The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 27, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1903.
. (Makes the Plainest Face Attractive) ;
'v ' '" ' v':'
See these chic and charming creations
v) ranging in price from
Remodeling Old Hats a Specialty. Laces, Velvets,
Flowers and Trimmings Dyed any Shade,
Plumes Dyed, Curled and Cleaned.
Why Hon. Herman Wise Left Here
so Suddenly.
483 Bond Street
Fine New Motor Life Boat for
Cape Disappointment.
F. S. Loop Finishing Cargo at Knapp-
ton Donna Francisco In From
Valparaiso Roanoke Out This
Morning Notes.
Simultaneously with the news of
the raising of the wages of officers
and men of the United States Life
Saving Corps, to-wit: Keepers, from
$900 per annum to $1,000; No. 2 surf
men, from $65 per month to $70, and
an additional ration, or $9 per month
to the regular wages of the ordinary
surfmen, which nets them $74 per
month instead of $65, there has ar
rived in this city from the life-saving
station at South Chicago a fine
motor lifeboat, which was skidded
- from the cars on the A. & C. tracks
at the Can dock by Captain Stuart
and his men, from the Cape Disap
pointment station and launched in
the Columbia river yesterday even
ing. The boat is beautifully con
struct cf mahogany and cedar, and
powerfully built, as becomes a craft
in that service. She is equipped with
a 24 horsepower, four-cylinder
Holmes engine; is 34 feet in length
and 7 feet beam, and weighs 12,000
pounds. The boat she displaces at
the north shore station has not yet
been assigned to a new station, but
will be in a few days. Captain Stuart
ami his men are much pleased with
the new boat and will give her all the
test that is coming to her. -
A. E. Haw, who is now at the Uni
ted Wireless station on Smith's Point
testing the apparatus and getting
things in final readiness for full ser
vice, reported to this office last even
ing that at 2 o'clock yesterday after
noon the station picked up the Uni
ted States cruiser St. Louis, then off
the Columbia river bar, en route to
the Bremerton navy yard, in Puget
Sound, and she reported "all well"
with her and making good time
Astoria is a pretty busy port her
self, but she does not quite match
New York on the steamship passen
ger business, according to the latest
figures at hand in regard to that kind
in the year 1907, from 1,182 trips
made by the hundreds of steamers
routing in there, just 1,287,617 pas
sengers, first class, second cabin and
steerage; but Astoria is moving
ahead, all the same. She refrains
from quoting her totals in this behalf
for specific reasons.
lhe steamer sue n. lilmore is
still in port, the bar forbidding her
departure for Tillamook. She has a
good load of freight and a number of
passengers on board. She carries
home the casket containing all that
was mortal of H. E. Ross, the well
known Tillamookian who, in a fit of
despondency, took his own life at
Portland early in the week, owing to
an incurable malady, from which he
had been a life-long sufferer.
The Kamm steamed Undine arrived
down about two hours behind her
schedule last evening owing to some
essential repairs made at Portland
yesterday morning which held her
ther euntil 10 o'clock. She went back
last night with good business on
both decks.
The British bark Donna Francisco,
Captain J. Simon on the bridge,
crossed the bar yesterday morning at
9:30 o'clock, 55 days out from Val
paraiso, Chili, in ballast. She comes
here unchartered and will lie at the
Tongue until she gets orders.
The Callender tug Melville leaves
up this morning at 6 o'colck for Rain
ier to bring down the schooner Al
bert Myer, lumber laden for San
Francisco, and will reach here to
ine steamer r. s. Loop arrived
down yesterday morning and went
direct to the Columbia mill dock,
where she will finish her lumber car
go and leave for the Bay City.
The steamer Breakwater went to
sea and Coos Bay yesterday morning,
with a good passenger list and Jots
of freight, and will return on Sunday
The steamer Rose City will be
down from Portland tomorrow morn
ing very early, bound for San Fran
cisco. She will leave out about 6
The oil steamer Asuncion went up
the river yesterday morning with her
cargo of fuel oil, which will be dis
charged at Portland.
The steamship Roanoke will leave
the Callender dock at 5 :30 o'clock
this morning for her three California
ports of call.
The steamer Alliance is due in
of service. The latter city received, from Coos Bay sometime today.
The Store M Fjlfc. Lad
FOR wnv
Women BEE
HIVE Outfitters
The Merry Widow Trimmed Sailor
Our millinery room is replete with the desirable in
" Millinery-
See our display of French Flowers in our show win
dows. This show only a small part
r4 tin PAmare ntA tAira
Seems to be Recuperating in Good
Shape, But Has a Secret Dread
That Threatens His Whiskers
'Traveling Incognito.
The following pleasant letter, re
ceived yesterday at this office from
Mayor Herman Wise, now at Grant'
Pass op a recuperative tour, indicates
that his honor is' in good spirits and
finding surcease from the thrall of
the grip. He writes from that place
under date of Wednesday:
Grant's Pass, Or., March 25
"Agreeable to my promise, I will
write a few lines to advise you that
I am gradually getting stronger,
though the southern sunshine seems
always warmer when you are far
away; upon my arrival here I found
it had snowed some last night, and
the atmosphere fs certainly chilly,
Tomorrow I intend to go to Medford,
from there to Ashland, and if
doesn't get warmer by that time
may have to go to that hot place not
lined with asbestos.
"I do not know but one may as wel
stay at home where he can have that
comfort and attention which can not
be had for money; the only thing
found annoyinsr at home was the
awful charge made against me by a
good friend of mine before I left
he accused me of being responsible
for the spell of quiet times, because
I would not agree to a wide open
town; hence, when I picked up last
Sunday's Oregonian and read that
there are over a million unemployed
men in the country, a chill went
through me and I dread the possibil
ity of receiving a batch of complaints
from the mayors of the affected cities
and from all the prominent men who
have heretofore borne the brunt of
the worry; here are a few, as they
might read:
(Exhibit 1.) Mayor Wise, Astoria
" 'On account of your closing dance
halls over 100,000 men are out of em
ployment in Philadelphia and the city
had to bond itself for an additional
nine million dollars for public im
provements in order to furnish em
ployment for the idle. Respectfully,
'"Mayor of Philadelphia.'"
(Exhibit II.) "'Hon. Herman
Wise, Astoria, Oregon:
'"The removal of Astoria's 150
machines has thrown 250,000 men out
of employment in New York; unless
you permit these machines to make
the wage-earners rich we are ruined.
. "'George B. McClcllan,
'"Mayor."' .
(Exhibit III.) " 'Herman Wise,
Mayor, Astoria, Oregon:
" "The New York Sun, E. H. Harri I
man ana Kocxeteuer nave unjustly
blamed the 1907 panic to my inter
ference with their unselfish labors in
behalf of the plain people, while as
a matter of fact your actions in inter
fering with the old established and
well advertised industries which made
Astoria famous and furnished the
government with so much revenue
are alone to blame for the closing of
banks, the ruin of factories and the
discharge of a million honest toilers.
'"T. Roosevelt, President.'"
Exhibit IV.) '"Mayor Herman
President 'Roosevelt has placed
the blame of the recent hard, times
to us; at last the secret is out; when
you closed dance halls and refused to
allow slot machines to resume busi
ness, Wall street became alarmed
lest by your vicious example the
Congress of the United -States might
be induced to stop gambling in Wall
street. Respectfully (and a few other
Rockefeller, Morgan, Harriman.' "
Exhibit V.) " 'Mr. Herman Wise,
Mayor, Astoria: v
You are an advocate of the abol-
shment of fish wheels; dont you
know that there will be no salmon if
you stop fishwheels? The same as
suckers' quit running when the rou
lette wheels were stopped through
the interference of a lot of busy-
bodies. Wheels are right; let them
run. If the salmon want to spawn in
our wheels it is their look out, and
if suckers want to nibble at any old
wheel it's none of your business.
Mayors should be pleasant and do
nothing. Yours,
'"Soofort, Wahrun Co.'"
"These are only a few samples;
what will happen when all the cities
and prominent men find out that I'm
the one who started the hard times;
I dread to think about it.
"I guess I'll have to disguise my
self, take off my whiskers and 'travel
incog. Otherwise Harriman will
have me put off the S. P. train and
I'll have to come home by aid of one
of Marconi's aerograms or by wire
less sausage. "
"Hoping that this letter, won't
drive you to drjnk, and with best
wishes to all in your office, or better
still, to every man, woman and child
in old Astoria, the best place in this
world for me.
"Sincerely yours,
One of the strong features of the
Elks' big show is the scenic and cos
tume equipment. Special scenery is
used for every part of the perform
ance and the costuming is complete
all the way through. Nothing that
money or brains can do will be over
looked to make this offering the big
gest thing every way, ever produced
here. All the participants are dili
gently practicing, and Bill Scholfield
and Ed. Judd are rehearsing the
bones and tambourines in the pri
vacy of their own homes, to the dis
gust of the neighbors. The sale of
seats will be heavy, as the demand is
big and predictions are for the big
gest houses in the history of the local
Hill Bros. Highest
Grade Coffee
,..!? ' ,
" ' ' : ,
Mellowed With Ape.
Full Flavored and Rich,
Packed in Vacuum Cans,
The Best Coffee in
the United States.
Always Fresh.
Acme Grocer yCo.
The very best board to be obtained
In the city is at The Occident Hotel"
Rates very reasonable.
"Modern" Delights.
When a man l asies under the hands
of a barber he wants the best skilled
treatment to be had in that line. In
Astoria, the man in search of such
manipulation, goes direct to Petersen's
"Modern" shop, at 572 Commercial,
and gets it in any of the six chairs
The Commercial
One of the cosiest and most popular
resorts in the city is the Commercial
A new billiard room, a pleasant sitting
room and handsome fixtures all go to
make an agreeable meeting place for
gentlemen, there to discuss the topics
Allwlns Ars All Winners.
. The Zspf Hardware & Furniture
Company, of this city, has Just put
on the market the best and nfyt
baby go-cart for the money evat;
heard ot in Astoria, it is the AHwin, Vj y
and is to be had at the modest figure XT
of $5.25. It is one of the easiest 1
riders in carriages, and the baby that f
is indulged with one dimples all over
every time it goes out It runs smooth
as silk and folds up till it is almost
unrecogniiable. Call and examine one
before putting money into something
not nearly, so satisfactory. The
Allwini are all winners, sure enough?
The Clean Man.
The man who delights In persons!
cleanliness, and enjoys his shsve,
shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As
toria, always goes to the Occident
, barber shop for these things-sod
of the day, play a game of billiards; lMWU " JZT
and enjoy the fine refreshments senr- j .
ed there. The best of goods are only 7 , . T t
.aia au ... V-u- . ti h Tongue Point Lumber
known, 'a large business is done at the Company 16-inch stove lengths J
Commercial, on Commercial
near Eleventh.
up Prsel-Eigner Transfer Co., Phone
Just received a new line of umbrella
covers. See C H. Orkwitz, 137 Tenth
"Colorado Maduro Basso Cellario.
he "Big Noise" with the Elks Min
strels. The subject of the above picture is
special added feature of the per
formance. According to his master,
Herman Weiner-werst Prael," this
celebrated domestic animal came to
Astoria from Polk county at the re
quest of the citizens of that county
and settled here, to the disgust of
the people of this place. He will be
placed on exhibition both nights in
strong steel cage under the tutel
age of Trainer Prael, and the man
agement has provided him with a net
to show behind, so that the stage will
not be cluttered up with stale eggs
and decayed vegetables. This act
cost a lot of money, but assurances
are given that it will be worth the
New Grocery Store.
Try our own mixture ot coffee the
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables.
Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Main
Kodak Supplies.
A full line of films, papers, cameras,
kodaks, etc., just received at Hart's
Drag Store.
The Palace Restaurant ,
The ever-increasing popularity of
the Palace Restaurant is evidence of
the good management and the serv
ice, at this popular dining room. For
a long time the reputation of the
house has been of the best and it
does not wane as time progresses.
The system used, that of furnishing
the finest the market affords, and all
an be obtained, in season, is a plan
that will slways win, coupled as it is
with the best of cooking and prompt
service. A common ssying nowadays
is "Get the Palace habit"
Yksro la Only Ono
"Bmo Qulnlnof
Ti:zt la
Always remember the full name,
for this signature on every box.
NEW YORK, Mar. 26.-Among
the arrivals on the Str. Prince Au
gust 'Wilhelm from Jamaica, was
John Jacob Astor, with his sixty
horse power automobile with which
he has been touring the island for
six weeks. Other passengers were
Sir Herbert Birmingham, governor of
rinidad, who has been spending a
month a.s the guest of the governor
of Jamaica.
Why isn't everything
Everything isn't good
Tour grocer returns your mon.y if yoa 4oa1
Ik Scbullos't felt; w pay bio.
Just Opened.
First-class Dressmaking and Ladies'
Tailoring. Mrs. McLeland, 159 Ninth
street. .
Copies of The
and Home-
Edition of
Can be had at this office, all
wrapped and ready tor
mailing isc a copy, a fdrasc