The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 28, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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i'The Store f H: Ladies
. FOR- iSf jA ...
y SWomen BEEUSeUHIVE Outfitters
Continuing all week in Ladies. Tailored Suits,
Silk and Voile Dresses. Come in and see the best
bargains we have ever offered at this time of the year
We have suits as low
tt mni
L, T. Cooper's theory regarding the
human stomach is rapidly becoming a
topic of universal discussion. Cooper
claims that the human stomach has
become chronically deranged by mod
ern conditions, and that sickness gen
erally is the result. , '
in a recent interview, while intro
ducing his medicine in a leading city,
Mr. Cooper sad: "There, is just one
way, in my opinion, to maintain gen
eral health, and that is by buildyig up
the digestive organs. The vast ma
jority of Americans today have weak,
flabby, distended stomachs. This has
been caused by many generations of
over-feeding and lack of exercise,
until today the entire civilized race is
affected. This is the true cause of
most of the ill health of today. Little
can be done to relieve it until the
stomach is once more brought to
normal conditions.
"I am successful because my prep
aration puts the stomach in sound
condition, and as I maintain this is
Miss Genevieve Johnstone, of Seattle,
1 Wins the Ghirardelli Limerick
'"The reader of this publication will
no doubt recall an interesting adver
tisement which appeared during the
month of February, in which the D.
Ghirardelli's Cocoa, offered a prize
of a can full of dollars for the best
line submitted to complete the fol
lowing limerick:
A sickly young student at Yale,
Tried to strengthen himself upon ale;
But a wise college widow said, "Cut
''' it out, Kiddo,"
' The last line was to be supplied Ly
the contestants.
Thousands of replies were received
from all over the West, many of them
very clever, but, aftr a careful exami
nation ,of all the lines submitted it
was decided by the committee that
the best was that sent in by Miss
Genevieve Johnstone of 12061 Howell
street, Seattle, who was accordingly
awarded the full prize of $93. The
limerick as completed by Miss John
stone read as follows:
No hot and blistering
air to sap vitality anc
i ' make cooking intoler
able when work is done
on the safe, economical
r.;, . fection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove. Using
, your kitchen is not a room to fly from, but a place
where all the necessary household work is done in
restful coolness doesn 7 heat the kitchen. The
Wide Bine Flame Oil Cook-Stove
is convenient and handy for every purpose of a cooking stove. It
"'" saves money and time makes a clean kitchen and contented cook.
Three sizes of "New Perfection " stove. If not with your dealer
write our nearest agency.
. 0 The
as $6.00.
the only way to secure general and
permanent good health."
.Among many prominent people
who have recently become converted
to Cooper's theory is Mr. E. M.
Howey, of 471 De Russey street,
Binghamton, N. Y., who says: "I had
stomach trouble for about six years.
After eating, I would become bloated
and have a distressed feeling for sev
eral hours. This would be accom
panied by heartburn, and I reached
the point where I could not enjoy my
meals at all.
"I tried different remedies in an
effort to find relief, but without suc
cess. After taking three bottles of
Cooper's New Discovery I am en
tirely cured. My stomach does not
bother me in the least, and I can eat
anything I like. I can cheerfully rec
ommend Mr. Cooper's medicine to
anyone afflicted with stomach com
plaints." Mr. Cooper's medicines are making
a remarkable record. We sell them.
Charles Rogers & Son.
A sickly young student at Yale,
Tried to strengthen himself upon ale;
But a wise college widow said, "Cut
it out, Kiddo,"
Ghirardelli's the drink for the pale.
Limerick contests are new in the
West, but, judging from the wide
spread interest which, in the Ghirar
delli Contest, resulted in such a
flood of replies, there is little doubt
that this form of advertising wll ap
peal to many other firms and that
the limerick advertisement will be
come as general as in other parts of
the country.
Washington, D. C.
I heard Greenleaf's presentation of
Joseph Jefferson's "Rip Van
Winkle" with great pleasure and
satisfaction. In fact 1 was "deelight
ed. William E. Chancellor, Supt.
Public Instruction, D. C.
Mr. Greenleaf will appear Wednes
day evening at the Methodist Church,
auspices Epworth League.
An Additional Treat
Miss Thompson, one of Astoria's
noted soprano's has consented to
sing in connection with the Greenleaf
entertainment,, at the Methodist
Church, Wednesday evening.
and' comfortable New Per-
I u If W
faults of other lamps. A perfect artificial light.
Handsome and safe. If not with your dealer,
write our nearest agency.
The regular session of the Chamber
of Commerce was hold In Odd Fel
lows' hall last night with Vice-Presi
dent Wingate in the chair. The min
utes of the last rrleeting were read
and approved.
Under a suspension of the rules B.
J. Sloop was elected to membership.
Secretary Whyte's report was full of
the progress of the many different
projects with which the Chamber is
crowded and was listened to with
earnest attention.
There was a very large attendance
and a number of young men were
there to hear City Attorney Abcr
crombie expound on the subject of
forming a company . of the National
Guard. He stated the age limit which
is between 18 and 35 a fact which
made som of those present realize
their inability to sign the petitions.
The chair stated that anyone who
was present and wished to join could
do so after the meeting adjourned.
Mr. Ahercrombie said he already had
about 40 names enrolled.
The rate question was brought up
and during the discussion the tact
was made known that the rate on
grain and hay hal been raised within
few days. Manager Whyt s re
port said in part:
. The reports made by the manager
at each regular meeting are for the
purpose of letting the members know
as well as possible what has been done
in the office by the Promotion Com
mittee during the two weeks since the
preceeding meeting.
The Astoria Clay Product Co.
The Astoria Clay Product Co. is
now a thing or reality, the same hav-
ing been financed and incorporated on
last Thursday afternoon. It will be
located just at the upper end of the
street car line. The matter of financ
ing was an easy task, the necessary
stock being placed after only a few
hours' inquiry and mainly through the
work of Norris Staples who has from
the first taken a leading interest; in
this proposition which promises great
things for the future. The Charter
was drawn up by Judge Bowlby and
sent to Salem and this afternoon the
directors were named from the largest
stockholders. The entire task of pro
motion from start to finish was made
easy by the p"ersisten hard work done
by Mr. Lew Ogan who is the largest
stockholder and who will be the per
manent manager of the institution.
Those who have had occasion to
know most about his operations in
this city have the highest opinions of
his integrity, ability and general
character. I predict that if his in
stitution is half of the success I think
it will be that he will speedily become
one of the leading men of this city
and that long before he reaches the
zenith of his career he will become
one oC the wealthiest,
At the last meeting of this organi
zation Mr. Staples and Mr. Ogan
were appointed a .committee to go
at the expense of this organization to
Portland and have some of the brick
Mr. Ogan had made out of our clays,
tested. The tests were for crushing
strength and were made in the office
of Col. Roesscler, United States cn
gineer, and the result was most grat
ifying, the test showing that tt took
more weight by more than 500 pounds
to crush then it tdfck to crush any
other brick ever made in this state.
It was that -test perhaps which made
the task of financing the company
such an easy one. .- '
Mr. Ogan already has three expert
men at work on the site of the plant
preparing for the machinery and has
written for two more. The plan is
if have the brick turned out
in readiness for the building of the
new hotel by the last of July. - If it
is possible this task will be accom-
iilidipfl. The homemade brick will
be given preference.
Already Mr. Ogan, is planning with
the Promotion Committee the con
struction of a fancy pressed brick
building at the4eattle Fair to be used
as a club house for the members of
the Chamber of Commerce. It will
also be used as an -exhibit building
for Clatsop County. ,The building
will be one of, the mosuattractive, ac
cording to his plans, ever made for
any exposition purposes, And it will
be a home for those of otir members
who attend the "Seattle Fair next sum
lner. It will at the same time be the
best possible advertisement for, the
shale and high-class clay products of
Clatsop County, than which tere is
none higher,
This Astoria Clay Product Co. is
the first tangible achievement of the
Promotion Committee for this year,
April being the first month of the
Chamber of Commerce fiscal year.
It would seem that with this good
start afforded by the hard work done
last year, that other achievements of
no less merit be expected from month
to month during the present year.
The Chautauqua Association planned
for Clatsop Beach seems to be on the
very point of materialising, and in
deed we may be able to announce this
almost any week. We are making pro
gress slowly on the oil and gas and
coal boring proposition but will be
able to accelerate the plans for that
proposition very materially as soon
as we secure the necessary leases
which always are a matter of good
promises, tmt so tar too elusive 10 oe
reduced to a written contract. Of
course if the ground 'cannot be leased
there will be no boring done. As
there is nothing but land in this coun
ty there should be no trouble in get
ting the lease and we will get them,
although just how soon it is impos
sible to say. I propose to give all
my time to that matter however that
can possible be spared away from the
many other duties , -which dcvelope
upon me in the office, now that the
terracotta plant is able to' take care
of itself.
The cost of the clay test which we
have made through Mr. Ogan, and
which has resulted in the establishing
of the Astoria Clay Product Co. was
Mr. Ogan has suggested that the
Chamber of Commerce be given credit
for this much stock in his company
or for this amount of brick to go into
new Chamber of Commerce build
A New
Chamber of
Now that the Astoria Clay Product
Company is a thing of reality, it is
an interesting and by no means in
definite possibility that we may have
a new Chamber of Commerce Build
ing to be made out of our own high
class pressed brick and terracotta. I
have already consulted with two in
tcrests and plan has been outlined
which would be ample in every detail
to finance the construction of a new
Chamber of Commerce Building at
once, but the plan has not yet been
examined by any of the officers or
committees of this organization to
see whether or not it could be ap
proved. The plan' however contem
plates, a six story building 50 by 100
feet. As the question of a new arm
ory is to be taken up at this meeting
it may be that in case the new armory
proves a successful issue that it could
be made to fit in admirably with the
suggested new Chamber of Com
mercc building.
Dr. L. F. Hawley to Come. .
After considerable correspondence
with Secretary Wilson of the Agir
cultural Department the Promotion
Committee has succeeded in getting
Dr. L. E. Hawley, the expert on
wood by-products, to promise to
. . - ,.r
come to Astoria ror me pirpusc i
setting on foot the best possible plans
for the clearing off of stump lands!
that is, cut-over lands. Dr. Hawley
has not yet set the date of his coming
to Astoria, but has stated that he
would start, West on the first of May
and that soon after that . tunc he
would reach Astoria, letting u know
as far in advance of his coining as
possible o that we may have Govern
or Chamberlain and as many of the
members of the next legislature hero
at the same time, if such an arrange
ment can be made. We want to see
whether or not we can secure some
state aid if a plan can be formulated
for clearing off stumps;
This momcmcnt is being undertaken
by the leading citizens in the State of
Washington and there is no reason
why Oregon should trail ill the pro
cession, whatever that procession may
be. We would like to have present
at this meeting as many of the owners
and interested parties in stump lands
as possible and will give the meeting
the largest possible, amount of pub
licity. We would especially like to
have Senator -Fulton here at this
meeting but presume that will be im
possible, unless indeed the meeting
should occur late enough in the
month of May to have allowed Con
gress to adjourn. '
The Trip Across the Bar.
-We have taken up the proposition
of running a large passenger steamer
out of the mouth of the river to allow
the citizens of Astoria and Oregon
generally so far as , they can, be ac
commodated the opportunity of wit
nessing the great naval fleet in motion
as it passes on its way to Puget Sound
The arangements are as well injhand
as they can be and now the imain
thing to consider is liow many tick
ets' will the members of the Chamber
of Commerce desire, and how many
will the citizens of Astoria gnerally
want. The Portland Chamber of
Commerce has asked for one hundred
and we have reserved that many for
them with the statement that a stilt
We have just received a shipment
' of very finest EASTERN OREGON
Yellow Newtown Pippins
An apple of fine flavor, very crisp
' and juicy. The supply, is limited. '
Place your order now.
Acme Grocer y Co.
I J Ifllfl
S3 . -I
ncss and RntjContalns ori&iar
Opitim -Morphine ncrMurraLl
Aperfect Remtdy for foraty
Worms jCorouUwMJtvtraa
, Facsimile Siamrfrf
Exct Copy of Wrapper.
larger number will be given them if
they are not taken here in Astoria,
I sent this telegram to Rear-Admiral
Thomas, commander of the fleet at
Santa Barbara last Saturday:
"Citizen of "Oregon through As
toria Chamber of Commerce ask that
you make it possible by steaming
slowly past in daylight for them to
view your fleet off mouth of Columbia
from large passenger ships which
they have now specially chartered for
(Continued on page 6)
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership . heretofore existing ' be
tween Frank Gowan and G. J. Howe
at No. 420 Commercial, street has
been dissolved and I will not be
liable for any further bills contracted
with said firm. 4-28-5t.
The Palace Restaurant
The ever-increasing popularity of
the Palace Restaurant is evidence of
the good management, and the serv
ice, at this popular dining room. For
a long time the reputation of the
house has been of the , best and it
does not wane as time progresses.
The system used, that of furnishing
the finest the" market affords, and all
can be obtained, in season, is a plan
that will always win, coupled as it ii
with the best of cooking and promptk
service. A common saying nowadays
is "Get the Palace habit" .
The very best board to be obtained
in the city is at "The Occident Hotel."
Rates very reasonable.
The Commercial 1
One of the coziest and most popular
resorts in the city is the Commercial.
A new billiard room, a pjeasant sitting
room and handsome fixtures all go to
make an agreeable meeting place for
gentlemen, there to discuss the topics
of the day, play a game of billiards
and enjoy the fine refreshments serv
ed there. The best of goods are only
handled, and this faet being so well
' Mii I ' ' '
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
Tvt Murium MM IT. t
known, a large businett done at the"
Commercial, on Commercial itrect,
near Eleventh.
The Clean Man.
The man who delights in personal
cleanliness, and enjoys his shave,
shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As
toria, always goes to the Occident
barber shop .for these things and
gets them at their best.
If you want s good load of fir wood
or box wood ring up KELLY the
The man who keepa the
Phone Main 2191 Barn, Cor. 12th
and Duane.
' New Grocery Store. .
Try our own mixture ot coffee the
J. PB. Fresh fruit and vegetables.
Badollet & Co.. grocers. Phone Main
Just received a new line of umbrella
covers. See C. H. Orkwitz, 137 Tenth
Special Notice.
The Columbia Bottling Comoanv
have just received a shipment of
Weinhard's Bock beer which la Wtlt
In quarts or pints and ready for sale.
Phone Main 2821 and your orders will
receive prompt attention. 4-187t.
"The Modern," A. E. Petersen'.
beautiful tonsorial establishment, has
been further modernized bv the oer-
manent engagement of a highly train
ed young lady manicurist, who will
also serve the house as cashier.
The New Pure Food and Drug Law.
We are pleased to announce that
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs,
colds and lung troubles is not affect-
eu oy me mtionai mre ooa ana
Drug law as it contains no opiates
or other harmful drugs, and we re
commend , it as a safe remedy for
children and adults. T. F, LattriV
Owl Drug Store. . '
the A j A.
For Over
U iiilni