The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 01, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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1 f
On the Most Remarkable Opportunity for Saying Dollars
g n n u
is proving beyorid a dbiibt the greatest ihoney saving bargain event that has ever come your way. The enormous crowds that
has filled thia store tife past two'dayi and the liberal purchases made, speaks more emphatically of low prices on good merchandise
than any words we could employ Monday wU be a grt day for bargains arid it; will pay you to be on hand early, for when
any line' of goods Is sold but t&re -will be no rnore as this store positively quits business Saturday night March' 14th, 1908.
' i in
9 to lO a. m.
2()0 Pieces fine embroideries that sold from 15c to 50c a yard, on sale from 9 to 10 o'clock
Monday morning at a yard r : P
Six dozen ladies9 percale and flannelette wrappers that sold for $1.25 and $1.50, Monday
9 to 10 a. m. at each - - : -
250 pieces fancy laces and dress trimmings that sold up to $2 a yard, choice 9 to 10 a. m., yard 5c
Quit Business Sale
Underwear Specials
1 lot Children's Underwear, good
weight fleeced, Rvalue 35c, on
sale at '6c
Hot Children's Underwear, fleeced -50c
value, on sale at 23c
Women's 3$cjerse.y ribbed under- v"
wear, on sale at I. 1.0c :
Women's 75c ribbed fleeced un
derwear, on sale at ; 30c
Women's non-shrinkable wool un
derwear, value $1.00, on sale to
close out at 48c
Women's union suits, Oneita style
$1.00 values, on sale at.'..:; 37c
Great Sale of Ribbons
One lot all silk Ribbons from 3 in.
to 6 in. wide and worth to 35c.
To close at per yard 1 2c
Quit Business Sale
Dress Goods, Silks
and Piece Goods
This sale presents to you the most
phenominel opportunity to save on your,
purchases for spring that ever came your
Wool Dress Goods in all good staple
colors and worth 75c and 65c a
yard, to close out at per yard 33c
Wool Dress Goods that sold up to
$1.25 to close out at per pard 48c
1 lot Wash Dress Goods worth to
25c per yd. to close out at per yd. Oc
1 lot Ginghams, worth regularly 15c ,
per yard, go at.......: Oc
1 lot Outing Flannel, regular value
12 l-2c, on sale at, per yd. ! 7c
1 lot 10c and 12 1 -2c Ginghams in
dress patterns and apron checks
. , at per yard i ! 6c
Quit Business iSale
Specials For Men
Every man should take advantage of
this great sale.
1 lot Men's Suits, sizes 34, 35 and
36 worth $12.50, while they last $2.08
lot Men's Sweaters, values to
$1.50, while they last, each 19c
1 lot Men's Fancy Golf Shirts,
worth 85c, $1.00, and $1.25, all
sizes on sale to close out at 20c
Hot Golf Shirts that sold for $1.50
and $175, all sizes and all good
patterns on sale to close out, each 53c
1 lot Men's Work Shirts, regular 65c and
75c values, while they last, each....... 35c
Crash Toweling
1 lot Crash Toweling, 18 in. wide,
15c values, on sale at .L.J... , Oc
Watch our Ads every day for extra special bargains. We must close this stock quick, we have but
12 more (jays. We postively quit We will give Ten Thousand dollars to be divided equally be
tween the Churches Hospitals and the Salvation Army if this store is open for business one day
after March 14th, 1008. All fixtures for sale
H -Ml
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The Bis ' Blue