The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 29, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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The Kind Too nave Always Bought, and which has been
In use for over 30 yean, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
Anal annamrlatnm elniMk It infliiwv.
4s" Allow no one to deed ve yoa In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are bat
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
W ...
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie
substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feveiishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bean the Signature of
Tbe Kind Yoa Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
' Kodak Supplies.
A full line of films, papers, cameras,
kodaks, etc., just received at Hart's
Drug Store. -
Just received a new line of umbrella
covers. See C H. Orkwitz, 137 Tenth
When You Travel
Be sure that your ticket reads v
the U. K. & N. and connections, it
costs no more than via other lines.
Through tickets to and from all prin
cipal points in the United States,
Canada and Europe. G. W. Roberts,
Agent, O. R. & N Dock, Astoria.
Second-hand furniture bought and
sold by R. Davis, 59 Ninth street
New Mattress Factory.
Have your old furniture and nut
trees made new. 59 Ninth street
"Modern" Delights.
When a man r asses under the hands
of a barber he wants the best skilled
treatment to be had in that line. In
Astoria, the man in search of such
manipulation, goes direct to Petersen's
"Modern" shop, at 572 Commercial,
and gets it in any of the six chairs
New Grocery Store.
Try our own mixture of coffee the
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables.
Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Main
The Palace Restaurant
The ever-increasing popularity of
the Palace Restaurant is evidence of
the good management, and the serv
ice, at this popular dining room. For
a long time the reputation of , the
house has been of the best and it
does not wane as time progresses.
The system used, that of furnishing
the finest the market affords, and all
can be obtained, in season, is a plan
that will always win, coupled as it is
with the best of cooking and prompt
service. A common saying nowadays
is "Get the Palace habit"
Charles Corby, a prominent salmon
broker of New York, was a business
visitor in the city yesterday..
J. A. Hamlin, representing the
Kelly-Clark Company, of Seattle,
spent the day in Astoria yesterday,
on business for his concern.
Miss Ellen Thielsch, of Salem, and
now a student at St Helen's Hall, ar
rived in the city on last night's ex
press, and is a guest at the home of
Miss Mary Eakin, on West Duane
Captain Jones of the British bark
Province and Captain Griffit, of the
ship Alexander Black, were registered
at the Occident last evening.
C. D. Masterson, of Deep River,
was an Astoria visitor yesterday.
Mrs. W. H. Smith, of Portland, is
in the city, visiting frends.
George Kestall. of London, is
spending a few days in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C Warren re
turned last evening from their Cali
fornia trip but arrived in Portland
too late yesterday morning to make
connections with the morning train
so soent the day in Portland and
were domiciled at the Occident be
cause they could not get home on
the evening train.
The Commercial.
One of the coziest and most popular
resorts in the city is the Commercial
A new billiard room, a pleasant sitting
room and handsome fixtures all go to
make an agreeable meeting place for
gentlemen, there to discuss the topics
of the day, play a game of billiards
and enjoy the fine refreshments serv
ed there. The best of goods are only
handled, and this faot being so wellj
known, a large business is done at the
Commercial, on Commercial street,
near Eleventh.
r . :M Swntttd TS
nff M lo stricter-
Cm Big J for onn.tar)
siriution. or ulcer.Iiooi
jf nine on. inembraDM.
Ffthil.M, Mid Dot Mtriu
lA jceat or poiHonoug.
Vi Void JF Dranirt.
.. In nl
It. . sr rrm 111 i'i.uh
irfyyia t ...!!
n w-n-ipl,
rot.' a, K
Astoria People Are Doing All They
Can For Fellow Sufferers.
Astoria testimony has been pub
lished to prove the merit of Doan's
Kidney Pills to others in Astoria who'
suffer from bad backs and kidney ills.
Lest any sufferer doubt that the cures
made by Doan's Kidney Pills are
thorough and lasting, we produce con
firmed proof statements from As
toria people saying that the cures
they told of years ago were perma
nent. ; Here's an Astoria case: ,
J. Pedersen, 613 Commercial street,
Astoria, Oregon, says: "For two
years I ' suffered more or tess from
kidney complaint At night there
was such a terrible aching through
the small of my back that I would be
unable to sleep and consequently
arose in the morning leenng urea
and worn out. I was languid and
nervous through the day, had severe
headaches, dizzy spells were of fre
quent occurrence and at such times,
spots would float before my eyes. At
last I procured Doan's Kidney Pills,
used them according to directions and
received a complete cure." (From
statement given January 19, 1906.) "
The Cure Proved Permanent
On September 3, 1907, Mr. Peder
sen said as follows: "I can still rec
ommend Doan's Kidney Pills and it
gives me great pleasure to state that
I have not suffered any sign of kid
ney trouble since I was cured through
their use."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
States. '
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
on Astoria Waterfron
Barkentine J. M. Griffeth and British
Shin Larglemore Outaide Rose
City Saila Thia Morning De-
parturei Over Bar Yesterday.
The schooner Virginia arrived
down from Goble on the hawsers of
the Oklahama yesterday morning,
and is now ready for sea and San
Francisco, with her 650,000 feet of
lumber. .
The British bark Province, Captain
Jones, came down the river yesterday
morning on the tow lines of the liar
vest Queen, and will take despatch
for Europe at the first available mo
The steamship Rose City will leave
the O R & N. piers early this morn
ing for the Bay City.
The French bark Hoche went up
the river yesterday forenoon on the
Harvest Queen, while the Norwegian
ship Colonna was escorted up by the
Oklajiama, 7
The British bark Catluna, Captain
Barham, out of Newcastle, N. S. W.,
on December 4th last, arrived in port
yesterday, after a pleasant and un
eventful voyage from the Antipodes.
She will load grain out for the United
Kingdom. She saved her charter by
just 30 hours.
The Calluna and Brodick Castle
will leave up for Portland on the
Oklahama and Harvest Queen this:
evening or tomorrow morning.
The British steamship St. Egbert
has arrived down, cargoed for the
Orient and left out at once for Ilo
Ilo, via Nanaimo for coaL
The Norwegian steamship Tungus
arrived down yesterday afternoon
and went to sea, bound for Hong
Kong, Shanghai and Vladivostok,
with grain and lumber.
The barkentine J. M. Griffeth, from
Redondo, is outside, and will cross in
this morning.
The British ship Largiemore, Cap
tain Spencer, 70 days out from New
castle, N. S. W., is outside the bar,
with a oilot aboard, and will enter
port this morning. "
The schooner W. F; Jewett arrived
in over the bar from San Francisco,
at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, for
a cargo of lumber.
The Alexander Black is still in
port, "but is first on the towage list
for sea today and will probably get
The steamer Johan Poulsen cleared
from here yesterday with 800,000 feet
of lumber loaded at the Tongue
Point mills. t
The steamer Hanalei arrived down
from Portland and went to sea and
the Bay City yesterday with a goodly
lot of passengers and freight.
The steamship Roanoke made it
down, and out, yesterday morning
with her usual complement of passen
gers and a good bunch of general
freight ,
The steamer Nome City is due to
arrive here from Portland this morn
ing, having been delayed up river.
The schooner Alice McDonald ar
rived in from San Francisco yester
day and is anchored in the city chan
nel, awaiting towage up river'.
The pilot schooner Pulitzer came
in yesterday for supplies,, after a
month of rough weather outside. The
rest of quiet water must be a decid
ed pleasure to her officers and crew.
The Marconi was reported off the
bar yesterday, but it is impossible to
confirm the rumor.
Notice to Mariners.
Alaska Wrangle Strait, page 100.
Rock Point Buoy, 10, a first-class
spar, reported out of position Feb
ruary 1, will be replaced as soon as
practicable. J' '' '
Chatham Strait, page 104. Morris
Roef ruiov. 1. a nrst-clsi can, report
ed mlig February 21, will tie re
nlnrcd as soon practicable.
Sitka Harbor and Approaches,
Middle Channel, page 103. Makhan
ti Rock Buoy, a HS second-class mm,
reported missing February 21, will be
replaced as soon as practicable.
Neva Strait, pane 106,-Whitestone
Sand Spit Buoy, 2t) a first-chue Iron
spar, reported out of position I' co
ma ry 21, will be replced as aoon at
Suffering and Dollars Saved.
E. S. Loper, of Marllla, N. YH aayi:
"I am a carpenter and have tad many
severe cuti healed by Bucklen'i Ar
nica Salve. It has saved me suffering
and dollars. It it by far the beat
healing salve I have tver found."
Heals burns, sores, ulcers, fever
ores, ectema and piles. 25c at Chaa.
Rogers & Son, druggists.
Norwegian-Danish If. E.
Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Sunday school at 10 a. in. Mr. Al
bert Carlscn, superintendent Scandi
navians are cordially invited. O. T.
Field, pastor.
First Methodist
The sermon theme at the morning
hour will be "Oblivion and Its De
feats." Rev. W. B. Hollingahead, of
Portland, will give the sermon at
the evening service, which will be fol
lowed by the sacramental service of
the Lord's supper. A cordial invita
tion is extended to the public to at
tend. C C. Rarick, minister.
Holy Innocence ChapeL
Quinquagesima Sunday. No morn
ing service; evening service at 7:30 p.
m.; Sunday school, 11:15 a. m.
Ash Wednesday, March 4th; Litany
and holy communion, 10 a. m.
Christian Science.'
Service rooms 5 and 6, Odd Fellows
building, Tenth and Commercial, at
10 a. m., subject, "Christ Jesus." All
are invited. Sunday school, iiuo;
reading room, same; address, hours
from 12 to 5, daily except Sunday.
. Presbyterian.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock, "Our
Criterion." Sabbath school, 12:15;
Y. P. S, C. E., 6:30; evening worship,
7:30, "Is the Church a Producer?"
Quartet at morning service, male
chorus at night All invited. Wm. S.
Gilbert, pastor.
First Lutheran.
Sunday school at the German
Lutheran and at the Uppertown
church, 9:30 a. m.; Miss Alema Ny
land and Mrs. Andrew Young, super
intendents. Moning sevice in Swed
ish at 10:45; evening sevice In Eng
lish at 7:30, theme, "A Wonderful
Phenomenon"; Luther League Circle
meets for devotional execises at 6:30;
both the evening service and the exer
cises of the Luther League Circle will
be held at the German Lutheran
church. At the close of the evening
service the pastor will give a short
report from the conference. All are
cordialy invited. Gustaf E. Rydquist,
pastor. v
La Grippe and Pneumonia
Foley's Honey and Tar cures la
grippe coughs and prevents pneu
monia. Refuse any but the genuine
in the yellow package. For sale by
T. F. Laurin.
The Tongue Point Lumber Com
pany are now delivering 16-incb
stove length wood promptly. Call
Main 2771.
A Curioui Qraee.
The most curloua form, or, rather,
eipresnloD, of grace after meat which
I have ever come across was that cus
tomary at Clifford's Inn, one of the
vanished Inns of chancery.' The soci
ety consisted of two distinct bodlett,
the principal and rules and the Kent
ish mass, each body having Its own ta
ble. At the conclusion of the dinner
the chairman of tbe Kentish mess, flrst
bowing to the principal of tbe Inn,
took from the hands of the servitor
some small rolls or loaves of bread
and, without saying a word, dashed
them several times on tbe table, after
which they were taken away. Solemn
silence relieved only by tbe thumps
prevailed during this curious substi
tute for a verbal grace. Cor. London
U S imports but little
more in 1904 than in 1864.
So much poor tea.
Tour rrocer return! roar moner tt job ion 'I
Bw ScMlllof'i But; w pr bio.
There has been Brest deal of con
jecture in this city and neighborhood,
lately, as to the significance of the
surveying going on down around
Fort Stevens and the coast country
south of that post, and back, and
north of, Forts Canby and Colum
bia, hi Washington; and a number of
more or lets spectacular notions hav
gained credence. The Aitorlan, with
a desire to cover the whole ground
and get at the real object ol the en
gineering activity that was essentially
of a military character, went to head
quarters (or express information, and
got it ,7, '
The work that has been done in
this Hue, on both sides of the river,
is part ami parcel of a general pur
pose of the Government to secure
specific data and surveys of all the
country contributory to tbe three
posts at the mouth of the Columbia,
as well as about all other military es
tablishments in th country, bearing
on the coasts ,in order that perfect
plans may be formed and placed in
the hands of commanding officers,
here and elsewhere, for the carrying
out of land defences and guarding
the posts from attack from the rear.
Tbe scheme of defense takes cog
nizance of the topography of the
country, the possible lines of inva
sion, the feanible landing points on
ths coatt and every element of ad
vantage the enemy possesses in such
entcrprUe, and the counter-phases ol
the situation that cover the protection
of the forts and entree to the country;
nothing being left unknown and plat
ted that shall be of service in such an
This is the substance of the story
and it conies from an unquestioned
source of authority; and fact that
goes far to make it an assuring piece
of news to alt concerned.
FAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed
to cure any case of Itching, Blind,
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to
14 days or money refunded. 50c
A Man Question.
Charles I beard the other day that
Gernld Is going to get married.
Edward - Well, why shouldn't be?
He's comfortably well off.
"That's just the whole point Why
doesn't bt remain sot"
It la better to eurt the little cough
than to take ehaaew of eooaumpUe.
The beat eough cure It Kemp's Balsam.
Druggists sell It at 25 cents and M
eenta a bottle.
Well Tested.
"It seems to mo that I have beard
moat of the Ideas advanced In your
speech before."
"That," said Senator Borgbum, "mere
ly goes to show that tbey are good
Ideas, which will stand wear and tear."
Washington Star.
A Rvrl.
"What will happen when womeu
"Among other things, I presume father-in-law
Jokes will come Into style."
Lonlsvllle Courier-Journal.
Censure or praise cannot affect a man
who knowa himself correct-Baltimore
No one is immune from kidney
trouble, so Just remember that Foley's
Kidney Cure will stop the Irregul
larities and cure any esse of kldnev
and bladder trouble that ia not be
yond the reach of medicine. For sale
by T. F. Laurin.
A large New York health public,
tion tells its readers of a number
simple and safe prescriptions this
can be made at home. Tlx fulluwint,
however, for the curs of rheumttligj
and kidney and bladder troubles r
celvci the greatest praise, vis.. Fluid
Extract Dandelion, one-half oubci;
Compound Kargon, on ounce; Coo
pound Syrup Sariaparilla, thr
ounces. These simple, harmless
gredients can be obtained tt any oo
prescription pharmacy at little cost
and are mixed by shaking well la i
bottle. t
The doe for adults is a tcaipooa.
ful after each meal and at bcdtlav
drinking a full tumberful of watt? ,
after each dose. It is further stated
lhl this nrctcrintion ii a nntitiu
- - . - . i
remedy for kidney trouble and lam
back, weak bladder and urinary diffi
culties, especially of the elderly people
and one of the best things to be nttd
in rhaunatic afflictions, relieving thi
aches and pains and reducing swell,
A well-known local druggist stats
that this mixture acts directly upos
the diminutive tissues of the kidneys;
cicaittc tnese spongeuxe organs 104
gives them power to sift and strait
the poisonous waste matter and uric
acid from the blood which is ths
caue of rheumatism.
Cut this out and hand to some suf
ferer which would certainly be an act
of humanity.
The Old Reliable
Cor. Commercial and Eleventh Sta.
Are equipped to do all kinds of
Dental work at very lowest prices.
Nervous people and those afflicted
with heart weakness may have so
fear of the dental chair.
22 K. crown UM
Bridgt work, per tooth...... .S-M
Gold fillings ILOO Bpf
SDver fillings 50c to UJN I
Beat rubber plate MOO
Alumlnum-line plate $10 to $15.00
These offices are modern through
out We are able to do til work
absolutely painless. Our tuccesa Is
dm to uniform high grade work by
gentlemanly operator having 10
to IS year- experience. Vegetable
Vapor, patented and used only by
us for painless extraction of teeth,
50c A binding guarantee given
with all work for 10 years. Exami
nation and consultation FREE.
Lady In attendance. Eighteen of
fices In the United States.
Cor. Commercial and Eleventh Sta.,
over Danslger store.
Ma?el Oranges
15c Dozen
The largest and best orange in the city
for such a small amount of money