7:30 Tonight First Performance Will Be Given; ; At The Bijou Dream 684 commercial street Between fifteenth sixteenth Moving Pictures and PERFORMANCES LASTING ONE HOUR, i. FUN AND AMUSEMENT FOR ALL Admission 10c Children 5c PROGRAM CHANGES MONDAY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY t.4 IWTf1, ,,!.,,.. 1 Tfte Old Reliable CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS Cor. Commercial and Eleventh St ASTORIA, ORE. Phone 3901, , Headquarters . ; . PORTLAND, ORE. , Are equipped to do all kinds of Dental work at very lowest prices. Nervous people and those aiEicted with heart weakness may have no fear of the dental chair. 22 K. crown...... fiM Bridge work, per tooth 180 Gold fillings Sl-00 ap Silver fillings 50c to $1X0 Best rubber plate $8 00 Aluminum-line plate $10 to $15.00 These offices are modern through out We are able to do all work absolutely painless. Our success is due to uniform high grade work by gentlemanly operators having 10 to 15 years- experience. Vegetable Vapor, patented and used only by us for painless extraction of teeth, 50c A binding guarantee given with all work for 10 years. Exami nation and consultation FREE. Lady in attendance. Eighteen of fices in the United States. Cor. Commercial and Eleventh Sta, over Danziger store. Do You Wear Shoes? We sell the kind, that wear longest and look the best The Dr. A Reed Cushion' We handle a special line of Loners' Shoes Give us a trial S. A .GIMRE GOOD SHOES. 543 Bond St., op. Ross, Higgins & Co. ASTORIA DANCING SCHOOL ' Exchange 6treet, opposite Skating Rjnk. Open every dav and evening. Pupils can enter any grade from beginning to advanced classes. Our weekly social dance, every Wednes day evening, has become, very popu lar. Admission, gentlemen, 50c; ladies km. VMW Illustrated Songs -J mm First Coal Mine Was Opened by Stage Company. USED FOR BLACKSMITHING The Coal of the Laramie Basin Is Now Mined to a Small Extent for Local Uses on Ranches and Town of Laramie. One of the first coal mines in Wy oming was opened by the stage com pany "in 1865, near the: overland trail crossing Rock Creek in what is now Albany county. The coal was used for blacksmithing in the vicinity of the opening and was also carried to other places, for the same purpose. Investigations made by the geolo gists of theUnited States Geological Survey have shown thatv coal beds ranging in thickness from a few inch es to six feet or more occur at sev eral horizons in the shales and sand stones of the western portion of the Laramine Basin, though they appear to be irregular in their distribution, in many localities givng place to car bonaceous: shale , or, thinning out en tirely. The economic geology of the region has been studied by Mr. C E. Siebenthal, one of the geologists of the Survey, and his report describing the occurrence and character of the coals app- ars as a chapter in Bul letin No. 316, which forms Part II of the Survey's , "Contributions y to Economic Geology, 1906". Copies ot this reoort may be obtained free of charge by addressing the Director of the Survey at Washington, D. C- The coals of the Laramine Basin are now mined to a small extent for local use on ranches or in the town of Laramine, which forms the chief market, but they appear to be of good quality and may in future have much greater economic importance. WEEK IN ASTORIA SOCIETY (Continued from page 3) the afternoon was very profitably spent Arrangements were pertectea for the spring sale of fancy articles, which was held last night in the church parlors. After some time snent in sewinsr and fancy work, the hostess served an excellent luncheon. Dr. T. L. Ball was tendered a sur- T-. A.l prise party at nis nomc on icmu etrpcf on last Saturday evening by about twenty friends and neighbors. The occasion was the doctor's forty- fifth hirthdav anniversary. those present spent a very enjoyable even ing. Mrs F. Rannels left this week for visit with friends and relatives for Seatle and Kent, Washington, to several weeks. Mrs' Horace G. Thing of McGow- an, Washington, entertained a party of Astoria friends on last baturday afternoon. Mrs R Srholfield of Tillamook was the guest of Mrs. Frank Donner berg this week. The Fort Columbia and Fort Stev ens Card Club members were enter tained this week by Lieutenant and Mrs. Kerfoot of Fort Stevens. Captain and Mrs. Willis of Fort Stevens gave a dinner party on last Saturday evening. A number of guests from Astoria were present. Miss Lillie Lewis delightfully en tertained a Five Hundred party at her home on Commercial street on last Saturday evening. .. The Thursday Afternoon Euchre Club members met with Mrs. R. E. Carruthers at her home on Exchange Street this week I Mrs. Charles H. Callender was hostess this week for a delightful meeting of the Thursday Club. A very enjoyable dancing party was given on Thursday evening of this week in the National Associa tion Hall of Uppertown by a num ber of young society people. Mrs. August Hilderbrandt enter tained a number of friends at her home on Fifteenth street on Thurs day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cole of Port land are making an over Sunday visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanborn. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. N. Calloway have returned from a short stay in Portland. ' 1 Mrs. Antone Peterson of Altoonaj Washington, was an Astoria visitor on Thursday. THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. Mrs. J. Peterson and little daugh ter of Brookficld, Washington, spent Thursday and Friday in town. The ladies of the G." A. R. will en tertain their friends on next Thurs day evening, April. 2, with a card party to be given in Carnahan's hall, on Bond street. ' v A very pleasant surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tyler at their residence on Monday evening last. Many of their friends took ad vantage of the presence of some friends from other points and planned a very pleasant evening. The game of five hundred was the prin cipal feature of the evening, though the refreshments brought by. the in vaders were much enjoyed. When the scores were tabulated it was found that Mrs. Carter had won the first prize, Mrs. Foard the second, and Mrs. Isaacson the booby prize,, The following ladies and gentlemen were present: Mr. and Mrs. Chester Car ter, city; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Isaac son, city; Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dye, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Horace Matthews, Bellingham; Miss Mattie William Foard, city; Miss Violette Davies, San Francisco; Miss Sarah Matthews, Bellngham; Miss Mattie Hoyt, Seattle; Miss Lauretta D. Mar tin, Los Angeles; Miss Barbara Svenson, city; Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Tyler, city. FAMOUS EXPERT TELLS How Fat May Be Removed Rapidly By a Simple Home Remedy With out Causing Wrinkles, Disturb the Diet or. Necessity for Exercise. "Fat is nothing but unused energy," says a prominent physician, and the man or woman who is burdened with it can easily get rid of it if they wish. All they need is 1-2 ounce of Mar mola, 1-2 ounce of Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic and 3 1-2 ounces of Syrup Simplex; all of which they can get at any good drug store for a few cents. Then let them take one teaspoonful after meals and at bed time until they are down to the weight they want to be. This simple home receipt is far and away better than any or all the pa tent or secret medicines, for it re duces the fat safely and harmlessly. The ingredients are in fact beneficial to the system, having both tonic and purifying qualities, and so help rath er than distress the stomach. The remedy does not cause wrinkles, for it reduces one gradually and natur ally, preserving a good outline, and, best of all, needs neither physical ex ercise to help it do the work, nor does it require any change in diet one can get results and still take things easy eating meanwhile just what, when and how he or she pleases. Be sure and get the Mar mola in a sealed package, so that you get Marmola and not a substitute. Lame Shoulder. Whether resulting from a sprain or from rheumatic pains, there is noth ing so good for a lame shoulder as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Apply it freely and rub the parts vigorously at each application and a quick cure is certain For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. Sallowness Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark ikia bteoiBM fascinating whea delicately soft, nderspread with tie rsdiaat glow which indi catcjahealthy. active ikin. Robert be keeps the skin refined is quality, kteptrafreefromdoggingwute sad stimulates the day capillaries to contribute tlx color which charm in Uoadc and traMtte alike. Robert. '1 i v km is eertxia protection againit ta, mb bora tad freckles if applied bt- ummmt to mb or wind, tdt Eke an bspcrentibW shed game over tkin surface, forming') shield stimulating and Breserriog J delicate, rustroo beauts;, HOBERiM Astoria Theater Sunday, March 29th HOLDEN BROS. & EDWARDS Present Their Greatest Melodrama "What Women Wil Do" Don't Fail to See This Great Play. A Play For All the People. The Great Shipwreck Scene The Fight to the Death inthe Storm What Women Will Do for Love and and Revenge The Ship Turned Upside Down The Life-saving Station t ') MICAWBER AND HIS HAPPY FAMILY Prices: 25c, 35c, 75c ft Kal of Iff mi f i i 1 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS HELP WANTED WANTED A GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Apply Mrs. Charles Brinks, 15th and Lexington. WANTED ARE YOU A CATH olic? Are you unemployed? Would you work for $18 per week? ' Write for particulars. The Hocy Publish ing Co., 323 Dearborn St., Chicago. YOUR OWN BUSINESS GET IN to business for yourself; the jewelry business; learn watchmaking, engrav ing and optics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learn ing. Seattle, Watchmaking School, cor. Fourth and Pike, Seattle. ;, FOR SALE. FOR SALE 7-ROOM HOUSE and lot on Kensington ave., be tween 14th and ISth streets. In quire of John Quinn, Astoria Hotel. FOR SALE-TWO LOTS, 75x150 feet; in Chinook; will sell for $1500; a bargain. Address Chas. Eklund, Chinook. 3-15-2w. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF A 5-room house; all ready to move into; low rent; centrally located. WESTERN REALTY CO., 172 Tenth St FOR SALE-THE STOCK AND fixtures of a general store located a few miles from Astoria very clean stock, and will invoice about $7000. Particulars at : WESTERN REALTY CO. FOR SALE ONE-QUARTER OR one-half interest in a summer re sort hotel doing a fine business; over 100 rooms and always engaged 'way ahead. WESTERN REALTY CO. FOR SALE-THE FURNITURE of a large lodging house; rooms always full; low rent WESTERN REALTY CO FOR REIT. FOR RENT - HOUSEKEEPING rnnma ornund floor. 165 10th St. FOR RENT-ROOMS, CENTRAL- lv located, suitable for housekeep ing for small family. Apply to Van Dusen & Co., 119 11th st FOR RENT 9-ROOM FLAT ON Commercial street. Inquire at 179 Ninth street. 3-25-6t. FOR RENT Furnished rooms to let; Mrs. Ingleton, corner 15th and Franklin avenue. Enquire at Milli nery Store. ! " 3-25-3t. LOST. msTA SMALL ALLIGATOR clin nurse mntainintr a kev and about three dollars in silver. Finder return to Astonan office and receive reward. FOUND. FOUND - AN AUTOMOBILE veil. Owner call at this office and pay for this ad. . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW CHARLES H. ABERCROMBIE Attorney-at-Law City Attorney Offices: City Hall JOHN C. McCUE Attcrney-at-Law Deputy District Attorney. Page Building S't'.te 4. HOWARD M. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law Office with Mr. J. A. Eakin, at 420 Commercal St., Astoria. ' DENTISTS, DR. VAUGHAN Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon DR. W. C. LOGAN Dentist .. Commercial St Shanahan.Bldg. r-m fir.!-.. M '.,. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RESTAURANTS. 351 Bond Street . ( Opposite Ross, Higgins & Co. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cts. 'FIRST.fct'ASS'jMEALS ';.';.'(; Regular Meals 15 Cts. and Up. U. S. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street Coffee with Pie or Cake, 10 Cts. First-Class Meals, 15 Cts. HOUSE MOVER! FREDR1CKSON BROS. We mike a specialty of house, moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. " ; OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C. HICKS Osteopath ( Office Maniell Bldg. Phone Black 2061 ' 573 Commercial St. Astoria, Ore. LAUNDRIES. Those Pleated Bosom Shirts The kind known by dressy men la the summer, are difficult articles to launder nicely. Unless you know just how to do it, the front pleats won't iron down smooth, and the shirt front will look mussy. - Our New Press Ironer irons them without rolling or stretching. Try it. TROY LAUNDRY, Tenth and Duane. Phone Main 1991 l 'I1,.1 1J...J.U1.JU . , 5 MASSAGINO. DOCTORS PRESCRIBING MAS sage, call Ola Landen, Finnish masseuse, Pythian bldg., Commercial street. . Massaging IN ALL ITS BRANCHES; WARM baths if necessary; thorough com petency is assured. MRS. M. HEYNO, , . 87 W. Bond Street Astoria. FURNITURE. Iiildebrand & Gor HOUSE-CLEANING TIME. We sell Liquid Veneer, Jap-a-Lac, Linoleum Varnish, the three greatest furniture and floor renovators known. Go-cart rubber tires renewed. Cur. tain stretchers sold or rented. HOTELS. HOTEL OXFORD Sixth and Oak Strs., Portland, Ore. A strictly modern hotel in center of business district; suites with or without private baths, running hot and cold water in every room; plenty of free baths. Rates $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. , . VICTOR BRANDT, Prop. . HOTEL PORTLAND Finest Hotel far the Northwest PORTLAND, ORE. European Plan Onlyv . H. C. BOWERS. Manager. CABINET MAKERS. New Upholstering Shop First-class work guaranteed. Up holstering and cabinet work nicely and neatly done. Furniture of all kinds repaired. Prices right 164 8th St., bet Coml. and Duane Sts. J. H. BOWLSBY. FISH MARKET. 77 Ninth St., near Bond 'Fresh and Salted Fish. Game and Poultry, Groceries, Produce and Fruit Imported, and Domestic Goods. ' P. Bakotitch & Feo, Proprs. Phone Red 2188 WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Astor Street) Rooms for rent by the day, week, or month. Best rates in town. P. A. PETERSON, Prop; PLUMBERS. 'trt af"iil"'iiiil, Seating Contractor, Tinner . AND. , . , Sheet Iron Worker..: VLL WORK, GUARANTEED 425 Bond Street Seal Fl Mel SUNDAY MARCH 29, 1908. BOAT BUILDER. I T,X Driaioil1 BOATBUILDING AND REPAIR ING A SPECIALTY. 22nd and'Exchtng StrttV UNDERTAKERS, J. A. OILI1AUUU & CO., Undertaker ami Kmbalniers. Kiperloncetl Lady Aanttant When Pesircd. W'-'A VI' Calls Promptly Attended Day , or Nljfht. Tatton lldtr. l'JUtatid Duiino Ht,i ANTOltlA. OKE.UON Pltoue Main mil TRANSPORTATION. The "K" Une PASSENGERS FREIGHT . ff MM Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. ; Leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Daily except 8onoay at 7 a. m. Quirk Service Excellent Meals Good Berths Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor St G. B. BLESSING, Agent Phone M ain 2761. TRANSPORTATION. CANADIAN PACIFIC "EMPRESS" Lino of tho Atlantio LESSTHAN FOUR DAYS AT SEA During the summer season, the Empresses sail from Quebec to Liver pool; fast and luxurious., Nine hun dred miles in sheltered waters of the. St Lawrence River and Gulf. Short ocean trip. Use this route and avoid sea sickness. . I Summer sailing lists' and rates now ready. ... j.-V Apply to any Ticket Agent, or James Finlayson, Agent,, Astoria, Of., lO u ,SP1CE$, , ol ' WsfrKGia I CiMt; dAinnopovfOER, :eiilOEXTBai varsy. fiMiJFIivor. CLOSSETODZVllS PORTLAlVD,OSSeil. tt r , MEDICAL. Unpnoeuented Suooeises'of D8.in TEE GREAT ' l CHINESE DOCTOE NJv ;Tthronghout the United' 1 fr,4 States' on account ot , Ht,'-.rn ftUl wonderful irrs, Not poisons or dnurt used. Ha muna.- tes to 'eurr catarrh, asthsta, lung aai- toroat trouble, rheumatism, nerrounai itbmaeh, llrer and klilnnr. iemaU plaints and all ehronlo diseases. ;k SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMSNT If you cannot call write! for iyytom; blank( and circular; ineloalng 4 eent It THE Cv PEE WO MEDICniE CO. itai ivn m., uoraer Momsoo, Please mention th Astorlaa. , -1 nr tvu martA:-.: f.mKjMj-