t - THE MORNING ASTORIAN; 'AST6RIAV OREGON. t-- 1 ve rr i THURSDAY, APRIL 2, IMS. BON TON MILLINE jSTORE EASTER BONNET I .w,..,,, , ., ; ; You will find at this store: Largest Assortment Latest Styles Highest Qualities Exclusive Designs We Guarantee Lowest Prices M We show an Unusual line of Merry Widow and Bewitching Hour Sailors Swell Hrts From $2.00 Up Season Remodeling Old Hats a Specialty Plumes Dyed, Curled and Cleaned GEORGIA PENNINGTON 483 Bond Street KPUDBUOY St Nicholas Comes Out of Winter Quarters. SHNA-YAK ENTERS THIS PORT Flight of. Foreign Bound Craft Over the Bar Yesterday Nereua Down From Portland Steamship Miner va in From La Baca Notes. HAYTIAN TROUBLES Still in a State of Uncertainty and Unrest FRENCH MINISTER ALARMED Reports Are In Circulation That American Intervention Will Prob ably Result From the Present Com plicated Condition of Affairs. PORT AU PRINCE, Hayti, April 1A spirit of uncertainty and un rest still prevails in Port au Prince. The recent abortive attempt at a second uprising has given the gov ernment an excuse for searching all quarters of the city in hopes of find in gsuspects involved. The French minister to Hayti, M. Carteron, has recently shown considerable concern about what action the Haytian gov ernment may take against refugees now in the French legation. Some of these refugees themselves say the minister has advised them to procure pistols and ammuniton and that he said he was unable to guarantee pro tection. The French mnister, when asked today with regard to this state ment, declined to deny or affirm it It is generally believed that the alarm of the Fench minister is unfounded. port circulated to the effect that the arrival of the German cruiser Bre men would bring about another cri sis in which Germany would insist upon immediate payment of a claim made by a German resident of Hayti, Herr Reinbold, is not confirmed. The German attitude on this subject is the same now as it was two months ago when President Alexis was no tified that Germany would not per mit the deportation of Reinbold and would continue to press his claim for adequate compensation. Be yond this there is nothing to indic ate that the arrival of the crusicr Bremen has brought the Reinbold question to a more critical issue. Reports are in circulation that American intervention will probably result from the present complicated condition of affairs. Three more officers suspected of complicity in the recent conspiracy took refuge yesterday in the French agation. Squads of soldiers are con tinuing their search for other suspects. HAYTI STILL UNEASY. French Minister Shows Concern About Harboring Refugees. Port Au Prince, April 1. The re- THE FOURTH SUIT. Bad Mix up in Chicago Banking Affairs. CHICAGO, April 1. A despatch to the Tribune from Clinton 111. says: The fourth suit against Vespasian Warner, commissioner of pensions, was filed by his half sisters, Mrs. Minnie W. Mettler and Arabella Bell in the circuit court yesterday. The bill charges juggling bank stock of John Warner and Co., by which Vespasian Warner secured full con trol. Many charges are made against the excommissioner as to the means used by him to get control of the estate of his father. Warner's allegation at a former trial that his stepmother was a neg- ress is given as the cause for the in stitution of the suit. The Store t FOR Women BEE t?e Ladies r SHIVE Outfitters Boys' pring Suits Now on Display Boys' Sailor Suits in Serges Colors Navy, Oxford, Dark Reds and Browns. A large assortment of Boys Shirt Waists and Blouses rang- ing in prices iiviu j w 11 ij The fine steam schooner Shna-Yak entered this port yesterday afternoon from San Francisco, en route to Prescott, for a load of lumber. She is a fine clean craft and evidently a big carrier, but the quarantine offi cials were almost persuaded to send her into quarantine on account of the name she bore. This is her first ap pearance in these waters and she i9 a credit to her trade. The American shin St. Nicholas came out of her Winter quarters in Young's Bay yesterday, on the tow lines of the Callendcr tug Melville, and was hauled into the channels on this side, and at 3:50 o'clock was docked at the Elmore pier, where she will outfit for Nushagak. The Norwegian steamship Minerva arrived in yesterday morning at 9:45 o'clock from La Boca, C. Z., and is anchored in the city channel. She will leave up this morning early for the metropolis, from whence she will load lumber for the Isthmus of Pa nama. The steamer Eureka, which is to inaugurate the new coast line of steam service between San Francisco, Eureka. Coos Bav. Astoria and Portland, is due here at any time on her maiden voyage in this interest. The Norwegian steamship Som merstad, lumber laden for Hong Kong, got away yesterday amid the perfect conditions of bar and weather that prevailed. The fine schooner King Cyrus came down from Prescott yesterday morning on the ines of the Harvest Queen and will make it to sea and San Pedro today, with her 800,000 feet of lumber. The steamer Sue H. Elmore ar rived in from Tillamook yesterday evining with freight and passengers, and will go to the metropolis this morning. The German bark Nereus has got ten down from Portland at last and is in the lower harbor awaiting des patch, which she will probably get this morning. The schooner Wellesley, from San Francisco, for Portland, arrived yes terday and will go up the river this morning. The British ship Arctic Stream went her way over the bar yesterday en route to the United Kingdom with her big load of Inland Empire wheat. The French bark Andre Theodore was among the get-aways yesterday from the lower harbor, sailing for Europe deep laden with wheat. The steamer Washington arrived down early yesterday morning and went to sea and San Francisco with out delay. " The steamer Cascades has arrived in from the Bay City and is docked at the Tongue Point tnills, where she will load lumber outward. The idling square-riggers, Leyland Bros., Nomia and Donna Francisco, are still swinging at their anchors and drying rails off the Tongue. The steamer Nome City is due in from San Francisco today, but may not get here until tomorrow. The steamer Yosemite has entered port and taken her way up the river to load lumber at Portland. PER CENTAQB OF "EMPtOXES. Number of Men Employed on Rail road Decreased 18 per Cent . CHICAGO. April l.-Seventcen representative railroads of the U. S constituting one third of the mileage of the country the total number of ' t . ii employees is 18 per cent smaucr man June 30 1907. This statement Is bas ed on authoritative figures Just ob tained by the Chicago General Man agers association for the information of its members. The railroads from which reports were received, traverse practically all sections of the country and the figures are said by railroad managers arc to be fair railroad matters. The total mileage of the 17 rajl- roads amounts to 71,872 miles. On une 30, 1907 the number of men em ployed on these roads aggregated 581,713, At present the number is 476,947 a decrease of 104,766 or 18 per cent. A considerably greater number than this have actually been laid off because the number of employes in last October was greater than In June the time with which present conditions are compared. Eighteen per cent of all the railroad employes in the U. S. last June 30. is 305,000. There were approximately 4,0000 men employed on all roads in October June, making allowances for this fact the number of idle employes at pre sent is possibly in the neighborhood of 348, 000. Hill Bros. Grade Coffee Mellowed With Ape, Full Flavored and Rich, Packed in Vacuum Cans, The Best Coffee in the United States. Always Fresh. AcmeGroceryCo. THE UP-TO-DATE GROCERS 521 COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE 681 line of cooking and domestic service without overheating the room or the worker. A cylindrical chimney concentrates the heat at the stove top and in this way prevents surface radiation as In a coal or wood stove. It is easy to see that this lessens very much the matter of personal discomfort in Summer housekeeping. So don't forget the New Perfection Oil Stove in your Summer plans and you will have a comfortable kitchen and the best cook stove In the world "Modern" Delight. When man l uses under the hands of a barber ho wants the best skilled treatment to be had lo that line. Ia Astoria, the man in search of inch manipulation, goes direct to Petersen'! "Modern" shop, at 372 Commercial, and gets it in any of the six chairs maintained, "AMEN CORNER. Famous Nook in Famous Hotel Wiped Out For All Time. NEW YORK, April 1. Four plush settees which have been in the 'Amen Comer of the Fifth Avenue Hotel for the last 25 years have been turned over by the Hotel Proprietors to the members of what is popularly known as the "Amen Corner Corporation". At a meeting of the members Mon day, it is said, the question of re locating the famous seat will be con sidered, the removal from the Fifth Avenue hotel having been necessit ated by the demolition of that struct ure. The statement is made that there is not a president for forty years, a governor of any great state, a notable U. S. senator, a distinguish ed foreigner ambassador or a re nowned American diplomat who has not occupied at one time or another one of the "Amen corner" scats. TEA Tea is not infallible; moneyback makes amends. We are not, in the least, uneasy about the money. Tour iroctr return. jot mow If ,m toa'l Iks SchUUsi's Dt; w. 91 him. SUSPENDS NINETY-ONE MEN- This Time Refusing to Be Vaccinated Cause Trouble at Stanford. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal., April 1. -Ninety-one men were today declared suspended for ten days from Anril 6 for their failure to comply with the recent order making vaccin ation compulsory. If this regulation is enforced it will probably seriously interfere with baseball, none of whom have yet been vaccinated. Three of the crew have been vaccinated, but the others have not yet done so. A suspension for ten days at this time of the year would almost mean "flunk" at the end of the semester, s there will not be time enough to make up the lost work. NEW TO-DAY Just Opened. First-class Dressmaking and Ladies' Tailoring. Mrs. McLelsnd, 159 Ninth street Just received a new line of umbrella covers. See C H. Orkwita, 137 Tentn street- Allwina Are All Winners. The Zapf Hardware & Furniture Company, of this city, has just put on the market the best and nicest baby go-cart for the money ever heard of in Astoria. It is the Allwin, and is to be had at the modest figure of $5.25. It ia one of the easiest riders in carriages, and the baby that is indulged with one dimples all over every time it goes out It runs smooth as silk and folds up till it is almost unrecognizable. Call and examine one before putting money into something not nearlv so satisfactory. The Allwins are all winners, sure enough! For Good Wood From the Tongue Point Lumber Company, 16-inch stove length. Call up Prael-Eigner Transfer Co., Phone 22L The Commercial. w One of the coaiest and most popular resorts in the city is the Commercial. A new billiard room, a pleasant sitting room and handsome fixtures all go ,to . . . t . m TV maxe an asreeanie meenns disc ior w V sertlemen. there to discuss the tonics v of the day, play a game of billiard . i i .l. e i i . ina vn dt ins nm riireiimeDii nrr. ed there. The best of goods are only handled, and this faei being so well known, a large business is done at the Commercial, on Commercial street. near Eleventh. A Beautiful Sample. A beautiful sample of handiwork ia to be seen at the office of A. B. Cyrus, No. 424 Commercial street; and everyone purchasing $1., worth of phonograph records, will receive a number in the drawing for thia elegant article, . The Clean Man. The man who delights in personal cleanliness, and enjoys his shave, shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As toria, always goes to the Occident barber shop for these things and gets them at their best The very beat board to be obtained in the city ia at "The Occident Hotel" Ratea very reasonable. ". ti The Palace Restaurant ' 1 The ever-increasing popularity of the Palace Restaurant is evidence of the good management and the serv ice, at this popular dining room. For a long time the reputation of the house has been of the best and it does not wane as time progresses. The system used, that of furnishing, the finest the market affords,- and all tan be obtained, in season, is a plan that will always win, coupled as it fa with the best of cooking and prompt service. A common saying nowadays is "Get the Palace habit" INDEPENDENT BUSINESS. William Kelly hereby announces that he is doing a strictly indepen dent wood fuel business. He has no partners, nor associated interests. He desires his old customers to know and remember this, and reserve their orders for fuel. Prompt attention. Phone Main 2191. WHAT ABOUT A COOK STOVE? Now that Summer time and J'dog days" are just ahead, everybody who "Summers" at home is considering how to simplify things and get the most comfort out of an uncomfort able situation. We interview the ice man, order thin clothes, plan to ease up here and relax there, but more than likely for get the one most important item in the whole hot weather scheme some means of doing the family cooking the insufferable heat of a coal fire in the kitchen. Everyone with experience knows how tiresome it is to stay in a stuffy room to prepare a meal, let alone the doing of a big baking. But everyone doesn't know how very easy it is to change a hot kitchen to a cool one, and do better cooking at th same time. Just add to your list of Summer conveniences a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook Stove and you've done all that any one can do to lessen hot weather discomfort. Wouldn't it be fine of a Summer morning to step in the kitchen,, put on the kettle, broil the steak, bake the muffins, filter the coffee'and give the breakfast call in one-fourth the time you'd take to do it all on a coal stove? . 1 And woudn't it be fine to be as cool when the breakfast was pre pared as when you first entered the kitchen? People who have tried it say that the New Perfection Oil Stove actually does everything in the I vf I 11 Ill 11 lt-JVf Investors and Home seekers of Edition The Morning Astorian Can be had at tnis pttice, all wrapped arid ready for mailing 15c a copy, 2 for 25 c