FRIDAY, JANUARY, 31, 1908. TIIK AlOKNINi; triTOKlA.N ANiOllfA. OREGON. 7, .Fisher Brothers Company 80LB AGENTS Barbour and Flnlayson Salmon Twin tad Netting MoOonnUlc Ilarvestbig Machines Oliver Chilled Houghs Maltkrtd Roofing TborplN Cream Separators Reeoolltb Flooring Storrsttfi Toota Hardware, Groceries,); Ship Chandlery Ten Dark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Add, Welch Coal, Tar, ' ' Aeh Oare, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fitting, Brass Goods, Paints, Oils and Glass Fishermen's Pure ManllU Rope, Cotton Twine and Seine Web WoWotitSYour Trode ' FISHBR BROS. Bond Street. WHEN YOU WANT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT Write us, we're here for that purpose Anythingin the electrical Business. Bell's House Phones 4 Inside wiring and Fixtures installed and kept iu repair, e) We will be glad to quote you prices. J OUR PRICES WILL DO THE REST The Work We Do 3TEEL & EWART 421 Bond Street. Phone Main j88i 4 ! World Almanacs 1008 worlds almanacs just in. Magazines, office fixtures and supplies. Periodicals, Calendars, Charts, Maps and Music. Large and Complete Stock of Typewriter Papers and Ribbons. . ' E. A. HIGGIINS CO., MU8IO HOOKS STATIOM'KY M HIIMIIMMM MMMHtl i ' awe COLD WEATHER IS COMING See the bargains in our Dig stove department tirjstairs. If; your money is in t U1C Uitllk RESOLUTE UNIVERSAL give us your check. I The Foard & Stokes Hardware Go !! Incorporated Successors U Fear ft ftokat C. e.tlllHHHHHMMMI-lttftUttiMW Open and Ready FOR BUSINESS Withja full line of spring and summer goods. Imported and Domestic Wool ens in all the latest patterns and effects. A. BACHMEIER The Up-to-date Tailor. , STAR THEATRE BUILDING - COR, Ilth AND COMMERCIAL ST HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Ewks, Carriages Baggage Cheeked andTramferred Tracks and Fwttart Wagons Pianos Mured. Boxed and Shipped. . t m. a. "i aaa . 33vunmwicjsj mum. , Ban rMss if Latest Quotations in the Portland Markets. Complete Market Reports Corrected Each Day Giving the Wholesale Prices of Commodities, Farm Produce, and Vegetable!. PORTLAND. Jan. 30. - Pmtltrv utocki today generally were light, aiiu at trie same time the dcniand was tar Irom strumr. What luina lone for the most iart on vntmr. Itiy's prim, save ' in the case of oimk. winch today are reported slightly weaker, selling at ,15 to 16 nii a pound, Grain, Flour, Feed. Vhetuh, 83c Valley, Bfiei blu. im, 85o red RuMlan. 81c. vrnte rrolucer' nricesi White. 2R (fray, f27. liny-Valley timothy. tlSffilO: Rait frn Oregon. 20(S22i clover. .l,a.t siaj anaiia, f iaj grain Hay, iUffilfi. MUireed-Clty bran, 23i country bran. $24j ahorti, 2.60j country shorts, Fiflj chop. IJ8j mlddliwrt, ISO. Flour Iliinl whasr.. n.Unl Si ok utrakht, H.40: jTrahain. 84.60: rve. 85, whole-wheat Hour, W.75i Va!lo flour a,.. .!.. -1 ' ' "'"i jjuKoiB, fo.vwo.w; Eastern rve, fl.80i I'illnbury. f7 Corvallln, $4.40. live I.S3ffl ..m DPP cwt. Oraln lispsDomestic. 8Xci Calcutta. Corn-Whole, $32: cracked. 833 Iluckwheal 136 per ton. liariey Producer' prices t Rrewlnr iwa, nit nniea, no3l. ,'.......1 t I.. . . vera,, ruuun uoiira oflis, cream, bo lb. sack. 8! lower jrrade. gfl.S0ffl7.sfl! oatmeal, steel cut. 40-lb. sacks. 88JHh lb. ack. 14.25 Mr balet oatmiwl (irround), 43-lb. sacks. M.60 n.r t,M . fl lb. eacks, M.50 per balej split peai, ri.iu per Jim-io. sacKi; 23-itj, txixea yi.BOt Frl "artey. 4.50 per 100 Ibs.i ?J!b. boxes. $155 pPr box; pastry flour, lU-JO. fKB, QDXV DDI. Groceries, Provisions, Etc Sugar (sack bads) D. O.. $5.60; XX, ).ou; ueet. ?5.40 uolden CS, $5; extra, i.'. $..40; powdered, $5.50; boxes, 50 cwt., fruit or berry auirar. $5,co, boxes 50 cwt. advance over sack basis (lest tc. pam tor in is days). Coffee Mocha, 2428c; Java, fanev, asZBe; Java, good, 2024cj Java, or dlnary, 1720e; Costa Rica, fancy, 18 20c; Cola Rloa, good. l18c; Ar buckle, $1S.G3 cwt.; Uon. $15.88 wt; Colombia eoiTee, 14c lb; Salvador. llc 14Je. Rlee Imperial Japan, No. 1, $055; Southern Japan, 5l6fc; broken, 6c; neaa, lancy, 7oi choice, 7c. Sago and Tsploea Scahee. 6!c. FIrs White, per pound, 67cj black, 07e. Provisions Hams, large, 12 lc; email 12iet picnic, 0c: boiled hams. 22c: boiled Picnic, i8c; breakfast bacon, fancy, 22c; i4iKan, joc; ary aaiiea snort clears, lOJci backs, 10c. Dates Golden, 601b. boxes, flgflje; l ib. psckages, 8o; Fard, 151b. boxes, 9 1. SO box. Raisins Loose muftcatels. 3-crowu, 10c; 2 -crown, 01c; bleached seedless Sultanas, 10131o; unbleached seedless feultanas, 8io; London layers, S-crown whols boxes of 20 pounds, $255; 2 crown, $2.10. 'Canned Salmon Columbia River. 1- lb. tails, $2.00; 2-lb. tails. $2.05; fancy, l ib. flats, $2.10; l ib. flats, $1.30; fancy, Mb. ovsls, $2.85; Alaska tails, pink, uoc; red, f 1.35; nominal, 28, talis, $2.25. Salt Bales of 75-2s, bale, $2.25; bales Of 60-3s, $2.25; bales of 40-4S, ball, $2.25; bales of 1510s, bale, $2.25; baci, 60s, fine, ton, $17.60; bags, 50o; genuine Liverpool, $20; hags, 5(H 1 ground, $13; 100s. ton, $12.60; R. S. V. P 20 5-lb. cartons, $2.25; R. 8. V. P., 3-Ib. cartons. $1.75; Liverpool lump, per ton, $20.50. Ird Kettle-rendered, tierces, life; tubs, 12c; 50s, 12c; 20a, 121; 10s, 121e; 5s, 128& Standard pure: Tierces, lo lees; compound, tierces, 8c; leaf, 13c Nuts Walnuts, No. 1. soft shell, 18c; filberts, 17ci Rrasils, 20c; Pecans, 19 20c; filberts, 17c; Rrasils, 20cj Pecans, Z3c; hickory, 8c; Virginia peanuts, 8c; Jumbo Virginia peanuts, lOo; Japanese peanuts, 71c; chestnuts, Italian 10c, Ohio 25c; cocoanuts, dozens, 85 00c; pine nuts, 17a Sploes Cloves, 10k lb.; chillies, 13c per pound. . Vegetables. Cabbage 75o$l cwt.; cauliflower, 75 dos.; celery, 85c$l doa.; parsley, $1.25; hot house lettuce, $1.00 $155 box; heads, 65 cents Uxwen; spinach, box, $1.25; Brussels sprouts, 8o; artichokes, 90e$l.l5 doa.; okra, 35c lb. i tomatoes, $1.252.00 crate; peppers, 8WI40 id ; pumpkins. ?i.X5 crate; beans, green and wax, 15c lb.; egg-plant, 15o lb. ; beets, $1 pen cwt turnips, 75c W.H per cwt. carrots, 50c$l per cwt, Peas, lOo lb. sweets, 213c per pound. Hops, Wool, Hides, etc. Hops 1907 crop, 471o pound. Feathers Geese, white, 3540o; geese, gray or mixed, 2530o; duck, wtiite, I620ci duok. mixed, 12(a15o. Wool Valley, 1820c; Eastern Ore gon, i2it)o, aa to shrinkage. Cascara SagraJa (cnittim bark) 5B 7o per pound. JSeeswax iood, clean and pure. 22 ."o per pound. Oregon Graperoot Per 100 lbs., $0 $7. Tallow Prime, 5o; No. 2 and grease, 28o per pound. Ifides Dry hides, No. 1, 12o pound; dry kip, No. 1, 12c pound; dry salted one-third less; dry calf, 14o pound; salted steers, So pound; salted cows, 4o pound; stags and bulls, 3o pound; kip, Bo pound; calf. 7o pound; green stock, 1c ""( mji; u ia, shearlings, 10Z5o short wool. Lbf4itc tYIA.lhim mnA ltn wool, ae,rdlni to quality, 60B0c; dry Ikwsbs, WJcft$l dry colt, 25cj angora, "wsn t goat, common, ioaoc. Oils, Lead, Etc. Coal Oil Pearl and astrat oil, eases 181s per gallon; water white, Iron bar rel. Ulci (OMM nH vfr. .1., ua ilki headllgl.t oil, cases, 191c iron arreis, izsc; jEiaine, cases, 28a Fruits. iMrumiie fruits Apples, fancy, $1JW J2 boXt TOOd. "iSt-fll K I 2S luw, nr. 50c$1.50 Cox; cranberries, $8irper iraiiejj nnnu Aft KAftft A1 box; oranges, new navels, $2552.75 wa; grajw-iruii, box; bananas, 6c craieo, ojo id.; pomegranates, 2 rate; tangerines, $2 box; pineapples, 48 dozen. Dried KriliU Annllna. 07,1 An ru If. . splicots, 10lc; peaches, ll13o; lesrs.. HlUo! Jtalikn Csllfornla figs, -white, in ascks, 6fllc lr ju; DiacK, fgoc; nrioks, l0c($W26 vet box; fimyrna, 18120c per lb; dates, Persian, 617c per tt. Produce. Butter Countrv iriamr Mlfc9K. - ' j i , , tlty creamery, 3537lc; store, 1820c; Kgg Ranch, candled, 3032c Cheese Youno Amrl-. lib., fVumn full ereame, flats, 17c. lloney Dary, 101 11c; amber, 12 13c; fancy white, 1415c. rnuiirv i,i rnnairn am in m . h 13ft Mo tti dresied itock. WTtZn Iili1ir than live; ducks, 1415c lb; turkeys, live, tow io in dressed, i8Z0e lb; geese, live, 010c lh; pigeons, old. $1.00 lr aoien; aquaoa, zcs per doien. Read the Morning Astorian. A MEMORAELE TRAGEDY. (I Orm Out of tliv Liiat Great glare Ani'llnn In Tulft Cuunlrjr. Thd lii-it inrul nitr e nuctlou held In (bis oniutry occurred Just a year and half before the wnr In O tolwr, 1S58 -nt the ruco track lu Savannah. The slaves were the property of Pierce Butler, a pli'turetMiio and prominent Qgure at that day in Philadelphia so ciety, who Is today only remembered as buvlitg Ix-on the husband of Fanny Keuiblo, tlio actress, reader and au thor. Ilia family name was Mease, but ho Inherited a fortune in lands and slaves from his grand fa her, Majot Pierce Butler of South Carolina, on condition that he should take the lat tcr's uame. Butler's Inveterate passion for gam bllng got him into financial difficulties. It la said that be lost $20,000 on a bui gle band four deuces against four frlngs held by his opponent s Finally, to meet bin losses, Butler was forced to sell his slaves. There were OSS of thorn in all. The sale took two days and netted $303,850. Butler bad chosen a good time to sell. A year later bis negroes would not have been worth a dollar a head. But the sale would have been more profitable had It not been announced as one of the conditions that no division of families wonld be permitted; hence In order tc secure a good slave buyers often had to take with them Infirm or aged reia Uvea. Out of this limitation grew a memorable tragedy. Tom Pate, a well known VIcksburg trader, bought at the sale man, his two sisters and bis wife, with the guarantee that they should not be separated. Disregarding this, Pate sold the sisters, ope to Pa Boiuers, a brother trader, and the oth er to a resident of St. Louis. Wkat legal rights a negro had In the south were well protected. Somers was told of the guarantee, and he sent the girl back to Pate and demanded his money A quarrel was the result, and Somers was shot dead. Ten days later Lit nephew killed Pate and died frou; wounds received. The feud was kept up until every male bearing the name of Pato was wiped out, and then tlit war liberated the sisters. New Tors Herald. TEA You will find no poor tea in packages bearing our name. If you find any such, you know what to do. Tsar (rsctr rttuni wt It yvt 4m 't ft SehiUUt 's Ictti Mr St a. Delayed Import Shipment of Haviland Decorated Teacups and Saucers, and Hates, . 4 HAVE ARRIVED and are now on display. Very latest designs and . decorations. Come early, before they are picked over. A. V. ALLEN Phones Main 711, Main 2871 Sole agent for Baker' Barrington Hall Steel Cut Coffee. Brancb Uniontowjj Phone Main 713 : laapaaaable. I tan R-ct by a bootbaJt tackle. I can km by a scouting line Or a crowd of cronies awaiting To stick me sura for the wine. But tha woman who waddlor wldMy Anil taltci up the whole nMiswalk (And half of 'em do, by Jlnfco!) Doth all of my efforts balk. I (O to the !d! to pas her. And thera (he In l)-klnK ths way. I make a dart to thi enter. And there I th devil to pay. To th opposite side I en, And the ohstaclo old I meet. Till at lurt I cm IJ tn dlvn In Tte danger ktA (hint of the utreet New (MfaiM TirjiS-Dcmocrai. 60 YEARS J EXPERIENCE V Trade Marks Designs Copyrights 4c Anvon wndlni tVel' h mid (lmertin mat qalcklf wiiwrtain mr uiinnm frMnitir aa 'nrttniina M prnbablr pte,th!ft, CommmiktA tknjtrlcllf ntiddillI. HANDBOOK onfateuui aefit fre. ldet wenrj fur aouriij; patent. Falvnta taken throuirli Munn a Co.noaiTC UKrlai moUc, without ciiam. in Uta Scientific flmricait A handanmelr lllnitraled wwklr. I.nnrmrt dr. cniitton of anr actentiflo loomal. 1 rnts. $4 a roar: four montha, L fiOMlball newadoaiera. MUNI- Co.e,B New York Branca OOoa. m t BU Waahtwjioo. D. C raj! 1 dfUTihh Iff Tk.Tll PairmaasMiaiaaMSal Sa ikaa olanr ccar aoka al paiuma, TaJaiaa aanaal at iMt uyU, accuracy and rmUckf. jttsCall'a WaBla(Tb3ia n4 Faahlaajkai MraairiMcribtkaanirtbtr Law'Mrsln Oaa aar'aaacritHiiMi(jBuinb)wijlOeeoia. Lajial immi r, g aaata. Kvory tubacribar get a JdoCW: rav aaaFraa. Suuacriba lodar. Lair A r'a'a WaateS. RaaSaiun aiaufaaaar Samlcak conmiiuoa. Fatten, Caoiatnaiaf aoaaa. Iras) ana Premium Catalofaa (ibowlet oe I "iia AtuiaM tus UcCAU. cu. Hrnm laav January Official Tide Tables Compiled by the U. S. Government for . Astoria and Vicinity. JANUARY, 1908. High Water. I A. M. P. Data h.m. ft h.m. Wednesday 110:25 . 011:50 Thursday 111:15 1.6 Friday , I 0:43 7.612:03 Saturday 4 1:12 7. 12:60 SUNDAY 6 2:20 1.1 1:40 Monday ( 1:06 g.J 2:30 Tuesday 7 1:64 S.3 3:24 Wednesday ..... 8 4:38 8.4 4:22 Thursday 6:28 8.4 5:30 Friday io :20 8.4 8:43 Saturday 11 7:15 8.2 8:04 SUNDAT 12 8:10 8.2 :2S Monday 13 1:05 8.310:30 Tuesday 14 1:56 8.411:27 Wednesday 15 10:44 8.6 Thursday 16 0:15 7.2 Thursday 1611:26 8.3 "rlJay 17 0:66 7.012:05 Saturday 18 1:30 7.4112:40 SUNDAY 19 2:02 7.5 1:12 Monday 20 2:32 7.5 1:46 Tuesday 21 3:00 7.7 2:80 Wednesday 22 3:25 7.8 3:00 Thursday .......23 3:55 7.9 3:40 Friday 24 4:30 8.0 84 Saturday 25 5:10 8.0 5:30 SUNDAY 26 6:00 8.0 6:45 Monday ....27 6:56 8.0 8:12 Tuesday 28 7:56 8.1 9:35 Wednesday 29 9:00 8.4 10:44 Thursday 30 10:00 8.7 11:40 C.9 i'.'s 1.4 8.2 8.9 7.0 6.7 8.2 6.9 6.8 6.0 6.5 7.1 JANUARY, 1908. Low Water. A. H. p. ; (Date am. ft. In, Wednesday 1 4:18 S.l 6-Jn Thuraday ...... J 6:15 8.3 6:16 Friday 3 8:12 3.3 7:04 Saturday 4 7:06 2.1 7:60 SUNDAY 5 8:00 8.0 8:36 Monday 6 8:63 3.8 9:23 Tuesday 7 8:50 2.610:12 Wednesday 8 10:60 2.311:00 Thursday 811:50 2.111:60 Friday 1013:65 1.8 Saturday n 0:50 1.9 8:05 SUNDAY 12 1:65 2.6 8:14 Monday 13 8:02 2.0 4:15 Tuesday 14 4:04 8.3 6:06 Wednesday 15 6:00 3.6 6:62 Thursday 16 6:50 3.5 8:32 Friday 17 (:35 3.6 7:09- Saturday ....... .18 7:12 3.6 7:40 SUNDAY 19 7:46 3.5 8:08 Monday 20 8:20 3.4 8:35 Tuesday ...21 8:50 8.2 9:05 Wednesday 22 9:24 8.0 9:25 Thursday 23 9:52 2.7 9:68 Friday 24 10:40 2.310:36 Saturday 2511:34 2.011:20 SUNDAY 26 12:36 Monday 27 0:12 2.9 1:50 Tuesday 28 1:18 3.4 8:05 Wednesday 29 2:35 8.7 4:10. Thursday 30 3:66 3.8 6:10- Friday 31 5:07 8.6 6:00- 0.8 -1.1 -'. teaj38MaoaiaaaBaaanaaii3aggs-7j CTJ333J3 . ' Coughs,Colds, CROUP, MoopgCoiii This remedy cun always be depended opoa asd ii pleasant to take. It contains no opium sr ther harmful drug and may be given ascsatV dcntly to baby as tr an adult met a cents, large sue w etna, ' Star Theatre Week Commencing Sunday January 26th The Original The Only The Best Always Gives i Satisfaction Culligan's Original NASHVILLE STUDENTS The King Jof them all. Calculated to please children from (j to 60 The show that has gained the reputation of being the Strongest Singing and Dancing Show in America . Prices ! lOc, 20c and 30c. If earnestness of purpose, coupled with skill, experience and modstsi , facilities C0U1TT Then the DISST0H "COUGAB SAW" will continue as ths STAKD- AED by which tie mer its of all other saws are Judged. FOR SALE AT TEX Astoria! Hardware Co., 11312tii St. JOHN FOX. Pres. F. L. BISHOP, See. ASTORIA SAVINGS BASK, Tra, NELSON TROYEH. Vfae-Prea. sad Supt. - ASTORIA IRON WORKS " " DESIGNERS AND ILiNUFACTURERS . r CaEniBg Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers COMPLETE CANKEB'S OUTFITS FUSNISEED. ' Carrctpondsiica Solldtei. Foot of Fourth Street