The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 24, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, APRIL 24. 1908.
We had a shipment already and will soon have
plenty for everybody. Meantime we have plenty '
other nice things with which to round out a meal.
He Wants In
Alfred Sciverucn, a native of Nor
way, has expreimed hit formal desire
for Amcrlcun citizenship, and Tiled hl
declaration with the county clerk.
option matters, ai between the At
turia Civic League and the Business
Men, the petition for a local option
liquor election wan filed In the
County Clerk! office ' in behalf of
Precinct No. 7 , of the City of As
toria. There fi bad faith lomewhcre,
in this relation,
Poatmaiter Pro Tern
Mis Clara Munson it acting ai
Kitmuster : of that .handsome little
city during the absence of Mri. Den
ver, who is away on r month's leave
of absence for a bit of rest and recrea
tion.' :
astern Lumber Bhlpments
There ii considerable iniprovcmcnt
in the local lumber mill business' and
nine nrdrri have been received from
pointi eait of the Missouri river and
in a short time over 300 carloads of
lumber will be shipped from here to
Eastern cities.
Inaueit Postponed
- Coroner W. C. A. Pohl visited the
scene of the ictty accident yesterday
morning and will go to Hammond
this morning to impanel a jury, al
though the case will not be consid
ered until the injured men now in the
post hospital are sufficiently recov
ered to tcitify.
Democratic Meeting . .
James T. Wallace, Democratic
State Central Committeeman, has is
sued a call for a meeting of the
Democrats ,in the council chamber
in the City Hall on Saturday evening,
April 25th at 8 o'clock. All Demo
crats are invited to participate in the
meeting. ,
The public i hereby notified that
H. F. Cutting is not, and for some
time has not been in any way con
nected with the American Hospital &
Relief Association of Portland, and
has no authority to collect money or
enter Into cotract or do any business
for the association. G. Hnderson, sec
retary. ,
No. 7 Has Filed
Yesterday afternoon, despite the
pending agreement under negotiation
for the final adjustment of the local
Surveying Trip
i J. G. Kellcy, the hydraulic engineer
of Portland and Gclo F. Parker left
yesterday to go over the preliminary
nurvey recently made by Mr. Parker
with a view to ascetain the most
feasible route to run a pipe line or
ditch to connect Fat Buck Creek with
Dear Creek, and the probable cost of
same as authorized at special meet
ing of the water commission last
Tuesday afternooa
Wanted to See the World
Delmar McKinfric, a 10-year-old
boy who had sold his bicycle and
with the proceeds started out from
Portland to sec the world and was
picked upvby the police here on ad
vice from the Portland police. Ilia
father came down after the youngster
and, took him home. The boy was
evidently as glad to see his father as
the father was to see his son.
Double Funeral Today
The funerals of Martin Carlson and
J. C. Lehman, the two unfortunate
men who lost their lives in the freight)
ful accident at the jetty, Wednesday
morning, will be held at the First
Methodist Church at Hammo'nd this
afternoon, Rev. Mr. Warren officiat
ing. The funerals will be under the
'auspices of the Red Men, and Odd
Fellows of which orders the deceased
were respectively members. The in
terments will be at Ocean View
Cemetery. " ,
the bestin the world
50ca Pound,
Probate Matters
' Judge Trcnchard yestcrdayVdispoi-
ed of several matters in county court,
among which was the formal issu
ance of a citation fo'r the appearance
and examination of a minor boy, by
name of John P. Thompson, who up
on the complaint of Miss C. Lindle, is
alleged to be an incorrigible yquth.
The day set for the inquiry is today
at 2 p. m. He will probably be sent
to the Boys' & Girls' Aid Society. .
In the matter of the state of John
Christian, an order was made approv
ing the semi-annual account of the
administrator, and directing the sale
of certain personal property. In
the matter of the estate of Michael
Nowlcn, an order was made direct
ing the executors to provide the sum
of $22 monthly, for the support of
John F. Nowlen. An order was also
made In the suit of H. A. Kraus vs.
Harry Huennccke and Chas. Markou,
granting a temporary injunction as
against the interference with certain
realty, until the circuit court shall
have passed updn the merits pending
adjustment. ..
The AstorianV Great Gift Contest Creates
Wonderful Enthusiasm Next Sunday
the Names Appear for the First Time '
Enthusiasm )n the Astorian's
great $.1000 popular voting contest
increases with every hour. Each
mail brings in nominations from
both in an out of the city.
This great popular voting contest
is the subject of much discussion in
hundrcrs of homes, all over the sur
rounding country and bids fair , to
eclipse anything ever attempted in
thcWest. ' ; ', ;: ; 1
(The voting has commence in ear
nest and by next Sunday when the
first list of candidates will be given
out with the -number of votes ac
corded to each, the contest will have
a strong and interesting foundation-
Don't fail to cut out the coupons
and nomination blanks for your fav
orites; also request your friends to
insist on receiving the special , vote
coupon when paying their
scriptions,, as every ' subscription
counts and it takes but a few votes
to place your favorite candidate in
the lead and secure tl prestige J Astorian may be held as long as de
which comes with a good beginning, i sired and voted at any time up to the
The many candidates who will ap-; close of the contest, but ballots cut
pear in this list will furnish many J from the Astorian are only good for
surprises to the people of Astoria. one week from publication and will
and surounding country who will be- i not be counted if voted after the date
come interested in the gigantic offer printed on the ballot.
; The nomination coupon will only
appear for a Jew days. The easiest
and quickest way to win is for candi
dates to ask their friends to prepay
their subscription for six to twelve
months. It costs the subscriber noth
ing extra to do this and they are saved
the annoyance of weekly and monthly
collections. By so doing you receive
a special vote ballot which is good
any time during the contest.
Orders for the prizes will be given
the successful contestants at the close
of, the contest; same may be used by
the contetant herself or disposed of
in any manner she may see fit.
Any young lady residing in the
above mentioned territory is eligible
to compete in this contest
, Anyone who desires to vote in this
contest may do' so by ballots cut
sub- from the Daily and Weekly Astorian,
or by special vote coupons obtained
by subscribing to the Astorian. The
coupons secured by subscribing to the
Why Don't You Put In That OAS
Saves trouble and worry. The best labor saving ap
pliances in the home. Let our representative explain
1 their merits. Phone us or write your name on line be
low and mail this ad. to us. '
of The Astorian.
The precaution taken by the con
test manager to make this a high-
class proposition will be verified when
this list is published, and the candi
dates and, their friends will feel a
further inspiration to go out and win.
There is a ballot box in the Astor
ian omce where tne votes may oe
deposited for any young ladies whom
you' may see fit to vote for. If "you
cannot bring the ballots to the of
fice, send them in by mail to the
Contest Manager and the votes will
Persons living 'in one district ate
not confined to voting for ladies in
their own particular district, but may
vote for anybody in the race.
The offer affords the girls of As
toria and Surrounding territory an
excellent opportunity to travel or re
ceive a business education at the ex
pense of the Astorian,
The trips include transportation
both ways, meals and berth while en
route, first class hotel accommoda
tions at'different stopping points
Instructions for Voting.
be accorded to the young lady for j Enter the name of the lady whom
whom they are intended. The votes 'you wish to secure one of these mag-
Is to have the cleanest store and the best grade of
groceries to be found in the city.
Is to have the patronage of people who are particular
what they eat. .
Scholfield, Mattson & Co.
phone lisi GOOD GO O D SpH0NE 931
' ' J V
For a
liisohTiioiiograpn w.
Parlors Second Floor Over Scholfield & Mattson Co.
are counted twice, so mere can dc
no mistake as to the proper number
of ballots accorded to each candi
date. The votes are always open for
inspection, to insure a fair deal-
How To Win.
Any young lady who desires to en
ter this great contest and win one of
of the magnificent prizes offered,
should at once see that her name is
sent to the contest manager. All
that is necessary to win a prize is to
receive the largest number of votes
according to the condition mentioned
elsewhere in this-announcement.
Candidates should at once interest
their friends in the contest and by
united and energetic action induce as
many people as possible to vote for
them. Each nomination coupon cut
from the Astorian will count for five
votes for a candidate.
nificent rewards in this contest at
once. She may win a Automobile,
piano, a free trip, or one of the valu
able scholarships. Better still, get the
lady to efiter her name and then vote
for her. Those who get in on the
start have the best chance of winning,
so it is desirable that the names be
entered at once in order to get a good
! start. Candidate who enter this con
test do not necessarily have to be sub
scribers of the Astorian. Enter your
name and your friends will do the
rest Your will be surprised to see
how rapidly the votes will come in,
and what little efforts is necessary to
win one of the rewards offered. Get
in on the start and encourage your
friends" to vote for yqu; the rest will
be easy. You. will never know how
populajr you are until you enter a con
test of this kind.
I !
T .
f For
X Dist,
y ....
Good for one vote when filled out and sent to The Astorian
office by mail or otherwise on or before expiration date. No ballot
will be altered in any way, or transferred after b'eingr recevied by the
Many Opportunities.
, 'Almost." everyone is blessed with
opportunities for saving money.
Are you availing yourself of these
timely opportunities to increase your
funds? The money you save now
' will be one of the greatest joys of the
future. Start an account ' with this
institution. Interest paid on savings ac
counts and time certificates of deposit
. 506-508 Commercial St. Astoria. Ore
A1 recent article in the New Orleans
Item gives an account of the effect
upon the medical profession of that
city with regard to L. T. Cooper's the
ory that the human stomach is respon
sible for most ill health. The article
is as follows: ( '
"The astonishing sale of Cooper's
preparation in this city has now reach
ed such immense figures that the
medical fraternity have been forcedV
my attention concerning this Cooper
medicine have gone far toward re
moving the prejudice I had formed
against them when I first heard of
Cooper's new ideas and medicines.
" 'Numbers of my patients whom I
have treated for chronic liver, kidney
and stomach troubles have met me
and stated that Cooper's medicine has
accomplished wonderful results for
them. I notice particularly in cases
into open discussion of the man's th-.of stomach trouble that the man has
ories and medicines. v
"The physicians seem to be divided
with regard to the young man's suc
cess in New Orleans some being
willing to credit him for what he has
accomplished, while others assert that
the interest he has aroused is but a
passing fad that will die but as quick;
ly as it has sprung up.
"In a statement recently obtained
from a well-known physician of this
city, the position of those in favor of
Cooper is well voiced. The doctor
said: "I am not a believer in proprie
tary medicines, but I must admit that
some of the facts recently brought to
relieved several cases that were of
years' standing and proved very ob
stinate to treatment.
" 'I do not wish to stand in the way
of something that may be for the pub
lic good, simply through professional
prejudice, and I am inclined to give
Cooper and his preparations credit
as deserving to some extent the popu
lar demonstration that has been ac
corded them in this city.'
We sell the Cooper medicines. They
are proving remarkably successful
throughout the entire United States.
Charles Rogers & Son, the leading
Plenty of Visitors '
County Judge C. J. Trenchard, for
the past two days, has been strictly in
his own pleasurable element In the
reception of citizens who have called
at Clatsop's new and magnificent
court house to scrutinize its manifold
attractions and conveniences; and he
is further pleased with the invariable
enconiums heaped upon it by all who
see it thoroughly. Without exception,
all visitors have plainly expressed
their pride and interest in the beauti
ful structure and are universally glad
that it is completed and paid for.
Special Deliveries Delayed
There was a good deal of complaint
made yesterday on the score of three
"special delivery" letters whi a were
mailed out of Portland on the 6
o'clock mail, and were stamped as re
ceived in the Astoria office at 10:30
o'clock p. m-, each bearing the regula
tion 10-cent stamp required hi that
behalf. All the addresses were acces
sible at that hour of th night, and all
were more or less discomfitted be
cause of the non-delivery. Messengers
were to be had for the calling, and it
is regarded as "a breach of the postal
service that failure was made in these
instances. The parties upon whom
Fresh Chocolates
Candies, etc.
Made fresh every day in our
" own factory.
843 Commercial Street
this neglect fell, were Messrs., Norris
Staples, Secretary J. H. Whyte of the
Chamber of Commerce and the Morn
ing "Astorian. The letters were im
portant and some disadantage ' fol
lowed their non-delivery- The laches
lies between the postoffice authorities
and the Western Union people, as
the. latter have a standing contract
for the immediate delivery of all let
ters under "special delivery" condi
tions, no matter when they arrive
here. .
High School Debate This Eveningr
The. debafe this evening between
the Baker City High School and the
Astoria High School teams will take
place in the Astoria theatre. The
winners of this debate will represent
the northern section of Oregon andJ
will go to Eugene in June to try con
clusions with the winners of the
southern section. The question to, be
debated is "Resolved, That the mem
bers of the lower house of the legis
lature in the State of Oregon, should
be elected by a system of proportional
representation," and the local teant
will support the affirmative. Prof. U
R, Alderman, superintendent of ' the
Eugene schools wil act as chairman
and the judges will be J. H. Acker
man, State superintendent ,of public
instruction; Prof. F. B. Young of the
University of Oregon and Rev. C. C.
Rarick, pastor of the First M. E.
Church of this city. The program as
arranged will be as follows: Selec
tion by the High School orchestra;
song by G. Ziegler; debate;' selections
by quartet, consisting of Messrs.
Johnson, Ross, Smith and Garner;
decision of the judges and a selection
by the orchestra. As a large number
of tickets have already been sold the
indications are that the house will be
and tea; Schilling's Best,
is sold 'by about 9000
grocers west of the Rocky
Mountains. . ' j
Your grocer return! rouir monsr It you don't
like It; w pir him. '
G. P. Rice of San Francisco was
in the city on business yesterday.
O. W. David of Portland was ia
town yesterday. , ,
J. D. Schraff of New York is on a
business trip to this city. .
Thomas H. Allman and wife ai
Cathlamet are registered at the Occi
dent. , ; v
an altercation with Foreman Damas
cus in one of the construction gangs
on the Ocean Shore Railroad at Saw
Pedro, Tuesday, a Greek laborer was
fatally stabbed. While being brought
to San Francisco yesterday for hos
pistal treatment, the victim of the
affray died on the train.
Dance at Uniontown.
On Saturday evening next, the
25th, the Uppertown Band intends to
give an enjoyable dance ai Suomi
Hall in Uniontown; and it will be
delightfully managed. Gentlemen, S)
cents; ladies free.
v, .- ; : ,
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Sale Slips for Piano Numbers.
X CHANGE your Herman Wis
Sale Slips for Piano Numbers.
X CHANGE your ' Herman Wise
Sale Slips for Piano Numbers.
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Sale Slips for Piano Numbers.
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X CHANGE your Herman Wise
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