THE MORNING AS10RIAX, ASTORIA, ORECOX. Raws af t Bay m Waterfront. A&ria't rose crrr ccs ci urcasAY. Cat Buoy Adrik at Pacific 'Lighr house wider Buay Amazon; Ar rive Eiow-Storm fnterfert Wita SCain Movements Odd and Ends she is snid by expert to have ft best model an til a hay She i sound ly and cleverly biufr, ronmy and etim aw-talne and will capture ami handle Her snare of the local mmc bet ween the aortlt and south shore The steamship Geo. W. Elder w due at the Cailenrfer pier earfy. wnwr i muminifamt i scheduled to sail fr San Francu Eureka and' Angeles at f a'clock a. m. The r earner Janan. Paulsen due to arrive in thus port tomorrow mora ins trnm the Bay Cry., The Columbia, bar was in a pro hibitive mood ail day yesterday and there was so recorded passage of any vessele.- The southwest gale that prevailed all day yesterday contr.o- ated largely to bind" alt craft dote to the docka ami moorings Tie EghthGuae feet of tender in thi port are distniureif a fallow: The Haather is np on the Sound dia- tnhntsnf supplies tsv the various sta tion there; the Columbine in m Part bad en a Seetmg quest of some lend, and Cut Armeria. at the Buey sta tion haemtr her bosiers cleaned and ler engine overhauled. Tie ga bony seasoned off the an chorage of the Columbia, river Eghe- aip, went a.lrir early yesterday morning and i tmaa aimlessly about the Pacac. It wiU be rounded a? and replaced a mm a there something- to send after it Pr-ibably the Araena will g out today on. this ijnesfc uarry Kte$ung; tae lumrn aa;sot Sere a devoted startent of the Chinese bngtrage and a empfc.ying hie knowledge of it to en&t the good will of the merchant of that t fe ward a steady patronage of the popis !ar 5 tie he represent here. Ed- DnnaeHy, dock master for the LorSne peopie, i aver at Cainock: bus joat waat tor i protMesuscal Some say he ha set-roe mtentvn.vf as agreeable nature in that dintetk.n. He will reram today if he eaa "Jar loose. The ileamer JTome Cry wai due down from Portland Est nihr, but did sot naie fc She w2I probabfy arrive lJua mcening, tad rf po-fcubfe, go to sea and Saa Franciscoy at once The Eshb(iare steamer J ilia 2. one of fie latest atsrf bet of the-bay craft, went :nta commiftina yesterday at higi oaoOt and started on- her maules oyae to Deep Kiver; on which na she will "hticir tlie Gearys Wishin-r.n. BvtS ars new. Sire boat and be "nip and taciir -r bu. ne3A. Captain Babble w 9ry prood of his new 3tsanier and jnatiuibfy 3ft, Trta tfeamer 5c Helen is due law from Portland today,, and will pm:eed directly to the SZnappmn ick where she will foad UXltilitt arfv 'iirianal feet of lumber and leave oat fr Sao Fraucisca. The sreamer Alliance i expected toelt feant the Gwm Bay coast ime anse oamorrow, on her way t the metrapofisv Tie Caitender steamer Melville went ap the river yesterday morning w.rh one of the company' 700-ton ban;e which wiH be placed en tit af ae Supple' yard for complete overhauling: The steamer Sue KL Elmore a to Sawe sailed for TUUmcok yesterday morun at 0 cUv.i, at t;t not atalte it out ctt the nr available bar. iM U x. a .. tow:nij steamer Harvest Queen left np yenrisrday anminf wait the schooner "irjini3 on her hawiers. and retameif Eirer in the day far the Br.Cah bar Alex ander Bliaehv and went on with her lMtit tow. The OfcMasna came down daring- the night with the schooner Irene, at feast she left i-wa yesterday with that vessel nut wa due here last evening. harbor whew she enmes- back. Jt tne Rilhrsi oif burners, new paint, new furniture and gwnerat revamptuif will tranxfrirm her entirely and make Her much coaler and handier in vry way. The BnrinlJ barfe Amaaon, Captain Ciarnck wa amnnif the arrival lowi from the mermpolU yester fay. Stia arain Kufen frtwn Europe and will take the earliest despatch permit j rod by th Columbia bar. I ft posttrrely stated thai the steamah-p losse Cry, the aewfy char tered Iner ict the Sas S rancie-A-vr-P.-.ri3d nay will leave the Bay City on Saeirday next, at a. ex, afrrjicsr here oa the momta cf M-,nay. February IfXhv aat ft:wa- f itvTt from Prtlasd on ftiUj. the Ih- She counted a itansj n aragr mate for the Senator, and the two- put this Sne on the bent frt;nt f x aas jwowa tor a lenj tsme pa-st. The Senatar fa dae down. fro Port land at an early hour this morning and sehedaled v, depart for San 'tig. The Eote Cry wiCt be inspected r SJimpEete w.rtlei equipment ap 'n ier arrrsi' here. and. the ptaat will ie ;n failed as wow as mav be aersaAer. Notice to Mariner The followum aeete the List of Liuhr and Fair Sium!, Pause Coast WiiUiinirton. Slip Point L(hc Sanon, pu t S 2"J (Lint of Lights, Buoys, and Daymark. Paoric Coaat, PX5T,. pa V Lorated on Slip Point,, easterly side of Callam Bay. southerly side of Juan ie Faca Strait Corrected Description There its white one-and one halt story double wooden dwelling, with brown roof. surrounded by a white fence. LSio feet to the southward of the butidin from which the litrht its shown; Port Gamble Light, pafe JS1, N 23 (List of Lights, Buoys, and Day marks, Pacitie Ciasf, fW, page iC. Locareif in 3i feet of water, on the easterly sute of the entrance and edge of the channel to Port Gamble, northerly end of Kood Canal The stnctnre front which thi fight as shows, earned away and the Sght estaignnhed Jaanary t wjB be t'bmlt and the 5ght relighted a soon a practicable The foSowusf ajfT.s the List of Lights. Buoys, and DaymX-ks, Pacac Coa, wer. O. Bay Earrance, pafts and) C. CtMn Bay Otttsde Bar W aasfiag; ' Eoy m marked "1C is black, here-! tofbre reported oul cf pcsioost, was' repUced Jaatury 31 By order of the Light.hoe B-var I : P.. .. WerSch. Commaa.!e, L". S ; fnstpector. Great Shelf- Clearing Sale OF If the Costa Ek it to be rtainei :n Gte 3. V. Sc f. ser:ce, she w.3 Be sack in this port on SatarCy next; a matter of some douik at O. K. It 5 'ieadinars here. The Saacotra dae back from Portland in abonr 2i days; an win he ene of the star craft of Altera Soierajt and DoCar fasti E S Loper, of MariOa, X Y, tayi: 1 am a carpenter and save lad many j severe eats healed by SockJes't Ar- i aka Salve It las saved me saSertng : and doCars. It ss by far the best"; aeadsg; talve I lave ever found.; burns, sores, niters, fever ) sorti, eczema ud sucn. 2Sc ac tt-.j-rs k Son, drxgjrits. WALL PA'PEfi Odd Lots, Remnants and Odd Stock, Going at Prices that Will Aston isb You. We MUST Have Room For NEW Stock. Therefore we give cor customers this golden opportunity. Many patterns will fcc soli at less thin cost Join the processions and carry away some of the many bargains. AllenWall Paper & Paint Co. Comer Eleventh and Bond Streets PERSONAL MEMTIOM NEW TO-DAY Kew Arrml f Spring styles of the fasscass Kw. Mrs. L. HaaTsan is reported as co .inef u her bed with a serm arrack of U aftrppe for the past e?raJ days. Hats as. the t-,r of Hcrrsaa Wm. ' Ca.t- H. B. Parker is sow ,a Saati j - Earoara. basing left Paso k .?es f-j jj- that great winter resort seifral davs t v y , ... . ! Oriflr yoi itrx swt ct Csy R. Oitome, the sp-tdate lakes' tailor..! ID Eleventh street. He is ton ring Souther Caa- V.- ,'tV! nejaaf&yXaaiaasjKiSBi ST i IRC OTIC if- f- - . 1 1 ,'':t;-:"r .:'-"..rh.r,''at7ti( f-- e'i I 'T,gyis7sSg I sJi." . " f -- Ip Zxaa Cajjy f Wapper. Terlnitnis an 3 CHMrea. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A A If ago. forstta for pleasure, and. apparently ioiiing it. , Jonn B. Geisy, a well knows news-! saperman of Salem, is s.;io,r3in in' TS Pa-ace Eestaarast. Atcca. wamg for the Elmore t.-( ': A4e nr-tacreaS pv.pcr.ty et feae ottt for Tillamook,. he j ri Pilic leiUarast is evidence of w &xafe for the soria and summer. 'rA Bi5-!';'- fl'1 tie is ehar of one of r R3-r rir, we i popular dime room. For .. In Use For Over Thirty Years ioteJ. Mr. Ceky jSkes Asfc-ra, and has a number of rnead her Eenott has retnraed irons a inkle trip, to Ca&fornrai He came in on the Elder the other e-stniria; and ay he is qnite satisned witi Astoria. Dr. Clara Rtame. city priysu-.iaa of Asyi.i, was a homing pa ; 'ngr on the noon express yesterday, from Portland. V C By&ee. of Deep S.-er, is in the city and wiU remain a :tw days. Ph.t IfcDonough, from Bearclif. was a visitor to- Astoria yesterday. Cj Altenhon se, of Rainier, wis in Astona yesterday. He win leave on the traia tonight for home. L L. Walthoen, of Seattle,, was in Astoria yesterday. John K. Althotsse, arrived id from Portland, yesterday, and wiS be here for a few days. Wm. F. Harder, general agent f tae Great Jtonhera Railroad, wa in the city yesterday, looking np bswi- ness. False Jam - The 6re department was called oat yesterday ateraoon about 4 o'clock for a supposed fire over Johnson & Morrson' grocery store. The alarm was reedles. a. . i - 'i.z. m m mm m i jeai h k ra m a S1B11W M iiW 111 COMMEJIT OS PA2AG2APHEE3 ; Clrte'r The days are getting noticeably longer aow, anles yoar note is eotaing dae. Yong.tow Telegram; The Ken tacky legislatBre now know what a Call's Powers jury deadlock m Fkef C'r.kago N'ewsr Mr. Harriman will find f1!'; United State government a an opponent several size larger than Mr. Fwh. Wwhington Post; Von feave nrofe ably noticed that an beires never find it necessary to take advantage of the leap-year privilege. a fcng case the reputation of the souse nas seen ot tae Best and it does not wane as t;m progresses. The system used, that of furnishing nnest we rnariet aaoras, anj all can be obtained, ia season, is a plan that will always win, coupled as it u with the best of cooking and prompt semee A common saying nowadays h "Get the Palace habit" Guy 2. Osborne, up-to-date ladies' tailor, with Carl Franseen, tailor, 19 Eleventh street. New Mattress Factory. Have your old farnitare and mat trees made new. 95 Ninth street Tt Srt Vtw to Scad to PvCUa4 C H. Orirwita, U7 Ttati ttnwt. au newer ywr nabreQsts Jost m gow4 a stay cm toy ataew t am Sew Cnseery Stessj. Try swt vw sfxtnr f tnSm the J. P- BL Troth fruit and vvgeUbutt. BsvioCet ft Ctv, grueera. Phone JCats 1231. Ladies' tailoring neatly done, also cleaning, pressing and repairing, at Gay R. Osborne's, 179 Eleventh St, phone 3711. 2-5-4t A. V. AHea has just received his new Ene of white and gold Ha ri land Chin Can and see it 2-63c Your Regular Custom Is what we want and we will try to merit it v by selling you good, clean Groceries, and Rmng you prompt service and Courteous Treatment. HILL'S BROS. HIGH GRAnr. r.orrrr IS THE BEST Acme Grocery Co, The Up-to-Date Grocers.Jf-.. PffOJflMi it COJOCERCUL ST. bandied, and this fact being to well known, a large business is done at the Commercial, on Commercial near Eleventh. street, OKUKKS IN PROBATE. The editor of the Memphis, Tenn.. "Times", writes: "In my opinion Foley's Honey and Tar is the best remeay lor cotigbs, colds and lung trouoie, ana to my own personal knowledge Foley Honey and Tar ha accomplished many permanent care that hare teen little ihort of marvelous." Refuse any bat "je gen uine ia the yellow package. Mary Sewarf Cwrieue Watch. Aflioug, to watcte owned by Mary loiurt w a oav &apl watcb to a of crystti ProfenWy the ntoet rs autriahus- voe ia )m eotteetion was tb m wh-ft was' hxa:in!4 to Mary SeafjiHi, bee maUt tt noeor. It was la Q tiers t,t tkxx Oo, the fowbeed t& tbnX wa the ijmUA t deati. Doing o( Ytittrday in th Court o( th Clttop Eatatea. Jn'tKi- C. J, Treiu-hard, sitting for probate umticra yesterday, made the Jullowitig order in that department: In the nutter of the estate of the late Captain Jame E Campbell, that rreU llliin, id thi city, be appointed as one of th appraiser of said estate, vice F M, Haker, who has declined to serve. In the matter' of the estate of Mary Lampt, deceased, final account of the administratrix, Mra Eliiabeth John son, was examined and approved by the court; and said administratrix and her bondsmen in this relation, dis charged from all further liability in the premise. In the matter of the guardianship of Albert and Pauline Harris, minors; that citation issue, fixing Saturday, February 7th. as the day for hearing The CotnraereiaL One of the coziest and most popular resorts in the city is the Commercial. A new billiard room, a pleasant sitting room and handsome fixture all g to maice an agreeable meeting place for gentlemen, there to discus tie topics of the day, play a game of btlSard and enjoy the fine refreshment rv td there. The best of good are onfy cVr fcfa,- At the of objection may be filed against the beck of the AnZ wa Ttoev and at the .u r . , ! , "-.wu iiuie Hfe 0f certata realtv beloneing to Eda tie ernciSaios. The watch' lmnor beu Pry for by was) pnd fey rvwiaj the tkttH. it ' foirdian of said minors. id ws a ffpnwetftafiM f the hrlyf: 1 family mnmruUnt fcyanawie, wi. a- hptterd aa.t taii? fisriu wet w-r-: tUrFES ' formed the f.rawi. wi;ue to duJ ptate A miauJing: Steak SUld a tae p rate, ia a: tfsMt a- first-rate rnff ar Kftr other afctf fupd wa.vlw bet it M f COIiee aTC DCttCr kaow want be,am of m. than middling coffee and V. Profcf7, j -rate steak. Con- "Slie married a ery ?a3 maav idcT the COSt " : "ft, fwt sheTJ kee turn ftvxt" T ''' Bt; tay ki,v