'FRIDAY, JANUARY, 31, 1908. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA OREGON. 8 : 1 1 k ill? f lip ! $15,000.00 S tock -OP THE- Sanders Mercantile Company, of Albany, Oregon. Bought by us at Fifty-Three Cents on the Dollar And Goes on Sale Today at Less Than Manufacturers' Cost. Will Be lost Sensational Mercantile Event Ever Held in Astoria A sale that has the power to make your purse reach to fhe buying of double the usual amount of things-not cheap things, but meritorious goods that are truly cheap. We've cut so deeply in most instances that only the mere stumps of the original prices are left. COME HERE TO DAY ! come EVERY DAY! and bring a basket to gather up a full share of these match less BARGAINS ! This stupendous sale opens promptly at 9 o'clock this morning. Men's Department The Sanders Company had a full line of men's and boys' clothing work and dress shirts, underwear, etc., now on sale at prices that would not buy the raw material. Women's Dept. Positively everything in ladies' goods --cloaks, suits, skirts and furnishings of all kinds at less than any manufacturer in the world could produce them at, and they are new goods. Shoes! vSMoes! Thousands of pair of men's, women's and children's shoes of the very best ' makes. And they are New Goods! Spring' Styles! Bring the entire family and fit-up enough shoes to last for 3 year or two. ; You'll Save Over Half! Muslin Underwear $1200.00 worth of new muslin under wear came to us from the Sanders stock that had never been opened. Positively every Apiece is bright fresh and new and this will be a welcome opportunity to the ladies wishing to provide themselves with undcrmuslin at little cost ;Store open each morning at 9 o'clock. Do your shopping early and avoid the afternoon rush. No Goods Charged. No Mail Orders Filled. Come Early. In TOM TO To) Successors to the Morse Department Store