The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 25, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    . ... THE MOHraJNli ASlUIflAiN, A&lUlUil, Uliuwn. 5
. - ,' SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1908. . , ; ,, ,, XU1J uvu , .. . - 1 .
WISE Keeps Your 1 ima rressea rree 01 wnargc
We had a shipment already and will soon have
plenty for everybody. Meantime we have plenty
other nice things with which to round out a meal.
ni lis of i
Victor Carlson' Funeral
The funeral o( Victor Carlson, the
young man who died of tuberculosis
a few day ago will he held from Gil
for Astoria and having no compass
had lost their bearing. They were
taken to llo(tilaiii and are being cared
for after their rough experience.
Quality Improved
General Manager
cured the rieht to 320 acre of land
by buying up a relinquishment from a
friend who did .lot deiire to perfect
hit filing. The Aitorla party hold
land over there in what is known at
Christma Lake Valley, and are about
to organize an artesian well-boring
company under the four-year tipu
lation'of the Government, and with
every prospect of abundant ucces
of 1he venture. The land is fertile
and only need irrigation to make a
veritable oarsdise of tne broad and
barren mile now untouched. ' Water
or domestic use can be had any
where at front four to twenty feet,
cool, clear and wholesome. There
were eleven in the party from here
and not, a "kicker" in the bunch.
a few days ago will ue hew irom on- . or ,,:icctrjC(Co., hat b
baugh'i Chapel Sunday afternoon, the ,,1,.,,!,.' ,jme ,inc
Kev. C. C. Rarick officiating. Ihe in- , , , wj
tcrmcnt will be at Greenwood.
Filed Ilia Name
Hans Christian Hcrg Luvvold, a na
tive of Hogo, Norway, yesterday filed
hit name with County Clerk Clinton,
at a candidate for the honor of Am
erican citizenship, in the way of a
formal declaration. ,
A Single Deed
Among the clmler of instruments
filed for record yesterday there wat
but one deed, towlt. F B. Stoncr and
Wife to George Elliott, conveying 16
fret of a right-of-way on the, west
erly IS acre of lot 8 section 25, 8-10
West, for the sum of $1.
Licenced to Wed
County Clerk Clinton yesterday
issued a marriage license in favor of
Mr. Frank S. Lewis, of this city, and
Miss Lizzie M. Raske, of Young't
River valley; and the young people
will b nti today at 3 o'clock p. m.,
at the home of the bride, Rev. C. C.
Rarick. pastor of the First Methodist
church, officiating.
Remain Taken to Nebratka-
Th hodv of the late Peter Kecfe,
who died of acute gastritis at Fort
Steven, April 17th, after a couple of
.lav.' illness was taken yesterday
morning to his former home at Hast
ings, Neb., for burial by his sister.
Mr. M. F.. Ohlhciser. who came here
I. nnrnoe. Mr. Keefe wat a
man of some means and hi family
eonnections are comparatively
Rescued Three Men
The uteamer Carmel, Captain Don
aldson. rescued three men who were
In a fishing boat when near the en
trance to Gray's Harbor. They were
teeral miles off the bar and had been
without foot and water three days.
The men, who are Eric Anderson, F.d
Snxe and John Jacobsen, had started
McGcc of the
been devot-
since he came
here to the etas olant with distinct
success, Mr. McGcc knew first qual
ity gas could be produced from crude
oil ad he started out to do it. At an
expense of about $20,000 he ha in
stalled a series of purifier and other
necessary machinery and the gas now
furnished by the company it so good
that no complaint! can be made.
To the B. & C, Society-
After due examination made in
open court yesterday, Judge Tren
chard made an order committing the
bov. Johnny Thompson, heretofore
complained of as incorrigible, to the
custody of the Boys' & Cirls' Aid
Snrictv. at Portland: and the lad was
taken there on lat night's exprcs by
Sheriff M. R. Pomeroy.
thej best in tlie world
50c a Pound,
The People' Money
County Treasurer W. A. bhcrman
yct.tcrd.iy transmitted to the State
Treasurer, the full sum of $12,190, to
recover the first half of the Clatsop
tax for 1907. due to the State. Dur
ing the present month he has paid the
following sums for the redemption ot
outstanding warrants: .General fund,
$22,000: Court House, $26,000; school
li.trict. including the Astoria dis
trict, $43,000; City of Astoria, park
and library, $31,000, making a full
distribution of $134,190; with unpre-
nented warrant still out. but called
and drawing no interest, as follow
fund. $30,000: and Court
House, $5000. Hhe will also make a
formal call today for, the redemption
of $12,000, and this will leave the
county, just 10 months in arrears on
it warrants, or between $50,ff and
$60,000 in debt, a condition that i
counted by far the best she has been
in for many year past.
Warrenton Happening
Postal lnspccter Riches wa in
Warrenton yesterday inspecting the
condition of the post office there,
which he found in prime hape. Mrs.
Jaifc Wheeler and family, leave War
renton today for their new home at
Holton. Oregon, where they will re
si.te in the future. The funerals of
the late lamented Jacob Lehman and
Martin Carlson, victims of the tern
blc disaster on the jetty on Wednes-
il.iv l:'lit. U'91 held yesterday after
noon, under the auspices of the Odd
Rpit Men's lodee of
Hammond, and were attended by a
veritable host of sorrowing friends.
The occasion was one of marked
solemnity and practically every man,
woman and child that could be pres
ent was there. ' Interment was had
at Ocean View cemetery according to
the solemn and1 beautiful rites of the
great orders before named.
Home From Land-Hunt
. Harry Hoefler has returned from
Lake county, whthcr he went about
two weeks ago, with Dr. Barr and a
group of Astorians on a land-hunt;
and reports a thoroughly enjoyable
trip, with a bit of real proht in signt.
Before leaving here Mr. Hoefler se-
Pipe Organ Recital-
Tin. st A erne Guild will ffive a
Pine Oman Recital at Grace Episco
oal Church, on Wednesday evening,
April 29lh. Having secured the serv
ces of Mr. Carl Uenton, organist,
and Mr. Crowthcrs, baritone, of Port
land- The public it cordially invited
to attend, no admission being charged
but a voluntary offering will be taken
nn o defrav cxocnscs. 4-25-4t
mendation of the city attorney their
bajl was declared forfeited.
There is a time for good
tea, and a time for good
coffee; there is no time for
poor either.
Your twer return your mnnej U ton doo'l
Mm Schilling lint; mt par bio
WHO'S Your Clothier?
Fiaherie Committee Work
The Fisherie Committee met for a
brief session last evening at the
Chamber of Commerce rooms, the
following gentlemen being present:
Messrs. Wise, Wingate, Gordon,
Gratkc, Kankkoncn, Wilson, Abcr-
croinbic, Rosenberg, Lorntscn and
ml 1 SS I
scnimpn. i 11c meeting was caueu
for the express purpose of appointing
sub, or managing committee to
handle the detail of the campaign,
without assembling the big main
committee every time there was any
minor work to dcr and to this end,
.. e ... 1 1 - t .
tne loiiowing memocrs ot inc mam
body were named last night to act
first, and report afterward, on all
matter that require despatch: S. S.I
Gordon, John Gratke and G. Win-
gate. Assistant Secretary Wallace of
the Chamber of Commerce, presided.
The meeting was very short and
business was the order of the session.
Brick Statement
At the chamber meeting a ttatcment
will be made showing how the brick
also be made showing how the brick
and terra cotta plant ha just been
mccdssfully launched and how it will
begin immediate operations and de-
clop into one of the city most
important export propositions.
The matter of taking the excursion
over the bar to see the naval fleet in
motion on or about May 20th will be
considered and something more defi
nite about the plans made known.
Off For California-
Rev, and Mrs. Ellesson of this city,
will depart for San Francisco on the
steamship Roanoke this morning,
with the best wishes of all their As
toria friend. On a recent evening
the fellow-pastors of Mr. Ellcfsen and
a number of friends of the family,
went to their home and left with
them, after the evening's pleasant in
tercourse, a very handsome "easy
chair" as a forerunner of the comfort
that all hoped they would have in
their new field, coupled of course with
an abundant expression of their goodwill.
Special Order of Business
We have an excellent chance to
secure a $20,000 armory for Astoria
in the near future and in order that
we may not sleep on such important
rights, the Chamber of Commerce
will make this important matter a
special order of business at the
reitular meeting next Monday night,
April 27th, at 8 o'clock, when City
Attorney C. H. Abercrombie will be
present to explain the bill now before
Congress and the one to be voted on '
in the state election in June, provid- i
ing the appropriations for this pur
pose. The first essential is to organize a ;
military company of at least 75 mem- j
bers. About W ot these nave aireaay l, . '
been secured. It is desired if possible ;tne ume'
... i
to secure the balance of this member-
shio at Monday night's meeting which
will be used in the large upstairs hall
of the Odd Fellows' building, the re
cent large attendance having out
grown the smaller downstairs' meet
ing room.
w t 'vl 1 !) ( 1 r,-- 1
ConfM IBM r S ? x 'fa S(J
SCHLOSt MOt. CO. , m-.vtm
f Im CMfcM BlaUr 1 VI
Btltlatr mi Urn Vmk -
sells suits that
prevents men from looking
are judged by the company they keepjby the
way they dress, and by their actions.
fl kOTHFC are judged by the way they WEARnot
LLU 1 llCj only the first week or first month, but all
Colonel Roessler' Opinion
Colonel Rocssler, engineer in chief
of the jetty system at the mouth of
the Columbia, who was at Fort Stev
ens yesterday, looking into the acci
dent there on Wednesday, says: "It
is one of those accidents which evi
dently defies solution. However, the
open switch theory seems to be the
only one which can be accepted. But
the pilot engine went out over the
track early in the morning without
mishap, and everything was appar
ently in the best of shape. Two look
outs were on the pilednver ajid they
failed to see anything wrong with the
track, although it is their business to
keep a sharp lookout ahead. As the
nilcdrivcr was going over, these men
jumped and escaped injury."
la to have the cleanest store and the best grade of
groceries to be found in the city.
Is to have the patronage of people who are particular
what they eat.
Scholfield', Mattson & Co.
, ' 120 TO 124 TWELFTH STREET.
In the Police Court '
Yesterdays' storm didn't interfere
with several people getting drunk and
four of them were unfortunate enough
to cross the paths qf some members
of Chief Gammal's "braves." On ac
count of Judge Anderson being at the
funeral of Martin Carlson in Ham
mond, his honor, Mayor Wise, was
on the bench and assessed the three
ordinary drunks the customary $5.00
or two davs. The other prisoner was
Alice Reed and the charge wa9 drunk
and" disorderly. Upon pleading guilty
she was sentenced to pay a fine of
$50 or twenty days in jail. Express
ing a desire to leave town her sent
ence wa9 suspended. One other
woman and a man failed to put in
an appearance and upon the recom
For a
' goto
I Ell
jr WW-- - -
Parlors Second Floor Over Scholfield & Mattson Co
graph Co.
Fresh Chocolates,
Candles, etc.
Made fresh every'day in our
"own lactory.
843 Commercial . Street
Miss McCrea and her sister, Mrs.'
Ford, the well known photographers, '
returned yesterday from a three-days' ,
stay at Ilwaco, whither they went on
business and pleasure. j
State Superintendent of- Education, 1
H. Ackerman, was a visitor in the j
city yesterday, to the pleasure of hisj
many friends here, and especially to
that of the assembled teachers of the
State in attendance upon the Clatsop j
county institute. i 1
Prof. F. D, Young, of the U. of p., 1
at Eugene, was in the city yesterday j
an appreciated guest at the teachers'!
Dr. Owens-Adair was in from her
farm-home yesterday and spent the
day among her Astoria friends. She
was accompanied by her friend and
guest, Mrs. Thomas O'Neill, of Sea
view. .
Eugene Bussing went to the metro
polis on last evening's express and
will return tonight or tomorrownoon.
One of the worst features of kidney
trouble is that it is ah insidious dis
ease and before the victim realizes
his danger he may have a fatal mal
ady. Take Foley's Kidney Cure at
the first sign of trouble as it corrects
irregularities and prevents Bright'
disease and diabetes. T. F. Launn
Owl Drug Store.
Why Don't You Put In That GAS
Saves1 trouble and worry. The best labor saving ap
pliances in the home. Let our representative explain
their merits. Phone us or write your name on line be
low and mail this ad. to us.
Subscribe for The Morning Astorian
60 cents a month.
, CHANGE vour Herman Wie
A Sale Slips for Piano Number.
t CHANGE your Herman Wie
A Sale Slips for Piano Number.
Many Opportunities.
Almost everyone is blessed with
opportunities for saving money.
Are you availing yourself .of these
timely opportunities to increase your
funds? The money you save now
will be one of the greatest joys of the
future. Start an account with this
institution. Interest paid on savings ac
counts and time certificates of deposit.
enema PammmM C AcfAria fir
j t -7 :r" ' AAi
CHANGE your Herman Wise
Sale Slips for Piano Number.
t CHANGE your Herman Wie
A Sale Slips for Piano Number.
r CHANGE vour Herman Wise
A Sale Slips for Piano Number
CHANGE your Herman Wiae
A Sale Slips for Piano Number
, CHANGE vour Herman Wle
A Sale Slips for Piano Number.
CHANGE your Herman Wise
Sale Slips for Piano Numbers.
That We Pay 6 Per Cent
It is for you to answer. We have the investment se
cured by the best city property. You have the
money to invest. We take large or small amounts
Aline or a call will put us at your service.
168 Tenth St
Astoria, Ore.
Phone Black 2184.
Dance at Uniontown.
On Saturday evening next, the
25th, the Uppertown Band intends to
give an enjoyable dance at Suomi
Hall in Uniontown; and it will be
delightfully managed. Gentlemen, SO
cents; ladies free.
The public is hereby notified that
H. F. . Cutting is not, and for some
time has not been in any way con
nected with the American Hospital &
Relief Association of Portland, and
has no authority to collect money or
enter into cotract or do any business
for the association. G. Hnderson, ee-
reary- ,. .