SUNDAY MARCH 29, 1008. iW v..ii SmokifiWpd and Freshs jo a very tee assprtmtot.o C??e4 Jfu Wyifiih'lr yoir dc?sire from a Sardine up; If 4 I -! .!' iO illVl ll'liJl t'j'!!' LEADING OROCER3. ili?AMo:i f 0 -PIIIIDI,; ; Fun At Bkmokiw--(V (ol i' ! ' ! There wai A'JoHyf crowd from As toria at the big danqe given at Ska mokawa hint evening and a thorough? ly enjoyable time was had. ' ' f At hie, Hospital , J, A, Uirlson of iJwnco, John Muj tik .of Astoria, Z, C. Giltcn, a sailof from the ship Donna Franc, and Peter Ferbel from Lightship No,t 50. we're' 'admitted 1 'to (he h6spital for medical treatment' 'yesterday. . t "' 4 .!:?(. .r!'uU Registration? WSW-J l S But 41 names wire added to: the city and county registers of voter during the, we( Jus, closed, leaving the total standing, at "the' clone of business yesterday. , a follow: City, 1,444; county, 1616;. jrand total, 2,060. In'Vhi'polfct CoUrt-i:,0:r? ';-V Frank Miller and May Miller, who were arretted for imgraiicy and de posited $50 eachfdr .Mil, failed to put in an appearance atlthe, seision of, the court yesterday afternoon! and upon the recommendation of the city attorney the bail was declared forfeited. f ( 1 I ' M f "it ( . rm lii in-Saecial I The big troupe presenting "The PurgotnjyitefH aj h? opera rfluie last evening did nomake connection1 at Portland with yesterday. morning's train and came,on in, a special, arriv ing here at S ocjAck(p. m. "But this did not mitigate irAhe least from the excellence and snap wherewith that was I handled (at, the Astoria. , ( i n N August. Aan Dead- , . N. August Merman, Vlio had a shoe repairingShyp' ' Criposite the courthouse, was taken ill Friday with uraemic) i crtffvalsionji and A"4 terdayj aged 48 years,,, Mr. Akeman leaves a wife and nine children. The funeral will be held Tuesday, and the Interment will be n . Greenwood, Cemetery, but the arrangements are not fully completed. .liot " ' 1 -' -.uwi Engineers Incorporate - - : - Articles pf incorporation were filed Bt the office of the county clerk yes terday' in behalf of (he Marine En gineers' Beneficial Association No. 70, of tills' city,' 'wlt'li' property Values quoted ; at $1,200, jThel! following gentlemen are, named .as . officers! William Maban. presjdent; G. ,,'T. Gdode!l,f F, S. iunon 'and Thomas Mdrris, trustee,. ' The .life" of the in corporation Is perpetual. '; ' Taken to St Vincent's :'" ! '' " Wj P. t O'Brien,! the well-known' ac countant for the Astoria Box Cdm pajjy, iwho, has. :bcen ill; for several "ays, became so, much, worse, qn ft'h day as to make hi renjoval to Port land for examination and treatment imperative with his family ' and friends, and he .left yesterday morM ing, accompanied by E. P." Noonan and is now atSt. Vincent's Hospital. His iri'iany friends trust ihe.wfil soon be back to normal 'and hearty condi-j tion. ( f 'i . ' i By Wireless-'-' ,l'-'4( Ast6rih's wirel statiori'is iddily bet coming) arii obcctf interest') 'tast night the operators weref very busy in transmittihgil:mi1,fectiving messages.- Communication was made with 'the 'iteamei'f George! W. Elder, cai route to this pfcrt, and! the, Pperr atr aboard reported al well and tb vessel making good, time.) , The Rose City, bout,; 200, mJiles,,on,hex course to San Fjarlciscol reported allwell. Thestcaiiishlp 'City' of ; Pue,blo' wad reached arid from ' that Vfcssel It was1 learned 'that the AmcHcan -'cit iri the New York-Paiis race is aboard arid the driver expects to ibent hil nearest competitOf at iJlast Zl jday.. , ine City of Pueblo is bound for Seattle, jolt v, , ,Thc' people, of Seattle are doing a bjt.of "irtis buMifg", in thj5 ioal line as well as Astoria.' A committee from' the fuel users of the Sound me tropolis has to the Cardiff mines on the CwlltzHduringMhe past few dftytf M'looki Hp; the ; coal , p?op9fiition there, and;,onc,cut.of th.ctr, inspec tion is that a contract, js about to be closed or 200 rka day, for that city at $5 per ton. .Tangcr Lee is very mdeh pleased' with the lurn events are taking with the business" he represents; :ad 'fcorcMhe stock holders here, and elsewhere. Seattle wearied .f al ar 1 ,apd, ? With Markrf Hflnflr- The' fimeral' of" the late lamented DV. August C. Kinoey' of. this city, at Salem,' on the aftef noon 6! Friday last, was marked by beautiful weather and a distinguished group of friends who had gathered from Portland and elsewhere to pay the last tribute of respect ,,and admiration to the dead physif inn. The 'erenSonies eooklace at theist Baptfsr'Chtirchi the pas tor, Rev. J. R. Comer, officiating, as sisted by. Rcv.'iW. Hi Fellick, paitor of the First Methodist Church, the latter, preaching a .beautiful and inspiring- sermon upon the' life-work nod character of, ,pf. ,Kinr,ey.t The floral, offerings were numerous and very Ijeautiful arid included' tributes from the Clatsop County Medical As sociation and from the ladies of the Astoria; library.: ' Interment was' had in the family plat at the Odd Fel lows' Cemetery on thf hills south ,of the city, the M-bearers being chos en from the life-long friends and col lea gues ofthedparted THE MORNING ASTOKIAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. '.!'! !!,.'! H') .M.Tli'l',1., ilil'i'i'.A ',!. '. lHf. .f'"f , W, J. BARRY DEAD, Receiled injury llrqAi J?aU , Few Weeks' Ago. W, J, Bary, (who (jya chef of po icc a number of yea'rs ago, aied .this homing ,bnjt Z, p'clpclf.. Hi tde?U; reuUed from a fall he ;, ustined itomc" wecW gp and it is presumed tie rcceivea severe .internal injuries. Je wasiabout fnw dayoritwo after the fajt but soon took tOhis Jbed., He eaves a wife and. three children. 't ' ,." :i" 1 iT ;7"f , ( .( , .,THREE;GOOD CHANCESi , Chamber of Commerce and Its Daily l ttl oiuni oi piew. worn.. , ... .!, . ;;h) .(r,..M !:h ' Chocolates1 s.'AAin-A .0 .if -t--t- if) n GARDEN;, SlSlSDSn t4T 'V ' ' 1 1 . - ill obtainable ? for ; the f lower j bed sand the. vegetable garden j j , .y" p irly' purchasers ifefe of a most complete choose ,:j !A.Yfc I list' from , which to ! ;r;oi'l ,m1 A fciMsfl .1 Scholflead, p phone nsrGOODGOODS phone 93i I ft rj-J f'?f ', 1 '. II l in i mil i'i mmu-tij-ujiJi' nwi" ' u"" ' " w w sw liiliblpi jMniiiniir r.i :i i mnrr 1. fffrtTir t . i a t .i in' j j 'F6f fti'"'1 .noa:iHTa(i .a x' ft ryiCORORikN EDISON1 tmm 'I'll i' Mi .'il'fOii l"i '! olmsoni'lionoppli y, 01) I'-Ooecpn FlooV'Sver SchoKiefd ft'fiattaoftCol VAt WP, Jwcwis of F.yebrow Station. Saskatchewan , Canad;;, writes the Chamber ot Cpmrncc'e that he ij not satisfied with conditions there and ilesires to "come ,to Clatsop county, fogethcr with his b'On-in-law and scv cral neighbors. - - - - i The' Board' 'of Trade of Springfield, Massachusetts, has written to ' the Chdmber of Commorcfc for a- Vuantity of literature?. Concerning this section for the benefit of the members of the Springfield ' 'oHganiaintion, ' 'and !t1ic jKame' has. be'en forwarded by express. :A prominent flou?' miller oi Cali fornia has sent for a quantity of lit jtraturc and the . Chamber of Com njerct jias; f ep j it by )express,y This miiicr, sap iiejs fnicresung , a num ber of, fricijs in the' 'conditions' arid advantages' 'at tlic.outh of the,Co- A; Fine Perfocmancer r ; j . tn ' , Tht most ,succc8iful performance cverfgiveqn Ai toria , was witnessed py; art; 6ycrljlowing bouse ; at the As? oria 'theatre last night., The fine nanagcrjal. ability ,, of the' present nanagcr Jot Astoria's 'opera house in .ecuring , such ; ,a ( fine.., attraction, . as 'The Burgomaster" 'was appreciated j'all of those who were fortunate (enough to gain ' admission.1 ' Every seat in the house was sold long be fore the performance was started, and many were turned away disap pointed. Continual laughter, repeated encores, and . favorable . comments were the' order, of the evening. For the first time 'in the history 'of the, Astoria theater no' seats were to be lad as'' late as noon of the day 'of a erformance, and it - promises As oria that first-class performances will be seen Here in the future, as the , theater-goers of this , city will lippreciatcthe fact'thaf the' best will pe securca. , i ne sirengxn qi me com- )any,'both a to numbers-and txtei ence, ! prccludei the singling otit if I he 'different; 'niembersi for; ; praise." Each filled his of , Her part to perfect tion and the whole presentation re flects much 'credit' on Manager1 llan lin, lof the' theiter, for- his' enterprise and good business judgment in ' se? curing such a feature for Astoria. ; -,J '' 'ft f- fJJM ;m' Wilt Not See Float-l iit ;.' ! j ActOrding :; to '!the , general j rule adopted, by the Portland management of the great rose festival, none of the beautiful floats tha.t are to figure in ihe grand parade there in June are to (be seen by., the public, until that Importanj day.' , The maghifrcent' car of Astoria is included, in this1, (order; and it will be inspected , by " the Chamber of ' Commerce Tcommittee rom this city twojCels prior to the lisplay for the'.purposes of approval r aroendmen,t,8nd again a(dayiPr so before the festival,, to ,see( hat all s in perfect conditiom , Hence the eople must go to the Rose City to ice thej rose, festival from points, f they desire to know' how their lome place figures. This is all right, lpon the s"irnple hypothesis' thaf what s displayed will not be made com non ' Wr 1 W-neutralized 'by- too fre luen sight or! handling, j A MiH , ;rT3 r'- Senator Fulton at Home- United btates benatot uiaties vi Fulton arrived jhome yesterday on the noon express from Portland, and was busy all the5 afternoon greeting bis . friends 'hi artd i lieutenants. He Jeaves this morning tor outnern ur- ( egon, where, he. tvilll open a: series tot seventeen public ! the in terest jof , his campaign) at; .. Bedford i tomorrow nigjit. ",Hs itinerary is as follows Z Grants Pass ' on .Tuesday; Roseburg, Apri);.lrufl(ne, April 2; lAlbaiy and Lebanon, April 3; Silver Iton and Sal61)lApa'rl ,4;(lCorvallis, April 6; Dallas, 'April 7; McMinn ville, 3April;i a Hillabm ApUj iBaker City, April 11; La Grande, April 13; ThO Dalle AtTHofid River, April 14; Oregon, s Qty, April IS; IPortJand. April .16; home tq vote on A6rilr17,: rAfte which tie m depart' Instantly for Washington. He isj wcu'anui incartyiunu tcugrry -ivta w work ahead of him and sanguine of the outcometRf.iti.Jl;:j;i William' JVW, nrpjfitir announces that be ,i9 doing a strictly, indepen dent' wood fueT basinesl - He his no partners, nor associated interests. He desires. ,rj,ia)told';CU9tome!TS'j,to knowi and remember, this,, and reswvp their orders ' for " fuel. Prompt attention. "WHATiWQMEN 'YpLiaDOflf Harrv Tackson'a- new, play will be seen at the Astoria'1" theater tonight, Sunday, March 29,. It is the melo dramatic success of the season. The play is.- not) ia, dramatization,; but, the l,V'"'. . , , .I 1 At i iT I ' '. 'i 'A wt n .,', A U --m 1.) t'?fr"i i in 'XTwm" :4 ' 1 ' ' v 1 !l ;i . :0 ton .1 ,i6 .itilli ;A:i "i ' 1 rifff;fi."f; ViofI U til 1''' - I :-1 :f -.I 7" I'' i t : i i i i a ili . 'MJJUJ2J1L ! 5 Oi 1 i' U' ! I 1 7,1;. tJ.' z w u ,r . . II j f The latest creatlbfcs orf theclething maker's ;-; i' ,1 .iJ,,.i.- ll -V I --tff . i , ": A . ' 1 ne ciotn ii art in the Brown. Tan j land Mode -Shades I i IJbJJilKJjJiil tm : uj. 'jvi Lit.: it.- X Ileitis X SlUilllUCbS itUUm.UUI tlUlililJg i.UO.1 I if ...If ' appeals to the rrten that care to be well dressed .IX if j. 5 i y ; -Jwt'ffej-HE STAND OF EMINENCE" . j; 'Ederheiraer, Stein5 &'to. -o: :J,,7' V, -.j " - . ; MAKERS 'I i. i- mi 1-0 . Astoriav Reliable Clothier j r-r a P. S. ONE PIANO NUMBER WITH EACH $5 SALE TO HERMAN WISE'S CUSTOMERS. '.-! K story is suggested by Charles Dick ens great . novel, David ' Copp'erfield. To write a play from any of Dickcris ter than one would imagine, but Mr! Jackson,- by, taking' the principal characters and incidents, and intro ducing some icjeas of, his own, has constructed a play that has Men re ccived enthusiastically wherever pre Erards' have always been great fac tors in the dramatic field. A number Star & Havlin circuit this year. They consider "What Women Will Do" the best piece of theatrical property before; jthe public., today, , and have Spared h6' expense in ntakfrig the pro duction. The scenic. effects are per fect in pyery detail, and the company 4 f ' sented this season. ' Holden ' Bros.' & the strongest presenting pbpular priced drama. Press and public have been " unanimous' in declaring :the above attractioa a:perfed; success. Manager Fi M. . Hanlin , has secured te attraction ' previous 'to their de parture for the East, and promises hjs patrons apfay lull of heart in ttrlestpos'sessing all the element, of af pastoral drama, and as many laugh afe.a farce comedy." ' 1 ;f t - r ! Ii , .j .'- : ,i t . .. . j , L J- A ... 1 1 1 1 . ,0 81 : . . .1 . . if :.l J3 I J I - U 1! t 0 .' '- . -i ! ji t :i 5 .7 i 5 ' si I EASTER SHOWING Op SPRING j ii ( f . d .; a 'i . ,' AND SUMMER OXFORDS. ' u I & o ( I. ."I . r . .. . . i n " 5 . i . , ' " "imm hturnni T TT "IT? T A TTT?0 A WT1' ftTTMTT TPHjrU'M'C 'IIP DIUM PRICED OXFORDS EVER SHOWN IN ANY CITY THIS .SIDE OF) THE MOUNTAINS.1 LACE AND. BUTTON IN ALL '.-LEATHERS,' LASTS AND WIDTHS .FROM AAA TO EE, IN THE - - LATEST .NEW YORK . STYLES. 4 ;,NEW SHOES, ;WE HAVEN'T AN OLD SHOE TO SHOW YOU IN ' , ? OUR" ENTIRE STOCK. THERE ISN'T A QUESTIONABLE SHOE ! ' ,!- VIN OUR STORE, AS THEY WERE .ALL DISPOSED OF IN OUR V v GREAT CLEAN-UP, SALE WE HELD ON, THE FIRST v OF THE. . .V ' i'NEW YEAR, BUT. ARE ;ALL' NEW AND THE LATEST SHAPESA THE CARE WE GAVE TO THE SELECTION : OF THESE SHOES f ,f IS A SUFFICIENT GUARANTEE OF THEIR EXCELLENCE. Kj J to vnn tttv enrvco AT!DbAwM' vntr vnisiw thtt.v apts )ihJil l RIGHT-v-'Ja V; 5x1 i1 r CHAS. V; BROWN. '1 IJ'7 j '..'; i l' 'rA :o'I A. f HI 'I s ii The Family ' 1 :. Shoekani l?0 : i 4 !' i i .V t II) I i it p vrt '"II 1-7 o i t i . ' .' ,lf : it! c J a . )j a :-i,v ! i ! 1 -1 1 ') ! ,7 Ai ! I '!': i I -i '. 'f 1 ? Kill f IITA M'MV.V)U 1 1 m ' , i r r i . A( ( iooi lore ii .' i O : . I'.i'Jf ,h t,, .0 ! i -1 ,hn!'d hr.o'd lt 4