The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 13, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1908.
Wt carry full lint ol thm high-grade goods. Y
msf mis of i mii
Died of Consumption
John Brandt of Seaside died yes
terday morning after a lingering, W
n with consumption. No arrange
ments httve been made for the funeral.
Petition Filed
A petition from 0. II. Ekstrom
and other ikimi that Kensington
avenue from Eighth to Eleventh
Mrects he Improved It full width was
filed with the auditor yesterday.
Funeral of James Johnston
The funeral of James Johnston who
was found dead in his scow at Alder
brook will take place today' at 1:30
p. m. The Interment will be Green'
n. m. fro mthe parlors of VV. C. A
I'ohl, The interment will be Grecn-
woud Cemetery.
Anothtr In Line
Juhan Henrik, a native of Norway
was before County Clerk Clinton yes
terday with his sworn declaration in
behalf of his ultimate cituenship in
the United States of America.
Scotland Forever I
Dr. Hiram Foulkcs of the Portland
Presbyterian Church will lecture to
night in the Presbyterian Church.
Stercoptican and wholly free! The
Young Men's League cordially in
vites everybody to attend.
Ing Astorian makes me want to come
to Oreion." Thus It will be seen
that the Homcseekers and Investors'
edition of this paper, put out on the
23rd of last month, is quietly at work,
along the lines and in the places, for
which it was was compiled, to which
it was despatched.
Cathlamet In Mourning
Word comes down the strick
en town of Cathlamet that all busi
ness has, been suspended there until
after the double funeral of the vie
tims of Wednesday morning' fire,
Messrs. Sheet and McCoy, who suf
fered death in the burning of the hotel
Columbia. No one seems to wnow nor
care what is done for the time being.
save that due honors shall be paid the
men who perished in such unhappy
fashion; but things will come out all
right after a few day and the lively
city will be itself again.
The B. S. 4 L. Awociatlon
W. F. BurTam. John Hahn, F. I
Ball. C. F. Swandcr and Fred Kari-
ncn, are the numes of well known
Astorian appended to the article of
incorporation of the Banking, Savings
& Loan Association filed yesterday
with County Clerk Clinton. The name
of the association tells very plainly
of its business purposes; and its
headquarter office will be established
in this city.
Turner vs. Turner
The entire day. yesterday, wa giv
I en up to the concluding phases of the
they will take a book and read it
chanter by chapter, one chapter at a
meeting, then an open discussion of
it will be in order and probably tome
paper will be devoted to the analy
sis of the author' Idea, etc. The
club is composed of the men of the
Presbyterian Church and i styled
"the Round Table." The first book
to be taken up will be by Josiah Strong
"The Challenge of the City." The
officer of the club are J. A. Eakin,
president j W. S. Gilbert, vice-president;
It. Loinenwcber, second vice-
oresldent: Allen Anderson, third vice-
president; Howard M. Brownell,' sec
retary, and C. R. Higgin, treasurer.
The club starts off with a charter
membership of 26.
Baseball FranchUe '
Astoria i to be in the Tri-Clty
baseball league this coming season,
so George Jackson reports as the re
suit of hi meeting with the directors
in Portland, on Wednesday. There
are eiuht "nines" in the league and are
Astoria. St. Johns, Oregon City, East
Portland. West Portland, Salem,
Woodburn and Vancouver. It it Mr.
Jackson' intention to form a stock
company ybo will own and manage
the home team. '
Tit mnA P.KU With Afft
...... ...... - -m . i u tv t nv .vii. ...-n i - -
Mrs. Mayes, an aged lady, who divorce proceedings in the case of
Attachment Placed
Pursuant to" judgment entered,
writ of attachment issued yesterday
in the Circuit Court, in the matter of
the Wcinhard Estate vs. Peter E.
Peterson, proprietor of the NMirror
Saloon, at the corner of Thirteenth
and Bond streets, for the recovery of
the sum of judgment, and all costs,
$2130.95. with $150 as attorney' fee;
the stock qnd fixture at that stand
being taken ever by Sheriff Pomeroy
in this behalf. It i laid that Coun
cilman George Kaboth Iholds judg
mcnt against the same proprietor in
the sum of $500. ,
Joseph Gaston Here-
Yesterday morning's boat from the
metropolis brought to this city a well
known and active Oregonian in the
nerson of Joseph Gaston, a pioneer
railroad builder in this State,' and for
lately reached thi city 1rom Brook
field with her daughtre and on-in
law, Mr. Lutschingcr, is reported very
ill at that gentleman' home on Sec
ond street. Mrs. Mayes is in the
neighborhood of 74 years of age.
Certificate- of Approval
A certificate of approval upon the
completion of Exchange street from
Twelfth to Eleventh street was filed
yesterday. The work was done by
Palmberg and Heblack ami the con
tract price was $.
Don't Let it Escape
Astoria young people will do well
to remember the grand ball that is
to be given on the night of St.
Patrick' Day, March 17. next Tues
day, by the Astoria Athletic Club in
aid of the work of putting the athletic
field in fine workable shape for the
season. There will be good time at
both centers, in the ball-room, and on
the ark-ground later.
Doing Ita Intended Work
General Agent Gilc B. Johnson,
of the A. & C. Railway, in this city,
yesterday received a letter from Ike
Walpole, of Bokhoma, Oklahoma,
asking for details on the cost of
transportation thence to this city, and
concluding his letter in this fashion:
"1 mean business; the special Morn-
Joseph Turner vs. Blon Turner. The
taking of testimony was closed dur
ing the afternoon, and argument hav
ing been waived by the attorneys in
interest, Judge McBride made a very
prompt ruling denying the writ ued
for. This is a patent victory for Mrs.
Blon Turner. Notice of appeal was
given and entered. Other matters in
which final entries were made, were:
In the matter of the divorce prayed
for by Alice Pearl Geddes against
William II. Geddes, default was en
tered and decree granted. In the case
of Anna Albers vs. Folkert Albers,
for divorce, the decree fell as prayed
The Round Table
, Last night a new literary dub was
organized for the purpose of tudy
int the works of author of interna
tional reputation. In other words
the best in the world
50c a Pound, '
A Greater Variety Than Ever of New
and Flower Seeds
Now on display at our store. The earliest
comer has largest variety to choose from
Scholfield, Mattson & Co.
The Astorian had the pleasure of a
call yesterday from Joseph Caston,
now a candidate for the Republican
nomination for Railroad Commis
sioner. Mr. Gaston' career makes
an interestng and important chapter
in the development of the State, and
is especially interesting to the oeoole
of Astoria on account' of hi efforts-
to make Astoria the Pacific Ocean
terminus of a transcontinental
railroad more than 30 years ago.
Judge Cyrus OIncy. one of the
founders of this city, and Joseph Gas
ton the caller of yesterday spent
the winter og '09 and 70 at Wash
ington City promoting congressional
action in aid 'of railroad construction
in Oregon. They succeeded in get
ting: a land grant in aid of a railroad
from Portland to McMinnville with a
branch from the line at Forest Grove
through the Kehalem Valley to As
toria. Connected with that, and as
an integral part of a system of rail
roads to develop Oregon, it was
agreed by and between the parties
securing this grant that a bill should
be introduced in Congress granting
lands in aid of a railroad from the
Central Pacific Railroad at Winne-
mucca, in the State of Nevada, to
Eugene City in Oregon, to be passed
at that session of Congress, and that
at the next ensuing Congress the
secured grant should be extended
from McMinnville to Eugene, thus
providing a connecting grant of pub
lie lands for a railroad from Wince
mucca to Astoria and Portland, and
making Astoria one of the Pacific
Coast termini of the transcontinental
Union and Central Pacific Railroad
systems. Upon that greement Collis
P. Huntington, the great financier of
Cools LI
Can't Look
Foolish in a
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter
years one ot it leading euuonai
i i
hgures; a man thorougmy aciua. ueo gnd Southern pacjfic syg
with the men and facts of historic ,, t,
Orcaon. and still possessing a pro
found interest in her well-bcmg. Mr.
Gaston is out as a Republican nomi
nee for the office of railroad commis
sioner for Oregon, and will circulate
amonir the people of the city and
county in this behalf, many of whom
are old-time friends of his.
Cut Thia Out
The following simple facts that
everyone in Astoria should know, but
which no one seems to, just at the
time when he want to , most, are
printed in order to ward off the re
ocated inquiries in this behalf ad
dressed to the reporters of this paper,
and which even they cannot answer
without looking it up each time: The
Astoria precincts are bounded as
(,,llftufs! FIRST: Smith' Point to
Second street; SECOND: Second
street to Seventh: THIRD: Seventh
street to Tenth; FOURTH: Tenth
street to Fourteenth; FIFTH: Four
teenth to Twentv-first; SIXTH:
Twenty-first to Thirty-fifth; SEV
RNTH : Thirty-fifth to the eastern
limit of the city.
For a ;
Victor or an edison
.'1U gci to ;;';:'; :;;:;
Johion Ponograph Go,
Parlori Second Floor Over Scholfield ft Mattson Co.
After Twenty Years
iii. hswta nf friends were elad to
1119 - - - - - w
greet Edward H. Joseph on the streets
of Astoria yesterday, after his three
months in Europe. He is looking
healthy and heart yand says he is glad
to be back in old Oregon, although
he enjoyed every mile and hour of
his soiourn abroad. - He had a dual
motive in tsoing over the Atlantic; to
attend to some important business for
the biir establishment of which he is
manager, the F. Klevenhusen Co.'s cold
storage plant at Altoona;-and to visit
his old home, and his mother, whom
he has not seen since his boyhood, 20
vears aeo. The latter feature of the
journey compensated for all else, and
he Is devoutly glad he made the trip
in that behalf, as are, of course, his
mother and relatives in Colchester,
England. Mr. Joseph visited London
famhridoe. Oxford. Colchester, ere
men and Berlin on the other side and
had business in Chicago and New
York on this side. He finds the fish
market generally dull, with more fish
on hand than usual at this time of
the year. The raw producer is illy
balanced as to quality, as the
European markets requires, and this
he attributes to the unreliable sources
of that supply, which, in this country
particularly, come primarily from the
hatcheries, a source not neany so
adca&ate nor generous in volumne, as
natural propagation, which he firmly
believes to be the best and greatest
doctrines of successful fish produc
tion. Mr. Joseph went over on the
Kaiser Wilhelm II.," and returned on
the famous and beautiful Mauretania.
terns, entered into a contract to
finance and secure the construction
of the Oregon system. The parties
to that contract were B. J. Pengra,
president of the Oregon Central Mil
itary Wagon Road Company; Joseph
Gaston, president of the Oregon Cen
tral Railroad Company; Cyrus Olncy,
representing the interests of Astoria;
Thomas Fitch, member of Congress
of Nevada, and Mr. Huntington
The bill for the land grant from
Winnemucca to Eugene was intro
duced in the Senate as agreed upon,
but after being so introduced it was
amended at the instance of Ben Hoi
laday, then the owner of the Oregon
and California land grant, so at to
require the road from Winnemucca
to connect with the Holladay road in
the Rogue River Valley. That, of
course, would prevent the Winne
mucca line from connecting at Eugene
with the erant to Astoria and that
amendment defeated the whole plan,
and knocked Astoria out of a con
nection with the railroads ot tne
country for 30 years, because Mr.
Huntington at once withdrew from
his agreement, to furnish the money
to build the road from Winnemucca
to Astoria. Holladay saw at once
that if Huntington was allowed to
build into Oregon he (Holladay)
would have to take a back seat in the
railroad development of the State.
Will be given on Saturday evening next, March 14th, at Logan'
HalL by the Swedish-Finns of Astoria.
Doors open at 8 o'clock; grand march at 9:00. Everybody wel
come. Tickets, 50 cents each; Ladies free, for masquers and non
masquers. .' '.': . ' ";. -) .. " ;iu
introduced a nqw idea to Star pa
trons. The second act, showing the
interior of the witches hut, with its
blazing fireplace; and outside, the
realistic snowstorm, the snow-decked
trees, and the white-capped moun
tains in the distance, spoke well foa
the company's scenic artist. The last
two acts were ordinary. The play in
itself tells a simple interesting story
not unlike many others of its class;,
except that the comedy element was!
far better than the average. The spec
ialties of Mr. Donald and Mr. Mc
Cowell were better than the usual
vaudeville acts. All in all- "Sandy
Bottom" is one of the most pleasing
bills ye presented by this talented
little company, and sheid easily fill
the house during the remainder of the
week. Miss Tucker as "Tib" was an
excellent presentation of the part and
serves perhaps better than any other
she has appeared in here to emphasize
her versatility.
a fresh shipment of
Lowney's Candies
Pound Boxes 50c
and up. -Boxes
15c to $2.50
Tag'g's Parlors
483 Commercial St
Mrs. G..W. Lounsberry, accom
panied by 'Miss Lola Foard went to
Clatsop yesterday morning to spend
a few days at their ranch.
Mrs. W. R. McBeth. wife of the
hustling "Oregonian Man" left yes
terday for a short visit to Seattle.
P. S. Brumbly and J. R. Gamble
both of Portland are in the city in
vesticratinar timber projects.
Harry White of New York is an
Astoria visitor looking after business.
H. B. Donabey of Portland is in
town on a business quest.
T. Walter Page, representing the
Los Angeles Soap Company, is quar
tered at the Northern.
That the Donald Bell Company are
nreoarinsr for a long run at the Star
was evinced last night in their first
production of "Sandy Bottom." lh
ouaint first act setting, showing a
square in the little Virginia village
from which the play takes its name
with the little stone church on one
side, and the somewhat dilapitated
saloon opposite, wa9 prettily handled
while the villaee choir, the church-
bell 'effect, and lastly, the rather sen
sational murder of the new minister,
Astoria Favored.
The sanitary carpet cleaning ma
chine is in town for a short stay. Car
pets cleaned on the floor without re
moval; no dust; no inconvenience;
furniture, rugs mattresses, etc., clean
ed. Have your work done while you
have this opportunity. F. E. Quilty,
proprietor. Telephone Red 2123.
G. M. Ross to H. P. Howard, lots
33, 34, 35, 36, block 45, New As
toria: $1.
George Noland and wife) to G. M.
Nichols, lots 5 to 12, inclusive, and
fraction land, Long Branch; $550.
imi. to same, fraction. lot in
block 4, Long Branch; $1.
U. S. to Ellen Shuck, SW. 1-4 sec.
G. V, Pagander to Astoria A. T. &
T. Co., lots 7 and 8, block 42, Rock
Beach; $30. .
Mary N. B. Morrison to C. F.
Lester, lots 5 to 14 inclusive, block
l. Clatsop Gardens; $10.
U. S. to W. F. Simpson, patent,
SW. 1-4 section 24-4-6.
Maude Richardson et. ux. ta Theo
dore Bracker, lot 2, block 52, Shive
ly's Astoria; $350.
Saturday, March 15th
A Romance of Old Mexico With
Musical Interpolations
Characteristic of the People and
of the Time
A loyal
By Clarence Bennett, Author of
Taken from Gen. Lew Wallace's "Th
' Fair God."
And Complete Scenic Investure.
Prices the Same Everywhere.
$1 75c 50c 35c
M ATTEA WAN, N. Y., March 12.
The papers in the case of Evelya
Thaw against Harry Thaw for the
annulment of the marriage were serv
ed on Thaw at the Asylum tonight.
At the same time a copy of the sum
mons and complaint were delivered
to Superintendent Lamb of the
Asylum who is the legal guardian of
the defendant.