SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1008. 7 THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. j ; . i : : : Astoria Society Gamer Wriglit of Seattle in expect' ed to trrlve today to upend the Eastern holiday with hii aunts, the MUtei Mary and Ruth Carner, Mint Sophia Rcimnn of Portland in visiting with her cousin, Mint Clara Munioii i of Warrenton, Mlsi Rci man and Miss Munson were visltori In Astoria Thursday evening and at tended the meeting of the Rcbckah Lodge. Mrs. Pracl has returned from mak ing an extended visit with her sons and their familiiet hi Portland. ' Mini Mary Gill has arrived from Fcrndale, Cal., to visit with her lis ter, Mr. Gricse and Mrs, Joseph Phillip of this city. ' ' , ' Mrs. O. M. Ford and baby daugh ter of llwaco, Wash., were the guest of Mrs. Whitman several days this week. Mr. Ford wat returning from a brief visit In Portland. , ' Mr. Carrie Hubbard of Independ ence, Ore., grand warden of the Re bekah Assembly of Oregon, paid an official visit on Thursday evening of this week to Gateway Rebekah Lodge No. 77 of this city. There wa a large turn out to greet the grand officer sev eral coming from other points to be present during the exercises. At the close of the meeting, the committee In charge of the entertainment erved a sumptuous banquet. During the banquet several amusing little im promtu talks on topic pertaining to the lodge were given. The feasting and jollity lasted until a late hour and all who were present expressed themselves as having spent in en joyable evening. .' - i ii J ' , . '...!! IKS visited Sackajawca Lodge at Ham mond on Friday evening. While there the Indies were royally entertained. Last evening was spent with the Rainier Lodge. Mrs. Hobson is ex pected home today but Mr. Hubbard will continue her tour to other point. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Numb of Chinook. Wash., were Astoria visitors on Friday. mcnt of their daughter, Elizabeth Mary to Mr. Frank S. Lewii of this city. The wedding will take place on Saturday, April 25th,. at the country home of Mr. and Mri. Raske. The young people are well and favorably known here where they have a host of friend. , Mr. Ira Gaston of Kelso, Wash,, visited hi parent, Mr. and Mr. R. M, Gaston the early part of thi week. . ' Dr. and Mr, Frank Vaughn and Mr. Chetcr Fox spent last Sunday at the Vaughn ranch in the Nehalcm Valley. The young ladies of St. Agnes' Guild of Grace Church are planning for an oraan recital to be given at the church soon after Easter. Mr. Carl Denton, organist of Trinity Church, Portland, will take part In thi recital. Mis Sadie Crang ii ipending a week in Portland. The teachers of the Shively school will hold a cake sale on next Friday afternoon. The proceed to apply on an organ which was recently purchas ed for the use of the primary grades. ft ft Miss Bessie Kindred of Tokcland, Wash., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Ross. ft The Indies of the First Methodist church of thi city will give a "tea" in the church parlors the coming Tues day. The Birthday Club of the Methodist Church will be entertained next Saturday afternoon at the home of, Mrs. Husey on Franklin avenue. ft ft ft ft The firemen of Seaside will give their fourth annual ball at the Shell Road Pavilion Saturday evening, April 18th. ft ft ft Mr. Wilson Slinc left Friday on Mr, Hubbard and Mrs. Hobson board the Roauoke to spend hi vaca- Mrs. Clara P. Hobson delightfully entertained a number of lady friends at her home on Ninth street on Thursday afternoon m honor of Mrs. Carrie Hubbard of Independence, Ore., who was her guest that day. The occasion was also Mrs. Hobson' birthday anniversary and those pres ent joined in wishing their hostess many happy returns of the day. During the afternoon dainty refresh ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. s! P. Raske of Young's River announce the engage- g iA ' - -A" sV Proof Is Inexhaustible that Lydla E. PlnkUam'u Vegetable Compound curries women safely through the Change of Life. , Read the letter Mrs. E. Hanson, 804 E. Lou? M., Columbus, Ohio, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: . " I was passing through the Change 'of Life, and suffered from, nervous j noss, headaches, and other annoying symptoms. My doctor told mo that Lydla 14. Plnkham's Vegetable Com I, pound waa good for me, and since tak ing it I feel so much better, and I can again do mv own work. I never forgot to tell my f riends what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound did for me during this trying period." FACTS FOR SICK WOlVIEN. Vnv thlrtv vflnrsi T.vriMii. E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, made; from roots ana neros, lias ueen me Btandard 1 remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic, pains, backache, that bear-mg'-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,' dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it?,. a, Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to healtlu Address, Lynn, Mass. tion in California. ft ft ft ft ft Mrs. John McGowan of llwaco, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Albert Dunbar. ft Mis Edith Kimball is spending a week in Portland visiting with her sister, Mrs. Victor Luthe. The senior class of the Astoria high school arc preparing to give a dancing party soon after Easter. ft ft The ladies of the Sewing Club met with Mrs! J. Paul Badollct at her home on Commercial street on Fri day afternoon of this week. Senator and Mrs. W. T. Scholfield nre visiting friends in the Willamette Valley. ft ft ft Miss Alma Holmes delightfully entertained the members of the D. M. C. D. Club at her home on Thirty- fourth street on Tuesday evening of this week. Miss Eva Holmes has gone to Seattle for several weeks' visit with relatives and friends. ft ft Miss Lvdia Fletcher of Walla Walla, Wash., is the guest of Mrs.- D. B. Allen. ft ft ft Miss Ina Mannula has returned from a several weeks' visit' in Seattle and Tacoma. Miss Lina Mannula who has been attending the academy at Tacoma returned with her sister and will remain until after the Easter holidays. ft ft ft The engagement of Miss Bessie O'Connor and Mr. Charles E. John son was announced during the past week. The wedding will take place in a short time. Miss O'Connor is a .-tiartninnr vminff woman with host Villi. "'& of friends and acquaintances in and around Astoria who join in hoping that her married life will prove im measurably happy. Mr. Johnson is a successful business man, having been engaged in the grocery business for several years. The young couple will reside here after their marriage. ft ft The Sewing Society of the Relief Corp9 meets every first and- third Wednesday afternoons at the homes pf the different .members. The meet ing' "next Wednesday will be at the home of Mrs. Rich on Fifth street. The ladies are preparing for a bazaar to be held in the early fall. .' Mrs. Albert Kinney entertained a number of lady friends this week at her home on Ninth street. The af ternoon was spent in a delightfully social way, the ladies bringing their sewing.' The hostess served dainty refreshments which all appreciated. GET INTO THOSE OXFORDS SOLD BY BROWN I Hi d If i m .r!" And Ladies's and Gentlemen's Footwear is in damand. The styles are more handsome and more varied this spring than ever. Every correct shoe is here-from the lightest and daintiest house and dress shoe to the heavier shoes for outdoor wear. .LADIES' PATENT LEATHERS What looks sweller, richer or more dainty peeping out from under a woman's skirts than a handsome Patent Leather Shoe or Slipper? There are leathers and leathers, but Patent Leather is the leather for dress wear. We Have the Prettiest Patent Leather Shoes That Ever Clasped a Pretty Ankle. We have Ladies' Patent Leather Footwear in Dress Shoes, Oxfords, Colonials and Slippers? Military and Steeple Heels; Perforated Tips, Etc. No extravagant piices. Shoes bought at Brown's are always right. , LOOK AT BROWN'S WINDOWS AND BE CONVINCED cm A& . The Family Shoe Man ASTORIA OWN OREGON i HOME FAT REDUCER. Worki Rapidly and Safely Requires no Exercising and Allows You to Eat What You Like Cut This Out For the benefit' of those who wish to reduce their flesh quickly and safely, we will give the receipt and directions in ful for a simple house hold remedy that can be obtained at trifling cost from any good drug store; 1 ounc Marmola, i ounce Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic and 31 ounces Syrup Simplex. All three are cheap and wholesome, but you should take care to get an unbroken pack age so that you get Marmola and not a substitute. When you get home mix the three together by shaking them together in a large bottle and take one teapoonful after each meal and at bedtime. Follow these directions and you will have the best fat reducer that money can buy. It will take off the flesh at the rate, of at least two pounds a week without disarranging the stomach or causing wrinkles, while, best of all, ,po exercising or dieting is required to help it out. You can get results and at the same time take things easy and eat what you like as much as you like and when ever you like. - The American public has antici pated Charles Frohman by at least one full theatrical season. They have themselves starred Billie Burke, whd came to America to be leading lady for John Drew. Wherever "My Wife" is played Miss Burke is hailed with delight and farewelled with tears and occasionally good but always well intentioned poetry. In her own incomparable way, Miss Burke re cently wrote to Charles Frohman's New York offices that her fame was spreading to unexpected quarters. She had heard that her "face was be ing used to advertise a pill in the sub way." And she "did not like it." (i. e., the pill). Minions were im mediately dispatched to search in divers directions. But fruitlessly so. There were pills in the subway but nowhere not in all the length and breath of New York was there to be found a face of the charm of Billie Burke's. DEVELOP THE BUST SHE'S A QUEEN SHE'S A SIREN is an expression that is always heard at sight of a well developed woman. If you are flat chested, with BUST undeveloped, a scrawny neck, thin, lean arms the above remark will never be applied to you. "SIREN" wafers will make you beautiful, bewitching.' They DE VELOP THE BUST in a few weeks from 3 to 6 inches and produce a fine firm, voluptuous 'bosom. They fill , out the hollow places. Make the arms handsome and well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely and of perfect contour. Send for a bottle today and you'll be pleased and grate ful. "SIREN" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasent to take and con venient to ca'rry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all we claim or MONEY back. : Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or send DIRECT to us. '" .''''..,'''. During the next 30 days only we will send" you a sample bottle of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10 cents to pay cost of packing and portage if you will mention that you saw the Advertisement in this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient if defects are trivial. ' Desk 22 ESTHETIC CHEMICAL Co., 31 West 125th St New York. FREE Made in New York ENJAMIN Correct Clothes for Men are Economical, because j EKES ilii r : -1 Mftf auai min R (o MAKERS. they cost no more, ard wear longer than others. And there is the Correct New York Style that, stays in a "Benjamin1 Garment to the end. That's why we sell "Benjamin" Clothes. JUDD BROTHERS The Brownsville JVoolen Mills Store 557 Commercial Street Classified Ads. in' the Astorian Give Best Results .