The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 31, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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MERRY , yfS,
WIDOW iHEi ' : -
from k
$2.00 up -5
IS AS yv
Season Remodeling Old Hats a Specialty
Plumes Dyed, Curled and Geaned
wunam j.ttarry passed away
Sunday morning last after an illness
of several weeks. The cause of his
death was internal injuries the re
sult of a fall in December last. He
leaves a wife and three children, and
one brother, who resides in Sacra
He took an active part in the de
velopment of the local fire depart
ment and city affairs generally.
Three terms he served as chief of
the police department, his first term
being 1878 to 1882, and again was ap
pointed in 1887 and served till 1891,
being elected to succeed himself in
The funeral will take place at 1:30
this afternoon at the residence on
Twelfth street, and friends are invit
ed to attend the services. The inter
ment wilf be at Greenwood Cemetery
and the services at the grave will be
SEATTLE, March 30.-Anxiety is
felt here for the steam schooner
Night Firing of the Battleships
of the Fleet
By Means of What la Known as the
"Night Tracers" the Flight of the
Shell Is Followed by the Naked
MAGDALENA BAY, Mar. 19, via
San Diego Cal., Mar. 30. The news
of the continuation of the cruise to
Australia and through the Suez canal
to New York thus completing the
circumnavigation of the globe, was
received aboard the ships with mixed
expessions of opinion. To many of
the men who are on their initial
Hill Bros,; highest
Grade Coffee
Mellowed With Age,
Full Flavored and Rich,
Packed in Vacuum Cans,
The Best Coffee in
the United States.
Always Fresh.
Acme GroceryGo.
Daisy Freeman from San Francisco! !t was with ,,Koh Al
r t -l t-- C o
iwart.ll U Willi ccuicui lur jtams
Sh ehas not been reported at Ta
toosh and becaues of the severe
storm the past two days shipping
men are apprehensive that an acci
dent has befallen her.
483 Bond Street
U S imports but little
more in 1904 than in 1864.
So much poor tea.
Tear men rttumi f oar none H to Aaaf
EM brhininr Bed: w pur oim."
H. J. Mackin left yesterday morn
ing for Portland, where he will take
charge of the Tongue Point Lumber
Company's sales office, recently
opened in the metropolis.
John Finley, the well-known Port
land timberman, is in the city on
business. He reports the outlook
bright, but at present the trade is
not very brisk.
Sam Ness, the Prosper cannery
man, who has spent ten days making
preparations for the coming season,
returned on the Breakwater Sunday.
Will H. Sellwood and I. L. Adams,
two progressive and successful
young cranberry ranchers of Long
Beach, passed through the city yes
terday eveinng, en route to Portland.
L. R. Robinson, general agent for
the Wabash system, was a business
visitor in this city yesterday.
Phillip Stokes was in the city yes
terday on matters of busness, and
incidentally greeting his host of
friends hereabout.
H. O. Spears of Knappa was in
the city yesterday on matters of
business and reports his section
swinging right ahead and building
up steadily.
W. S. Swain, a capitalist of Spo
kane, was an over Stfnday visitor
in this city and was domciled at the
! Parker house. He returned vester
day morning to the metropolis of
Eastern Washington, but has his eye
Just Opened.
First-class Dressmaking and Ladies'
still on Astoria and will return early Tailoring. Mrs. McLeland, 159 Ninth
this Summer with some money and street
business plans of his own. ,
Just received a new line of umbrella
covers. See C. H. Orkwitz, 137 Tenth
New Grocery Store.
so scores of the younger unmarried
officers regarded the opportunity to
see something of the world with keen
est appreiatton. Many of the older
officers, however, who have been in
all the ports to be visited and whose
families are left behind for many
months to come, felt differently.
Many were heard to express the hope
that they might receive shore duty
upon arrival at San Francisco.
Not a single note of doubt from
flag officers to ordinary seaman was
heard regarding the certain success
of such an undertaking. Interviews
with Commanding officers sent out,
the result was nothing but the most
sanguine certitude of success. The
two months interim between arrival
and departure at San Francisco was
gratifying to many, as it will afford
them an opportunity to be rejoined
by their relatives before their depart
ure on the long cruise.
First-Class Liquors and Cigars
602 Commercial Street
X Corner Commercial and 14th. . ASTORIA,
Try our own mixture ot coffeethe 25, via San Diego Mar. 30.-JThe night
HANNA, March 30. As mine No.
1, of the Pacific Coal Company
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables. I
Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Main
For Good Wood
From the Tongue Point Lumber
Company, 16-inch-stove length. Call
firing of the battleships of the Atlan
tic fleet is a brilliant, unique spectacle'
It is of a vastly different variety from
the ceaseless, unvarying shooting at
L. T. Cooper, whose theory that
the unman stomach is the cause of
most ill health and who created i
furore in Chicago, St. Louis and oth
er Western cities, is meeting with the
same remarkable success wth his
medicine throughout the East. Coop
cr has convinced an immense, num
bcr of people that his theory is
sound and hfs medicine will do what
he claims
Perhaps the most interesting fea
ture of the discussion this young
it ... .
man is causing, are me statements
made by responsible people who
have taken his medicines and have
become enthusiastic converts to his
Among statements of this char
will not be opened until Thursday, up Prael-Eigner Transfer Co., Phone oton0us enough. It is the perfec-
he hVte canvi. target by daylight, w m9 Rockwe Court( Chi.
lruiu sunrise 10 sunset, wnicn nnany
becomes dull, methodical, and mon
until then the estimate of Saturday's
explosion the victims must stand at
WASHINGTON, March 30.-
With a view to bringing to a close
the gossip connected with the re
ported disapproval in Berlin of the
appointment of Dr. D. J. Hill as am
bassador, the German Ambassador
Steinberg called at the White House
today to see the President and Sec
retary Root. Steinberg assured the
President that there had been no
change in his attitude toward Hill
and of the Emperor's cordial willing
ness to welcome Hill to Berlin.
The Store a$
Hb Ladies
Women BEEiSfflVE Outfitters
Now on
Boys' Sailor Suits
in Serges
Colors Navy, Oxford, Dark
Reds and Browns.
A large assortment of Boys
Shirt Waists and Blouses rang
ing m prices from zs to 7oc.
W r J4 If
tion of the pyrotechnics. ,
The sweeping of the great shafts
Kodak Supplies. of light from the searchlights the
A full line of films, papers, cameras, bursting flashes of fire from the Kim
kodaks, etc., just received at Hart's muzzles; the sparks strewn pathway
Drugstore. of the soaring and flaming shells:
the ricochets that resemble giant
Allwins Are All Winners. sky rockets, and the tremendous
The Zapf Hardware & Furniture echoes of bellowinz sound that
Company, of this city, has just put break across the waters and ring over
on the market the best and nicest the silent, fog-enshrouded hills, com.
baby go-cart for the money ever bines to present a scene that thrills
heard of in Astoria. It is the Allwin, long after the firing has ceased.
and is to be had at the modest figure it is the work of repelling attacks
of $5.25. It is one of the easiest of an enemy's imaginary torpedo
riders in carriages, and the baby that crafts. Black targets with white
is indulged with one dimples all over bulls eyes are the .objects at which
every time it goes out. It runs smooth the shots are directed. Two or three
as silk and folds up till it is almost ships may be seen firing at a time.
unrecognizable. Call and examine one Perhaps a second ship may be stand-
before putting money into something hng by, assisting with her search-
not nearlv so satisfactory. The lights, the boat which in firing bring-
i Allwins are all winners, sure enough: ing into planer outlne the black tar
gets sitting far out across the water.
A Beautiful Sample.
A beautiful sample of handiwork is
to be seen at the office of A. Ii.
Cyrus, No. 424 . Commercial street;
and everyone purchasing $1., worth
of phonograph records, will receive
a number in the drawing for this
elegant article.
Some times, the firing ship does all
it3 own illuminating. Big search
lights of intense brilliancy and power
of penetration, high up, in the fight
ing tops of the mainmast and fore
mast turn on the targets, long before
the ship comes upon the firing radius.
The lights of the ship are all blaz
ing out. Every port hole is a white
light, standing out in the inky dark
ness. Other lights hang here and
there on the lifted gangways and
oiner necessary locations. The en-
cago, is characteristic 0! ir.t wide
spread faith in Cooper, wheh has
grown up in a comparatively short
time. Mr. Wittmer says: "1
wouldn't take $1,000 and be in the
condition I was three weeks ago. I
was practically an invalid for four
teen years and think I had about all
of the diseases known. My stom
ach was jx,cak, and at times I would
have an enormous appetite, and then
again none at all. Pic and cake
made me sick, and I almost always
had a sickening feeling in my stom
ach. I was nervous, and for weeks
at a time could npt sleep, and then
again could sleep eighteen hours at
a stretch. Sleep, however, seemed
to do me no good, and I would
awake tired and more exhausted
than when I went to bed.
"I was constipated, had pains in
my iacK, and imttermgs ana pains
m my Heart. 1 was unable to work
with any regularity, and took no in
terest in anything. I tried all kinds
of medicines and doctors, but none
benefited me. I had no energy and
no ambition, and had about conclud
ed to give up when the Cooper medi
cine was recommended. Thanks to
it, my, health seems completely re
stored and I feel like a new man."
Cooper medicines have created the
gretacst sensation of anything of
the kind ever before introduced.
We sell them, and will be glad to
explain Jhe nature of them to our
callers. Charles Rogers & Son.
Eminnt PhysicUn Says That Crest
Liquid Prescription Is Certain
Cure for Eciema.
Still another Eczema specialist
comes forward in enthusiastic praise
of D. D. D. Prescription, the wonder
ful external remedy which cures
Eczema and other similar diseases
like magic. He is Dr. C. B. Holmes
of Silver City, Miss., and in summing
up ls impressions of the startling
cures D. D. D. has effected, he says:
"I have been using your D. D. D.
for four years with gratifying results.
LARIA." Dr. Holmes is one of hundreds of
physicians who use D. D. D. in their
daily practice. The D. D. D. com
pany allows physicians to use this
remedy with the understanding that
they tcjl their patients what it was
that cured them when the terrible
itch has been wiped out, the skin
healed and the raw wound covered
over with soft white skin. D. D. D.
is not a nasty paste to smear the skin
and clothinir. hut it U n rloor HnuM
It is advisable to use D. D. D. soap
in connection with I). D. D. Prcscn'p- ,
Is any further proof of the curatfJ
powers of D. D. D. Prcscriptioif
necessary? That remedy is sold at
Charles Rogers & Son's drug store.
Come in and let us show you con
vincing proof that D; D. D. will cure
your skin disease. Even if you have
not decided to use D. D D. remedy,
come in and explain your case any
ships of the fleet, illuminating decks
and superstructures and every ob
ject with a white glow. Soon tfte
ship passes a red buoy signal light.
It is the "stand by" signal. The
searchlights are now concentrated
Modern" Delights.
When a man i asses under the hands
of a barber he wants the best skilled
treatment to be had in that line. In
Astoria, the man in search of such semblem is of irregular outline, bear- on the targets, tiny spots far off the
manipulation, goes direct to Petersen's ing no semblance to the lines of a port bow.
"Modern" shdp, at 572 Commercial, battleship. The single red truck A whistle is blown an officer shouts
and gets it in any of the six chairs lights are oscillating back and forth the sharp command "Fire."
maintained. at the mast heads, as the vessel rolls The three-nounrlers nnrl fcrei.-inrli
slowly to one side or the other. The guns go instantly into action. The
The Commercial. red and white Ardoiz signal lights pices and semi-automatice and the
One of the coziest and most popular strung up the halyards of the fore- crews are workng to break records
resorts in the city is the Commercial mast are alternating in their colored in the total of shots and hits per min-
A new billiard room, a pleasant sitting flashes, transmitting official messages ute. The exploding powder flashes
room and handsome fixtures all go to to otner sniPs- Heavy clusters of out from the muzzle in a puff of
make an agreeable meeting place for electric lights are on the forward and flash, and the projectile leaps away
gentlemen, there to discuss the topics aft bridges, the big reflectors turned toward the target. It traverses the
of the day, play a game of billiards I sharply downward, ten feet distant, intervening distance in an instant,
and enjoy the fine refreshments serv- where they illumine like day the By means of what is known as the
ed there. The best of goods are only breeches of the gun. The gun crew "night tracer," the flight of the shell
handled, and this fact being so well
known, a large business is done at the
Commercial, on Commercial street,
near Eleventh. .
The Clean Man.
The man who delights in personal
cleanliness, and enjoys his shave,
shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As
toria, always goes to the Occident
barber shop for these things and
gets them at their beat.
works in perfect light' as though the is followed with the naked eye. It
sun were shining. is a stream of fire that shows in the
The ship steams upon the range at wake of the shell. Its operation is
a rapid speed, her powerful search- a stnet military secret. The nro.
lights flung out this way and that, jectile is seen to strike the water at
The brilliant shafts of light may one the target, then bound n the air for
instant be flashing upon the disturbed miles distant
waters fifty feet from the side of the The height which the leaping she'll
ship then .with incredible swiftness, attains is almost incredible. It must
travel ten mles to the shore and sometimess be 500 feet for it occupies
along the black irregular beach line, a minute or more in its, flight and
Now and then they light upon other stands out in the sky like a shootinir
star. It strikes again and bounds
away for other flights, skipping and
bounding until its force is finally
spent. Sometimes upwards of eight
or ten of these flying balls of flame
from a single gun may be observed
at one time, ricockcting in dirverse
directions across the water.
The sound is deafening for the
smaller guns bark sharper and with
more concentrated detonation than
the bigger ones. The ear drums must
be protected all the way across the
range, the firing continues rapidly,
the men working with the maximum
of speed, the guns belching forth
flame and smoke, the air filled with
lighted missiles, the search lights
turned steadily on the targets.
A whistle sounds the firing ceases,
and the ships passes off the range.
Siowly, she circles back to the start
ing point, passing near the targets
on the return trip and steams on the
firing line again. Experts, spotters
and umpires "pick up" the shots as
they pass through the targets, noting
the time and the various matters
which go to make up the ship's final
score. Hour after hour the 6hip con
tinues until its allotted firing is fia-
1.1 1 T.. ' " ... . V
isueu, ii requires one nignt each tor
the ,shps.
It. is always ,pver before;