The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 25, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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No other modlciiui tor Woman'
111 in the world luw received suvb
wldo-Hprt'iid and unqualified en
donwinnnt m ha I.ydla K. fink
bain's Vcp'tftlilu CVnmiound, made
irom uuuve root ana norM.
i No other mudlcliio 1ms inch
cord oi hui'('m for woman's iu
. .. L ... M M i
eiwcn. or nucn iimui oi gruutiu
friends as ho I.ydm K. nukhams
VcKvtaiilo Compound.
or more uian ao years it hM Doon
the standard remedy for feminine
Ilia, InJlaramaUoti, Ukrnuon, and
oonsequeui epntai vvoaancas.
It has relieved mora cases of Hack
die and Iical Weaknesses than
any otlier one remedy. It diaolvea
and expcla tumors In ah burly stage
oi development.
Irregularities and periodic wins,
Weakiuwa of the Stomach, Indlges-
lion, floating, flervoua iTostiation,
Headache. CSencral Debility, quickly
yield to it; also deranged organs,
causing pain, a ragging sensations
ana bttckavhe. I nacr all ctrcum
stances it art in harmony with the
stem 1a fllMdi.nV . - '
fit remove that taring Ming,
'want-tA-he-lcft-ftloiio? feeling,
dkzini'KR, fnlntneati. HleepletwncsiL
flatnlmwiv viitlrm,.)irkiwft)it,
Them are liidkatinus'M Feminine,
amorticr, which un medicine over
come n well on alight derangement
vi urn niuucys oi eiuier sex.
Women who are sick and want to
get well should refuse to accepUnv
substitute for Lydia K riiikhiuuv
vegutauio wmjiouiiu. ;, ;, f ,v t
On the Laws of Life
as Related to Man
From His Creation
Widow of Prof, (X S. Fowler, the
world-renowned 'phrenologist, author
and lecturer, of New York City at
Astoria Theatre, beginning Tuesday,
February 25th, 8 p .m to all; Wed
nesday, February 26, 2:30, to ladiei
i , , . a
ii v: weancsuay. reoruary u, o p.
m., gentlemen only; xnursuay, reo-
ruary 27, 8 p. m., to all; Friday, Feb
ruary 28, 8 p. m., to all; Sunday,
March 1, 2:30 p. ro., to all. New sub
ject every time. It will be announced
in thii paper later. ... i
Phrenological examination! and
health consultations given at the Oc
cident Hotel from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
until March 11th. A new system of
applying electricity to cure disease
will be taught in classes, beginning
Tuesday, March 3rd, at 2:30 p. m.
and 7:30 p. m. '
Mrs. Fowler comes with a national
reputation as a lecturer, phrenologist
and electrician. Her new mode of
using electricity has no equal in the
world. 4
More than two-thirds of your life
you wear shoes. Did you aver think
of that?
The Dr. A. ed
Cushion Shoe
Waa built to give your feet comfort
two-thirds of your life, W irest you
sleep. '. .V ' "'
The W. L Douglas
nri: ttr'j '"tstft
' ..... .'.
Haa a world-wide re;
one and be up to date..
J M .1! (.(
; : i ll
b. A. Ulft
ms bond Street.1 ''
Opposite FhAer Broa.
Best kinds of logging shoes, haw
jnade, always c baai-. .
.IT I ii.fl ill ' 'i
Gal'inger Reviews Conditions Un
der Which Ships Operate.
It Leaves Existing Steamship Services
Exactly aa They Are NowOnly
Eight of the Fifteen Sblpa That Ply
, the Pacific Are Left i
WASHINGTON, Feb, 24,-Speak
Ing in favor of the passage of the
ocean mail subsidy bill in the Senate
today, Senator Callinger reviewed
conditions under which the merchant
marine of this country is operating,
ami cited many advantages that' he.
believes will accrue to the commer
cial intercuts of the United States if
better mail service to South America
and other points is established.
"The bill raises no new issue, intro
duces no new principle, . said Mr. Gal
linger. "It leaves existing and pro
spcctlve Meamihlp services exactly as
they are now1, and without changing
one iota the tried and approved meth
ods of the present law, increases the
compensation on routes which 16
years of experience have, conclusively
proved to 'be Inadequate the long,
costly and, important routes to South
America and ' the Orient, the routes
where our lack of steamship service
is severest and our need. of such. ser
vice most imperative.
Only eight of fifteen ships that
were plying across the Pacific Ocean
last March are left, he said.
"Since the shipping bill of the last
Congress was defeated almost one'
half of our feeble . American-Pacific
naval reserve has disappeared," he
added, "and when Admiral . Evans
steers up through the Golden Gate
from the Straits of Magellan, we shall
have the grotesque disproportion in
the Pacific of two battleships to every
commercial vessel engaged in foreign
trade sight which has never yet
been seen beneath the sun.
"And unless the new shipping bill
is speedily passed , we snail tee an
even more grotesque disproportion
than that 16 battleships and not one
commercial steamer in the Pacific
away from the ports of the United
States. For the remnant of merch
ant marine in that mighty ocean is
now facing the absolute extinction
which long since overtook our com
mercial fleet on the routes to South
Am rlca."
Only J4.00.000 a Year.
The passage of this bill, he predic
ted, will revive the waning American
marine and all that the bill seeks can
be accomplished for $4,000,000 a year.
It would strengthen the Pacific lines
and .create new lines to the Southern
Hemisphere. -It would, he said,
promptly establikh a line from the
Atlantic Coast to Brazil and another
to Argentina, a line from the South
Atlantic or Gulf Coast to South
America, and similar communication
to the Pacific Ocean. 1
Tht proposed payment for these
dvantages is about half the amount
England and , France pay for their
stcamhsip service and less than is
paid by Japan, Last year the United
States made a profit of $3,600,000 on
ts carriage of foreign mails, and he
lipped to have at least that amount
cvoted to building up the foreign
mail service.
In view of these facts," he said,
need we wonder that in spite of the
Monroe Doctrine we are being shoul
dered out of the South American re
publics by other people whose gov
ernments understand the relation be-
ween ships and trade? Great Brit-
ian, France, Germany, Italy and Spain
have long had their own steamshio
lines to South American markets.
Japan had no sooner closed her vic-
torous war with Russia than she sub
sidized into existence a steamshio
line across the Pacific to Peru and
Chile, and our Consuls note that this
is about to be extended to Argentine
and Brazil, , What a mockery of fate
is that the people of a hermit na
tion, which the United States 60 years
ago first opened and introduced to
the modern world, should now be
able to boast better, more regular
and more direct shipping facilities
than .America. The most smarting
and humiliating episode of the entire
year is the revelation which the great
battleship fleet is bringing out around
outh America. , s I
More than 20 new and powerful
j Try jEtJGj.tjie, dainty,, appetiz
(itg'eqonQm.ical( dessert. .. Can be pre
pared instantly simply add boiling
water and serve, when cool. Flavored
just right; sweetened just right,; per
fect In ; evry . way. , , A 10c. package
makes ' enough,, dessert for, a, large
faniily,,, AH grocer sell it. Don't ac
with all Pure Food,Laws. Seven
steamships available as auxiliaries of
war would be built by the influence
T.tne: bin IV paised, ' he ' saldrJThe
proposed legislation" would ''alioT he
aid, help to break up the shipping
trust in south America., ; . :
Peculiar Effaote In tome f the Pel
Isbee Brenss Refltetore.
Now and then mirrors of a curious
kind are aeon In Europe. They are
called "manic mirrors" end are of Jat
aneae origin, made not of glass silver
ed, but of cast bronze, polished on tbe
face and bearing on the, back raised
patterns. Inscriptions, symbolical do-
Signs, crests or pictures, when ex
posed to a bright beam of light from
the aun or from an electric lamp they
reflect in the light from their polished
face the Image of tbe pattern on their
backs. .
Tula la a purely optical property and
baa of course nothing in common with
the fortune telling magle crystals of
the astrologer, (or the alleged magic
mirrors or necromancy, yet tt long puz
sled the scientific optician and even
now H llttlQ known or believed. Tbe
researches of various scientific men
have established the fact that tbe phe
nomenon Is due to very minute differ
encee of curvature In the polished face,
differences so minute that they do not
affect the ordinary use of the mirror
as a looking glass and that can be de
tected only by delicate optical tests.
The only remaining mrstcnr bss
been as to bow these delicate differ
encee of curvature were produced In
exact correspondence to tbe pattern on
tbe back. Tbe makers themselves are
Often Di Ignorance, of the magic prop
erty and do not know, which of their
mirrors domhvs It and which do not
Tbe mirrors are cast In molds aud aft
erward polished by baud, and It la
held bt ecivntISc men'that the differ
ence of curvature Is censed by tbe met
al's yielding unequally tinder that pres
sure of tbe tools used in scraping and
polishing, the thin ports naturally
bending more than the thick. This ac
counts' for tbe mirrors becoming
master-Chicago News.
The largest and strongest vault in
the world is described in the March
number of Popular Mechanics. It is
built of armour ulate in two stories,
with a connecting passage between
them earring an elevator and stair
way. The lower story is 9 and one
half feet high, 106 feet long and 30
feet wide. The whole structure
Oiic of the Impcrt&t DiMs feC;ai)M
.rim-: the WeH-mformed of tho World
is" to learn m to the 'relative standing: and reliability of the . leading manufactur
ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the moat careful as to
the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them; and it is well
known to physicians and the Well-informed generally that the California. Fig Syrup
Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and tbe ethical character of
its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that tbe name of the.
Company haa become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent sue-.
cess and creditable atanding, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would
enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right
living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and tn use ol pedigiqes dispensed with generally to great advantage, but
as in many Instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the
proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co, feels that it is alike important to present
truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won
the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed because
of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. - f s ' ' ;
V This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from-Senna, are well
known to physicians and the Well-Informed of the world to be the best of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beseficial effects always
Bote, when purchasing, the full name .of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of
Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and i
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. and the same heretofore known by .the same Syrup of Figs which, has. given
satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout :
the United States in original packages of one size oaly, tbe regular price of which
is fifty cents per bottle. ;; v, tw-i.w (,; v
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or
nusbranded within tbe meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, ipoo.
; San Francisco, Cal,
U S. A. '
London, England,
New York, N. Y.
IA . . Jit . , ;
ty Louisville, Ky. , ' "t
' , iwmmmm-mmmmmvrmm-mmm
Simple Remedy For La Grippe
La grippe coughs are dangerous as
they frequently develop into pneu
monia. Foley's Honey and aTr not
only stops the cough but heals and
trengthens the lungs so that no ser
ious results need be feared, lot
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar con
tains no harmful drugs and is in a
yellow package. Refuse substitutes.
For sale by T. F. Laurin.
A new way of disposing of the
large amount of ashes and clinkers
which materializes every day in the
stoke-hole of a ship has been found
a machine, which expels the ashes
and clinkers straight down through
the bottom of the ship instead of
from the side, says Popular Mechan
ics for March.
The underline cxpcller, which is
riven oy air motor, eliminates an
these disadvantages. The machine
is absolutely silent in its workings,
all its parts are at all times accessible
for .examination and the ashes are
projected with sufficient Velocity to
carry them deep enough to clear all
suctions. The article is illustrated.
A cough cure than out be given to
clilUre without chance of harm is
Kemp's Balsam, the best cough eure. It
does not contain poisons or harmful
drugs. Druggists sell It
NEW YORK, Feb. 24.-Work is to
be begun soon on a building which
will serve as the . home and head
quarters, ; for New . York's , various
Irish societies. After ten years work
the trustees of the Irish Palace build
ing Association have just announced
that they are ready to begin work on
the structure for the purpose to be
located at ll3th Street and Lexington
Avenue, 'the 'site' for which was pur
substitutes. JELL-0 complies fha!ea . "'"es
. . 'a I naving an we leaiurcs. 01 tin armory
the building will have a library well
flavors :-emon, Orange, Raspberry, st0cked with the best Irish books and
Strawberry, Chocolate, Cherry, Peach. 1 meeting rooms for Irish societies.,
The Old Reliable
A full line of films, papers, cameras,
kodaks, etc.. iust received at Hart'i
weigns i.xj tons. , ine steel Plates I Drug Store.
are -in, armor oiaie. 01 me same)
kind furnished the government for
war vessels. Except for the doors
the walls are free from openings of
any kind. The plates are dovetailed
together in such a way as to make
separation impossible except from the
inside, and the entire vault is incased
in a 16 in. coating of concrete.
There are no holes through the
doors for., the locking mechanism,
and the automatic time locks are the
sole means of opening the vaults after
each of the three doors there are four
ocks. All of these would have to
ail simultaneously to make an accid
ental permanent locking possible.
Cor. Commercial and Eleventh Sta.
, Phone 3901 ;
Are equipped to do all kinds of
Dental work at very lowest prices.
Nervous people and those arfticted
with heart weakness may have no
fear of the dental chair.
.... . -i
22 K crown.... $100
Bridge work, per tooth....... 5.00
Gold fillings $1.00 up
Silver fillings. 50c to $1.00
Best rubber plate ..$800
Aluminum-line plate $10 to $15.00
. These offices are modern through
out We are able to do all work
absolutely painless. Our success Is
due to uniform high grade work by
gentlemanly operators having 10
to 15 years- experience. Vegetable
Vapor, patented and used only by
us for painless extraction of teeth.
50c. A binding guarantee given
with all work for 10 years.1 Exami
nation and consultation FREE.
Lady in attendance.: Eighteen of
fices in the United States.
Cor. Commercial and Eleventh Sts.,
over Danxiger store. ,
I wish td inform the public that all
suits ordered Irom me are made, up
right here in my own shop and that I
have the largest line of spring novel
ties in 'the city at prices within reach
of alL A perfect fit guaranteed. Ladies'
tailor"- in' connection." ' -,! ,.',??
Carl E. Fron$oen9
.MUth-St. Phone $711 ;
?'- w COMMERCIAL STREET, iw-i,! f ?.w
Admission lOc
WHMM IHI I M ! II II I H II tt II II l ' '
Ojeii and Rbady J
With a full line of spring and summer
goods. Imported and Domestic Wool
ens in all the latest patterns and effects:
1 The Up-to-date Tailor. ':
John Fox, Pres. F. I Bishop, Sec. . Astoria Savings Bank, Treas.
i i t . Nelson Troyer, Vice-Pres. and Supt .
: ..of the latest improved t
Canning Machinery, Marine ;&igincs and Boiler
1 Correspondence Solicited. , . - , - ; Foot of Fourth Street
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President
O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President
J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier
"i",,i;"'i; '''-.:.
i Capital Paid in $100,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $80,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business-" 1 Interest Paid on Time Deposits
. Eleventh and Duane Sta. , , . Y Astoria, Oregon.
First National Bank of Moria, Ore.
i. if; ...,. . . '"j;j
Capital OIOO.OOO