The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 02, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, AfRiL 2, 1908. 'TT.F.THB, Q&NING &SypflMfy ATOEl& jpllEGOy;
Ten Days Tour of the Middle
lit Will Deliver Nine Addresses and
May Oct In One or Two More
. Will Possibly Visit Louisville and
Return to Washington on the 1 1th,
WASHINGTON, April l.-Secre
tary Tuft will k-uve here to-day (or r
ien days visit to cities in the Middle
West, lie will deliver an address be
fore the Board of Trade at Colttmhus,
Ohio., Thursday evening and the next
evening ne win address tne inter
hntioiml Union at the Auditorium
Hotel in Chicago, He will spend
Niturci.'iy in Chicago as t lie guest of
the press club at luncheon In the
early afternoon and then hold a re
ception at the Hamilton Club in the
late afternoon. In the evening he
, will attend a dinner given by the
fVimlilorrt-il Pink unit ivill rf Innnil (n
a toast,' Sunday he will leave Chi
bho in time to keep an engagement
No other medicine for Woman's
Ills in tno world lias received buco
wide-spread and unqualified en
doraement as has Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from native roots and herbs.
No other medicine has such a
lecord of success for woman's dls
eases, or such boots of grateful
friends as lias Lydia E. llnkham's
Vegetable Compound.
" For more than SOycars it has been
the standard remedy for feminine
Ilia, Inflammation, Ulceration, and
consequent Spinal Weakness.
.. It has relieved more cases of Back
fcciie and Ixwal Weaknesses than
any other one remedy. It dissolves
and expels tumors in an early stage
oi development.
'Irregularities and pcriodio rains,
Weakne88 of the Stomach, Indiges
tion, liloatmg, Nervous iTostration,
Headache, General Debility, quickly
yield to it: also deranged organs,
causing pain, dragging xensations
snd backache. Under all circum
stances it acts in harmony with the
female system. ,
"Jt removes that vrearing feeling,
Ifreme lassitude, " don't care "and
kunnt . ti . Vi . lrff. . ftlonn " fcfilinir.
dizziness, - faintness. slceplcBsness.
flatulency, melancholy or the "blues."
These are indications of Feminine
disorders, which this medicine over
comes as well as slight derangement
of the Kidneys of either sex.
Women who are sick and want to
get well should refuse to accept anv
substitute for Lydia E. l'inkliauia
Vegetable Compound.
to.addresi thr McKlflley, CItib ; of
Omaha Monday, j vnitig. Tue
day, Mr Tuft wit) attend; banquet
In the morning given in his honor by
the; Commercial, Club of Council
Muffs and wilt leave that city in time
to meet engagements to spend Thurt
day, the ninth, in Cincinnati. On
that day. h will, be entertained by
the Cincinnati Chamber of Com
nie'ree ' In the afternoon and will
attend a banquet reception by the
Ifioenht Club In the evening. He
will possibly visit Louisville on the
Ifl and return to Washington on the
i ith; . .
Bryan Gets on His Deadly Work
On 65 of Them.
LINCOLN, Neb., April I.-Sixty
five democratic editors of-Nebraska
were the quests last night at an in
formal dinner tendered by Win,
J. nryan at the Lindcll hotel. The
editors mainly were old friends and
acquaintances of Mr. Bryan and the
function was in the nature of a fam
ily affair. Mr. Bryan arrived from
Kansas City this evening and went
directly to the hotel where the dem
ocratic state editorial association had
been holding its annual meeting dur
ing the day. He was the center of
the enthuniatic group of admirers and
political friends. He let it be known
that his talk at the dinner was in no
way a political one.
Mr. Bryan was the last speaker,
and. he was greated with an unusual
display of enthusiasm. He spoke
of the splendid work of the democra
tic press in Nebraska and especially
praised the country press which he
said often came nearer reflecting
public opinion than the more pre
tentious Journals. Mr. Bryan (aid
mot of his talk would be private to
the bona fide Democratic and Popu
list editors and he requested all other
persons to withdraw.
One of the worst features of kidney
trouble is that it is an insidious dis
ease and before the victim realizes
his danger he may have a fatal mal
ady. Take Foley's Kidney Cure at
the first ign of trouble as it corrects
irregularities and prevents Bright's
disease and diabetes. T. F. Laurin
Owl Drug Store.
Postal Authorities Bag Notorious
Swindler and Thief.
According to the Federal Authorities
Accola and Wolff Did Business
Under the Name of George E. An
derson ft Company.
the arrest of Karl Accole which was
effected Monday by the U. S. postal
inspector O'Conncll here the federal
authorities believe they have cap
tured one of the two men who
flimflammed several large business
house in different sections of the U.
S. during the last year. Accole to
gether with Fred E. Wolff was in
dicted by the Chicago grand jury
March 6 on several counts charging
him with having used the mails to
carry on a fraud. ' .:"
According to the federal officers
Accola and Wolff did business under
the firm name of Ceorge E. Ander
son and Co. This is a reputable
mail order house in Chicago which
has a name similar to the one used
by Accola and Wolff. . . ' .
Among the concerns which were
victimized were 'Max Piatt and Co.
113 Division Street, New York. The
Winona Fur and Glove Company,
Winona,' Minn., and the Northern
Furniture and Mfg. Co. of Minnea
polis. Accola appeared before U. S.
Commissioner Heacock yesterday
afternoon and was ordered held in
$3,000 pending a preliminary exam
ination this afternoon. Wolff has
been captured by the federal officers
in Chicago.
Most victims of appendicitis are
hose who are habitually constipated.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures
chronic constipation by stimulating
the liver and bowels and restores the
natural action of the bowels. Orino
axativc Fruit Syrup docs not nause
ate or gripe and is mild and pleas
ant ' to take. Refuse substitutes.
T. F. Laurin Owl Drug Store.'
New York Financial Exchanges Tak
ing Unusual Precautions.
NEW YORK, April l.-Following
the receipt from police headquarters
.It 5s .
Cardiff ; Goal ($X GoRe Go's
u StpcR at $3.00 Per Share
The Price of This Stock Will Positively
Advance oh Monday of Next Week
PRICE. If you want any of it this week, hand your application to J. C. Lee or C. H. Callender, or
mail it direct to the Cardiff Coal Co,, Room 517 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon.
Remember you can't buy it next Monday at $3.00 per share and we are not going out of our way
to sell it to you at that price this week. We will Mill continue calling attention to our coal until
we have everybody in Astoria burning
,. : . i ,1 ...
of a warning that evidence had been
received that an anarchist attack
might be made upon the members of
the exchange, the Consolidated stock
exchange has decided to close its gal
leries. Similar warnings are said to
have ben sent to the officials of the
other exchanges including the cotton
exchange and the New York Stock
Exchange. An official of the latter
institution, however, would not admit
that any warning had been received
from police headquarters.
The gallery of the stock exchange
has been closed for a month or more,
and the Cotton exchange gallery has
been" closed, t'mv Monday. In the
case of both exchanges the excuse
was given that repairs were to be
made. The gallery of the consolid
ated stock exchanged has been much
visited since the ttock exchange
closed their gallery to the public.
But the only precaution taken by the
Consolidated is to be another spec
ial policeman on duty.
BUTTE, Mont., April. 1. A spec
ial from Helena sayst
One of the largest land deals in re
cent months was concluded here yes
terday when Louis Penwcll of this
city purchased the 13,000 acre ranch
of the Basin Livestock Company in
Meagher County, for $215,000. cash.
Included arc 19,000 sheep, with the
usual complement of horses, cattle
and equipment.
Mr. S. L. Bowcn, of Wayne, W.
Va, writes; "I was a sufferer from
kidney disease, so that at times I
could not get out of bed, and wheti
I did I could not stand straight I
took Foley's Kidney Cure. One dol
lar bottle and part of the second
cured me entirely." Foley's Kidney
Cure works wonders where others
are total failures. T. F. Laurin
Owl Drug Store. .
. Fisher Brothers Company
SOLE AGENTS ? f j ' 3'
Barbour and Finlayson Salmon Twins and Netting
McCormick Harvesting Machine!
Oliver Chilled Ploughs ... ,
Malthold Roofing 4
, Sharpies Cream Separators
Raecolith Flooring 1 Storrett's Tools
Hardware, Groceries, Ship
Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar,
Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass
y f -t, t Goods, Paints, Oils and Glass
i Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Seine Web
We Wont Your Trade '
i j ., 00 r ' i i n'i if , t k i i ' --r I !'-','
I The Mystery o! a Gem.
A small market wagon drawn by one
bony home pulled up In front of a
pawnbroker' Hbop lu Paris. A young
countryman and a girl sat on a cross
board at the foro end, the man a
strapping fellow, the girl comely and
rosy as a peony. The girl descended
from the seat and went into the pawn
broker's. Ho was a white headed old
man and, unlike most of bis trade, be
nevolent looking.
"I would like, monsieur, If you would
be so kind as to lend me a hundred
francs on this."
She produced a pearl the size of a
nutmeg. It. was of a very unusual
shade. The pawnbroker looked at It
for a long while, then said:
'How did you come by It?"
"Alphouse Alphonso Is to marry me
has bad It ever since his mother died.
We wish to be married, and we bsve
no means."
"now long ago did Alphonse's moth
er dler
"When Alphonso was a baby, more
than twenty years ago."
"And where did Alphonse's mother
"Alphonse's mother was when young
lady's mold to a countess. Just before
the countess' death she gave It to her
maid. The countess died of smallpox,
and all but her maid bad deserted her."
"Did the countess say anythlug about
the value of the gift?"
"IIow could Hlie since she was dying
and could scarcely speak? Don't you
think t Is worth so much as a hundred
francs? Can't you lend anything on
It?" she asked anxiously. "
"Does Alphonso wish to sell It?"
"He has kept It for bis mother's
sake. He never knew a mother's love,
but be thinks a great deal about what
his mother was like. He would rather
pawn It" . 1
There was a look of truthfulness and
innocence in the girl's face that won
the old man's confidence.
"So you and Alphonse are tover.8 and
wish to borrow 100 francs on this for
the purpose of being married?"
. "Yes, monsieur, if you think it is
worth so much." !
The pawnbroker handed her four na
poleons, took her address and sent her
off Jubilant ' He saw her go out and
communicate her happiness to her
lover by showing him the four shining
gold pieces. Then they drove away,
both talking at once and gesticulating.
Evidently they bad never before bad
inch a windfall. .
The pawnbroker possessed a small
Kbrary of books giving the history of
valuable articles. As soon as the girl
had gone be took down a volume on
celebrated gems that had passed
through strange hands. Turning over
the leaves, he at last came, to an ac
count of the disappearance about a
century and a half ago of two large
diamonds from the English crown. A
pearl of extraordinary size and luster
had disappeared at the same time. No
trace bad ever been discovered of the
missing gems, and after so long a
period no expectation was entertained
of their recovery.
Here was a little gem the size of the
tip of a lady's finger that a peasant
had kept from bis babyhood and was
doubtful if he could borrow $20 on It
nad it been displayed in a jeweler's
case, of the thousands who looked at
it not one would probably have seen
any difference between it and the large
and brilliant jewels resting beside it
But for half a century this old pawn
broker had done nothing but Inspect
valuable articles, chiefly jewels. To
him the pearl stood alone. That singu
lar something which has no Identity,
no personality, no essence, but which
we call experience, told him that he
had in his possession a gem that a
hundred and fifty years ago had been
stolen from the English crown.
A week passed. The couple who bad
pawned the Jewel were celebrating
their wedding day. There was little
wherewith to celebrate, but they made
the most of what they had. A letter
came by the post summoning them to
Paris at once to see the pawnbroker.
They were much frightened, fearing
that they were to be called upon to re
deem the pearl, and they had spent
the money. Alphonse put the horse
in the wagon, and they drove Into the
WhenUhey reached the pawnbroker's
be sent them into' a private room,
where they waited half an hour in sus
pense. Then the pawnbroker entered
with a man, an Englishman.'
"This is the couple," the former said.
"You may question them if you like,
but you will get nothing."
' The government will be happy to
pay the reward that has so long been
offered and ask no questions," replied
the other., . .
The Englishman took from a wallet
three notes, tfo for 1,000 each and
one for f500, equivalent to about $12,
000, and handed them to the groom,
who drew back, frlgbtened. ,;;
"A wedding present for you," said
tho pawnbroker, and he gave an ex
plunatlon of how the money came to
be paid him. At first Alphonse feared
they, were trying to draw him into a
trap Indeed, ho would not take the
money till he had called in a notary
to whom he , was . accustomed to sell
vegetables, who looked the matter
through carefully and assured him that
the transaction was f air and square.
On their wedding night, after placing
their fortune In a savings bank, the
young couple drove, their little cart
home with a happiness in their hearts
that came to them but once in their
lives. . . . . 7 .
Nothing was ever learned as to the
wanderings of the pearl from the time;
It was taken from the British crown
till it was given to the peasant's moth
No one is immune from Kidney
trouble, so just remember , that
Foley's Kidney Cure will stop the
irregularities and cure any case , of
kidney and bladder trouble that is
not beyond the reach of medicine:
T, F. Xaurin Owl Drug Store1. 1 .f
Don't take cold, but If yon do, dcrat
fail to take Kemp' Balsam to prevent
serious consequences. Nothing else It to
valuable in treating eoughe and colds..
ere To?
ME? Oh I'm Going to
Whitman's Book Store to
get some of those "Good
Goods" Cheap-before they
are all gone. Better come
along. '
Whitman's Book Store
Up to the highest standards
After strictly modem methods;
Of every description
the Best
And we promptly execute all orders
J. S. Dellinger Co
Aistona, Oregon