THE MORNING AS TOR IAN, ASTORIA. OREGO N, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1901 , We call your special attention to our large line of f IN AND fiBANIf EUARE : We are Headquarters-' for every thing in the line of House- ' ' hold necessities. A. V. ALLEN SOLE AGENT FOR BAKER'S BARRINQTON HALL STEEL f CUT COFFEE. PHONBS-7U AND 3871 BRANCH PHONE 713 ENORMOUS JUESSAGE TO CONGRESS (Continued from page 1) tiont among laboring men and far men, if the combination has any tendency to restrict interstate com- merce. AH of these combinations, while existing for and engaged in the promotion of innocent and proper purposes should be recognised as legal, as I have repeatedly pointed out. This anti-trust law was a most unwisely drawn statute. It was per haps inevitable that in feeling after the right remedy the first attempt proved so crude; but it was absolute ly imperative that some legislation should be passed to control in the main interest of the public and the business use, the enormous aggrega tions of corporate wealth that are so marked a feature of the modern in dustrial world. But the present anti trust law in its construction and working, has exemplified only too well the kind of legislation which under the guise of being thorough going is drawn up in such sweeping form as to become either ineffective or else mischievous. Jn the modern Industrial world combinations are absolutely itcces sary. They are necessary among business men, they are necessary among laboring men and they are very, very necessary among farmers. some oi tnese combinations are among the most powerful of all in struments for wrong-doing, others offer the only effective way of meet ing of actual business needs. It Is michievious and unwholesome to keep upon the statute books unmodi fied laws like the Anti-Trust Law, which, while in practice only is par tialy efective against the vicious com binatons, have nevertheless n theory been construed so sweepingly as to be prohibitive of every organization for the transaction of modern busi- tively the following changes in the bill The substantative part of the Antl Trust Law should remain as at pre ent; that is, every contract in re nirami ot trade or commerce among the several states or with foreign nations should continue to be declared illegal provided, however, that some proper government authority (such as the commissioner of corporations acting under the Secretary of Commerce and Labor) be allowed to pass on any such contract; probably the best method of providing for this would be to enact that any contract sub ject to the prohibition contained in the Anti-trust law Into which it was desired to enter might be filed with the Bureau of Corporations or other appropriate executive body, this would publicly within say sixty days of the filing which period could be extended by order of the department whenever for any reason it did not give the department sufficient time for a thorough examinationthe ex ecutive department having power might forbid the contract which then would become subject to the provi sions of the Anti-trust law. If the prohibition was issued the contract would then only be liable to attack on the ground that it conmituted an unreasonable restraint of trade. Whenever the period of filing had passed without any such prohibition the constructing combination could be disapproved or forbidden only alter notice and hearing with a rea inn able provision for summary re view on appeal to the. courts. Labor organizations, farmers organisations and other organizations not organiz ed for the purpose of profit would be allowed to register under the law. by a law, by giving the location of the head office, charter and by-law and the names and the addresses of their principal officers. In the in terest of alt the organizations busi ness, labor and farmers like the lawful purposes was formally recog nised, tliis right Including combina tion of mutual protection ami bene fits, the reflation of wages, hours and conditions of labor mid the pro tret Ion of the Individual rights of the working men lu the prosecution of their trade or trades; and In the Present Their Greatest Melodrama net of June I, 1898, strikes were rec cognlacd as legal In the same pro vision that forbnde participation In or instigation of force or violence against persons or property or the attempt to prevent others from work ing by violence, threat or intimida tion. The business men must be pro teeled In person and property, and The.r SM.rt, ,.. tlon Hat Been Propoaed to Abolish i0 '" W The Fight to the Death inthe Storm the "Future Delivery" System. and as regards alike the.' rigni oi penceiui combination for all wiwt women win uo tor Love ana lawful purposes should be explicitly "! Revenge WASinvr.Trtvf m. u..iJrcc,K"ii(ei- The right of employers "he Ship Turned Upside Down Sam's exports this year of flour and ,0 T m. an,(l Con,fct wi,h one Th L,f""v,n Stat,on wheat will reach the equivalent of Tf 'nd "V ,l,clr mP'y , I91,(X)0,XX) bushels, the largest total ,ho",l b xPlicl'y recognised and MICAWBER AND HIS HAPPY Flour and Wheat Will Roach 191,000.000 Bushels. LARGEST TOTAL SINCE 1902 The Only Menacing Fact Affecting Foodstuff Export! la That Leglala- Astoria Theater Sunday, March 29th IIOLDEN BROS, ft EDWARDS "What Women Wll Do" Don't Fall to See This Great Play. I A Play For All the People. Astorto Tlioalro 1 Saturday, March 28th, ' P. M. Haolin Manager. WM. P. CULLEN PRESENTS PIXLEY AND LUDERSV MERRY MUSICAL MASTERPIECE IE BURGOMASTER ness.' Some real good has resulted from this law. But the time has present provision permitting recovery come when it Is imperative to modify of three fold damages should be it. Such modification is urgently abolished and as a substitute there needed for the sake of the business j for the right of recovery allowed for men of the country, for the sake of .should only be the damages sustained the - wage-worker and for the sake of the- farmers. The Congress can not afford to leave it on the statute books in its present shape. It has now bc-comc uncertain how far this law may involve all labor organiza tions, farmers organizations as well as business organizations in con flict or if we secure literal compliance with the law it may result in the destruction of the organizations nec essary for the transaction of modern business as well as of all labor organ izations and farmers organizations and completely check the wise move ment for securing business co-operation among farmers and put back half ' a century the progress of the movement for the betterment of labor. A bill has been presented in by the plaintiff and the cost of suit in eluding a reasonable attorneys fee. The law should effect pending suits a short statute of limitations should be provided so far as the past is con cerned, not to exceed a year. More over and even more in the interest of labor than of business combina tions all such suits brought for causes of action heretofore occurred should be brought only if the contract error complained of was unfair or unrea sonable. It may be well to remem ber that all the suits hitherto brought by the government under the anti trust law have been the cases where the combination or contract was in fact unfair, unreasonable and against the public interest. It is important that we should encourage trade since 1902, If nothing happen to nT,u m 'm 01 m 'Pye check the gait so far reported. In a w con,m 10 contract with one report just issued by the bureau of w,,hC , "! wilh ' wnptoywi and statistic of the Department of Com- i"""'"" Puaue oiners to ac-i merce ml Labor. It I. .), n,.i fCP nir vlewi and to strike for the exports of wheat flour from the ,he pur,,0M of Pnb,y obtaining United State for the eight months rom '",,loym t,lltf8c'07 twins cndiiirr Feb. 20 hut .vrai..l Qtttt. or nir nothing should be I 446 barrel of a value of US. SI2.201 Jone ,0 ' blacklist or boy. I . . . t a fit . while of wheat they were 82,914,315 inn wmm m "KB"' " bushels of a value of S82.818.912. .. ! ! of boycott during the flour to wheat, and add-,kimt(i nA considered by theanthra ing it to the wheat, the grand total ciU J?"'" commission.- of 127,385,322 bushels. The question of financial legisla- The prospect are that foreign "on ' receiving much attention market will after this year not be!'" bth Houses and we have a right glutted with wheat from Argentina, 0 expect action before the close of becatme of the recent adoption there elon. It is urgently necessary of the American expedient of selling! "'"I tmre should be such action, grain on exchanges for later delivery Moreover, action should be taken to futures" that permit delivery when eUmth postal savings banks. These requirements call for the grain. This postal saving banks are imperatively is expected in all market as well a heeded for the benefit of the wage- Argentine to improve the grain ex- worker and men of small means and port conditions. The only menacing M valuable adjunct to our fact affecting foodstuff export I that whole financial system. t.... I.. , ... ,1 .. .. . . . ,.H, .,.,, ,,H9 ucm propoRcu, anu i uc nine nas come wnen we seriously advocated even by repre-1 .hould prepare for a revision of the sentatives of 'producing regions, tariff. This should be. and indeed which would abolish the "future deli- must be, preferred by careful investi very" system here In the United gallon. It is peculiarly the nrovince States, a system which has built up of the House of Representatives to exports to the present big total. originate a tariff bill and to deter- The record for the same eight mine upon it terms: and this I fullv month give promise of a magnifi- realize, yet it seems to me that before cent grand total of export of farm the close of this ses.ion provision product of over $451,591,085 for the should be made for collecting full fiscal year, For the eight months, material which will enable the Con- the export of corn were 43.059.373 gress elected next Fall to act Imme. bushels, of a value of $27,427,162: of diately after it come into exuience. oat 948. 715 bushels, of a value of This could necessitate some action $511,376; of rye 1,722.880 bushels, of before the Congress at it present a vame oi ti.Mo.W) and of barley session, pcrhau in the ihaoe of di- ixm m i t..,. ..i . . .. . .. .. Huitncis, oi vaiue oi v reeling the proper committee to 638.798. Adding to this the corn gather the necessary information meal exported, 502,336 barrels of a both through the committee itself value of $1,556,406, and the oatmeal, and through government agents who 11,357,039 pounds, of a value of $312.- should report to the committee and v the grand total of grain exported should lay before it the fact, which tor the eight months is the round would permit it to act with prompt sum oi iw,.ni.j.u. li the same and intc igent fa rness. These oow. ratio is maintained the remainder of crnment agents, if it is not deemed the fiscal year ending June 30, the wise to appoint individuals from out grand total will be $243,571,996. For side the public service, might with the last eight months the value of the advantage be members of the execu exports of meat and diary products hive departments designated by ihc FAMILY Price: 25c, SSc, 75c, With Out Welnburf, Ruth White, and over half hundred other, in cluding the famously original Kan garoo Ob-la. Original production; a veritable triumph. : , Bigger, Brighter, Better Than Ever. New Song, Ideas, sSurprlat,. Prices 25c to 0150 the congress to remedy this situation, .agreements between employer and While' such measures as this bill are employee when they are just and fair, needed in the case of all engaged in A strike is a clumsy weapon for the industries which are essential to righting wrongs done to labor and we the country's well-being, I do not should extend so far as possible the pretend to say the exact shape the process of conciliation and arbitra- bill should take, and the suggestions tion as a substitute for strikes. More- I have to offer are tentative; and my over, violence and disorder and coer- views would apply equally to any cion, when committed in connection other" measure which would achieve with strike should be as promptly the desired end and bearing this In and as sternly repressed as when mind, I would suggest merely tenta- committed in any other connection LATEST It! SUITING: Having returned from San Francisco with a spfendid stock of spring and ummer suitings of the latest style and having spent several weeks In studying the fashions prevalent in that city, we are now more than ever .in a position to give thorough satisfaction to the most fastidious dresser. NOT IN WORDS, BUT IN DEEDS. 5 HAUTALA & RAITANEN TailorsCorner Eleventh and Bond Streets and food animals has been $138,679, 393. ' Strenons objection has been made by producers, shippers, exporters, commission merchants and bankers all over the country to the measures now pending in Congress, literally prohibiting the buying and selling of agricultural products for future deli very. The memorials and petitions, declaring such laws would result in serious injury to our export trade, because they would radically change the present system, have reached formidable proportions. Should the proposed changes be made, grain would have to be bought and sold on a cash basis; future wants could not be supplied by buying for future delivery in anticipating those wants. As there arc other surplus producing nations besides our own, Uncle Sam cannot dictate to foreign buyers how and when they shall make their pur chases, and it seems to be plain as a business proposition that we cannot well discourage that trade by the en actment of unwise legislation. but strikes themselves arc and should be recognized to be entirely legal. Combinations of working men have a peculiar reason for their existance. The very wealthy individual employer and still more, the very wealthy cor porations stand at an enormous ad vantage when compared to the indi vidual working man; and while there arc many cases where it may not be necessary for laborers to form ' a union, in many other cases it is in dispensable for otherwise the thou sands of small units the thousands of individual workingmen will be left helpless in their dealings with the one big unit, the big individual or corporation employer. Twenty-two years ago, by the act of June 26, 1886, trade unions were recognized by law and the right of laboring people to combine for all President on his own motion or on the request of the committee, to act with it. I am of the opinion, however, that one change in the tariff could with advantage be met forthwith. Our forests need every protection and one method of protecting them would be to put on the free list plup wood, corresponding reduction upon paper made from wood plup when they come from any country that does not put an export duty on them. Ample provisions should be made for a permanent waterway commis sion with whatever power it is re- iinrcu io mime ii ciicciive. ine ex pectations of the people will not be realized, unless Con gress provides at this session for the beginning and prosecution of the actual work of waterway im provement and control. The Con grcss should realize in fullest fashion the fact that the subject of the con servation of our natural resources with which this commission deals is literally vital for the future of the nation. Numerous bills granting water power rights on navigable streams have been introduced. .None of them gives the government the right to make a reasonable charge for valu able privilege granted despite the fact that these water powers are equiva lent to many thousands of acres of the best coal lands for their produc tion of power. ; Nor is any definite time limit set, as should always be done in such cases. I shall . be obliged hereafter, in accordance with the policy stated in a recent message, to veto the right of the President or of, the secretary concerned to fix and collect such a charge as Tie may find to be just and reasonable in each case. ' V (Signed) THEODORE ROOSEVELT. The White House, March 25, 1908. ((Where ToP ME? Oh I'm Going to Whitman's Book Store to get some of those "Good Goods" Cheap-before they are all gone. Better come along. Whitman's Book Store STEEL & EWART Electrical Contractors Phone Main 3881 .... 426 Bond Street .3 M "i 'Ai ,'1 1! ."0 fell At i 'wijll J, r3 ALCOHOL 1 Pen firvn elablefttpwionl auuiiaiuismerDodantl unguteatoaaos IE1 Mill andBawehofj I ItomotesDidPsttonlWii! ness and Reslf nntolnt nelihjr Opium.Marph.lne norMlaadJ NOT NARCOTIC. For Infants tnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature Mfwmi Anerftct Remedy for OonsRpa- tlon.SourStoitBch.Dlarrtm WormsonvulsnsJevcrt$fl ness ondLoss of Sleep. IscS'wii Sifnanmaf NEWYOBK. mm Guaranteed under tit Foodie Exact Copy of Wrapper. the A M '" IK- """- ' mm In Uso . For Over Thirty Years a) ill TM..iRTuia..MHNr. air. r UHf.imi ii fin Sherman Transfer Co. t. HJNRY SHEKMAN, Manager. , Hacks, Critge.-Baggge Checked nd Transferred-Truck, and raitur 433 ContntwrcS Strew. Moved, Boxed .d Jjg.