1 I THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. THURSDAY, AVRIL 9, 1908, A . ! BASTBR HATS We are showing thebestandlatestln real swell Easter Hats A large assortment of styles in the New ,Blue Shades, &urm, Brown and all the late colors. Old Hats Remodeled and Plumes Dyed, Curled and Cleaned. Our Prices Are the Very Lowest BON TON MILLINERY STORE GEORGIA PENNINGTON 483 Bond Street CLATSOP PRIMARY VOTE SEGREGATED i MARINE MOVEMENTS YESTERDAY HAPPENINGS ON ASTORIA WATERFRONT IN 24 HOURS ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES TO AND FROM RIVER, BAY AND SEA. The steamer Asuncion came down the river yesterday morning and went . directly to sea and California. The fine oil tank steamer Rosen crans entered port yesterday morn ing and went on to the metropolis without delay. The schooner Matthew Turner looks very handsome and yacht-like out in the channel, and has her crew on board ready to sail for Arica, Chili. She will probably get away to morrow. 1 The Santa Rita came down the riv er yesterday afternoon and crossed .; out about 4 o'clock, on her way to ' the California coast for more oiL ' The schooner Letitia went over the bar yesterday with her cargo of lum ber bound for California. The steamship Breakwater, Cap tain Macgenn, will be down this morning, outward bound for Coos. ' The dandy and reliable Roanoke is due at the Callender dock at an early hour tomorrow morning, bound for Eureka, San Francisco and Port Los Angeles. Th Rritish shin Verbena, wheat laden for the United Kingdom, is due down from Portland this morning. The French bark Hoche, Captain Ramet, went to sea yesterday after noon at 4 o'clock, bound to Europe, with a big cargo of wheat. ers; I am growing old. But I cannot rest till you have gtven us the vic tory. Every hour I put in this serv ice is a labor of love Every dollar I donate is a personal sacrifice. Have the faithful mothers of Oregon not earned your affirmative votes for their full and free enfranchisement? You ought not to be afraid of us. "You are equipped with ballots. We are not. We are depending upon you to honor the flag of truce by voting YES in our behalf in this unequal contest. You know you would only compel us to repeat this struggle in 1910 if you should fail us now. But we believe you will not fail. iou have but to unlock the door to the closed citadel of liberty, leaving us free to choose for ourselves, exactly as you do, as whether to vote or not to vote, at every succeeding election. Thus only can you acquit yourselves as freemen and believe us from furth er effort to secure equality with our sons before the law. "Abigail Scott Duniway, "Mother of Native Sons, and Pres ident Oresron State Equal 5uttrage Association." EQUAL SUFFRAGE Pertinent Letter From Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway, President of the Association. The following letter was received at this office yesterday with a request that it be placed before the public, and which request the Astorian glad ly accedes to. "Portland, April 6, 1908. "Gentlemen: Voters, sons, broth and draw in with them fresh air from j die stations. The cars are of a new type, con- Variety of Bricks and Terr Cotta structed of steel, with concrete floors They have three big doors on each side and one at cither end, all con trolled by compressed air. The motormen cannot start the trains un til they receive a flash signal from the guards, and the flash signal can not be sent until every door in every car is completely closed, insuring safety to passengers. The seats run along the side and accommodate luu passengers. Dr. W. W. DAILEY. CHICAGO, April 8 A dispatch to the Tribune from Evansville, Ind savs: Dr. W. W. Dailey, aged 60 years, r thp wealthiest citizens of Souhtern Indiana was found dead in his home at Selvin, Ind., yesterday v,.,nrT,'niT 3 "stmna" containing his "66'"& " fortune. He did not believe in banks in banks. Death is supposed to been caused by heart disease. NEW ASSAY OFFICE. EW YORK, April 8.-One of the remarkable huildines in the lower cart of New York will be the new assay office building for the con struction of which the treasury de nartment in Washington will receive bids on May 12. It will stand on the site of the old assay office near the corner of Nassau and Wall streets, Tf H7 ;il He constructed of reinforced concrete and costs about $400,000. BIG TUNNEL COMPLETED. The first section of the $70,000,000 svstem of tunnels connecting New Jersey with New York was opened February 25, and the April number of Popular Mechanics contains some views and a description of the tube. It says: The two tubes of the tunnel are seoarated bv a thick wall, each being an individual cylinder. The trains, as they rush through, act as pistons Lad! les The Store M FjK3f FOR my f,'k Women BEETOMVE Outfitters Swal Sale Is feel Only The vote at the Clatsop primaries, after careful segregation, shows the following distinct affiliations, it tne recoru ni inc tmiw of the county clerk is to be accepted on its face; a matter that is purely personal in the conclusion that may be held concerning it. Party and precinct are lined up as follow upon the great register: Precinct Total Repub. Demo. Soc. Troll. Refused Ind N.P. Astoria 1. 290 173 22 44 2 42 3 4 Astoria 2 . 207 183 11 1 10 2 Astoria 3. 21S 174 13 2 19 1 6 Astoria 4. 261 216 31 9 5 Astoria S. 297 237 42 2 14 2 Astoria 6 . 232 200 14 3 1 12 1 1 a ...!, 7 -m m to S 4 18 5 Totals ..1727 13S6 132 57 7 124 8 23 Clifton I... 56 56 Clifton 2... 28 25 1 2 Chadwcll .. 43 34 3 2 3 1 Clatsop ... 34 26 6 1 Elsie 20 9 5 2 '2 2 John Day 1 30 21 3 6 John Day 2 17 15 1 I Jewell 16 11 5 Knappa ... 62 51 3 4 1 3 Mishawaka 11 8 11. Melville ... 13 12 1 N. Astoria. 132 115 9 1 7 Olney 35 30 5 Push 9 -7 2 Seaside ... 218 151 26 7 3 27 3 1 Svensen ... 35 22 9 Vesper .... 5 4 1 Westport . 28 24 3 I 'Warrenton. 92 77 13 1 1 Walluski .. 18 14 3 1 Young's R. 13 6 4 2 1 Total ... 908 718 103 14 6 60 4 10 Grand total.2635 2074 255 71 13 184 13 33 G High Grade roceries Fruits and Vegetables at the right price. Acme Grocery Co. THE'uP-TO-DATE GROCERS 321 COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE 681 NEW TO-DAY Just Opened. First-class Dressmaking and Ladies' Tailoring. Mrs. McLeland, 159 Ninth street. CLAY TESTS SATISFACTORY. STATE LINES. The next census will show that Pennsylvania has two cities each with a population exceeding 500,000, a dis tinction which no other state in the Union will possess. The national forest reserve in e- vada now reaches the enormous total of 8,528,479 acres. The total acerage of the state, including water surface, is something over 71,000,000. There fore the forest reserve comprises more than one acre in every ten. Accordins to the official report tab ulated under the direction o( Kigti. Rev. Bishoo J. S. Michaud, the Cath olic population of Vermont is 75,9a3 There are 112 parishes in the diocese ir.Mii,li'nff those not having settled The nitmher of nriestS IS jjastvi a. . " - ninety-two. LADIES LONG SILK GLOVES, REINFORCED FINGERTIPS 2.00 LONG GLOVJiS, jl.M . .75 il " " 95c. This is the standard Gloverville Glove, in all sizes and colors How about your master nat ana suiu Are you prepared? If not see our stock, while we have such a large assoruucui.. W WWMMIMMMMMMMMMtMM APPEAL TO VOTERS. On behalf of my candidacy for the Republican nomination for Repre sentative in Congress, I will say I r,nve Wrl alone the Columbia and Willamette rivers for over 30 years Have practiced law for the past 13 -r -1 '1 .11. . T years, lver since cnnuuuuu . wav- t-.L-n a Ifppn interest in shins and ium.ii i " -" - shionine and have endured some hard ihins to acquire information on this subiect. Four years ago I sailed on - . . ttiP cm as a sailor on the vessel shown herein, rounded Cape Horn nd visited the principal sea ports of the world. I have "knocked aoout on the Columbia bar with the pilots heavv weather and have had grounded into me the imperative ne ressitv of scouring out the bar to a 0-re.iter deoth. It was one of these trins that suggested the idea of be . f rs coming a candidate tor congress. The details of my own experienced off the Horn in a "wind-jammer" is a .-..ffloinnt nrfnment to me of the 3uwiv.iv" o necessity of the Panama Canal. My political ambition extends only to the accomplishment of some good for the people. I have no boss to serve or faction to favor and am free from all entangling alliances whatso ever. I feel that my environment has fitted me for the position I seek at the hands of the people, and if elected pledge to the best of my ability to rive faithful, active and persistent service for the welfare of the people and the upbuilding of the State. GEORGE S. SHEPHERD. Made From Astoria Clay. Manager VVhyte and guests made an official visit to the kiln yesterday afternoon and were shown the pro ducts of Clatsop clay in experienced hands. The bricks and terra cotta made from the several varieties of clav found in this section have been taken from the kiln by Mr. Lew Ogan and he is hiarhlv pleased with the results obtained while working with the crudest methods. To fire brick and terra cotta in the same kiln and at the same time where one kind must be surrounded on all sides to protect from the direct heat and withdrawing some that required only 2000 degrees and running the kiln up to 2400 and 2800 decrees for other varieties is not the easiest thing to accomplish. Some of the colors that have been made are artistic to a marked degree. Buff, white, chocolate, speckled and red brick and the solid vitrified black navinir brick arc the colors produced. Drain pipe glazed and unglazed arc amongst Hie products of Clatsop clay. For the buff colors Mr. Ogan says he can hold the supremacy of the N'orthwest as it compares favorably with the famous Milwaukee and Den ver buffs. Mr. E. J. Shaw of the American Clay Machinery Company will be in the city Monday and will attend the meeting of the Chamber of Com merce. The brick tests made under the auspices of the Chamber will be on exhibition in their rooms next Monday evening. New Grocery Store. Try our own mixture ot coffee the J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables. Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Main 1281. Allwins Are All Winner. The Zaof Hardware & Furniture Company, of this city, has Juet put on the market the best and nicest baby go-cart for the money ever heard of in Astoria. It is the AHwin, and is to be had at the modest figure of SS.25. It is one of the easiest riders In carriages, and the baby that is indulged with one dimples all over every time it goes out. It rum smooth silk and folds up till it if almost unrecognisable. Call and examine one before nutting money into something rlv to satisfactory. The Allwins are all winners, sure enough! A Beautiful Sample. A beautiful sample of handiwork is to be seen at the omce oi a. o Cvrus. No. 424 Commercial atreet; and everyone purchasing $1., worth of nhonoflraoh records, will receive a number in the drawing for this elegant article. Just received a new line of umbrella cover. See C H. Orkwitx, 137 Tenth street Card Party. Ladies of the Relief Corp No. 3 will hold another card party Friday evening, April 10th, at A. O. U. W. hall are cordially invited. When You Get Time Call at Judd Bros, and see the swellcst line of Keiser cravat and the newest thing in shirts for spring. Just arrived, come early and get your choice. "Modern" Delight. When a man i asse under the hand of a barber he want the best skilled treatment to be bad in that line. la Astoria, the man in search of such manipulation, goes direct to Petersen' "Modern" shep. tt 572 Commercial. and get it In any of the six chair maintained. The very beat board to be obtained In the city i at "The Occident Hotel" Rate very reasonable. N The Palace Restaurant The ever-increasing popularity of the Palace Restaurant is evidence of the good management, and the serv ice, at this popular dining room. For a long time the reputation of the house ha been of the best and it does not wane as time progresses. The system used, that of furnishing the finest the market affords, and U can be obtained, in season, is a plan that will always win, coupled t it i with the best of cooking and prompt service. A common saying nowaday is "Get the Palace habit" The Clean Man. The man who delights in personal cleanliness, and enjoys his shave, shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As toria, alway goes to the Occident barber shop for these things and gets them at their bet Subscribe for The Morning Astorian 60 cents a month. GOOD WOOD. If you want a good load of fir wood or box wood ring up KELLY the WOOD DEALER, The man who keep the PRICES DOWN. Phone Main 2191 Barn, Cor. 12tb nd Duane. The Commercial. One of the coziest and most popular resorts in the city is the Commercial. A new billiard room, a pleasant sitting room and handsome fixtures all go to make an agreeable meeting place for gentlemen, there to discuss the topic of the day, play a game of billiarda and enjoy the fine refreshment serv ed there. , The best of goods are only handled, and this faet being so well known, a large business is done at the Commercial, on Commercial street, near Eleventh. A MATTER OF EXPERIENCE. James W. Welch has the exper ience and ability to advance the busi ness interests of Clatsop county in the State Legislature, He should gc: the vote of every Republican in the county, whether he be merchant. mechanic or fisherman, as Mr. Welch is well posted on all the varied indus tries of Clatsop, and understands their needs. TEA Good tea and tea are quite different, both grow on the same bush. oar grocer returns your mooer If jo don' Sk Schilling'! Beit: w psr blab A TWENTY YEAR SENTENCE. "I have just completed a twenty years health sentence, imposed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which cured me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago," writes O. S. Woolever, of LeRaysville, N. Y. Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the worst sores, boils, burns, wounds and cuts in the shortest time. 25c. at Charles Rogers St Son drug store. Copies of The Investors and Home- seekers Edition of The Morniri Astorian Can'be had at this office, all wrapped and ready for mailing 15c acopy, 2 for 25c it