The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 03, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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(Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 1)
When he rang the door bell at tin
latter hour, the chief himself answc.r
ed the call. -
ma. t nnPd the door" said the
o r -
chief, "the man raised his hat and I
allowed him to step into the hallway.
He handed me an envelope. I glanc
ed at it and the thought struck me
that he was up to some wrong. He
looked like an anarchist and I grab
bed his arms and called to my wife
who was in another room. When
she ran into the hallway I said:
"Mother, see if this man has a revol
ver? she felt id one of his back pock
ets' and said he had. I tried to hold
him with one hand and draw my re
volver with the other, but he jerked
away and fell against the door. I
caught him again and while we were
struggling, my son, who was up
stairs, startedto my aid. He was
only a few steps from the bottom of
the stairs when the man. freed one
hand, drew his revolver and fired two
shots at Harry. Then Foley, who
had been summoned by my daughter,
stepped into the hallway and the man
shot him. The anarchist kicked my
wife to one side and by this time I
had secured my revolver and both
Foley and I opened fire. At my first
shot, which struck him in the head,
he fell I fired three more, one in
his head and two in his body. Two
of Foley's shots also struck the as
sassin." Both the chief and Mrs. Shippy
assert that the life of the former was
saved by the bravery of their son.
The young man who is a student at
Culver Military Academy, is 18 years
old. He was borne because of illness
: and hastened to his father's aid when
he heard the struggle in the hall.
"The man had drawn a great knife
and had plunged at my husband," said
Mrs. Shippy this afternoon.
"The knife was drawn back ready
for another blow when Harry struck
the man's hand, knocking the weapon
to the floor. The man kicked me and
the shots came, Harry falling, and I
saw blood on his chest. He exclaim
ed, 'Papa, I'm shot!' but he saved his
fathers' life."
"I might have been shot and kill
ed if my boy had not come to my as
sistance." said the chief. "Mother
was too terrified to do anything.
She was helpless as soon as she felt
the revolver in the man's pocket."
One of the places" raided by the
police after the' shooting was the
headquarters of a society known as
"Edelstadt Group" at 42 Union street.
Pictures of Herr Most and other well
known anarchists were confiscated as
were about 1000 hand bills announc
ing a series of meetings at which
Emma Goldman is scheduled to speak.
The library, a short distance away,
was also invaded by the police and
several hundred pamphlets dealing
with anarchy and kindred subjects
were seized.
The would-be assassin of Chief
Shippy was identified ' tonight as
Lazarus Averbuch, who lived with
his sister at 218 Washburn avenue. He
was a Russian student about 22 years
old. He came to America from Aus
tria about three months ago and had
heen here about three weeks. The
plan to kill Shippy is believed to be
the direct result of the latter's inter
ference of a parade of the unemployed
several weeks ago.
present moment iniquity abounds
throughout the land and is unchecked
by quick and proper punishment. We
speak of America as a land of oppor
tunity but we find that graspers of
of the population now own more than
one half of the wealth of the coun
One great cause of crime, he de
clared, was the public tolerance of
saloons, gambling houses and houses
of ill repute.
Dean Hart said that a remedy for
existing evil was teaching of religion
in public schools.
President Hawgood Dealing With
Fair Proposition Made to the Coast
Resort Astoria Will Have to Put
up Rights-of-Way Time to Get in
on the Scheme.
NEW YORK, Mar. Z-Brig Gen.
Jos. Stephens Adams of the Austro-
Hungarian army is soon to become a
member of the local fire department
not because he needs the money but
to get experience for the benefit of
the fire department at home which
comes under his jurisdiction. At
present Gen.' Adams is attached to the
fire department of Philadelphia.
Gen. Adams is armed with creden
tials from Hungary. The fire depart
ment at Buda Pest is under his im
mediate direction. Besides the reg
ular horse-pulled engines in Buda
Pest there are some twenty of more
electric propelled engines which can
be driven through the streets of the
city at the rate of 80 miles an hour.1
, Portland, March 1, 190&
Hon. W. S. Henninger,
Mayor, Seaside, Oregon:
President Hawgood answers
from Los Angeles, my tele
gram of yesterday, as follows:
"Company's executive commit
tee, before acceding to your
request to withdraw terminus
from Seaside, asks Seaside
committee to telegraph imme
diately whether or not Seaside
people guarantee absolutely to
secure rights of way for four
miles, 32 acres in all, before
ISth April, so as to commence
construction at Seaside April
30th; all deeds to be deposited
in escrow with Mayor of Sea
side and Daniel Moore, trus
tees, and to be delivered after
railway shall have constructed
15 miles in the direction of the
Nehalem river.
One of the Important Duties of Physicians and (j
the Wen-Informed or.tne worm
is to learn as to the relative standing .and reliability of 'J 'ff
ers of medicinal- agents, as the most eminent physician are ho root care u I as to
the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedy ' J iifymM I ur SyruD
known to physicians and the Wft . formed ffl&J$l
U).. DV reason OI US COrreCl llinnuua"u n. v. . .l .rrl.. tt'Mnh I
product has attained to the high standing in saent.hc and emnndj c'' J V
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, am , therefore, that namo of the.
Company has become a guarantee oi tuo exwujmvyi
appeal to the Well-informed In every walk of life and are essential to permanent uc
cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would
enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that It involtes the question of right
living with all tho term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may Iw made to. contribute
to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, iut
The above is the latest phase in the
progress and prospects of the Port
land-Oregon Scacoast Railway Com
pany, of which Mr. Reed is the repre
sentative in this section. It would
e ...... iL.i
seem irom tne loregomg, mai
the company has decided that
"half-loaf is betterj than
none, and proposes 10 commence
construction out from Seaside, be-
tween Aoril ISth and 30th, for 1?
miles toward the Nehalem, depend-
Chicago expects to get this year" " rights-of-way accruing under
Sl.3R7.nnn at it chare nf tho Mrninm e auove supuiauun, wiik.ii, v.
of the traction lines. As soon as the
money is placed on exhibit by the
municipality the other towns will be
gin to have faith.
Good Proof.
"You weren't yourself, uncle when
you came home last night."
"Oh, I must haye beenl Your aunt
wouldn't have let another man in."
Chaliapine' has sailed for Europe
:.i'ter kindly informing us that we are
so wrapped up in business that we
know little about music. If the re
ports as to his pay are true, Chalia
pine seems to understand both.
Women should understand that
melancholia, commonly called "the
blues," is in nine times out of ten a
sure symptom of some serious female
organic derangement and should
have immediate attention.
Women whose spirits are
depressed, and who are ailing
and miserable, should rely upon
as is evidenced by following letters.
Mrs. F. Ellsworth, of Mayville.
N. Y, writes to Mrs. Piiikham :
" For three rears I was in an awful
despondent and nervous condition
caused by female troubles. I was not
contented anywhere, and wasjn such
constant fear that something terrible
was going to happen that it seemed as
though I should lose my mind. Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
restored my health, and I cannot say
enough for it."
Mrs. Mary J. Williams, of Bridge
port, 111., writes to Mrs. nnkhara:
"l have been suffering from a female
trouble, backache and headaches, and
was so blue that I was simply indespair.
I feel it my duty as well as my pleasure
to tell you that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound cured me. The
change In my appearance is wonderful,
and I wish every suffering ' woman
would try it"
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Cdmpound, made :
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, Irregularities, periodic pains,
backache. Why don't you try it
ricd out, will give an impetus to that
enterprise, that Astoria cannot afford
to overlook.
According to Mr. Reed, in a com
munication just at hand, if Astoria
wants the line within her borders,
she must contribute the right-of-way
hither, or at least to a waterfront on
Young's Bay. And, he continues, if
Seaside decides to build a "Chinese
wall" around the project, also, and
will not allow the company to build
from there to the Nehalem on the
basis suggested, the Hawgood people
will build, this spring, from the Wil
lamette Valley, in a northwesterly
direction, to Jewell, or Elsie, in this
county, and thence down the lower
Nehalem Bay, and to Astoria.
If the pending Seaside offer is ac
cetped and the road starts out from
there, it intends to rely on the
Killingsworth Law, of 1905, to get
into this city over the tracks of the
A. & C. end of the Northern Pacific
system; and anticipates conclusions!
with a strong opponent in lumber!
and other staples; the shorter haul
into Seaside from the Nehalem for
ests, giving the Seaside milling con
cerns a huge advantage over the As
toria plants as to cost of handling and
quicker and cheaper delivery.
The Astorian is not in a position
to forecast the result of President
Hawgood's last despatch in the
premise; but it may suggest that from
the c61or of things as represented by
Mr. Reed, it is time Astoria Was
taking hold of this proposition and
doing something very tanglible with
in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may 1 invaluable if taken at tho
roiifnmi:, vo Svrun Co. ftfls that it is alike important to present
foct axat ve remedy whlcn tins won
theappoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed because
of the excellence of the combination, known to nil, and the original method ol manufac
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
This valuable remedy has lecn long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well
known to physicians and the Well-Informed of the world to 1 the liest of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it wtll always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always
note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of
Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. and the Bame heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given
satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout
the United States in original packages of one 6ize only, the regular price of which
is fifty cents per bottle.
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or
misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
If Louisville, Ky.
San Francisco, Cal.
US. A.
London, England.
New York, N. Y.
riety of subjects was considered by
the House today. A resolution was
passed authorizing the immigration
committee to investigate the charges
of peonage in certain states. In tic
debate on that question Clark of
Florida denounced the assistant attor
ney general Russel in connection with
cetrain prosecutions in Honda and
referred sarcastically to Attorney-
General Bonaparte. There followed
lively discussion of the bill to d
port, after serving their sentences all
aliens convicted of felony. The
measure was defeated. Four hundrc
pension bills and few other private
bills were passed and the rcmainde
of the time was consumed in consid
ering thc postoflke appropriation hill
which it is said will be discussed for
several days. An important bit of
legislation was offered in the House
by Hey bum through bills imposing a
tax of SO cents per hundred shares of
stock or agreements to sell.
Mr. f tell in the duel which by the fine
work of both artists was very real
istic. The story is a pretty one, in
terpreted by a well balanced company,
there not being a "stick in it, and
will no doubt draw crowded house
until Thursday niht when the pro
gram will be changed and "The I'a
risian Princess" will be put on. For
a HI, 20 and 30-cent show the Donald-Bell
Company are the finest ever.
There will be no question as to the
success of this engagement.
"Hurray" for Posey County, "In-
jiana"! Thats wherei "Sis" hails from,
and she is coming with her company
of dancers, joke tells and fiddlers to
let light on a recent trip the bunch
made to New York. They say that
its the funniest ever. "Sis" has al
ways proven a big card locally, but
ndications point to her new show as
being the best she has offered. It is
called "Sis" in New York" and will
be here on Saturday night, March 7.
No Use to Die.
"'1 have found out that there is no
use to die of lung trouble as long a
you can get Ur. King s .New Uis
covery," says Mrs. J. P. White, of
Rushboro, I'a. "I would not be alive
today only for that wonderful medi
cine. It loosens up a cough quicker
than anything else, and cures lung
diesase even after the case is pro
nounced hopeless." This most reliable
remedy for coughs and colds, t
grippe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarse
ness, is sold under guarantee at Chas.
Rogers & Son's drug store. 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
tor William Alden Smith today spoke
against the railroad. bond feature of
the Aldrich currency bill now pend
ing before the Senate. Most of the
day was devoted to the 'passage of
bills which are not of general importance.
The innovation introduced at the
Star Theatre last night was greeted
by a large audience, "standing room
only" being the order. The Donald
Bell Company presented the beautiful
drama, "The Battle for Life," in a
manner that pleased those who at
tended the performance. Miss Ethel
Tucker, the leading lady who played
the' character of Dolores, rendered the
part in a lifelike, natural manner and
received the applause- that was due
here., Mr. Donald, as Dick, the villain,
was true to the character he por
trayed, while Mr. Bell, as the Mex
'can; was all that could be desired and
his death scene as well as the duel
scene with the villain was very real
istic. Mr. Donald shared honors with
lor Infants and Children,
The Kind too Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Best Healer in the World.
Rev. F. Starbird, of East Raymond,
Maine, says: "I have used Bucklcn'
Arnica Salve for several years, on
my old army wound, and other obsti
nate sores, and find it the best healer
in the world. I use it too with great
success in my veterinary business."
Price 25c at Chas. Rogers & Son's
drug store..
CHICAGO. March 2.-A despatch
to. the Tribune from Memphis Tcnn,
says: Suffering with a severe c'd
and what he termed a "busting" head
ache, w. J, iJryan announced here
last night that he would make, a bee-
tine for his home in Lincoln, Neb.
cancelling dates in St. Louis on M011
of our population, h j world wide
phenomenon. I'hilotophy and sci
ence have shaken religious faith.
Socialism has made tremendous
strides in every Christian country and
the end is not yet.
"Manhattan Island i more and
more the Paris of pleasure seekers
and the London of business; it is
more and more a foreign city. X)f
our 2.500,000 population, the Roman
Catholic Church claims 930,000.
There are at least 600,000 nou-Cltritt-ians,
leaving a Protestant remnant
of only 720,(KX) which is 50,000 less
than it was 20 years ago. Only the
smallest fraction of these 720,000
nominal -.Protestants have any con
nection with the churches,"
total wheat clearings from the Pa
cifit, Coast for the week ending Feb'
ruary 29, amounted to 694,730 bushels,
all of which was consigned was
to the United Kingdom. From Port
land 457,530 bushels was "the
cleared and 237,200 bushels cleared
from Tacoma.
No Cause on Record.
There is no case on record of a
cough or cold resulting in pneumonia
or consumption after Foley's Honey
and Tar has been taken, as it will stop
your cough and break up your cold
quickly. Refuse any but the genuine
Foley's Honey and Tar in a yellow
packager Contains no opiates and is
safe and sure. T. F, Laurin, Owl
Drug Store.
A severe cold that may develop into
pneumonia over night, can be cured
quickly by taking Foley's Honey and
Tar. It will cure the most obstinate
racking cough and strengthen your
lungs. The genuine is in a yellow
package. T. F, Laurlin, Owl Drug
NEW YORK, March 2,-Thc sub
treasury was in receipt of heavy pay
ments from depositories of United
Slates funds yesterday, the action of
the secretary of the treasury in call
ing for $35,000,0X public deposits,
which the banks of the United States
are to return by March 23, being the
reason. Large banks in the financial
districts have been expecting such a
move, and have been preparing for
it. The greater part of the deposits
were made by the secretary of the
treasury during the money stringency
in October and November.
Kemp' Balsam U a safe cough cure,
for It contains nothing that can harm
you. It la the best cough cure, but
cost no more than any other kind. All
druggist tell It,
NEW YORK, Mar. 2.-Predictions
that 100 years hence the island of
Manhattan will be foreign missionary
field, to which a Christian church
would be sending workers was made
yesterday morning by Dr. Chas. Jef
ferson in his tenth anniversary
sermon at the Broadway Tabernacle,
the oldest Congregational Church in
the United States. "While the
hurch has been filled with doubts
and fears," lie said, "there has been
an ever deepening estrangement
between the church and large classes
The Tongue Point Lumber Com
pany are now delivering 16-inclr
stove length wood promptly. Call
Main 2771.
Are You
Why not consult Mrs. O. S. Fowler
at Occident Hotel about your case?
She will tell you frankly whether you
can be cured or not; and teach how
to become your own physician in five
lessons. Her classes on the use of
electricity to cure disease, will start
Tuesday, March 2 at 2:30 and 7:30
m. Health consultations and phren
ological examinations daily from 9
m. to 9 p. m.