The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 02, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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City Receipt
The receipt for the first quarter
from the cemeteries wa $67, and
'building permit $4.
More Hppine Aured
County Clerk Clinton yesterday
Issued a marriage license in favor of
Mr. Tony Marduich and Mis Jclica
Marlncovich, both of this city.
"Bunco" Kelly Author
Bunco Kelly wa In" town yenter
day oliclting tubitcriptioii for a
book which he nay is in the pub
lisher' hand. It i reported Mayor
Wiie wa a subscriber.
Fine and Forfeiture
The report of police department
for the month of March howi that
f iiicik wti '- r -
tcred and the fine and forfeiture
. collected amounted to $243.
Fell Overboard'
A deck hand on the launch Louise
took an involuntary bath in the river
vcMcrday afternoon. In handling
mine freight the rope broke and the
man went overboard. He wa fished
out on the gang plank.
Sailor All Well-
The three sailor who were sent
to the hospital when the German
bark Kcreu came into port nearly
a month ago, were discharged and
left the hospital to rejoin their hip
at S o'clock last evening.
Thl Afternoon
The English Lutheran Ladies' Aid
Society will be entertained this,
Thursday, afternoon, by Mr. Cap
tain Charlc Sanders, at her home,
440 Fifth street. Member and
friend are cordially Invited. ( ,
Card 'Party
The Ladie of the Grand Army of
the Republic will give a card party
in Carnalinn' hall this (Thursday)
evening and a cordial Invitation is
extended to everyone,
Potal Buine Improving
Assistant Postmaster, Otto lien-
bom vestcrday completed the annual
calculations of the year's business at
the Astoria postoffice, to and tnclud
iticr March 31. and his findings show
an increase over the status at the end
of 1907 of $2,502.13; the business of
that year aggregated $21,648.33,, and
of the present year, $24,150.46.
Probate Matter
ludae Trenchard, sitting for pro
bate matters yesterday, made an
order in the estate of Jlalvor Jew
ncs providing the sum of $60 per
month for the support of the widow
and children. In the matter of the
guardianship of the minor children,
Marv and Stener Erickson, Ole Jeld
ness was appointed guardian de novo
for the youngster.
Judge Hendrickon Ded
Tudac C. A. Hendrickson ol Ham
mond died in this city late Tuesday
niuht of heart disease. Mr. Hendrick
on was born in Finland 55 years
auo and has been a resident of Ham
mond for a number of years, and has
held the office of police judge three
terms. He leaves a wife and one
daughter. The judge was a promi
ncnt member of Xecarnic tribe of
Red Men, No. 12, and will be buried
this afternoon under their auspices
in Ocean View Cemetery.
Postponement of Inttitutlon
The lodge of the Degree of Toca
hontas, which was to have been to
" Hituted by Deputy Grand Sachem W.
A. C. Pohl at Hammond last evening
wa postponed on account of the
death of Judge C. A. Hendrickson.
snett of Asnlrant
Waino Tcrnu, Jokib Aho, Wainl
Sandbcrg, Matt Alakkala and John
Silver, all natives of Finland, and
Carl Emil Pearson and Joel Swanson,
both Swedes, filed their declarations
of intention in citizenship yesterday.
Fire on Steamer Nahcotta
Captain Parker of the steamer
Nahcotta discovered yesterday morn
ing a lire In the ceiling of the cabin,
near the smokestack, which was ex
tinguished with the proverbial bucket
of water. Fortunately the boat was
at her dock. '
Captured Gray Eagle
R. B. Dale, one of the assistant
engineers on the government work
at Fort Stevens, captured a gray
eagle Tuesday. The bird had got its
head caught in a sand protecting
fence ' and Mr. ' Dale choked it , to
death. It Is one of the largest speci
mens ever seen in this part of the
country and measured 8 feet and 4
inches when the wings were spread.
It will be prepared for mounting by
Emslie Houghton and sent to be
mounted in the East and then sent
to the museum of Ames college, Co
lorado, of which Mr. Dale is b gard-
The Honorable County Court of
Cltasop county went into regular
session for the month of April, yes
terday morning at 9 o'clock, Judge
Trenchard presiding, and flanked on
the bench by Commissioners John
Frye and William Larson, with
County Clerk Clinton handling the
The forenoon session was devoted
to the consideration of claims and ac
counts against the county and they
were despatched with the usual care
and warrants ordered to issue for
such as passed muster.
An order was made and entered
providing that owners of property
along the line of Road No. 77, from
the point where the county rock
crusher now stands, for tne contract
ed distance, shall be permitted to
erect gates at the junction of the road
with their respective boundaries.
The matter of the insurance poli
cies on the new courthouse were pre
sented, examined and duly approved
by the court and ordered filed.
In the matter of Clatsop county's
exhibit to the State fair at Salem, the
court made an appropriation of $30(1
and directed that the same be placed
in the hands of Manager C. S. Dow,
who will expend same and make due
returns thereof, with bills attached,
to the county clerk and court. In
this relation the court, considering
the olca of the Promotion commit
tee of the Chamber of Commerce
here, for an appropriation for county
advertising purposes, made an order
providing the sum of $500 in this be
The court made a detailed exami
nation of the work done by the
aecnts of Bushong & Company of
Portland in the matter of equipping
the courthouse with steel furniture
and fittinus. and found the entire
service to be just as contracted for,
with some pronounced additions,
made gratuitously by the contracting
company and put itself on record as
ideased and satisfied with the ful
fillment of the contract and ordered
a warrant in full settlement, and re
leased the company from it con
tract bond.
PftmtJ Lnnw(oW m ttui wmnmo fartr in thet culminating eonteitl ol
VlflVIW. MWfVW ,
this comDetitive age ana when of ample character it place it fortunate
poticsjor m the front rank of
The Well Informed of the World
A fiinrl ri twnnnal knowledtre it reatlv enMibal to the achievement of the
vMf Hra w f - " V ' f -
highest excellence in any field or human effort
A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl
edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in quetfjons of life and health
when a true and wholesome remedy desired it should be rMembered that Syrup
of Fig and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an
ethical product which hat met with the approval of the most eminent physician and
mum itniiwrul taticfartinn. Km-jiiim it u a temedv of
Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component
Parts and ha won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the
world who know of their own oersonal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first
and best of family laxative, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims
TliL rrryAj tint Kn Inner anI fawvarmftf Ifhriwn
under the name ofSyrup of Figs and ha attained to world
wide acceptance a the most excellent family laxative, f, As its pure
laxative principle, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians
f .1 r n I f I f.l Jt. l .t l I
and tne wen imormea or tne worn 10 dc tne oea we nave
adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and
Plivnr ri Cuwina a mnr fuRir fbis-nrihv tS lru mW-
m but doubtless it will alwavs be called tor by the shorter
(fvtt alwavi nntt. wtu-n rirriaiin7 the full
name of the Company California Fig Syrup
Co. printed on the front of every package,
whether you cau tor oyrup or rigs
'or bv the full name Syruo of
1 r-i- c :
rigs ana taixir oi jcuiuu it '
-V K4.A J
London England.
the best in the world
50c a Pound,
and Irving. The alarm will then be
sent to the different houses through
the transmission box from headquar
ters. No matter what part of the city
the fire is in, always call for fire de
oartment. six eleven. If this is fol
lowed as directed above the quickest
service will be had and in case of fire
it is quickness that is desired, j ..
Proud of Their Work-
Messrs. Barry and Kerr, the rep
resentatives of Bushong & Company
of Portland, who have been here for
the past ten days installing the steel
vault furniture at the new courthouse,
finished their work yesterday and are
proud of the show it makes, not only
for the building it graces and serves,
but of their handicraft and the splen
did goods pit out by their employ
ers. Finding,' in the course of their
task, that there bad been certain
nooks overlooked in the general
scheme of equipment, these gentle
men quietly filled the vacancies with
additional document cases at a cost
of $190. and made no charge for it
simply for the sake of making the
presentation of their metal outfit
complete and perfect.
In Prices Groceries and service is guaranteed
our ' customers. Pleased patrons among our
largest assets..
Scholfield, Mattson & Co.
., imr
To Her Seaside Home-
Mrs. L..A. Carlisle, the well-known
nroDrietress of Locksley Hall, at Sea
side, who has been visiting for sev
cral days past with friends in Port
land, while en route home from uos
ton. is in the city on matters of busi
ness for a few days and will go hence
to the hall. She is anticipating much
nleasure from the home-coming of
her son, Dr. Will Carlisle, who for
some years has been the family dentist
of the Czar of Russia, and who will
arrive here late in June, accompanied
hv some distinguished friends. Mrs.
Carlisle will return to Russia witn
her son later in the Fall, and in the
maentime is negotiating the sale of
her splendid property at Seaside
For a
ohnson Phonograph Co,
Parlor Second Floor Over Scholfield 4 Mattson Co,
A new plan has been suggested by
the Secretary of Agriculture, Mr
Wilson, and Assistant Secretary, Mr.
William Hayes, for the clearing off
of stumps from cut-over land for
agricultural purposes.
In brief, this plan is to interest
wood distilling companies in the bi
products that can be made out of
the stumps. In a number of places,
according to Secretary Hayes, com
nanies who make a business of dis
tilling products out of stumps have
cleared off the land free of cost to
the owners. Dr. L. E. Hawley ex
oects to start West within a few
weeks and he has promised to come
to Astoria and ascertain while here
what products can best be made out
of the kind of stumps that are found
in Clatson county.
The stumps that have been cleared
off by such companies for the most
nart have been Norway pine, these
comoanies have operated in Michi
gan, Minnesota and the Southern
The forest service is making a
thorough study of wood distillation
problemsxwith reference to utilizing
waste material and through Dr. Haw
lev. when he comes here, it is hoped
that the Chamber of Commerce may
be able to devise a cheap plan for
removing stumps and at the same
time secure a valuable wood distil
lation plant for Astoria.
Some of the leading business men
of the citv have been interested in
this proposition and there is prob-
ablv no doubt of the fact tnat tne
visit of Dr. Hawley will result in
some practical way.
Mrs. E. M. Baker left for Portland
last evening on the Undine and took
her furniture.
John Enquist, keeper of the De
struction light station, is on a leave
of absence for one month and will
soend the larger part of it with his
brother. He reports that all at the
station are in good health and spirits.
Andrew Asp left yesterday for
Roswell, Idaho, where he has an ex
tensive farm. He expects to be there
through planting.
In the Police Court-
Three culprits were before his
honor, Judge Anderson, in the police
session vesterday afternoon, charged
with the violation of Ordinance No.
1341. The first of the trio was fined
$10.00 or five days, and at the end of
his sentence he will be turned over
to the justice court on the charge of
carrying concealed weapons. The
other two were fined $5.00 or two
New Grocery Store.
Try our own mixture of coffee the
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables
Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Main
Resolution Adopted Yesterday by
Colleagues of Mrs. W. J. Barry.
The following resolution was
adopted by the City Teachers' Asso
ciation at its general meeting held
yesterday, and speaks for itself:
"Be it resolved, that,
"Whereas, it has pleased Divine
Providence to remove from his fam
ily the husband of one of our most
esteemed teachers, Mrs. Margaret
Barry, we, the teachers of the As
toria schools, hereby desire to extend
to the bereaved our sincere sym
Be it further resolved, That these
resolutions be published in the city
papers and a copy of the same be
sent to Mrs. Barry.
(Signed) '
Committee on Resolutions.
Follow the Directions Given Below
for Quick Service.
The. fire deDartment headquarters
phone number has been changed
from 1301 to 611 and the chiefs
phone from 2541 to 831. Chief Fos
ter requests the public in case of
phone alarm to proceed as follows:
Ring two bells for Central, th . call
for fire department, six eleven. Head
quarters will immediately answer
fire edpartment headquarters. Then
state where the fire is, for instance,
Third and Bond, or Thirty-fourth
Sssion Devoid of Charges and Impu
tationsWill Finish Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, April l.-The de
bate on the agricultural bill was de
void of charges and imputations
which marked its consideration on
Monday and Tuesday."
More progress was made with the
measure than on any previous day,
and the indications are that it will
finally get through ' tomorrow. To
day's discussion dwelt on the propo
sition for an increased appropriation
for the farmers' bulletins, which,
however, was refused, and upon the
subject of road building by the gov
ernment, the, trend of opinion being
that such work should be done by the
State! -v '
The session opened with a bitter
attack on Attorney-General Bona-
oarte bv Clark, of Florida, who de
nounced him as being no lawyer and
unfit to hold office: The occasion for
the utterance was reporting out of
the committee of resolutions by Clark
calling for a statement of expenses
connected with the peonage investi
cations and prosecutions. That the
resolution was simply to further and
unnecessary attack on the Attorney
General by Clark was the declar'ation
of Caulfield, of Missouri, who led the
opposition. The resolution was
f". Beaver Lodge No. 35, L
O. O. F. Regular meeting
his (Thursday) evening at
7:30 o'clock. Work in third degree.
Visitors welcome.
WOOD!, .WOOD!!,. WOODllf,
William Kelley, of the Kelly Trans
fer Company, yesterday closed a corn-
tract with the Tongue Point Lum
bering Company, whereby he take
over two thirds of the fuel-wood oot
put from that establishment, or tw
carloads per day; and is now ready to
receive and fill orders for inside fire
wood, bark and boxwood. Mr. Kelley
desires to sincerely thank his old
clientelle for past favors, and will
glad to renew his service with them
and such new customers as shall need
all manner of fuel on prompt caB.
Telephone Main 2191 or leave order!
at Kelly Trensfer Company office,
565 Duane street
For Infants and Children,
ma Kind You Haw Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Fresh Chocolates
Candies etc.
Made fresh! every'day in oar
own factory.
843 Commercial Street