within the appropriation just maae in mat oenau, as ine people oi the Columbia Valley are", Col. S. W. Roesslcr will be retained at his post in this district and given a free hand in the work. The eternal shifting of responsibility for this splendid im provement has been the prime cause for its useless dragging and long- delayed completion. The scheme needed Roesslcrizng, and is getting it, to the abounding good of the enterprise and the satisfaction of the people of both States at inter est, especially those of Oregon. The man and his methods are wholly ac ceptable here and there is no ques tion whatever of the popular desire to see the jetties finished. It is known, too, that Colonel Roessler is particu larly well disposed toward the dredger system and will recommend the use of one or more powerful machines on the bar and in the river; that he will do all that an officer and engineer of his standing may do, toward the full development and maintenance of the commerce ot the Columbia. here- fore, he is the right man in the right place, and the Government at Wash ington should be made to realize the urgency and efficacy of his staying right here, with ample authority and means to wind up one of the most notable, and sorely needed improve ments in the country. LABOR'S POLITICAL METAL. President Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor, gives forth the warning, that unless the plea of labor upon the bills'pending in Congress to day, is granted, the country is going to hear from organized labor at the polls of November as it has never heard before. And perhaps it were well that the nation should get just such a message from the wage-earners; they are, numerically, the most powerful factor in the electoral field ot America, and certainly have a wide margin of inspiration, and a long list of approved claims subject to popular correction and enforcement. But, labor has slept on its rights for so many years; has ignored the polls as a medium for the accomplishment of its ends, choosing ' the grosser and more futile channel of the strike; has failed so signally in sending its best men to the front, politically; has al lowed itself to be dominated so often, and warped so far, by mere "mouthers," instead of setting up its clean, capable and responsible men, that its threat of reprisals is taken with a gran of salt by those who, un der other conditions, would champion their cause in a hundred ways. The fact that they are going to enter the field of national politics is of grave interest and deep significance, provid ed they do not come with wholesale demands and unpoised champions. They should know their own power, and people, and use both wisely in a ; rational campaign for rational ends. Ably led, with a moderate, primary, schedule of real needs, there is no reason why they should not take fun damental place in the electoral scheme of the country and command the respect and success all great par ties command when they present car dinal and conscience-proven pleas and programs. EDITORIAL SALAD Our 19 first-class battleships in the Facitic, along with the record for the best marksmanship, looks like a suf ficient provision in that quarter to keep the peace. Two leviathan battleships, with sub marines and other auxiliaries, could j make a great defensive fight, and Uncle Sam has no desire to be unduly formidable in any other program. An immigrant who landed in New I York last week brought nine children j and a plow. He can sell the plow to museum of antiquities, and learn to ride, American fashion, while the mel low soil curls over. With the mikado barred from the stage and wooden Indians banished from Oklahoma, the burlesque artist will shortly be compelled to restrict himself to such good humored folks as John Bull and Brother Jonathan. Alton B. Parker will head the New York delegation at Denver, which is a dramatic fact for thd contemplation of Mr. Bryan. Mr. Parker will be as welcome there to the Bryanites as the apparition of Banquo'at the Mac beth festivities. GOOD NEWS. Many Astoria Readers Have Heard it and Profited Thereby. "Good news travels fast," and the thousands of bad back sufferers in Astoria are glad to learn that prompt relief is within their reach. Many a lame, weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills. Our citizens are telling the good news of their experience with the Old Quaker Remedy. Here is an example worth reading: J 1 Artnur Rooke, 412 Duane street, storia, Ore., says: "At the time I be gan using Doan's Kidney Pills I was suffering severely from pain in my back and shoulders which descended at times into my limbs. The pains seemed to be as severe during the night as in the day and many times interfered with my rest. At one time I was so lame that I was unable to stoop over to lace my shoes without suffering acutely. My kidneys were so irregular in action and the secre tions were in a terrible condition. At last a friend recommended Doan's Kidney Pills to me so highly that I procured a box at Chas. Roger's drug store. They helped me from the first and I continued using them until I was entirely free from kidney com plaint. I am 'now entirely well and it gives me pleasure to recommend a remedy of such great benefit as Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ) YTA J70 n Ay y 1 ' a'wJ A ft ft i yr-i I 11 II IV irL. V j ill 1 1 I Ji 1 1 I i I m m m m I Read It Before I I I You Eat It j f ,v I I I 1 f M I iqi sin we Have mm Try JELL-O, the dainty, appetiz ing economical dessert Can be pre pared instantly simply add boiling water and serve when cool. Flavored just right; sweetened just right; per feet in every way. A 10c. package makes enough dessert for a large family. All grocers sell it. Don't ac cept substitutes. JELL-0 complies with all Pure Food Laws. Seven flavors : Lemon, Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Chocolate, Cherry, Peach Women with good complexions art never homely. Good blood makes good complexions. Lane's Family Medicine makes good blood.- AH druggists sell I'. for 25 cents. AN OPEN LETTER. Editor of the Morning Astorian. "Dear Sir: Last Saturday, and the week preceding, there appeared in The Astoria Herald articles on the closing of the pool room on Com mercial street. Messrs. Dugan and Knudsen first took up sides with the aforesaid pool room proprietors, but later on, in the last issue of the paper, the Herald editor went back on the first week's article and, trying to square themselves with the police court commission and the force, they attacked the place with vicious lan guage, buch an attack, it seems to me, is entirely out of place. It is not for the Herald's editor to judge and criticize this place. If Officer No. 3 had been taken into this place of busi ness and presented witli cigars and tobacco and occassionally with a drink of whisky, this trouble would not have come up. This, it seems, is done in all other pool rooms in the city and now that since the Commercial street pool room has been closed, minors are now playing in all the other pool rooms. The proprietors of this Commercial street room hereafter had better offer the officers cigars or drinks every time thatrthey pass his place of business. "If the citizens of the city of As toria are going to make this a 'holy city,' pave the streets with doughnuts; and if they do not wish their boys ruined by being driven out of a place of innocent pastime and amusement they should see that this place is opened up, even if necessary, with some restrictions; for as sure as the pool room is closed to stay closed the minors will start visiting the 'red light' districts, saloons and other places not worth mentioning. "This is my honest and candid opin ion on this subject. "Yours sincerely, "CHAS. SODERBERG, "A Subscriber and Citizen." When you need a cough cure you need one that will cure your cough. Kemp's BaJsam, the best cough cure, will do lt: All druggists sell it for 29 cents. LYDIA E. 'IN KHAN'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND mm E. PJNKHAM LYDIA No other medicine for Woman's ills in the world has received such wide-spread and unaualifled en dorsement as has J.ydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs. No other medicine has such a record of success for woman's dis- eases, or such hosts of grateful friends as has Lydia E. nnkham'e Vegetable Compound. For more than 30 years it has teen the standard remedy for feminine ills, Inflammation, Ulceration, and consequent Spinal Weakness. It has relieved more cases of Back- ache and Local Weaknesses than any other one remedy. It dissolves and expels tumors in an early stage of development. Irrecrularities and neriodic nainfl. Weakness of the Stomach, Indiges tion, Bloating, Nervous Prostratioa Headache, General Debility, quickly yield to it; alno deranged organs, causing pain, dragging sensations ind backache. Under all circum stances it acts in harmony with the female system. extreme lassitude, "don't care "and want - to - be - le ft alone " feeling, 3xcitability, initabi lity.nervousness, dizziness, faintness, sleeplessness. Datulehcy,melancliolyorthe"blues." These are indications of Feminine disorders, which this medicine over comes as well as slight derangement of the Kidneys of either sex. Women who are sick and want to get well should refuse to accept any substitute for Lydia E. Pinknam'a Vegetable Compound. ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Only All Rail Route to. PORTLAND 55L4S. EASTEHN POINTS TWO DAILY TRAINS Steamship Tickets via all Ocean Lines at Lowest Rates. Through tickets on sale. For rates, steamship and aleep-ikifj-car reservations, call on or address G. B. JOHNSON, General Agent 12th St., near Commercial St. Astoria, Oregon John Fox, Pres. F. L. Bishop, Sec. Astoria Savings Bank, Trets. Nelson Troyer, Vice-Pres. and Supt ASTORIA IRON WORKS ' DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE tATEST IMPROVED ... , Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. Correspondence Solicited. . Foot of Fourth Street SCO! BAY BRASS & IRON ffOBKS ASTOKIA, Oil EG ON HON AND BRASS FOUNDERS LAND AND MARINL ENGINEERS Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery. 18th and Franklin Ave. Prompt attention given TeJ I Jill repah Wf. Main 2441 STEEL & EWART Electrical Contractors Phone Main 3881 .... 426 Bond Street Morning Astorian Delivered at Your Residence 60c a Month r