8 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTOfllA, OREGON. TUESDAY,' APRIL 14, 1908, THE HIGH SCHOOL - ATHLETES EDWIN SHORT RECEIVES HIGH COMMENDATIONS FOR RUNNING MATCHES AND POLE VAULTING. The following account of the ex ctllent showing of the Astoria High School tract team in the contests 'at Portland last Saturday has been banded into this office: Saturday night the Astorian High School track team returned from Portland where they made an excel knt showing at the Columbia meet Edwin Short, the speedy Astoria sprinter, reeieved high commenda tion from the track critics for the excellent showing he made in the pole vault, 50 and 220 yard dashes. He was vaulting against such men as Moullen of Oregon, Swann of O. A C, and Kuykcndall of U. of 0.r and won fourth place, clearing 9 feet inches, with ease. He easily won his heat in the 50' yard dash and by an accident in the semi-finals was shut out in the finals. In the 220 yard dash, Short won second place, after winning first in his heat and in the semi-finals. Harbert, another A. H. S. boy, de lighted the purple and gold follow ers and surprised his opponents, by winning second place, in the high Jumps, easily defeatingTorest Smith son, the world's champion hurdler, and Moullen and Kuykendall of Uni rersity of Oregon. He cleared the , bar at 5 feet 8 inches. Trainer Cathey of the Astoria High School, declares he has the ma terial to make a winning team, and proudly states that the Astoria school will be in the foremost list of win ners at the big inter-schoolastic meet at Corvallis next June. The boys certainly have done well nd deserve the support of all loyal j Astorians. and if the court had lot her tell her story with her history and most ev erybody else's the session would have lasted till it would have been time to turn on the electrics. He, however confined her to the charge and as scssed her $10 or live days. Her re lease to be at the option of Chie Gammal. In Beautiful Greenwood At 1 o'clock yesterday the fuuera of Edward H. Utzinger occurred in the presence of his family, kinsmen and a host of grieving friends, the cortege moving from the family home to Grace Episcopal Church, where Re. W. Seymour Short, rector, re:u! the touching" service of that church oer all that was mortal of the popu lar young Astorkw. At the close of the service, the solemn line of march was taken up that lead to the Callen- der dock where the steamer Jordan lay in readiness to transport the re mains to beautiful Greenwood; ad as the casket and its guard of loving friends were on board she steamed slowly into the bay and proceeded on her sad errand up the sun lit reaches of Young's River. Arrived at the cemetery the Foresters of America gave their fraternal attention to the sad engagement of the' hour and buried their friend with all the rites of the order. The floral tributes were very numerous and beautiful; and these, with the feeling offerings made by those privileged to voice the sympathy and love of the host in at tendance, lent ample proof of the abundant honor in which this young citizen was held in this his home city, DONE BY DEED U. S. to Frank Quigley, lots 9-10, sec. 23-4-8 W, 79,16 acres. U. S. to S. J. Mclntyre, 157.18 acres, sees. and W. S. J. Mclntyre and wife to E. B. Clark, same and as above; $3000. Frank Quigley and wife to E. B. Clark, same land as above; $1800. gambling in stocks; a man whose whole life's record ns o stock gam bler, as a company promoter, ns a financial go-between, stamps him in disputably as an ungoverned enthu siast unworthy of a serious following in any great venture; a financial sol dier of fortune, who, like a Hessioii of the Revolution, lights under the ban ner that is richest in gold however foul the cause, .however wretched its followers. The American people would be a joke a Lawson joke they would be gelatine spined shrimps and saffrjon lined apes if they de stroyed by one mad stroke their ecu-turies-old machinery of finance, at the very height of their prosperity and happiness, to try a mysterious econ omic experiment invented oy a spec tacularly unwise prophet, with ; I t .it. uie s record oi constructive deteats and destructive victories. Lawson calls his fellow-Americans bad names because they don't follow him blindly out on a dark highway leading to a mysterious remedy. No wonder that the American peo ple ask: "Is this man a fool or a knave?" But he's not a fool and he's not a knave. He's an enthusiast a bril liant, emotional, egotistical enthus iasthose banner bears the legend, "The end justifies the means." Suc cess Magazine. BIG PRIZE AWARDED. PERSONAL MENTION ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS Civic Improvement League Will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the Methodist Church instead of at the Presbyterian Church as hereto fore arranged. Mrs. Alice Casey Dead- Mrs. Alice Casey died in this city yestedray after a lingering illness of tuberculosis, aged 48 years. Mrs. Casey is a sister of Captain J. H. Lamley master of the steamer Gen eral Washington. The funeral ar rangements have, not been completed. Salmon Protection Committee An enthusiastic meeting was held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms jesteuhy afternoon and the commit tee of 15 whom the Mayor appointed at the request of the mass meeting last Friday evening, gathered to per fect the organization. The following officers were elected: Herman Wise, chairman; W. E. Schimpff, vice chair man; John IT. Whyte, secretary; S. S. Gordon, treasurer. The work of gathering funds for the dissemination of literature explaining the necessity f supporting the Columbia River Salmon Protective Association bill will be taken up and vigorously prosecuted. Sister Superior Retiring Ssiter Tancreda, who has been the superior at St. Mary's hospital for the past six years, will leave for Portland on Wednesday morning to return to St. Vincent's Hospital in the metrop olis She has made many warm friends while in this city and will be missed by the many people who have business at that admirable institution not the least of whom are the news papermen who have invariably receiv ed the most courteous treatment and all the news. The new Sister Superior Sister Andrews, is the new head of the Institution, coming down on the evening train last Saturday. W. H. Ormsby, soliciting freight agent for the Northern Pacific, was in the city yesterday on a quest for ! business for his lines. Arthur Dayton, who is well known here as one of the business staff at the Hart drug store, came down from Portland yesterday on the noon ex press, and brought his brother, Floyd Dayton, of the metropolis along with him, to show him the wonders and beauties of the leading city on the Columbia river. Mrs. C. R. Higgins and little daugh ter left yesterday for a two weeks visit with relatives in Portland. In the Police Court Two cases were before his honor, Judge Anderson, when the police conrf convened yesterday afternoon. IT. M. Batty, who is the proprietor of a pool room on Commercial street between Tenth and Ninth streets, was arrested Saturday night for allowing minors in his place of business after 30 o'clock at night. About a month ago this same man was arrested on a similar charge and his fine was sus pended upon his promising to be more circumspect in the future. Mr. , , 1 TT. Batty was represented oy counsi. nc was fined $10 which was promptly paid. The other case was an elderly woman on a charge of drunkenness CURES COUGHS AND COLDS. Hyomei Gives Relief in 10 Minutes- Cures Over Night Everybody knows, or ought to know, that Hyomei is recognized among scientists as the specific for Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and Hay Fever, but there are a great many peoplc-who do not know that Hyomei will cure a cough or a cold in less than 24 hours. But everyone should know that the soothing, balmy and antiseptic air of Hyomei when breathed over the raw and inflamed membrane of the nose and throat will instantly allay the in nammation, and will effect a prompt cure. Complete Hyomei outfit, including inhaler, costs only $1.00( at T. F. Lauirn, extra bottles, if afterwards needed, will cost but 50 cents. I Joseph M. Harbaugh, Heldredge, Neb., writes: "I have used your Hyomei in my family for two years or more, and find it one of the best remedies we ever used for' a cold or sore throat. .We find that it gives quick relief in cases of catarrh." LAWSON, THE DREAMER. Jt was only ten days after telling the President how to cure all the evils of our economic life by a White Mouse proclamation, that Lawson publicly announced that he had quit reforming; and a few days later, when the publisher of "Frenzied Finance" cried out despairingly: "Lawson, this is an awful thing you have done, giv ing up the fight for the people," the Crusader's pent-up wrath burst forth: "The people! What do I owe to the gelatine spined shrimps? What have the saffron-blooded apes done for mc or mine? The people, particularly the American people, are a joke a System joke.". No, the American people are not a joke nor are they apes or shrimps; but they would be a joke they would be apes and shrimps if they became marionettes to dance to the sting-jerkings of a brilliant phrase maker whose livelihood is gained by Interest in community publicity reached a climax in Portland last week when the eighty prizes offered by the Portland Commercial Club for articles on the Pacific Northwest print ed in papers outside of Oregon and Washington, were awarded and the money distributed the same day. Tli-.' judges were Messrs. James F. Ewing, of Portland Academy, J. F. Tayler, news editor of the Oregon Journal, and W. J. Cuddy, editor of the Week ly Oregonian, and they have spent two and one-half months reading the more than one million words submit ted by various contestants. Rev. John Roach Straton, pastor of the Seventh Baptist Church, of Baltimore, Maryland, was winner of the grand prize of $1000. He was in Portland last summer for a short visit, Miss Mateel Howe, of Portland, was awarded the second prize of $5(X). Articles were in competition from every state in the Union, and almost 1 every state had its representative among the winners. Mr. Chas. S. Fee, Passenger Traffic Manager of the Harrison Lines, spent three full days in Portland last week in consultation with General Passenger Agent William McMurray and other officials, arranging the de tails of a 28-hour service be tween Portland and San Francisco. When Senator George C. Perkins of California, in a speech recently de- ivercd before the United States Sen ate, made the statement that Portland harbor afforded a dejith of between 19 ami 20 feet, the people of the grout Columbia River Basin and all those of the Pacific Northwest were aston ished. The most thorough compila tion of the shipping of W7 from this port shows numerous vessels with drafts ranging from 25 to 25,9 feet, and a very large number averaging in excess of 24 feet. The people of the Columbia River basin do not ap preciate the misrepresentation con stantly given the River, una have asked Senator Perkins to correct his erroneous statement in the Senate, but up to this time he has not done so. r Mayor Heitfeld, of Lewiston, came to Portland on the 10th at the head of a delegation of Lewiston-Clarks ton citizens, including official of tin commercial bodies, the managers of their numerous irrigation projects, railroad officials ami capitalists to personally invite representative citi zens of Portland to visit Lewiston Clarkston on May 1st. to celebrate the opening of the "Riparia Cut-off", which means a 10 hour schedule be tween those cities and Portland, a "Were it not for the fact that my avocation makes it necessary for me to reside in the national capital," said F. J. llaskin, the famous foreign correspondent, representing some forty of the leading metropolitan papers of the country, "I would choose the Pacific Northwest for my home. In no section of the world is the reward of endeavor so sure, and life so wholesome and delightful. I have encountered the most delightful weather in Portland that I have seen during a trip of more than 20,000 miles since January 1st;" This Week "WALNUTS" l5c Per Pound A. V. ALLEN SOLE AGENT FOR BAKER'S BARRINOTON HALL STEEL. CUT COFFEE. PHONES 711 AND 3871 , BRANCH PHONE '713 SERMONS IN STONE. Leisure is sweet to those who have earned it, but burdensome to those who get it for nothing. A sunny, cheerful heart change world of gloom into a paradise of beauty. One man's heart makes him a king in a palace. ao education is adequate to uie needs of life which docs not produce decision of character, courage, self control and perseverance. Happiness is a means rather than an end. It creates energy, promote growth ami nuition and prolongs life. We should treat our'detractors and calumniators as Mirabeau did. When speaking at Marseilles he was called ''calumniator, liar, assassin, scoundrel. He said: "1 wait, gentlemen, until these amenities are exhausted." W . 'n.l -i huh- -I -orirmi - .-u..... Tl M Tbo Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been 1 in use lor over SO years, lias borne tho signature of and has been made under his per sonal BttjKsnLiion since Its Infancy, Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeit)!, Imitations ond"Jut-a-iroMl"are but Experiments Hint trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience agalut Experiment What is CASTORIA Cootorla Is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare Rorlc, Drops and Soothfojr Syrups. It Is 1'leanaut. II contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotle subNtanee. Its age Is Its guarantee. It dewtroys Worms and allays FevcrlMltness. It cures Dlnrrhovu and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cur Constipation and Flatulency. It tvuilmilntes tho Food, regulates the l Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYO Boars the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought ' In Use For Over 30 Years. , Txt oiwTtu HMn, tt MtiaiuT rrntrr, iw ro em. A cough cure than can be given to children without chance of harm is Kemp's Balsam, the beet cough cure. It does not contain poisons or ' harmful drugs. Druggists sell it. Blank books Up to the highest standards Bookbinding After strictly modern methods Printing Of every description Our Facilities the Best And we promptlyexecuteall Are J. S. Dellinger Astoria, Oregon orders Co. ouse-Cleaning Time linc Jugt re: I I LLr mLUIjIj thing new. Go-Carts i 6 Baby We have an excellent line in Baby Go-Carts the celebrated Allwin it is one cf the easiest riders in carriages. Prices $2.50 Up Specials in Iron Beds We have the largest assortment of IRON BEDS in the City and your wants can be easily satisfied in this line. Prices are always the lowest. You will save money by buying your furniture at ' Mill HillWff 630-634 Commercial Street J Classified Ads. in the Astorian Give Best Results