SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1908. THE MORNING ASTOR1AN, ASTOHJA, OREGOIT. In Food MnS ' """""-SS and strictly prohibits the sale of alum baking powder So does France So does Germany The sale, of alum foods hoi been made illegal in Washington and the District of Colum bia, and alum baking powder are everywhere recognized at To protect yourself against alum, when ordering baking powder, Sap plainty- and b very sure you get RoyaL Royal it the only Baling Powder made from Royal Grape ' Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and whole somcness of the food I ASH BOX REMOTE UNIVERSAL COLD WEATHER IS COMING See the bargains in our big stove department upstairs. If your money is in the Lank t give us your check. I The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co J Sttccsssers t ftaii ft ftks Co- PORTLANO Latest Quotations In'jhe Portland Markets., Complett Market Reportt Corrected Each Day Giving the Wholesale Pricei of Commodities, Fern Produce, and Vegetables. , PORTLAND, Jan. 24.ReccipU of pork in the market continue 10 large as to exert a weakening tendency, but Ktocta are not so heavy at to force serious cut in prices, In veal lome fairly good itock has been received the pant few days, but much that cmiie in in of low grade, large, un derfed and coarse. The best veal is kxlay worth 9 cents, while inferior ttuff goes at 4 to 6 cents a pound. Hides Dry jj0, j( i20 pound; dry kip, No, 1, 12o pound; dry salted one-third less; dry calf, He pound; salted steers, So pound) aalted cow, it- pound; stag and built, So pound; kip, So pound calf, 7o pound) green stock, ) le; ehceprtins, shearling, 10(j25c. short wool, 0S40c; medium and Ion . wool, a;cordln to quality, SOiSgflOcj drj horses, 60c&$l; dry colt, 25c; anjzora. Sdcf'tSlj goat, common, 10320c una, waa, etc. Coal Oil Pearl and astral oil, cases l ilt per gallon; water white, iron bar rel, lUcj eocene and extra star, cases. 21e; headlight oil, cane, lilies iron barrels, 12jc; Elaine, caws, 28c Fruits. Dtmieatie Fruits Apples, fancy, tIJM ft 12 box: (rood, IteCoMSA box) pear, SOc&Sl.UO box; cranberries, $811 per barrel. Tropical Friuts Lemon, S3.503XHj box; orange, new navels, $2.252.7S box; grape-fruit, $4.23 box; banana, 6e lb.) crated, Mo lb.; pomegranate, $2 orate) tangerine, S2 box) pineapple, 148 dozen. Pried Fruit AppHee, 010c per lb.) aplieote, 1610c; peaches, Il13c poars, 111 14c; Italian prune, 26o; California fig, white, in ascke. fifeOjc per Id j black, tgoo; MICKS, ocz-w per box; Smyrna, int',ive per w; dates, I'enian, Ci7e per lb. ' Produce. Butter Country creamery, 3035o; tity creamery, 3537ie; store, 19&203; butter fat, 33i30& . TIMB CARD Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co, Effective, Monday, September g, 1007 Padfle Tim. m .m e.m 1 1 I. Id 8M (,! p,m, J s.u t,i s.m .SO a.m. 10.M s.m.1 S.tOl 10) 111 8 SO s.s s.t s. .s p.m. e.uu T.i t, T.W 1. 8 IS t.M t.lW 1.40 10 Sty MUM i.m a.m. 8. 00 t. 7 10 OA 10 lit 10. 10 61 11 w mm 0. R9.I iltJ 5A. W.I (SJ.I n.a 78.7 99.8 V9.8 tv. u.oal 104.7 io.r 111 Ofti IS. 81 lil.40 p.Dl 1IA.7 11M li Ar. PORTI.AHDt uoiiLKt..... arr BAINIEKf UtAYCUK .t it ajrt CLIFTON r A8TOBU ILf tv . ABTORU Ar Ar. WARKKNTOH I.V L vITmTTw K M K N TO b f Ar Ar. ,. It.... Ar'.lll HAHMON1) ..FT. MKVKNB . IT. HTKVF.Ng .. HAMMlniI,.,.H. ...OKAKHART ,. L? Ar .1 At Ar. ..HKA81DK.... BULLADAY LV iia 110.1 W.7 78.8 ess W 8 Me 47t 40.4 18 IBS 18.4 a,m. ia.i6 10 17.1 1(K 18 18.4 8 4 1.0 0.0 10.M 10.40 10. IN 10 OA lift 8.U0 8 1 T.l .40i 8.1 i. is 1 t.w e.ioi fi.M Ell 7.4D T.41 8 61 8.A) 8 4S Ht.m K (.4K a.aoi o.W 4.U mi 11 CO 10.40 i.10110.88 !,w io. (Ml! ia v 10.00 11 wio.a 12.10110.11 nlt 10.63 10.4A 10.&5 III. a. .48 a.m. ' Vol BS and SS run from Astoria to CUUop Beaeh via Ft. Stevens. Ko. tt nm. fmm Portland to Astoria and ClaUop Baaeli direct. No. 24 runs frost PMtWiul ia Aatoria only. No. 10 nut from Aatoria to Clataop Beaeh direct. Koa. 81, 2JJ and 29 run via Fl Stevtu. No. S3 run from Clataop Beaeh to Astoria wad Portland direct. Additional train will bt rw from Aatoria to It Stoma and return on Sundays, leaving Aatoria lliSO a. m arrivo Ft Stovtns IS1S8 p. m. IbHamlng leave Ft Steven Si00 p. m., arrive Astoria li4S p. an, Trains marked run dailri t Taltgraph atatfont. ; j rvYv-hnrrrrrnVTt At Portland, with all tranaonttaental line. At Oobto, wlta Nortbern Paolfle Railway Co. At Astoria with steamer for San Franoiaet ad Tillamook and Dwneo Railway Navigation Oo-'a boat and railway. TTirii oli ticket told to and from all poinU h tk Beat and Europe, for furiher particulars apply to, R, B. JENKDJS. . Gen. Ft ft Paaengr. Agt. ASTORIA. OREGON. SMMMtMt I IIIIUIH I III II IMS IH I THE TRENTON First-Class Liquors 'and Cigars Soa Commercial Street Comer Commercial and 14th. 1 J , ASTOKIA, okiowxi mMn'itiiittit,i,llli'l Jf earnestness of purpose, coupled with skill, experience and modern faculties COUNT , Then the DISST0N "COUGAR SAW will continue at the STAND ARD by which the medtt of all other saw art Judged. FOR SALE AT THE Astoria Hardware Co.,r 113,12th St. Grain, Flour, Feed. Wheat-Club, 83cj Valley, 85c; blue stem, Bftcj red Ru'slan, 81c. Oats-r-Producert' price; White. $2f)j gray, 127. Hay-Valley timothy, tl819) East ern Oregon, 20S:22 clover, $13; cheat, 113; alfalfa, 113; grain hay, $1418. Millfeed City bran, S2S country bran, $24 1 abort, $2160; country aborts, filth okop, 118; middlings, $29. Flour Hard wheat patent, $4.9S; ttralKht. $4.40; srabam. $4.60; ry, 5i whole wheat flour, $4.73) Valley flour, $4.40; Dakota, $(1.400.00; EaeUrn rye, $flJ50; pllUbury, $7; Corvallli, $4.40. , Rye-l.251.30 per cwt. Grain Bags Domestic, 8e; Calcutta. Be. Corn Whole, $32; cracked, $38 per ton. Buckwheat 138 per ton. Barley Prodtieere' prices t Brewing, $28.00; feed, $27; rolled, $3031. Cereal Food Rolled oata, cream. 90 lb. aacks, $8; lower grade, $8.807.M( oatmeal, iteel cut. 49 lb. aacka, $8410; 9 1b. sack, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (irround), 401b. aacka, $8.50 per bbl; 9 lb. tack, 14.50 per bale; eplit peat, $4.25 per 100-lb. tack; 25-lb. boxes, $1.25; pearl barley, $450 per 100 lb.: 251b. boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour, 101b. racke, $5i!0bbL Groeeriet, Proviaiona, Etc ' Siicar (eack basis) D. 0., $5.00; XX, $.').50; beet. $5.40; Golden C, $5; extra, $5.40; powdered, $5.50; boxea, 60 ewt, fruit or berry augar, $5.60; boxea 50 cwt. advance over tack basis (teat c. if paidfor In 15 days). Coffee Mocha, 24zhc; Java, ranev. 2528o; Java, good, 20(24c; Java, or dinary, 1720c; Coeta Rica, fancy, 18 20c; Costa Rica, good. 1018c; Ar- buckle, $18.03 cwt.; Lion, $15.88 owt.; Colombia coffee, 14o lb; Salvador, llo mile. Rice imperial Japan, no. I, aoj; Southern Japan, 5lC5jc; broken, 6c; head, fancy, 7e: choice. 7c Haw and Tapioca ocarce. oxe. Fict White, per pound, 07c; black, 67e, ' . Prov1Ion Hama, large, lZio; email, 121c; picnic, Oe; boiled hama, 22c; boiled picnic, 18c; breakfast bacon, fancy, 22c; Eneliah, 10c; dry salted ahort clears, 10!oi back. lOle, Date Golden, 00-Ib. boxea, 88Ic; Mb. packages, 8c; Fard, 151b. boxes, $1.40 box. Raisin Loose mucateia, s-crown, 10c; 2-crown, 9lc; bleached aeedless Sultaqas, 1013c; unbleached aeedlesa Sultanas, Sio: London layera, 3-crown, whole boxea of 20 pounds, $2.25 2 crown, $2.10, Canned SalraonJ-Oolumbla River, l- lb. talis. $2.00 s 2-lb. tails, $2.95; fancy. l.lh. f at. S2.10: l b. flat. B1.30; fancr. l ib. oval. $2.85: Alaska talk pink, 05c; red, $1.35; nominal. 2a, tails, $2.25. Salt Bales of 75-28, bale, fzo; oaie of 60-Ss, $2.25; bale of 40-4. ba $2.25; bale of 15-10, bale, $2.25; be, 80a, fine, ton, $17.50; bags, 50cj genuine Liverpool, $20; bags, 50s, 1 ground, $13; 100s, ton, $12.50; R. 8. V. F, 20 5-16, cartons, $2.25; R. S. V. P., 31b. cartons. $1.75; Liverpool lump, per ton, $20.50. Lard Kettle-rendered, tierces, 113c; tuba, 12c; 60s, 12o; 20a, 1ZJ IBs, 121c. 8a. 12lo. Standard pure: Tiercea, lo less; compound,tierees,' 8c; leaf, 13c. Nuts Walnuts, No. 1, toft abell, 18c; filbert. 17c: Braxils. 20c; Pecans, 19 20o filberta. 17c; Braaile, 80o; recftiis, 23! bickorv. 8oi Vlnrlnia peanuta, 8ic; Jumbo Virginia peanuta, wo; uapanew peanuta, 7io; oheetnuta, Italian 10a Ohio 85o; oocoanu dorena, 8590o; pine "'spioee-Srjovee, 191o lb.; ohUUea, 13le per pound. Vegetable!, Cabbage 75c$l cwt.) cauliflower, 75 mi doe.; celery, B&ci aoa.; pareiey. $U6; hot house lettueo, $1.00 $li5 box; heads, 85 onto doten; nlnadh. box. $1.25: Bruesela tprouta, 8o: artiohokea. 90c(8$1.18 do.: okra, 35e lb.; tomatoea, $1.262.00 crate; peppera 8 (ol 14o lb; pumpKins, eio crai; futana. irreen and wax. 15c lb.: effff-plani 15o lb.; beeta, $1 pee cwt; turnip, 75o $1 per cwt.; carrota, 50c$l per cwt Peaa, ioo in. sweet, 210i3o per pound. Hops, Wool, Hidet, etc. Hopt 1007 crop, 47o pound. Feather-Geese. . white. 3540o ireese. trrav or mixed. 2530o; duck. white, 1520o; diiok, ndxed, 1215o. Wool Valley, 1820e; Eastern Ore (mil. 12(3)180. aa to abrlnkase. "' Cascara Sngrada (chittim bark) fill 7o per pound, v - l?oewax uooa, ciean ana pure, ; Oretron Graperoot Per 100 lba., $8 (S)S7. . . . Tallow Prime, 5o; Nq. 2 and greaae, 88o per. pound. Brain Workers have apecial need to keep the diges tion atrong, in order that the food may renew, through the stomach and bowplt, the supply of nervoot energy. Uae Sold Evfwbr. In bun 10c and 2Se. Eue Ranch, candied, 3032c Cheeae Young America, 18c; Oregon full cream, f lata, 17c. Honey Dary, lOiQlle; amber, 12 13c; fancy white, 1415c Poultry Old rooster, 9 10c lb) bena, 1314 tb; dreated atock, 23e higher than live; ducka, 1415e lb; turkey, live. lOfiHTo Tbi dreaaed, 1820o fi! geeee, live, 9gl0o lb; pigeon, old, $1.00 per dozen; aquaba, $2&3 per dozen.. i Russia should not be blamed 'for seeking to learn something about navigation; rather, she should be en couraged. A cough cure than can be given to children without chance of harm ia Kemp' Balsam, the beat cough cur. It doe not contain poison or harmful drug. Druggist eeU It "Uncle Joe" Cannon ia about due to throw the legislative mill into Us highest gear. It Doe The Bnaineaa Hia Geography. Said llttV Veil: 'The man who wrote Thl bisoraphy Haa mtrly mailt a great mlatake To leave out little me. "Why, only think, nn now 1 atand, Alt toward my left la went. In front of me I north, and back . 1 eoutb, a you hav ftn-nwd. "All on my right is eaat, and so "Tla vry plain to ae That north and aoutb and mat n wrt ' : . . Begin right hero with me. "So I muat wr?t and aak to have My picture HiWt In That other bnf m4 glrla may learn , Where all tt-m SMnw begin." '(.' -Chleago New" V. I, -A'&Xa I ' at r ni ' 4 Am llua efwir otb.r Biik. tljio.xn .! MM Of IJMir K,N, MCHiMr flV arwipiiu.r. McTair Maille(Ttiwi r,ktaJft' iutnertfrtloi, tu .imbr. rn.'. 0 O rff A, li K 8 Him. Pw7.lcn!wgMl ml c.h emmttai. u. r.ittrB C.ln,( ol. iItm) n4 Vnrmh,m Cltlu. (uktmb$ ficmmm . tmU fr. A44i TMC Mct.AU- -J. I Morning Aatorian, 60 eenta per month delivered by earrter. hi -... ... - f.-V v Mr. E. K Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine, aaya of Bueklen'a Arnica Salve. "It doe the business) I have used it for nilea and it cured them. Uaed it a for chapped handa and it cured tbem. Applied It to an old tore and it healed it without leaving a Bear behind. 5o at Chaa. Roger drug ator. :r , Alarmed at the progress of the pro hibition wave, southern distillers are learning to swim. Lam Shoulder Cured. Lam (boulder ia usually caused by rheumatism of the muscle and quickly yield to a few applications of Chamber lain's Pain Balm. Mrs. F. H. McElwe, of Bolstown, New Brunswick, write: "Having been troubled for som time with a pain in my left shoulder, I de cided to give Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial, with the result that I got prompt relief." For aale by Frank Hart and lead ing druggist. The Pure Food law. Secretary Wilson says, "One of the objects of the law is to inform the con turner of the presence of certain harm ful drugs in medicines. The law re quires that the amount of chloroform. opium, morphine, and other habit lorm injr drug be stated on the label or eacn bottle. The manufacturers of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy have alway claim ed that their remedy did not contain any of these drugs, and the truth of this claim is now fully proven, aa no mention of them is made on the label, lni remedy is not only one of the safest, but one of the best in use for coughs and colds. Its value has been poven be yond question during the many year tt ha been in general use. For aale by Frank Hart and leading druggist. fMUUR R.H HH bLS EH Mb i iv mm s j ... OTOB9 , ... : j Coughs,Colds, This remedy can always be depended upon and Is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be gives, as ctaH dcntly to a baby s to an adult . Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. HERINGTON'S TABLETS ABSOLUTELY CURE .Indigestion, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Kidney Diseases,l Bladder Troubles, Liver i complaints. A SURE KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE Hav you heaJthy'Udneyst If TaoJ. yon will soon bs attacked wita tlsA terrible Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Gravel, Dropsy or Rheumatknt. and yoor bealtn and happiness mined. We have the only tnaimect that is a sure an for th dreaded Bright s Disease, Diabetes, and all other form of Kidney and Bladder Trouble. If your kidney ar not healthy, if the bladder is iafEasted and weakened, tfine highly colored or cloudy, smarting is passing, pain tt back, nervous, languid, depressed, weakened ia boy and bind, bowel eonsti- pated and digestion bad, write for a box of Eercgton't Tablets and be enrol RHEUMATISM is caused by an excess of one add in the blood. Ask any reputable physician, aak your family doctor, and be will tell yon that th Uri AcU must be dissolved and drawn from the system before the diasase yields. What Causes Rheumatism 1 Now we say that the only medicine known that will actually dissotv thl Uric Acid and carry it out of th body is Herington's Tablet. Local ap plications such as liniments, electricity, maaeaging, etc, will afford temporary relief only, and is time wasted to the injury of the patient, unless constitu tional treatment is carried on at the same time. Why I Because the malady Is a diseas of the blood, and the blood must be freed of the cause or a ear osa follow. WRITE TODAY Fill in th coupon printed below and sand it t as with 25 cent. We will immediately snail to yon a liberal sized box of Bering ton's Tablets. If they faU to CURE yon w will retort your money as will ingly a w took it Our guarantee la, NO CURB, NO PAT. FILL Df THIS COUPON TODAY Our remedy wfll put you on th road to health and happiness, BEFWGTON WEEKttF CO , Curd F;fi!f. JHcli. Eerdngtos Medicine Co Grand Rapids, Michigan, i I enclose 25 eenta, for which paease send, postage prepaid, 1 box Hering ton's Tablet. My Name My Address. My Druggist Name. m mm -4 ff' : maw, ALCOHOL 3 PER rriiT AVegelableftqlonirAs- 5umiaiuTsmjffoamiRegtilj tinguicaianactis PromofesDigpsiionJChfftfiJ-nessandRBStrontalnsnciaw OpiuntJarphirte narteaLl KOT NARCOTIC. KWMaWtMsaaSMwaw Iliptb iwf" Awn6- . Atsrct R?medy foTConsflpa- tlOil ,iOuT aUlltkKH.u. Wonns.CciTClstoiisJ'OTistr necriLossOFbLEEP. racSbJj i;naMre of new Yom. 111 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ..'?B,-y.ifc tsiguatare of i m . ai ma v wsw a tsv AW i$ In r - Use For Over Thirty Years Sranleed under the i Exact Copy of Wrapper. , , , TCI OINTAUR IMHH, HI MRS SOV. j HP)