THJ5 MORNING AST01UAN. F STOMA, OREGON. SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, IMS, COME TO OUR "The Style Store' A ' S37 . January Clean-Dp Sale And Save Money JALOFF'S Commercial Street MAYOR WISE RESIGNATION CALLED FOR. NEW YORK, Jan. 25. Sfayor Mc Clellan has asked for the resignation of Magistrate Otto H. Doege, follow ing a scandal as to conditions in the court over which he presides. The magistrate admitted publicly that he paid $250 to a newspaperman to sup press a story which, it is alleged, de scribed lax methods in his court After consulting with a lawyer, the newspaperman accepted the money through a third person and then pub lished the fact in addition to the or ginal expose of the court methods. Mayor McClcllan in his letter to the magistrate regrets the law does not vest in him the power of removal and states that the public interest de mands the magistrate's immediate resignation. Magistrate Droege de clines to discuss the letter or the ac tion he will take. RAILROAD WAR ENDED. . SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 25.-The Examiner says today that E. H. Har riman and George J. Gould have end ed their war over the rival interests of the Southern Pacific and Western Pa cific Railroads. It is said that under the peace agreement the two roads will cease fighting each other and pending law suits will be settled. This arrangement, it is said, was made this week in New York at a meeting between Messrs. Gould and Harriman. BANKRUPTCY PETITION FILED CHICAGO, Jan. 25. Petitions in bankruptcy were filed yesterday against the Cream City Park Amuse ment Company, of Lyons, I1L, by creditors of the concern. It is said the liabilities of the 'company are $160,000 and assets $85,000. Answers Hit Critics With Bunch of Incontrovertible Facts. Astoria, Or., January 25, 1908, To the Editor of The Astorian I inclose the following dispatch pub lished in the Portland Telegram yes terday: "Chicago Saloons to Banish Slot Machines Music Will Also Disap pear From 5000 Drinking Places by Order of Saloonkeepers' Organiza tion. Chicago, Jan. 24. Music fend slot machines wil disappear next week from SOCIO Chicago saloons by order, not of the police, but of ofltcials of the saloon keepers' organization. Closer observance of the Sunday clos ing ordinance also has been com manded, and drawn shades and un lightcd windows advised for Sunday. At adirectors' meeting of the Chicago Liquor Dealers' Protective Associa tion yesterday the decision to banish music and slot machines came after an earnest plea from several officials. The activity of State's Attorney Hcaly in the Sunday-closing cases and the work of the No-License and Chicago Law and Order leagues were declared to precede a saloon upheaval if close observance was not paid to the law." This shows that the Chicago Liquor Dealers' Association has come to the conclusion that slot machines are a menace even to the decent saloon. I call attention to the above dis patch because the friends and attor neys of indiscriminate gambling have recently had so much to say about card playing in Astoria. There's method in their madness. "If you let one kind of gambling go on, let every thing open," is their cry. The Mayor said in his annual mes sage: "All gambling has been stopped." Still there is gambling go ing on. What the Mayor did say is: "In discriminate gambling f has been stopped." Since the beginning of time as now and for generations to come, perhaps, men will olav cards. And so loug as they employ no professional dealers and boosters, so long as they don t go too far and keep young men out, it will be a hard matter to find a jury that will convict men of their ac quaintance for playing a friendly game. I never believe in wasting energy January Clearance Sale Special Offering of Bargains in All. Lines of House-furnishing Goods The full sized dresser finished In golden oak. Special during our clearance sale $7.50 , Special sale of carpet and lino cum remnant at prices below wet on regular good. Wis art living 20 per cent discount Golden oak parlor table, atce 24 in. by 24 in. Special price $2. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS - "-"Wil lT "BP" !FP jl Golden oak finished dining chair, either cane or cob bler seat Special 80 cento Special reduction in feather pil lows, blankets and comforts. Sole igente for the celebrated Mai ah somfort. Sanitary Steel Couches, Special, $4.75., Thlrty-threeYears In Astoria Established in 1875. 3 A One -Third Off! ON ALL ft ' ' ; -. i1 'i Boys' Clothing t ya. V $6.50 $6.00 $5.00 $4.50 $4,00 $3.00. $2.00 $1.50 boy's boy's boy's boy's boy's boy's boy's boy's suit now suit now suit now suii now suit now suit now suit now suit now $4.35 $4.00 $3.35 $3.00 $2.05 $2.00 $1.35 $1.00 Special Sale of $LOO Hats. 20 per cent Off on Suits $30.00 suits now $24.00 $25.00 suits now $20.00 $20.00 suits now $10 00 $15.00 suits now $12.00 HEAVY BROWN UNDERWEAR $3.50 Suits now reduced to $2.00 Leader in Nobby Clothes. and time in attempting the impossible. I can stop and propose to. continue stopping robbery of the many by the few, so far as I can do it The law gives us the right to seize any ma chine, wheel or similar device and destroy it, but the law does not give us the right to destroy a man. One is practicable, the latter is not prac ticable. Shall we therefore allow ma chines, wheels, etc., to run because we cannot successfully and immediately stop men from playing cards? It might as well be said, because you cannot always get witnesses or juries to convict a man for breaking the expectorating ordinance, for in stance, you should let the murderer go also. f There are perhaps SO men in As toria who play cards for money; there were over a thousand men who threw money into those plugged machines and doctored wheels. Only those who can play cards, or think they can play, indulge in a card game, while any old fool can find the slot in the machine or the spot on the wheel. I do not pretend to say that card gambling is right. While men of means or without families may find it pleasant pastime, too many men waste time and money, which they could use to better advantage. But who will testify against them, and what juries will agree to convict? Still, I do say, if any cigar store or saloon . should allow young men or poor men of families, to frequent card games for money, or if they should employ deal ers of allow banking games, there'd be "things doing" all right. Reason able people only ask reasonable ac tion from their officers. For instance, the law prohibits cer tain houess, of ill repute, yet how many people would favor the strict enforcement of that particular stat ute? Such action would tend to scat ter the evil throughout the business section; as it is, the sore spot is con fined and covered. We might insist that no one be per mitted to play cards for money in the open. Well, that . would drive men behind closed doors, where young men who are now ashamed to play cards would feel safe behind locked doors. They say the city might as well get revenue from these card games. They know full well that card games were never licensed nor fined. The objections to machines, wheels Crescent Wheat Flakes Ready to Eat 3 Packages for 25 ents Try some with your next order. Acme Grocery Co, The Up-to-Date Grocers. 3 win was JTUUmJ wBI U BSBSR9B33i and manipulated more and more, and percentage games run by profes sionals were unfair, and men had no show at all or not one chance in nine. If some one were to start a factory that would distribute between a quarter and a half million dollars an nually, how happy we would be. And yet some very good peopel kick be cause we have adopted a policy that keeps that much money in the pockets of the wage earnert. The people everywhere have de creed that these machines be stopped, or else they'd invoke local option. Hence the Liquor Dealers' Associa tion of Illinois insists (for the pro tection of the decent men in the busi ness) that the vicious machines, dance halls and pitfalls be obliterated. And the sooner the better element in As toria and all over Oregon encourage (Continued on page 8) NEW TO-DAY New Grocery Store. Try our own mixture of coffee tbe J. P. B. Fresh fruit tod vegetable. Badollet k Co., grooeri. Phone Main 1281. The Commercial. The Commercial, Commercial street, near Elerentk, as everyone knows, it one of the most popular resort la Au to ii. Drop la at any time and m the clas of people who pitlronlw this popu lar place and yon will be sUfld tiat, la entrUJlft a gftftiUmaa rimd, you and t quiet talk helps to pas pleasant evening. Columbia and Vlofor grapbophonea ' and latest records at 424 Commercial street. A. B. Cyrus. tf. Oliver typewriter and automatic stenographer at A. R, Gyro. 4S4 Commercial treet tf. Pake KesUnrant A successful yen ha Just oloaH for the Palace Jtestaurant and a new year open. Tbi yean will to liouH, b a uooeMf ul for thl popular restaurant a U past If not mora so. The manner of treating the guest pursued there can not but tend to bold the trade and bring those who bar never beard of the ) Palaoa, You Don't Reed to 8end to Portlait C. H. Orkwit. 137 Tenth strest, can cover Vonr iimhr11ia Inst onrJL m they can any place on th northwest coast , Special Reduction Sal en Range Stove and Rugs at L H. Hennlngeen, 604-606 Bond etrcet, next door to ex- pre office. Bakery Reopened The Royal Bakery ha reopened under new management and hereafter both bakerle, at SOS Duan street, and 73 West Bond street will be conducted by John tfiishlaussl who will supply U old mmrm nH nittt Tm iwm fWT