.-.it. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1908. TIIE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA. QREGON. if 815,000 Stock of Sanders Mercantile Co., Albany, Ore., bought by us at 63 cents on the dollar, i goes on sale Thursday at 9 a. m.i !, ' - . Tun vjegterh union telegrjDlph cpriPATiYf. IMCORWIUTtD , 84,000 OFFICES IN AMERICA, m CABLE SERVICE TO ALL Tlfe WORLD. Ilila rWrnsnvTR ANKMITIanH IIKLlVtlU Mil ml nnftrfltlHui llmHJn j It. IliUlilr shLA Jum Imm - fat hv tiwiajfafernf iWJInMmrl&MMUNl fcrror. uui Im fuanlnd uuljf t iwimMtng mwita tauk U Uwivndln .tattoo for mmpulmm. uut UwConpaui. will not hold iuwlf UM Uttftf delr. Inuiromrtuo of Juli wiry o 1; a ripiJ Mwww. friyuud Um umualvl Ujlk (MUd Utwwon, our a my om&w Uw cWm liaut ywUri 1 wnttf. iUUB)WJ n tor Ui lwr llllf. wllh Ui(Vmiuuir rif lriitaiB. i - . , - . ma x fcu wKtmAw, na n orttnna py ingum or ta mar, awe a oomiwim tumw dw f BOBERTCCtOWBYPrMldWfWilOrffiMtnfr. 1 V In RECEIVED at 12 PO WS M 20 Paid . Albany, Ore., Jan 10-08 The Boston Store, Astoria, Ore Your cash offer of fifty three cents on the dollar accepted Will ship stock of merchandise to you at once , Sanders Mercantile Co f 1-40 p m The Sanfers Dry Goods Company of Albany, Oregon, unable to hold out longer against the determined demands of creditors for a settlement, accepted our . Spot Cash Offer of 53c. on the; Dollar for their stock of high grade meachandise. Beginning Thursday Morning at 9 O'clock This splendid stock goes on sale, representing a matchless aggregation of the greatest values ever offered under any one mercantile roof in the city of Astoria. It would be impossible to print a list of all the bargains to be had at this great sale. We pan only suggest the opportunity. But remember this great bargain event takes in everyjine in every department of this store. Dry Goods, Men's and Boy's Clothing, Men's and Women's Furnishings; Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, Hats and Gloves; Ladies' Suits, Skirts, Coats and Waists, Furs, Hosiery, Underwear, Laces, Embroidery, Ribbons, Notions, Muslin Underwear, etc.; all combined to make a sale that will positively prove the greatest money-saving event ever attempted by this or any other mercantile house in this city. At 9 o'clock Thursday morning the great sale opens. SHOES, SHOES This shoe line was composed of the better and higher; grades of shoes, but will go on sale at almost half their former price, and many lines at less than half their real value. It will pay you to buy enough shoes to last you for months to come at the prices we are making them. Ribbons and Laces There never was such an opportunity to save on these lines. Hundreds of bolts of fine ribbons will be thrown out at half price or less. Beautiful, new ribbon. . CLOTHING Men's and boy's clothing, made by the best manufacturers of this country. Almost an endless variety will go at a mere fraction of their real value. " V. Hosiery and Underwear Entire lines of fine Hosiery and Under wear at about one4ialf and some lines one third their real value. Dress Goods, Sill! Trimming' Hundreds of patterns of the new, up-to-date dress goods and silks. Large assort ment of new trimmings marked at half and in many cases less than half their,real value. ' Muslin Underwear The Sanders Mercantile Gompany had just received a very large invoice , of fine new muslin underwear and that also comes to us at 53c on the $1.00, which means that you will have an opportunity to buy these goods at about one-half less, than you did before. Remember they are new goods, just opened, going at about V unsual prices. Furs Cloaks, Suits, Skirts Great variety to select from. All good styles, can suit any one. , We are going to pass them out at less than half . . v,f ,'i : .'; r. ' ' " ,: : Comforts and Blankets AH kinds, and will be sold at less than cost of raw material to the manufacturer. BOS.TOM tljt yn jUL JLL JUL HI? . Successors to the Morse Department Store Store Open to the Public Thursday at Nine O'Clock A. M. Our Store Will Be CLOSED Tuesday and Wednesday to Get Goods in Shape (Si o 1 "S 9t f 1 f (Sfc I ? 3 1 sit' ymxs 1