The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 29, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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l . i.i n i i. ' k. L i i t . tin
Hill. M
t -'-7'
Thic wlr nro mnkin(y ii r
v '""ffr
MERRY .... ,
Telegrip Gles Over Car Bound
for the SMfttr,:
61 11 I
"i tiaBt'' .if1 1 ,tf mmmm v l ll
v r
:6hr (
Fleet Due In From San Francisco-
Mosquito Squadron Sails for Coast
t PortsColonna and Jules Gommes
Go Over Bar Rose City uim. j
Captain McFarland went over the
Columbia bar last evening at 5:15
nVlL-l- with tKi TeWranli. bound?
fort Seattle. "It iKhoped ficr hog!
chains and weather DUiKijeaas wui
hold and that she m get m witnoui
trouble. She wiin make ume, , a
I , 1
Season Remodeling Old Hats a Specialty
Plumes Dyed, Curled and Cleaned r
TJi- c!imr Alliance arrived fro
fVN oAcurrinv mriminff anddocked
.at the Calender tier; going on ty
Portland within tne nour. . i
i Ti. Pa Citv came1
A lie 9iv;auioitip V--.
down from the Rose City early yes
terday morning with plenty of San
Bnn,-kr(i' hoiiml business. rand ent
over thelbar In the morning ebb.
was one bf the getfaWay frotrf this
Spek not of minstrels , of , the past
6f pleasures we've i outgrown,
For inow Astoria lks ;have planned
i 1 minstrel of 5 their oWn,
And! when compared itl this dis
j play, Ihe old blackface events '
Will' in the' shadow' of !ts Vorth, re-
iemble thirty cents.
Clyde Fulton, in the years gone by,
within his office still,
Through practice learned the lesson
how to rattle bones at will;
And "Bill" Scholtield, with the smile
i for which he is renowned,
Will take his trombone and will
crack the plaster with its sound;
While gifted men,' whose talent; has
i so far been hid from view; J
Will come out on ' that stage and
j show what our home herd can do.
"Jar dem nails fum cut de planks, Wit
j ub flip-flip on de flo', f
Wf'se all got loose fiim de calaboose,
Arf we ainjt a-gwin4 back no mo; ;
No mo' cawnbre'ad' for dese heah
coons, ., .
Foh we gwine lib high on er sassage
i an' nnines.
So! hey, dah, niggah, step along."
The 'greatest acrobat-in-tights, ,as
Charlie 'Callehde'r, known,' ! '
Will, with -elastic, springy leaps,,
make timbers creak and groan;;
And Wise, Astoria's orator, if people
I stay 'to hear,
Will tell the i story of '.'The ; Lid,"
without remorse or feaf ' j
There'll be a lightning change or so
-see Carney on the bill
Explaining how an Elk can change
V his galluses at will;
In fact, so good will be the cast, that
nrais would SOUnd tOO low
The only thing that you can do will
be to see the show.
Eniaciated Jndd, with prancing step,
1 win aJmble. from the wing4 V?;
And to a' cake-walk jnovement idodge
, theeigs and oihe things; . :!
While handsome. Abererombie, made
up with features black,
Will, in his modesty, let folks aim
j only at his back. .r ' .J
Heromsa Park Investment Co
to T .G. Tonsing -t al, lot 6, , u
block 1?, Hermosa Park $ 250
... m m .m v a-. Tt- M , V.
W.i w. omitn ana we io , .
McCaf fery, lot f, block 30, The M
Plaza p25
Chris' Holton and wife o Wm. . ! iJ
Knapp, lots 5, 6, 7, block 46,
Upper Astoria 1.500
Mary E. Miller et Alex
Muller, lots 3, 4, block 8, Adairs
Astoria. -. ! 400
A $ Fee et! at to Lbretta
Joties, lots 6, 7, Hock o, K., K. , t
Addition to Ocean View;. ...J. 34p
Tust received a new line of umbrella
covers. See C. H. Orkwitz, 137 Tenth
rive I
AThe Fwnclj bark Jules Commes
rJrt veeerdav. leivihir Vctit V for
Europe with her cargo of wheat dur
ing the forenoon. -
The Schooner Albert Myer arrived
jAt arlv vesterdav morning on
the hawser of the steamec Melyillf
ad will go j(o sea Jind San francisco
todays Lj
tk hirliil tanker Asuncion came
dpwn from Portland and put to sea
yesterday ; morning 'ilfOva Jifif-
Pantain Birkland took the Colonno
i. )hflr vestefday morning,
bound for Europe, with' the tug Wal-
m ! S 'L '
lula in the leaa over tne oar.
ty, Mrtrwpiffiaii ' steamship Elsa
went up the river yesterday morning
and will load wheat at Portland for
the Orient- -
Th Herman bark Nereus, Captain
rnr i the next ship to come
down from Portland, and may be
down today on the Harvest yueen.
Tii eteamchifi Breakwate due
in port thisAnorning from Cdos .Bay.
ThJiiitJ two-master schooner Le-
titia came in from the Bay City yes
terday and went up the river on tne
lines of the Oklahoma yesterday
afternoon. ' t . , ' !
, , ( J ' j ! : j
'The "pups all $oi awa yesterday.
The'Evie for -'the Siulaw, the Delia
for Nestucca, and the Gerald C for
Alesa. .. ;i
Brandte Kincaid &dfXd q t
f:. Suits .- . Yiaf;'
i : of goods. ' rThV . best ygobds,
! right fit and cuts and well made
$15.00 $17.50
ii 22.50
!:: L
i:sJii$t receiyejd, fine? line of
o Spiring and Summer Cluett and"
Monarch Shirts., .ThepatternSi
f oro cwpM
"Three steamers are due in here
iwitl The Daisey -.-Freeman Cascades
$25.0Cf j
sole Agents
' The'BestTMe is in StiffiHate
. .is. eft.
ami ,v mi ;)Mj "mntixjyj
$1.00 to $2.00
-Tiiis'vteek wc received a'vejy j
large snipmeni 01 swcaici i
coats.) trimmed in different f
colors, aiso piaui cuiur
, 1 $z.uu to 4d.uu . j ;
n :)I:jopklcfej
. .. Hi) '!'! ?---i t
t . . . : I . ' .1 ,. .11.11,1
I TIEW; YORK, Mar. 28. Wilks A.
Wardwell, assistant librarian' of the
Brodklyn ' Public! Library,'.- whose
forty years service in' library (work
has given him f ah extensive knowl
edge cf methods of library manage
ment had gained him, a reputation
throughout ; the country, died yester
day . jatiWs home in Brooklyn, He
was born' in .WiHiamstown, jas.,.in
1840 . !.;, :.. i iio.u -.ii.'. j
1 1
.i i-'i
TTtjrfe V' Tkdfes
i nc uiuifc ws -r a t:
Women' BEEtSJHIVE Outfitters ::
i I Spring
t .-il ;r;il
A. . H
fir IL;
it ::! , '0 J)
) i 'litrl Ti.-I'JH v
i!V, ilj'lliv
xS , ' ., O . S'i. il.Ai i,, -i i
Z( DOys aaiior ouus
in Serges
ij fit.,
Ill , ji j&i X
W 1 IJ. X 11 V " 'i .
and John oulsen, and hoy will be
tollowea quicKiy, oy ...o
the? tie-up s broken. ij ii llM 7
The tender of, the De Forest Oil
the Minnette. went out on
her nfaideiL trip yesterday afternoon
wtih 'a' party'' of interested observes
on board, and the little iauncn De
ha'ved finely.' She is one of the neat
est . things 6n the bay 'of her' class.
tender Armeria,
nantatn Oreeorv. Is billed for a com
plete line of repairs and improve
ments, machinery, and housing, ana
bids were opened yesterday at Port
land in this behalf. The lowest bid
received wa' in the' Sum" bf ($9,131,
which' indidateS' . that Uhe -scope ol
woVkilisllargei! f li t) ,r , !i un
The French bark Andre Theodore,
cnt'tn tiobeftj' afriVeddowh yes
terday; afternoon ioa the :tor lines of
thjX)kbhQii)a.;jibM iF!Bptri(fo .an
anchorage in the lower harbor.
r ; t ; it :.;.-r m-'fi Off
'3 -,i u
Colors Navy, Oxford, Dark
, Reds and Brpwns. , .
A llkrie ' oftmenfjofoys'''
aw,rt- Waists and Blouses rane-
t ina iiLBrfces from 25 tdr75cj ,i i , m-Yu-.n
i TEA"-
i .1:
If the tea; is good you
, askfor1 ,a second f ciipf if
i not, you ask! for Mhe
I '
jinoney.'. ,.-jU, j :. mi
-i' Toot frocrrfurni rwr monr 70H tfoa't
.7 'it ti'.'S'l
t., .
(i Hi a ' i
r,q is 1 Villi id
Hon., John Smith was a homing
.aysetiger' 6ti ' the ' 1 1 :40 train yester-
I 'WAWarH Whiribtt'Republican can-
a; a ii, tr. Imilrinarl ; cnmmissioiner in
vi mu: v v ...... . -. , ...
the Second Congressional district oibi
At-WAW ' ? W fie ! c.Uv' irt 'th 'mterest
if hi'candi'dacyvbefore the -primaries.
i' Alexander Gilbert, oteasioe was
inthe dty yesterday,,Pn i makers of.
bUne,S3, ml i:oy ,),:; ill ;i ,
Mm tt a r)pnwr,. oostmaster oi
Warrenton, was an
Miss Clara Muuson ot warrenton
spent the afternoon in this city yes
terday and attended the performance
"The , Burgomaster at tne as
toJia'thfefcUiC'J U i')vM.J
Astoria 'visitor
1 1 illll
C. Ct Jones and J. C. Jones and
vtStmVcnXhi larf iri,'the;tity) for
,.') . j ' ; i .7 '''i
-h. r A ii :; ;
Tuat Ooened.
1 -First-class Dressmaking and Ladies
Tailoring. Mrs. McLeland,. l59 Ninth
street; ' '''" 'M)--"'- ' ' !''!
j - '.v'.) ' .iii si.i8 b.r
j New prpecry Store. '
! ,Try our qwn mixture, ot( coffee the
r.; P. , to Fresh, fruit, ,p4 iyegetabls.
Badollet & Co.,' grocers. Phone Main,
ii!,:?. .i.rt-1 h"i.. ') n!oi. .?ilA
-f.-fi v jiFof Good Wood ; HO.-.II -.
From ' the "Tongue PWnit -' Lumber
Company, 16-iiitctf stove length. Call
up 'Prael-E,ignervTransfei1 rCo.,' Phone
J,4l! M. 'rU ;!,iitiiif-'J H'-'-'l ''
" .!! . .,.' 'P ... . ,i,A
Kodak .Supplies. ,,,, i !,.,;
A full line of :film. papers, cameras,
:odaka, tc. just i received; ati'Jiarti,
Drugstore h"nu;U'ihvt .lui..i
T-ir.!,'.') CO 0 f . t ii nU J.I- .t i:J! I iidio''
ft- AUwtaa Are'AU;Wirmera.
The Zaof Hardware & Furniture
CJompViiy; of ' tW'city,' Has . Just, put
on"the"'ma'rketthe1best' ,and nicest
baby go-ct' fpr jthe "money ..eyerf
heard of .in, Astorja,. It , w Aiiwin,
and is to be had at, the modest figure
of $5.25. It is one of the easiest
rijarm in rafrinffe. and the babv that
iis' Mduiged with one jdimples 'all . over
Hill Bros:! Highest
Grade Coffee
. ill ', H .
iilill i.A
. i ;)
ii) . ,111
MAllnwed With ! Acre.
Full Flavored and Rich,
the United Mates.,; i,
. .1 i' .1 . I i : 1 n .
Always resn.
! ,.h:.,i i ll !'-il
l! I.,m: n ! ; I i i T
O I'HIill ill I ' Ll J
ll '; ,;:i' (l Wui Ku'y .j.n i !l
til i! , ( j f ii ('.! J :;7S It J
v 4
ml ; ) i ,. Ii
:i if
:.l- : 1 1, 1 '.1 . ". t-
i ,!.;. .i , ii
lll'l "'. Ii 1 1 .1 1
1 ! . .
i.J'l 'i ll '
i ll I . .1
.III v 1
11 1 -" .'.'..III ,l:
1 ', :i
1 " ' '' THE lUplTO-DATfi( GROCERS 'J u
521 COMMERCIAL STREET Zi"". !'!,'( "7hi t10 ,!':'
I.iiniI Hi jliii - r ' ' .' - ' ' A I ; ' .
I .
linrecognizable. . Callan'd.'examine one
before putting money, into something
hot, , nearly, ( , 8Q , satisfactory. . The
Kllwin's are'aU.'winners, sure eppugh?
L',;!.1 "ii,,; I 'iTTT 'n ; ,'i ;;
: "Modern' Delights:) ; -.!:
Whri a mk'n j asses under the hands
of a barber h' wants the best skilled
treatment to be ba4 in that line." In
WWrfl i v"". i ff i r'.Ti V: t "J '?"
and ;(gets it'm any. of ,the lix .chaiTi
maintained.;i(:0 ..(i!oif''iii;i''j hi rhi
it!;'In;iii;f) ll n.ivl'ji) llrf
bne' of 'the 46zieftt 'and ost 'oopular
(esorts in1 thety i' 'theb'mmercraL
A new billiard; room, a pleasant sitting
i reemci?,, ( Jheye t isppss, th topic.
ifth,4iy play game o,( biUiarjls
i ind- enioy thd fine, ref re8hmept,ft ,eryr
:d thtiret Tbe best of! good are only
landled, and this'aet-beihg so well
known.1 a 'Urkt 'business 1 is done1 'ai the
Cbmrri'ercikl, b'rf Commercial - 'sWeet,
uAyifi h""u,n '!;""
,-)i 7)l ni r,ili:IJ lOlI lo lilI)H ),!iiI ,,
h bbuif-f tirj.itii 4h ..iiiiiin,)
I ,, ,. The, Clean. Man . , ..'n
I ,Xhe ' man ihQ, eli'ht?, jty ',pe,rsoaf
cleanliness,, i and ..lenjoy's.-, hi , t haye,
shampoo, haircut, and bath, in,Ar
oria, always os,:ta the Occident
fflUiUAlii. fHT'iT'Tr ''TfijT ig mUUIgCU Willi lHV uiinw w.v. . - b-'i. " -
. . . . . ' . , . ...i" ,. vl'ijio I r i 7 1 1 1 i 1 1 - I vi-)7 n ovii'i il ymtl
() n-j.q HO boilititil'iO)
Juki Irjiiihiihli tyxi n ilmii
il'niib 'i ll ni iK.i'Hi Kijl,; v,;i-)
.vAMi oili l,,ir; nfifj'l ,viA ' .,io:
The Palace Restaurants v .
The ever-increasing popularity of
he1 Paliiee1 Res tail trlntU evidence of
the1 good :rnanageme!nt! 'and 4he isert-"
)ce, aphis popular dioin' rdoht" For,1
PWse. has been 9 the ,. best an$ H ,
does not i wane, as timt , progres$e.
The system used, that of furnishing;
he finest the market affords, and all
iah !be' obtained; id season; is a plan
that will always win, coupled asl it is 1
with the best if eorilfin inrl ftrrtmnt I
lerVice,' ' 'A' c'o'nimott 'saying1 'riowadiyt, !
,;WoDii;: woDiir;!;
William Kelleyot the Kelly Trans
er .Company.iyjsterday . closed a con
ract wjtaiithe" ffohgue Boiii Lvinvi ;
ering Company, whereby he , take
tttlf irdrn' that Hsf ablifehntyt, 1 'at ' twj '
da'rioads'p'er difriiM is'no'Wady'tcl''.
ieceive and hl oder for inside fire
wood, bark and'box w6od,"Mr.Kelley
41ienteUe,lfJor(past,fay;9rs.lland wjjl be.,
giag,ip ,iienew,jpis,,.service wjtih thw,!
and sUth new 'cdstdmerft as shall need, l
illufmahner :of fuelvon' p"r,ompt CallLi !
iLilj.1 i.n'ri-ii. ika,; : i,'. ... I
. cicpuunc. iviuin 'yi"or"icave oraers,
t 'iKelly" Tj-irisfef ''Cibirtiian -office,.1' j
65 Duane rtrVeK " '!,01"','f,"1t " f
I Thevery bet bpard tc bp obtaiped i
In e.eitj is at Vffha, Occident Ibtetr !
,,H , I ! ..';...') I mk tn.-!... l i
.'. ITI JHl lillilt l.'.'l III .; .1,11 .-.-I'l