THE HORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1908. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DM.Uiyja.K w. r KTTRSCRIPTION RATES. Bv mail, per year $7.00 By carrier, per month;........ .60 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. Jy mail, per, in advance.. ..$1.50 Entered as second-class matter July 38, 1906, at the postoffice at Astoria, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 18y. . tT Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence tr place uf business may be made by postal card os,througn teicpnone. Any irregularity in delivery should be im mediately reported to the office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. THE WEATHER Oregon, Washington, Idaho Fair and warmer. THE CITY FIRST. Be it remembered vt all mn here about, that the City of Astoria comes first in the public estimate, and treat ment, of the question of "saloon" or "local option". Both the other issues have their rights and places, but both are sub servient to the general good, present and prospective. The Morning Astorian is not going to interfere with either, until one or the other, or both, invade the com mon, and easily distinguished, limits of the popular concern. At any such crisis we shall say what is right -and proper, no matter where nor whom it shall hit. We have said what we think about both elements, and their work, at this tirne. We shall keep hands off until some untoward movement is made, and then we- shall voice public senti ment as we find it. It is up to the leaders of the two camps to harmo nize nd adjust the situation for the general advantage; and along with all other good citizens we shall hail the compromise as a distinct and de sirable end to a very disagreeable and untimely agitation. And while we are urging the city and its commercial interests as first in the general scale of importance, we admit that even this is superceded by the law of the land. That takes pre cedence here, and everywhere, of course!. COL. ROESSLER'S ESTIMATES. We regret that the estimates furni shed by Col. S. W. Roessler, .federal engineer in charge of the Columbia river jetties, for the fiscal year were not .'adhered to, and the $1,700,000 giv en in full; because the full sum, care fully expended, would have wrought the last phase of'the work, and es pecially, had he been retained at the head of it. The $250,000 that has been lopped off will serve no purpose of economy whatever, and simply de . lays the completion of the enterprise indefinitely, just as the removal . of Coloned Roessler will contribute to the same unfortunate end. There -is some crafty agency at work in this state or on this upper coast to delay and drag this great scheme through the yars until Port land, or Seattle or some other inter ested commercial center shall have be come intrenched ..immoveably and ir revocably; otherwise this thing would have gone through on the original es timate and the able and coscientious offiicer that made it would have have been permitted to stay and finish it with that money. We are glad the Celilo canal ap propriation was not altogether slaugh tered; but would have been pleased to see that go through at the prescribed $500,000, because it is among the most essential needs of the great valley these engineering schemes stand for; and for which the honest intelligence of this same officer has avouched. We should be, and probably are, devoutly thankful for the lesser sums that fall to the military posts at Van couver and Fort Stevens for the erect ion' of new barracks and other quart ers; but these are infinitismal in com parison with the provision for the completion of the greater designs. TOO MUCH "WATCHDOG. With all due respect for the Oregon Grande as one of the solid, conserva tive, reputable institutions of the country and representing one of the basic elements of our national life and character, we are constrained to deplore the opposition it is arraying against the two very essential public needs for which generous appropria- tions have been asked and which will be up to ttrc' people of Oregon to grant, or deny, on the first day of June, at their polls: The annual ap propriation of $125,000 for the Uni versity of Oregon, and an appropria tion of $100,000, in four annualvsums of $25,000 each, for the equipment and mainteancc of Oregon's end of the National Guard. Both are necessary and valuable agencies of the state's entourage and indispensable to its growth, culture and protection; both are inseparable and highly-prized features of every state government in the land and far more liberally provided for every where than Oregon has ever yet seen tit to endow them . It is all very well to be careful of the public funds in this day of ex travagance and graft, but legitimate ends must be served with a liberality that, at least, will not cripple them, nor disparage them, at the crucial moment of their highest faculty for public service. "Watchdogs have been known to overdo the thing, time and again, to the utter negation of the real good for which tftey were put in plance, or which they assumed to guard; and we are inclined to think the Oregon Grange is working its stunt, in these two cases, to a degree that will leave the State of Oregon cheapened and discreditd if it is to have its way with these appropria tions. Oregon grows apace; the years, and the people, and her own amplified future, are dmanding more of her than was essential in the old and early days, and on these especial lines she must range along with the States of her size and class and do her best and full duty by her own sons and daught ers as well as by the country at large. It will not do to stop at tne aoiiar- mark every time its is hoisted aloft by some narow prejudice or chill con servatism. As we shall provide for our ybungso shall they honor and protect the land when the crises of their day sliall arise; and we have no right to fore-shorten the spirit or capacity wherewith they shall go at it. EDITORIAL SALAD The president latest message is a calm document, though it opens with a reference to a dam bill Gov. Hughes recently remarked that men are nine-tenths good. He meant on the average, for it is evident. that the New York Senate breaks even. San Francisco is studying rodent migration by means or rats dyed dif ferent colors. The release" of a rat once- caught may be scientific, but is not to be recommended as practical. "The paper week," says a New Or leans paper, "has been a favorable period for agricultural interests throughout the South." Good news of this kind comes from all parts of the country. Among the rations on the big American fleet are powered eggs and dehydrated onions. As long as the bill of fare includes salt pork and plum duff the old sailors will be will ing to stand a few novelties as extras. According to a well-known agricul tural publication the average condi tion of winter wheat April 1 was 90.2, against 88.1 a year ago, and 85 for the last ten years. This is the sort of encouragement that counts. An English scientist says the Am erican boy "has the energy and smart ness of a new race; the European boy is mentally two years behind him." This ohilosooher will be still more. complimentary when he looks into the record of the American girl. TEA The cost of good tea is so very little: only a third of a cent a cup! a cent-and-a-half or two cents for the family breakfast! Your grocer return your money if you don't like Shilling' Best: we pay him. HIGG1NS & WARREN FIRE INSURANCE ELEVEN STRONG COMPANIES New up-to-date maps of Astoria and vicinity for sale, 15 cent per. Savings Banks Bldg Ground Floor PHONE 3631. THE TROUBLES OF THE TROU BLE HUNTER "The troubles of the Trouble Hunt cr,"as related by C F. Carter in -the May number of Popular Mechanics, arc certainly entertaining to the read er even though the"trouble hunter" himself may not have always found them pleasant. Manufacturers of en gines, pumps and other machinery usually have an expert whose task . . . . . is to investigate compuunis irom pai rons and noint out the fault of the in stalled apparatus. This "trouble hunt er," as he is termed, becomes a veri table scapegoat, yet his life is not without its compensations, as anyone who reads Mr. Carter's description of the feast tendered one'of them after he had started a village electric light plant to working on the eve of an election and thus saved the day for the interested faction, will appreciate One amusing incident is told of a New Englandcr who had purchased a 25-hp. gasoline engine, which re fused to work on the second day. The trouble hunter was rushed to the scene, looked things over and tried to start the engine. It woulden't go. Then he went outside and took off the cover of the gasoline tank, a galva nized iron affair enclosed in a rough wooden box sunk in the ground. "Why, you have no gasoline here," he said. "Oh. yes I have. I put in sixty gallons day before yesterday and only ran the engine a Yew hours. There's plenty of gasoline." "But there isn't a drop. Try put ting some gasoline in and see if the engine dosen't work." Upon examination it was found that the carpenter who had boxed up the tank had driven an eight-penny nail into the bottom of the tank and on discovering the mishap had pulled the nail out without plugging up the hole. Ofcoursc, the gasoline soon leaked out. The engine ran all "right as soon as it was supplied with fuel. The article is illustrated, DEATH WAS ON HIS HEELS. Jesse P. Morris, of Skippers, Va., had a close cafl in the spring of 1906. He says: "An attack of pneumonia left me so weak and with such a fear ful cough that my friends declared consumption had me, and death was on my heels. .Then I was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It helped me irnmediately, and after taking two and a half bottles I was a well man again. I , found out that New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and lung disease in all the world." Sold under guarantee at Charles Rogers & Son drug store. 50c and $1-00. Trial bottle free. Kemp's Balsam will stop any cough that can be Btc-pped by any meHcie and cure coughs that cannot be cured by any other "medicine. It is always the best cough cure.' When tfce doctov is called he asks: "How are the bowel.. J They are gen erally wrong. (His visit, might have been saved by a timely di&se of Lane's Family Medtere. . SHE'S A QUEEN is an expression developed woman. If you are flat chested," with BUST undeveloped, a Scrawny neck, thin, lean arms the above remark will never be applied to you. "SIREN" wafers will make you beautiful, bewitching. They DE VELOP THE BUST iii a few weeks from 3 to 6 inches and produce a fine firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill out the hollow places. Make the arms handsome and well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely at)d of perfect contour. Send for a bottle today and you'll be pleased and grate ful. "SIREN" wafers are absolutely venient to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to ao an -claim or MONEY back. ' Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or send DIRECT to us. ' pnrr During the next 30 days only-we will send you a sample iKcC oottle of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10 cents 'to . n post of nackin and oortage if you will mention that you the Advertisement in this paper. saw ! f A .f.. nCA 1 Desk 22 ESTHETIC CHEMICAL iBehnke- Walker THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE ELKS BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON, OUR FACULTY IS STRONGER THAN EVER xWe have just secured the services of two high-salaried, practical men, as well as leading business educators, from the East. We leave no stone unturned. We are now giving you the best that money can procure. H. W. Behnke, Pres. SEND FOR CATALOGUE L M. Walker, Prin, EXPRESS ARRIVALS NEW SNAPPY STYLES ( 7 .e h 1 V Note 1 F0WNES Would you give twenty-live eeoU to top your cough t Then get a bottle of Kemp'e Balsam nd you will kava enough for the whole family. It cottt druggist 2S& BIENNIAL MEETING. Civil Service Commission to Meet in Chicago. CHICAGO, April 27-On May 7 and 8 the first biennial meeting as a body of the national assembly of Civil Service Commisions will be held in this city. Delegates will be pres ent from the U. S. Civil Service Com mission, various commissions, state and municipal examining board and the National Civil Service Reform League. 7 ' On the first day addresses will be made by Charles S. Fowler, president of the organization, Vice-president James Mason, Elliot II. Goodwin and others. On May 8 Warren P. Dudley of Massachusetts and Frank M. Higgins of the U. S. Civil Service Commis sion will make the chief addresses. GOOD NEWS. Many Astoria Readers Have Heard it and Profited Thereby. "Good news travels fast," and the thousands of bad back sufferers in Astoria are glad to learn that prompt relief is within their reach. Many a lame, weak and aching back is bad no BUST SHE'S A SIREN that is always heard at sight of a well harmless, pleasent to take and con The sample alone may be sufficient CO., 31 West 125th St New York. S , GTOEJ COVERT JACKETS Covert Jackets have the call for Spring and Summer,' 1008. They are the only separate Jackets in demand this season. All the new tight -fitting Prince chaps, Cutaway Pony and semi - fitted styles, representing the highest production of the tailor's art. $5.00 to $15.00 Our complete Line of Kid-Cape-SilK and Fabric Cloves - DENT - KAYSERS DRY GOODS G more, thanki to Doan's Kidney Pills. Our citizens are telling the good news of their experience with the Old Quaker Remedy. Here is an example worth reading: ( Arthur Rookc, 412 Duane - street, storia, Ore., sayi: "At the time I be gan using Doan'a Kidney Pills I was suffering leverely from pain in my back and shoulders which descended at times into my limbs. The paint seemed to be as severe during the niglft as in the day and many tines interfered with my rest. At one lime I was so lame that I was unable to stoop over to lace my shoes without suffering acutely. My kidneys were o irrcgufar a at action and the secre tions were in a terrible condition. At last a friend recommended Doan's Kidney Pills to me so highly that I procured a box at Chas. Roger's drug store. They helped me from the first and I continued using them until I was entirely free from kidney com plaint. I am now entirely well and it gives mc pleasure to recommend a remedy of such great benefit as Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the ASTORIA & COIMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Only All Rail Route to PORTLAND i5ii!L EASTERN POINTS TWO DAILY TRAINS Steamship Tickets via all Ocean Lines at Lowest Rates. Through tickets on sale. For rates, steamship and sleeping-car reservations, call on or address G. B. JOHNSON, General Agent 12th St., near Commercial St, Astoria, Oregon John Fox, Pres. L. Bishop, ASTORIA .IRON WORKS . DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE' LATEST IMPROVED . . . ' t f Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilcis COMPLETE CANNERY Correspondence Solicited. SCOW BAY BRASS & V ASTOItIA, UQH AMD BRASS FOUNDERS J9.Mmtvy. Sherman Transter Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager. Hacks, Carriages-Baggage Checked and Transferred-Trucks and Furnititrt Wagons-Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street A Great Special Showing Women's Knit Sweater Coats s T Y L E c 0 A T s w ii i T E 0 X F 0 R D 1 Jo . c: n j R E D L Every One a Winner $1.00 to 50.00 United States. Remember the and take no other. name Doan's A CARD. This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lung's and pre vents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe coughs, and prevents pneumonia and consumption, Con tains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow" package. Refuse substi tutes. T. F. Lauin, Owl Drug Store. f-ane'a Family Medicine is a tonle luxative. It does not depress or weak en, but Impart a feeling, of buoyancy and strength that Is delightful. At all dnifgUt 28c. THIS MAY INTEREST YOU. No one is immune from Kidney trouble, so just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will stop the irregularities and cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. T, F. Laurin Owl Drug Store. Sec. , Astoria Savings Bank, Trtas. ' OUTFITS FURNISHED. ' . k F00t of Fonrth Street OKJJGON LAND AND MINI ENGINEERS Prompt attention given I ill repak K k Tej Main 2491 Main Phone 121 0. IRON IMS