The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 03, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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OpiunvXarphiat rerMiarral,
AmiktRnwdv forOnsflH-!
nessandwss or sleep.
ftcSirak SiMWt of
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have
Always Bought
the , v
rtf tl Use
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Good Wood
From the Tongue Point Lumber
Company, 16-inch stove length. Call
up Prael-Eigner Transfer Co., Phone
221 .
Lovers of dancing will be interested
to know that the principal teacher of
Astoria Dancing School is classed
among the best teachers in round
dancing in the United States. 3-1-lw
of a barber he wants the best skilled
treatment to be had in that line. In
Astoria, the man in search of such
manipulation, goes direct to Petersen's
"Modern" shop, at 572 Commercial,
and gets it in any of the six chairs
New Grocery Store.
Try onr own mixture of coffee the
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables.
Badollet & Co., grocers. . Phone Main
Kodak Supplies.
A full line of films, papers, cameras,
kodaks, etc, just received at Hart's
Drug Store, ,
Just received a new line of umbrella
covers. See C H. Orkwitz, 137 Tenth
street ' .
When Yon Travel
! Be sure that your ticket reads v5'.
the O. R. & N. and connections, it
costs no more than via other lines.
Through tickets to and from all prin
cipal points in the United' States,
Canada and Europe. G. W. Roberts,
Agent, O. R. & N Dock, Astoria.
"Modern" Delights.
When a man r asses under the hands
The Palace Restaurant
The ever-increasing popularity of
the Palace Restaurant is evidence of
the good management and the serv
ice, at this popular dining room. For
a long time the reputation of the
bouse has been of the best and it
does not wane as time progresses.
The system used, that of furnishing
the finest the market affords, and all
can be obtained, in season, is a plan
that will always win, coupled as it is
with the best of cooking and prompt
service. A common saying nowadays
is "Get the Palace habit"
The Commercial
One of the coziest and most popular
resorts in the city is the Commercial.
A new billiard room, a pleasant sitting
room and handsome fixtures all go to
make an agreeable meeting place for
gentlemen, there to discuss the topics
of the day, play a game .of billiards
and enjoy the fine refreshments serv
ed there. The best of goods are only
handled, and this fact being so well
known, a large business is done at the
Commercial, on Commercial street
near Eleventh.
j 11
f . Our Way
Selling Paint
is to make you satisfied by giving
you material that does what you
want it to do.
If it's a floor, woodwork, a
table, bath-tub, or the whole house
you're about to paint or varnish,
enamel or stain we can supply
exactly the article that will do it
best You can be sure of this be
cause we sell the perfect
Several Craft Crossed in Since
kind of paints, enamels, stains.
varnishes, all carrying the guar
antee mark.
With every purchase of the
'Acme Quality" kind we give you
.free "The Selection and Use of
Paints and Finishes, "the only com
plete paint bock ever published
Allen Wall Paper and
Paint Company
Eleventh and Bond .
Sole Agents
jt-m wit -
Somerstad Here From Bay City
Captain Off for Her Station
Steamer Strathblane Due Today
Griffith on to Portland Notes.
The French bark Eduard dc Taillc,
Captain Martin, crossed in on Sunday
last 128 days out from London, and
is anchored off Tongue Point. She
will go up the river on the hawsers of
the steamer Oklahama.
The British shin Largieinore is ly
ing off Tongue Point awaiting towage
to Portland.
The German . ship Nal, and the
French bark Ville de Dijon have ar
rived down and are in the lower har
bor, awaiting despatch over the bar,
for Europe.
The steamship Breakwater arrived
in from Coos Bay on Sunday morn
ing and went directly on to the
The Alliance was among the outgo
ing craft on Sunday morning for the
Coos Bay country, with a good busi-
The Alice McDonald, for Stella.
and the W. F. Jewett for Rainier,
went up stream on Sunday last, on
the lines of the Callender tug Mel
ville. "v
The steamer Melville will bring
down the schooner Alvena from
Stella, today, lumber laden for San
The French bark Pierre Loti, wheat
laden for Falmouth, is due down on
the Oklahama today: and the La
Pcrouse is due to leave the metropolis
today or tomorrow.
The barkentine J. M. Griffctfc went
up the river to Portland on the haw
sers of the Harvest on Sunday even
ing last
The S. F. & P. steamship Senator
crossed in early yesterday afternoon,
docked at 2:30 at the O. R. & N.
piers and went on to Portland at 4
p. m. with 35 passengers and a fair
cargo of general merchandise. She
will come down on Saturday morning
and leave out at an early hour.
The steamshp Geo. W, Elder ar
rived in at the Callender dock at 4
p. m. yesterday, from Los Angeles
San Francisco and Eureka, with
plenty of people and freight. She
went on to the metropolis almost
The schooner John A. Campbell,
which has been laid up here for or
ders, hauled into the Tongue Point
mill dock on Saturday afternoon, and
commenced to load lumber yesterday
morning, for San Francisco delivery.
The Norwegian steamship Somef-
stad, from San Francisco, crossed in
yesterday afternoon, and went on to
Portland last evening, where she will
load out lumber for the Orient
The British steamship Strathblane,
also from San Francisco, is due in
this morning, and will go directly to
Portland to load lumber for Shang
hai The pilot schooner Joseph' Pulitzer
will sro to sea at 6 o'clock this morn
ing, equipped for another month's
cruise off the bar, with Captain Swan
son, Howe and Leighton on board.
The steamer Washington is among
the vessels due in port today. She
comes from the Bay City, and will
load lumber for the return voyage.
The British bark Province is on
the list for towage to sea at the earl
iest moment and will probably suit
today. .
Captain William Kcsscl, who with
Mrs, Kesael, arrived in this city on
the steamer Elmore, has filed with
the customs authorities a wreck re
port, covering the loss of the ship
Emily Reed at the mouth of the Ne-
hatcm river on the 14th of, February
Inst. He declares the disaster was
due to faulty chronometers and to
pcrvalcnt fogs; that no assistance was
obtainable. He placed the loss at
$25,(XX) for the ship, and $10,000 for
the cargo of coul,
Fine Recipe for the Quick Cure of
Coughs and Colds.
"Mix half ounce of Concentrated
oil of pine with two ounces of glycer
ine and half a pint of good whiskey;
shake well each time and use in doses
of a tcaspoonful to a tablcspoonfnl
every four hours.
This is, the formula prescribed by
the renowned throat and lung special
ist who established the camp for con
sumptives in the pine woods of
Maine and whose remarkable cures
attracted widespread attention among
the medical fraternity, lie declares
that it will heal the lungs and cure
any cough that is curable and will
break up an acute cold in 24 hours,
The ingredients can be secured from
any prescription druggist at a small
cost and is easily mixed at home.
Be sure not to buy the ordinary
bulk oil of pine nor patent medicine
imitations, as they will produce nau
sea on account of the impurities they
contain and frequently do permanent
injury to the kidneys.
The real "Concentrated" oil of pine
is put up for medicinal use in half
ounce vials inclosed in small tin
screwtop cases which protect it from
heat and light. It is also said to be
an excellent remedy for lumbago and
all forms of uric acid rheumatism.
For this purpose it is taken raw; a
few drops on sugar night and morn
Tea is not infallible;
moneyback makes
amends. We are not, in
the least, uneasy about
the money.
Tour rroccr reiurni roar moatt U im doo'l
tu Scbllllor'i Bait; w pr bio.
Mr-, and Mrs. C. S. Bowers of War-
renton were in the city yesterday on
matters of business and pleasure.
Sam Crozicr, chief clerk in the of
fice of the secretary of state, was a
business visitor in the city yester
day. -
Mrs. Peter Svenscn, of Svcnsen,
was in Astoria yesterday, looking up
a multitude of her old friends.
Gus Peterson of Nehalem was in
the city yesterday.
Otis Gray returned Sunday from
his eastern trip. He transacted the
business he made the trip for, satis
factorily. ,
John N. Casey, representing the
Powers Furniture Company, of Port
land, was -a business visitor in this
city Sunday and yesterday.
C. W. Stinger, city agent for the
O. R. & N. and associated lines, was
an over Sunday visitor in Astoria,
where he has many friends who were
glad to greet him.
W. P. Rowe is in the city from
M. Van Clccf and wife of Chicago
are registered at the Occident,
B. Pollak of Chicago is on a busi
ness trip to Astoria.
R. Wech and wife of Portland are
visiting Astoria.
, A. P. Smith of Golbanks,, Ncv., was
in the city yesterday.
Geo, Hibbert of Chinook is in As
toria. '
S, Andrcch left yesterday for Ab
erdeen, via Portland, for a visit with
friends, and when he returns will
bring his daughter, Miss Ada An
drech, with him.
Edward D. Lackey, train despatch-
er for the A, & C. was in the city
yesterday on business for the company.
Master Fish Warden H. G. Van
Dusen was a passenger on the Al
liance Sunday morning bound for
Coos Bay points.
Shipment of Genuine Imported
Swiss Cheese
"Lenten Specialties"
Acme Grocery Co.
A Ploture of Thtlr fsreoity In the
Elahtssnth Century.
."The ferocious wolf," said a nature
student, "Is tho moat perfect exprea
slun of carnivorous bluodthlrst that
walks. Ills Jaw Is the most terrible or
weapons. Its sloshing bits can bttak
the leg of a buffalo, and the notae of It
when at work In a stu't-pfold resembles
uothlng so much as the incessant
crocking of heavy whip,"
' He took down a book.
"Here In what tho wolves of France
were like." be sold. "This la a letter
from the famous Duclievs of Orleans,
dated ot Marly, Feb. 0. 1700:
"TnetiH of wolves commit fearful
ravaites. They hove devoured the pout
limn of Aleiaon and Ills horse. Two
of the lienKts attacked a tradesman
ueur Moii. o:;e springing at hi throat.
In rexHiiM to his shrieks two dru
gooiis who were walking by come to
bis help. One drew his sword and nu
a wolf tbrousli the twdy, on which It
turned and relwd Its new assailant by
the throat. Ills comrade cuuio up a" !
beat the brtitd off. but not before It bad
killed the man. Meanwhile the other
wolf bad reined tho second dragon'
from behind and dragged him do.u
Finally .effective help arrl.
both the soldiers aud one wolf we
found dead. The other had got a v. :.
As for the t:mlesmnn. bis leg wa.i i
plteously torn that It bad to lie ninr
fated olwo t'.io knee. " - Cluclnt.
Euqnlrcr. '
The Tongue Point Lumber Com
pany are now delivering 16-inch
stove length wood promptly. Call
Main 2771.
Uncle Jerry.
"Many a boy," said Uncle Jerry
Peebles, "gets a whipping for being
merely suspected of doing the things
his father was too slick to get caught
at when the old man was a boy him
self." Chicago Tribune.
"Jones is studying for the ministry,
isn't her
"No, no; he's only selling Bibles."
- "Same thing. He's taking holy or
ders." Puck,
Remembsr This When Veu Next Pur
thiio Costly Jewsls.
How Mr. l'lerpout Morgan made bis
millions would take volumes to relate,
tint an auiuslmf little artifice by menus
nf n tilt h Im HllftlHHted In ssvlug tMXKll
can be told within the brief space of
a couple or purngrapna.
Rome yoaro ago a Jewelry Arm to
New York rout the nuancler t flue
penrl, offering It to him for $3,000,
Tiila Me. Moru'sti decided to purchase,
and two clunks were made outoue
for $.1.0t and the other for 14.000. U
then removed (lie in-prl from Its box
and, biivlugsulwtlttitiHl for It the f3,0tK
check, willed Vm package...
Mr. Morgan's clerk . wus next (1U
patched to the Jeweler's with the real!
bos aud a note containing the fbeek
for fl.COO. stotlua t!wt Mr. Mognu
would plosned to pnn-bose the jteorl
If they would I sniMled with the
cheek. The uususUH-tItig Jewelors-du
Ignorance, of course, of what the wafts!
package now contalned-closed with
the astute financier's offer. And the
bat In which the $3,000 check serenely
reposed was returned to Mr. Morgan
Ooopeftedl-Penrsou's. ,
Notice to Our Customers
We -are pleased to announce that
Foley's Honey and Tar(for coughs,
colds and lung troubles is not affected
by the National Pure" Food and Drug
law as it contains no opiates or other
harmful drugs, and we recommend it
as t safe remedy for children and
adults. T. F. Laurtn, Owl Drug
An Insinuation.
"For weeks," he began, "I have had
an idea"
"It must have been very lonely,"
interrupted the fair maid Denver
' Looks suspiciously like those New
York insurance receivers are trying to
get ahead of the state in cleaning out
the whole institution. It was to
"save the company" that they pro
claimed opposition to state officials.
Having just received $52,000,000 for
city bonds, it is officially announced
that the mayor and comptroller of
New York have the grip.
Merry Widow-Where? The Bon
Ton of course shows this popular hat
first. See, our window display.
Georgia Pennington, 483 Bond streett
Tosiah West and wife to Roy
Walker, S.66 acres, Callender D.
L.C.... $283
United States to. J. Aholin, 162
acres in section 35 and 2-8-7....
United States to Fred Oberg,
160 acres, section 30-4-8
Florence M. Henderson et ux
to Anton Svenson, lots 5-6, in
block 24, Alderbrook. 2000
Happiness Guaranteed
County Clerk Clinton yesterday
issued a marriage license in favor of
Mr, Karl Sala of Ilwaco, and Miss
Marja Karama, of Astoria,
During L, T. Cooper's recent stay
in Boston, it is estimated that 65,000
people talked with him and purchased
his medicine. This is an average of
over 2000.
His success was so phenomenal as
to cause universal comment both by
the public and the press. There must
be a reason for this. Here is the
reason given in his own words by
Mr. Cooper when interviewed on the
subject. He said:
"The immense numbers of people
who are calling on me here in Bos
ton is not unusual. I have, had the
same experience for the past two
years wherever I have gone. The rea
son is a simple one. It is because my
medicine puts the stomach in good
condition. This does not sound un
usual, but it is in fact the key to
health. The stomach is the very
foundation of life. I attribute 90 per
cent of all sickness directly to the
"Neither animals nor men can re
main well with a poor digestive ap
paratus. Few can be sick with a
digestion in perfect condition. As a
matter of fact, most men and women
today are half-sick. It is because too
much food and too little exercise have
gradually forced the stomach into a
half-sick condition. My medicine gets
the stomach back where it was,, and
that is all that is necessary," i ' (
Among Boston people who are
staunch believers in Mr, Cooper's
theory, it Mr, Frank D, Brown! of 57,
BlooniiiiKdule street, Chclaea, Mais.
He says ' .
"For five years I have sought re
lief for indigestion, stomach trouble
and dpspepsia, spending nearly my
wages with doctors and obtaining no
results. I had dull pains across my
back, radiating to the shoulders, I
had spitting headaches, which nothing
seemed to cure. There was a gnaw
ing and rumbling in my stomach and
bowels. I was troubled with vertigo
and dizziness, and at times almost
overcome by drowsiness.
"I felt tired and worn out all the
time, my sleep was not refreshing,
and I would get up in the morning
feeling as weary as when I went to
bed. My appetite, was variable rav
enous at times, then again nauseated
at the sight of food. Sometimes my
face was pale, at other times flushed.
I was constipated and bilious, and
had catarrhal affection in nose and
throat, which caused me to hawk and
spit a great deal, especially in the
morning. I heard so much of the
Cooper remedies that I decided to try
them. After taking one bottle a tape
worm 50 feet long passed from my
system. I felt better almost imme
diately. All my troubles disappeared
as if by magic, and my improvement
was rapid. I now feel entirely well,
and can honestly recommend Mr.
Cooper's medicine to anyone who suf
fers as I did." ; '
We sell the . Cooper medicines
which give universal satisfaction.
Chas Rogers & Son,