THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1908. r ; : ' DON'T FOKUJb.1 n. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873 published Dail In the flush and flash of politics Astoria must not forget the prime in terest of her fisheries and the bill to save them. The enemies of honest fishing are busy these days, trusting i... v.. I . . us-.. itrK of local i;et. Dsilv Except Monuay vj to me aosorums - - THE J. & DELUNGER C& ,itic8 t0 divert the attention of the people from tne progum SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 1 , commercial larceny; and we By mail per ye"... must be alive to the crisis the are By carrier, per monttu Astoran is logicatly WEEKLY ASTORIAN. pledged to wage the war against the advance... .i.M,.r n( the leading industry of the . lowej, Co,umbia and his friends over EnteiOBdjMtg JWW the State should be apprised of the Oregon, under the March Oregon one ot us csschum wv. "tr Orders for the delivering of The The success or defeat of person or :omuiuuu' ie permit postal ...u.lnPlt 11 it mi v .i t - - i t ainna admirably without the es ' t publication. pecial political candidate, as sucn, . f. K.ttcr orace man . TELEPHONEMNfou u -- widest ad ...Turn vantage we possess to a set of pirates Hit WtAintn . . it out of existance to T. t,t,n Fair grasp the passing dollar of the hour. Oregon, Washington, Idaho -Fair 8 P now and unremU. and warmer. tinelv. for this great interest, and don't let go till the polls close on the evening of June 1st. THAT $125,000 MUST STAND For the good name of Oregon in the world of letters, and to preserve th interest of her own people in . '-i.:-f ...atihnal institution, that ner cui EDITORIAL SALAD ICE FARMS OF BENGAL Kow They, Get Natural Ice With out Frost In India. A SYSTEM IN USE FOR AGES. In of Roosevelt's plan to m I-.. n..o.Unt Pantro bv mobiliz UCl tuici I llllliualv iiv-. ---- ' aooropriation of $125,000 for the Uni- ing a military and naval force in evrsitv of Oregon must stand; tne Venezuelan waters is iw -- .J nu,st rally to the A postal card will ao me, . j ...hiiitnn of one OI I J tsterv anu uciiv.u. v. finest schools on the racinc siopc, ;a i;t.iv to and they alone must avert the dis- approprjate several miltions to fortify ... . U n tK A 1 -. mi.. 1.. - r .Lab. !cfanH i . tiot win sureiv auap-u v v iHawaii. ine vaiuc ui uiujv .j.. ticun w , , ... state if she shall turn this thing as a strategic point in the Pacific will j I ' OOWU. ...... W A State annot afford to cheapen its own institutions. . Prudent Roosevelt's latest decla Nor can it afford to ufse the law ot . . f arbitration and the referendum for the accentuating more warships has an inharmonious of its stuoidity and parsimony, mat sound, but harmony must not oc law was framed and put in operation tnougn: oi wncn - to save the people from public thett - - -- and public disorders of pronounced 'evil import; not to be used as a f. licrnnntinir the intelligence 1 .,;;mc nf annendicitis are UlCaua iU v..-' w I Diuai .v.mj - - ww s 'V I . . ..-11.. .AM.:n4t.f1 nd pride of the peopic thse wno are nauuudnj wu.i...v. t. a ouruose, nrno Laxative fruit syrup cures tbaturouow - -nation bv stimulating sb0uW not be met wnn a " 3 an-restores the vote i . the State of Oregon. . , 0nno honestly needed and . " - i L,axauvc nua .iii he as honestly spent; and trans- and is mm and pleas s- . nrorpnev. I . . t. f ...k.:..f .c '.;njc in imoorittutc m o " tn take, kciusc wuiu"" Uua m - 1.1 mvhtin? now before the Oregon eiec- T - . . 0wJ Drus store. "tXrate. iust as it transcends hundreds g , Bowen o Wayne, W. -w- . . tv,M i . a sutterer irom kidnev disease, so that at times l I " - could not get out of bed, and when S Si Mattings In all th latest pat- How to Avoid Appendicitis. of other appropriations that m we Va writeJ. j was :3tt have been maae o tMnw d sease. so ..ndffled eratts. u name of Oregon as a champion of and all its concom- itant public values, is to be bargained r the nitiiul sum v, , w r . . . indpd. at a crisis, But it will not be brought to such The neople are proud 4X VWUWU-'v- - - of the University, proud of the Mate, pwud of their ability to mainum both on modern levels, and the ap propriation will be granted generous fv. in Tune, with more to come later. t, it.:. .nnMft!nn must not anyone to the neglect of "Aye" when the time comes T did I could not stand straight tnnW Folev's Kidney Cure. One dol lar hottle and part of the second rured me entirely." Foley's Kidney wnrtfs wonders where others tntal failures. T. F. Laurin Owl Drug Store. AUTO CONTESTS. ASTORIA'S OPPORTUNITY. rMTfAnn Anril 24. Cars that take oart in the 1200-mile, 300 miles votine U day, reliability contest of the Chi- cago Motor Ciuo, june ttt w o" 27. have their work cut out for them according to the announcement made vesterdav bv Charles P. Root, chair man of the contest committee who ritv should lend itself heart- has mapped out four tentative routes i.- . ..... r.f merit that Urhich heure, miies w au Uy.. J ...:,5. and health- Use of 296 miles a day, the country ralK lor IHC V fciviwa.w i-o- . , Every e ement ot empiuyiucm . - ft T ..... cf n for them miles of .Chicago and no one route terest mai uu . . . . , .... ...j. .t,. .... . . ; i .rdiai HiL-mr in nnv oi ine ruitua ui mc should receive prompt . , i " mmM. rnnt suooort. such as athletic cluos, ana omers. n.c iu. . -support, 8UC mili- show 292 miles one day, 322 another, lZ 279 a third, and 291 on the fourth engaging and compensating pursuit day. . . . ..Uc and pacer I (f0r deveiopmg u,u0 A TWENTY YEAR SENTENCE, spirit- , .The founding here of a first-class athletic association and the organiza- f .t,. VQtinnnl Guard in tms "I have just completed a twenty vears health sentence, imposed Dy UOn OI uie " ,1 ft J city afford a splendid opportunity for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which cured the expression of general mieresi me oi oiecunig pa JU and Dractical concern on tne pari "' years ago, wi vy. ..w.vtw, nrhn wishes to see a nu"6 oi iycivaysvuic, n. "'-" " CVCIV ilia. i - J .. tU. I a . P.I... 1...1. it.. inr,i heart-v caoable succession c Arnica oaive ncais mc ... . ., .... j. .j ..... it.. despatch of the world s attairs as tney DOiis, ourns, wounos ana cuts m i...u - Astnria ,-'Ut- v .. There are far too many weaklings in existance today, mental and physi cal; the records of the nation are far too full of lapses and failures and incompetents; we need all the saving methods that can be devised and maintained to obviate the retrogres sion; to build anew the energies and capacities that make for constant and genuine success. . Encouragement and dollars should be ready on all sides for both these enterprises until both are firmly on their feet, and the program of heart ening and support should be earned right along for their perpetuation at all times. -- shortest time. 25c. at Charles Rogers & Son drug store. STRAWBERRIES PLENTIFUL. NEW YORK, April 24.-A glut in the strawberry market within a few weeks time is' the prediction of deal ers in fruit here who say that New Yorkers will in all probability be able to eat all the good strawberries they want at 6 tents a quart or per haps five. Reports from growers of the berries in Virginia, Delaware and New Jersey are that the on-coming crop of berries is better than for many seasons and that a larger acre age, has been devoted to the fruit. Shallow Porous Earthon Dlshos Whloh Wator. by tho Proeoos Rapid Evaporation and Htat Inaula tlon, It CongotUd During tho Night. In hot India, where every day In the year the resident gets all the heat he wants, there are four or Ove months ot the year November to March- when the uL'lits. although never reach- Imr even to frostiness, can be mnde to produce mnny tons of Ice In tho open. The He da n which the Ice la mane are low, flat and open, and the Ice Is nrodueed In larce lots when the tem perature or the air is 13 degrees or 20 degrees V. above the congealing point, writes L. Lodlan In the Scientific American. The methoa practiced is au Instructive example of keen observa inn adnnted to material purposes by n nation which Is today Ignorant of the science of the thlng-that is. tney couiu nnt Tninin if ouestloued what actually causes the forming of the lee beyond raw vrnriiR nhrases. like ' the wtuu ml ''keeulmr the earthly heat ddwn." Yet this same Ice forming process has been utilized in India since t&e ages that are "lost In the night of time." and ii ih a nHmiHfic observation and ac curacy which the Hindoo has acquired by instinct hnuded down turougu cuuui In, fv.iimi tiling. The Ice plot is a rectangular piece of ground, say. 130 feet long by 30 broad, runulug In an easterly and west erly direction. The soil Is removed to a depth of a couple of feet Thla ex cavation when mnde is smoothed and then allowed to remain exposed to the torrid rays of the sun to dry; then rice straw lu small sheaves is laid iu an oblique direction in the hollow, with loose straw on the top to the depth of a foot and a half, leaving its surface ..if tnnt lwlow that of the ground. vnmornna tods of this kind are form ed the ensemble constituting the ice rmuith narrow gldewalks between them, in which here and there large covered earthen water jars are sunn in tho emund for the convenience of having water near by to All the shallow earthen vessels in whwn it is to oe frozen. These dishes are nine mcnes in dinmptor at the ton. diminishing to five Inches at the bottom, one and one- half inches deep and one-quarter men thirk. and are so porous as to soon De- come moist throughout when water is placed In them. vchen evenine comes the shallow earthenware pans are placed in rows upon the litter, and by means or nnie burned tilt pots secored to the ends of lengthy bambusa canes each pan is half filled with water. The quantity nevertheless varies according to tho inectation of ice. The natives cani forecast that by the aspect of the heav ens and the evenness with wnten xne air currents come from the northwest. Thore are about 6.000 plates in each of the beds, and the ice yield will av erage a quarter pound from each disn. In the coo season when the tempera ture of the air at the Ice fields is un der 50 degrees F. and there are gentle breezes from the north and west direc tions Ice appears In a night In oil of the shallow pans. Native watchers are on the lookout to note when a thin film appears on the water In the pans, when tho contents of several are mixed to gether and sprinkled over the other dishes. This method augments the freezing action. Stagnation has teen discovered by the natives to diminish the quantity of ice produced. When the firmament is entirely clear, with zephyr currents from the northwest, the congelation begins before or about midnight and continues to advance till morning. when the thickest ice is formed. It is often an Inch thick, and sometimes the whole contents of the dish are frozen comnact. The ice dishes present a large moist external surface to the air currents. nroduclne ranld evaporation and n lowerlnz of the temperature. The wa ter which percolates through the po rous trays exposes so large a surrace to the breeze that It is promptly fro zen. In addition to the evaporative effect we also have the Influence of heat insulation to fall back upon in explaining the phenomenon. The thick layer- or dry straw in xne ice beds forms a large surface which Is a Door conductor of heat. The heat can penetrate lt a little way into it during the day. So soon as tne sun eta sets this large and powerfully ra diating surface Is brought Into action and affects the water In the thin, po rous pans, themselves strong radiators. Some of the natural "ice farms" or Bengal produce in a single night over ten tons of ice, employing 300 persons of all sizes and ages, and the early morning harvesting of the ice by these lithe gentry darting about is one 5f the few animated scenes worth noting in the Ganges region. MM I llnuse-Cleariiiie i. ' r v 1 s.. .j war" i in W WWII Cattl I gftSffi w e v:.vvivt ilvv 1 P a Iff M ... , t I U.VJ H i Hrk-liAi'tA . .... IfnHlf J bn- v. , j, .-Vrf nib llll'l.Ml inr inn iii a u l . AWV g 1 UU UUI IU IUI IliG UUUJ 11 y $iik?WK. i 1 l - tol i i lime terna spring line just re celved some thing new. We have an excellent line in Baby Go-Cartstlle, celebrated Allwinit is one cf the easiest riders in carriages. Prices $2.50 Up Specials in Iron Beds We have the largest assortment of IRON BEDS in the City and your wants can oe casny sausncu in this line. Pnces are dways the lowest. ; You will save money by buying pur furniture at- ' " : 1 IllUBiiMIIUHnV 030-634 Commercial Street 5 ... - ,- "n.m Ormui ilistirrlmnwanf tlin fimln. Ine system act like a firebrand on the nerves of women, often driving them fairly frantic. A hamrrtna IwlfaWLi wnman la tt WiTUUil) ItlllUUPU nvuppppp M W Bnnrnn nr mkervnnt. nnW tn herself. but to all thooo who come tinder her Influence. That such conditions can be entirely overcome by taking LYDIA ELPINKHAH'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND is jroven by the1 following letters. wra. JMaiy v ooa, oi vnnsiwna, Tenn, writes to Mrs. llnkham : "I had the worst form of female troubles and my nerves were all torn tanWAi anmit.lmeal auffvred SO much thul it puppoiiimI ft thouffh I could not live. I began to take Lydla E. link nam a v egtwuie vompouoa uu w t .... . , . . v xeei line a ainerent pvraou. ior wui eine is worth Its weight in gold, and 1 cannot, say enougn lor your acmce. Mrs. Wallace Wilson, Thompson vill. (Vmn writes toMra.IHnkham: " I nit all run down, nervous, and could not rest nights. Doctors railed to help me. Lydla E. Pinkham a Vege- j , . table Compound restored me to perfect mMMMMMMMMMMM0TJ health." . T facts for sick women. DecoratcYour House with Decorato For thirty years Lydia E. link- Z -f " - nam s vegetat)io uompouna, maae t 11 from roots and herbs, has been the X . a standard remedy for female Uls. RenOW YOUr Old FumitUrC Willi women who have been troubled with T npnilPrPT HUWmonk inflammation. tllcera- X luai'4 uwvl tion, irregularities, periodic pains, 1 V. - ll'U.. ArxJr unil TO If 9 IT Mrs. Pinklinm Invites all nick I T Knnfd & StOKeS HOW. O. CaiTieS CUU1- women to write her ror avicc. . , . ir ' ; J SUTJSti&SSSi. M P,ete hne .f Oils, Paints, Varnishes; and i any iiiniB iv luMtru l a-.', iliwwlng It before ana lie hM hi'", pitching It up Into tl air rike crlckot ball and catching it agnl'i -M It continued to spin." l! Trv TELL-O. the dainty, appeal ing economical dessert Can be pre nared instantly simply add boiling water and serve when cool. Flavored just right; sweetened just right; per fect in every way. A 1UC pacicage makes enough dessert for a large familv. AU srrocers sell it. Don t ac cent substitutes. JELL-0 complies with all Pure Food Laws, seven flavors: Lemon, Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Chocolate, Cherry, Peach. PROMINENT EDITOR DEAD. NEVADA, Mo., April 24. Lucius Goss. from 1879 to 1886 associate editor of the Chicago Express and one of the founders of the American Prc Aspiori.ition. died vesterday at his farm near this city- ! The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co il , P liicnrnorttted Successors to Fo-.rd & Stokes Co. Diabolo Itt Origin. M. Henry Maret In "Carnel d'nn Sauvage". In Le Journal of Paris at tributes the discovery of the game to Lieutenant Cameron, who when Jour neying from Zanzibar to Benguela was detained near Lake Tanganyika by a native chief, lie relates: "Sometimes a slave of Djoumah would amuse us by his dexterity With two sticks about a foot long connected by a string of a certain length he spun a piece ot wood cut in the shape of an A CARD. This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if . Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the coueh. heals the lungs and pre vents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe coughs, and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Cpn tains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substi tutes. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. .. New Mtisic t New music wriving daily. Come in and try them over on piano. Few better ones in Astoria. Morn ing is (he best time. Price ALWAYS 1-2 marked or printed price. , . 1 FINE BOX PAPERS Just receivcd;500 boxes of latest effects from 19c to 75c per box. Better paper than has ever been shown here bJore. - Whitman's Book Store TEA We couldn't moneyback tea, if our tea weren't bet ter than tea as you know it. Your pirorcr returns your monej U you don't k Srbiiliuw Deal: wo pay him HIGGINS & WARREN FIRE INSURANCE STRONG COMPANIES ELEVEN New up-to-date maps of Astoria and vicinity for sale, 15 cent per. Savings Bank Bldg Ground Floor PHONE 3631. THE O EM C. F. WISE, Prop.1 Choice Wines, Liquors Merchant! Lunch Frsm and Cigars 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. Hot Lnncb at All Hours. as Cratf Corner Eleventh and Commercial. AST0PJLA OttGOtf j THE TRENTON j 7 I First-Class Liquors and Cigars 602 Commercial Street. . , ' Corner Commercial and 14th. ' ASTORIA, OREQON X Behnke Walker THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE ELKS BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON OUR FACULTY IS STRONGER THAN EVER 'We have just secured the services of two high-saiaried, practical men, as well as leading business educators, from the East. We leave no stone unturned. We are now giving you the best that money can procure. H. W. Behnke, Pres. SEND FOR CATALOGUE I. M. Walker, Prln, N A