The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 02, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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January Clean-no Sale
And bave Money.
B V "V "The Style Store"
I Commercial Street
Sherman Transter Co.
Hacks, Carrig Bggg Check aAdTrsnsTcrred Tracks sad Fnrefcaw
Wagon-Pianos Moved. Boxed and Shipped.
433Commerdal Street Hail Pin tci
World Almanacs
1908 worlds almanacs just in. Magazines,
office fixtures and supplies. Periodicals,
Calendars, Charts, Maps and Music.
Large and Complete Stock of Typewriter
Papers and Ribbons.
Yesterday was another ideal day on
the bar. It wait smooth all day and
the weather was clear. The wind was
continuously from the East, the
maximum being IS miles an hour and
the minimum 12 miles. Most of the
day it was 12 miles an hour a spurt
being made at noon that brought it
to IS mile., which did not last long
The harbor looked quite bare, not a
vessel being in sight from the docks
although the Claverdon was lying in
the lower harbor ready for sea.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore ar
rived here from Tillamook yesterday
at 6 p. m.
The steam pilcdrivcr J. A. Monroe
left up the river on Thursday for
Clifton, where Capt. Monroe will be
engaged for a while. On the return
of the Monroe an anchor recently lost
will be probably lifted.
The Claverdon was yesterday mov
ed to the lower harbor where she
will remain until she is taken to sea,
The Alliance arrived in from Coos
Bay yesterday morning at 8 o'clock
and left up for Fortland at 8:30 a. m.
The British steamer Mortlake, from
Guaymas, Mexico, is due here on
The British bark Lady Wolselcy is
on her way down the river and is
expected to arrive today, loaded with
grain and bound for Queenstown for
The British steamer St. Egbert ar
ved in yesterday morning from
uaymas, Mexico. She has been char
tered to take a load of lumber to
Japan with an option to send her to
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
The Cascade arrived yesterday at
San Francisco. ,
The German steamer Numantia
arrived at Hong Kong yesterday from
The British steamer British Mon
arch arrived at St. Vincent from
Portland yesterday.
The steamer Rose City is now an
nounced to leave San Francisco on
February 8th and will no doubt ar
rive here two days later. The Costa
Rica will then be taken off for awhile.
ff"X r i U i -J " ' ' . l f I X 1 I I B ItlilM It? in ft
- ill If fill
Our Aim
is to make a permanent cus
tomer of every person enter
ing our store, therefore we
handle only the Best Goods
in all lines. , '
"Quality!" .
is our watchword.
MYour money's worth
orlmoney back" our
This, coupled with courteous
treatment and reasonable prices
should make yon our customer
and friend.
Remember this is the Astoria home of
Hart Schaffnei & Marx Clothes.
The Best None Better.
Copyright 19c by Hart Schaffner (3 Marx
Leader in Nobby Clothes.
Capital $100,000
One Piano Number with each I5.00 Said FREE to Herman Wise
, , Customers.
" 0 0
Lots of luting weather yet,
Lots of -winter duds to get.
Don"t get bit by King Frost
Don't get bit by foolish Bargains
You can't get bit by "WISB" Bargains
WISE TaRes Off 15 to 33 per cent.
From all Overcoats, Suits, Hats, Trunks,
Underwear, Ete. '
Herman Wise
Astoria's Reliable Clothier.
The Lurline arrived down as usual
last night. She had a fair load of
freight and good passenger list,
picking up many ofthe river folks at
the landings. Capt. ?umwalt, the
new commander new on the Lur
line, but not to the traveling public
reports nothing unusual along the
river. Pilot McCulIy, good natured
"Mc," says that things are picking
up at the landings adjacent to As
toria. When the Lurline left out last
..'.La f . . I
"igiu one 01 Astoria s citizens was
shanghaied. Frank Grachien, anxious
to see a friend, aboard the boat, re
mained too long, owing to a conver
sation which was purposely prolong
ed, and while so engaged the boat
pulled out. A wireless from the ves
sel while she was off Tongue Point
reports that good care will be taken
of the victim and that he will be re
turned safe.
The annual meeting and election of
officers of the Astoria Public Li
brary Association was held yester
day afternoon and several matters
were discussed. The president's re
port was submitted as follows:
"To the officers and members of the
A. P. L. Association:
"The other officers and chairman of
committees will give detailed reports
of the work accomplished during
1907, so I will confine my report to a
general review of the conditions as
they are at the end of the year.
"The regular income from the city
tax has been augmented by the dues
from the city tax has been augmented
by the dues from subscriptions anditributed to be used for library pur
largely for the running expenses of
the library including the large num
ber of magazines and newspapers
kept on file. The number of book
purchased this year is a matter for
sincere coneratulation. While we
have catered to a degree to the great
call for contemporary fiction, the
purchase of standard reference book
has been in excess of the lighter form
of literature, and the value of the
lihrarw tn those studiously inclined
has been much increased thereby
The board of directors has made an
effort to ourchase such reference
books as will be of csncial help to
the High School pupils and those who
are doing special work in literary or
scientific lines. The Kinney 1'und
has been devoted exclusively to such
a line of reading matter, with tli
jdea that it will be a fitting memorial
to the donor. The tact that almost
$200 of that fund remains intact is
evidence that this invaluable depart
ment will soon be materially in
creased. "The fixtures belonging to the read
ing rooms have been augmented by
the purchase of cases sufficient for
the entire wall space in the reference
department room. Their usefulness
and convenience is apparent.
"The matter of making the library
free to the public has been determin
ed on beginning with February 1,
1908. The generally prosperous con
dition of the institution seemed to
warrant such an undertaking for a
year at least and to be continued in
definitely should circumstances per
mit. This move is cause for congrat
ulation since it means the attainment
of an ideal, entertained by the origin
ators of the library movement in As
toria. It is sincerely to be hoped that
the financial support to entertain
ments and kindred money-raising de
vices will be sufficient to continue
the library on the free plan. I wish
to offer the suggestion that the next
time funds are needed for the library
that those enjoyed the privileges of
the institution, the patrons and friends
of the library, be appealed to, to help
the book fund directly, without re
sorting to an entertainment to raise
money. I believe it will meet with
general approval, for all money con-
Your Regular Custom
Is what we want and we will try to merit it
by selling you good, clean Groceries, and
Riving you prompt service and Courteous
Acme Grocery Co.
Tae Up-to-Date Grocers.
NEW YORK, Feb. l.-Two act
resses of note will arrive from Eng-
iirtd today on the Lusitania. They are
Msr. Beerbohm Tree and Miss Edyth
Wynn Mathison. Mrs. Tree is to
appear as Clytemnestra in the pro
duction of "Electra" to be made at
the Garden Theatre by Mrs. Patrick
Campbell and Miss Mathison will as
sume the leading part in "The Great
Divide," with Henry Miller, taking
the place of Miss Margaret Angelin,
who retires from the cast in order to
rehearse a new play.
New Mattress Factory.
Have your old furniture and mat-
trees made new. 95 Ninth street.
the proceeds from two entertain
ments. In addition there is still a
sum on hand belonging to the Kinney,
"Our disbursements have been
poses, instead of being used in part
to defray the expenses incidental to
an entertainment y
(Continued on page 5) .
Hew Grocery Store.
Try oar own mixture of coffee the
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetable!.
Badollet ft Co., grocers, phone Main
Columbia and Victor graphopbones
and latest records at 424 Commercial
street. A. R. Cyrus.
Oliver typewriters
stenographers at A.
Commercial street.
and automatic
R. Cyras, 434
Palace Restaurant.
A successful year hm Just ekecd or
the Palace Restaurant mi a aew tsm
opens. This year wtQ, 19 smH, U as
successful for this popular rwtaaM&i as
wis post u not mors so. 7k must of
treating the guests pniwtsj lists saa-
not but tend to told the trade aad bring
those who bars never beari of the
The Commercial. ,
The Commercial, Commercial street,
near Eleventh, as everyone knows, Is
one of the most popular resorts In As
toria. Drop In at any time and see the
class of people who patronise this popu
lar place and you will be satisfied that,
In entertaining a gentleman friend, you
have found ths right place, A pleasant
game of billiards, a little refreshment,
and a quiet talk helps to pass a pleasant
Yon Don't Need to Send to Porttaae.
0. H. Orkwlti, 137 Tenth street, eaa
eover your umbrellas Just as good as
they can any place on the aortbwsst
Special Reduction Sale en Ranges,
Stoves and Rugs it L E Hennlngsen,
504 508 Bond street, next door te ex
press office.
Bakery Reopened
The Royal Bakery has reopened under
new management and hereafter both
bakeries, at 605 Dunne street, and 273
West Bond street will be conducted by
John Muehlaueel who will supply the old
customers and such new ones as
be obtained.