SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1901 THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTOIilA OREGON. 8 Copyright I, by Frank 11. IWMt, eAefteAeaeaeOeeaeftefteftefteii I f T Hlu't any uw for you to any you Ihluk It's goln' to stop anowln', grandfather, for It nlu't. It's set In for a liljv Mtorin." There wai allgut quiver about little fcarab Mary's UpS SS ill ttalll ttllH, llllt MtiO priHIWHl them drmly together, and, brushing the flukes of now from nor plaid shawl, alia bung It up ou nail behind the kitchen door and aot about getting , the breakfast, "You't beeu out In tbe road to get a good look at the sky, I reckon, Barah Mary," aatd Grandfather Nichols gen tly... '. 8antli Mary nodded. A queer littlo ouud cauia from her throat, but abt did not speak. ' "Wall, I declare, It doea appear to bo kind of atuinp, Sarah Mary-a kind of a Mump," aald tbo old man alowly "OAll'T YOU AND I IIAVB A PHBTDfD CUHlHTMAa USSST as he carried lu aorao klndllutr for tba atove In tbo llvlug room and stooped down to open the stove door and atart tbe fire. 1 "Hon? ho wss lottln' on that Sunday school (!brlstrans tree for iki and week stlddy," ssld Grandfather Nlcb old, apparently addressing the flicker Ing blase that seemed loath to atart op L briskly, "and then 'twa put off to 'New Veer's on account of (tie minister bela' sick, and uow, after all the wait In', abe'a got to lone It Never been to Christmas treo lu ber lire, Snrah Mary ain't, and tblnka I haven't nuthcr. "I waa goln' along with bor. Full moon due tonight and mild weather for a week back. The nrst anowatorra of the season, thla ta, and Sarah Mary ain't fltted out for stormy weather. flTtieui three miles there and back three more waa goln' to be about all I could 'a' fetched In good walkla', but I wouldn't '' begrudged gottlu' master tired, not a mite." "Break f ant la most ready," aald Barah Mary, wltb faint smile. Pres ently It was quite ready, and they sat down at the table. It was a very si lent meal, but at last Sarah Mary broke the alienee. ' "Last year was the first oue they ever had, but I didn't mind mtsslu' that, grandfather, because you was alck, but now It Just seems aa If" 'Poor little Sarah Mary could not fin ish, but rone abruptly and began to clear away the dishes. "I know, honey," said the old man, patting ber bead aa he, too, rose from tbe table. 1 ' When the door from the kitchen Into tbe shed was closed Sarab Mary sank Into tbe splint bottomed rocking cbalr and sobbed despairingly. Gradually tbe sobs censed. Then she stopped rocking and sat up straight .Si "Grandfather,") crlod the little girl cheerily about half an hour later, "you i must have split up moro'n enough kin dlln'a by this time. , Come In. I want to talk to you. I've got a reg'lar splen did plan." J Tba old man came In quickly, rub bing bla hands. : , "Kind o' cool In tbe abed this morn In'," be said, looking anxiously at Barah Mary, whose eyes were red, though she smiled bravely at him, ! "Now ait right down here In front of the atove and get warmed up," she amid, drawing the old rocking cbalr for (ward. ( , , ? ;; . v j ."Fve been thlnkln',", she went on, peaking quickly aa aha stood quite close to ber grandfather, "that thla la .the last day of tbe year, End tonight jwlll be New Year's eve, only we'll be go home 'stead of down to the church." , Here ber voice trembled a little, but )Hdy for a moment. , ; ; "And 1 1 don't see why yon and I, grandfather, can't have a pretend Christmas here that'll be moat at good 'as If we'd genie to the Sunday school one, ' i! '' ' "Of course." aald the little girl wist fully, "we could do It better if we had ever seen a real Christmas enftatn anent.lii't 1 rtcJion w , $3 maie out grah'dfiftncr, don't your "I see a Christmas enf talnmont once, tree and all," said tbo old man. 'Twai when yonr father wns a little chap, and be was vlxlttn' wltb Brother Hen ry's folks down In the city." "Oil, grandfather!" esclulmed the child, drawing a long breath. "Then you must be more disappointed even than I am, because you know what you're mlsslu', but you can tell me what It was like, so we can pretend Just complete," "Well," began the old man, "there was a tree all covered wltb parklin' things and colored ones and candles, and then tbe folks' preseuta waa bung ou the limbs too. Tbe room waa all kind of trimmed round wltb green, and there was words on tba walla, Teace on Earth, Good Will to Men,' and aev'ral others. ' - . "And there was a Santa Glaus, a man all dressed up In furs, wltb long white whiskers and lookln' as If he'd been out In a snowstorm, and he made some remarks fust and then give out the presents. There was a parcel of candy for each child, I reflect 'Twas a handsome sight" "We ran pretend most of It If you'll help, grandfather," she aald. "I'm ready for anything you suggest, ma'am," aald tbe old man aa be rubbed fnrnh Mary's baud between bis own rough palms. ' "Well, then." said tbe child briskly, "bad you Just aa soon bare your din ner at half past 'leven, so I can have tbe wbol(e afternoon to get ready to pretend In?' 1 '' , "Have It at ten thutty If you aay so," said ber grnudfsther gayly. "No," rolwned Ssrah Mary, wltb much gravity; "half past 'leven will be early euough. Now, there's two or three thing you can do to help, I don't 't we can have a real tree, but If we could bring In that tallest apple wood chunk that's out In the shed and cut some notches In It and stick some of the twigs from tbe brusb pile In the notcbea I think 'twould make a real good pretcndln' tree. "And then, of course," she went on, "you must l Hants C'laus, and you'll know Just bow, 'a long as you've mmmi one, and If you could spare me some of your old papers I'd be obliged. And I'll do all the rest" "Mussy sakes silver ejaculated Orandfutlu-r NU-bols. "What a little planner you tie! Well, well, I guess there's quite a little Job laid out for me. I'll look over the old papers fust and see what I can sparo. I a'pos It's no use asklu" you what they're for?' "Not a mite," replM h child njsr '"y JJs.lCi look dpwe the Urrnm from Its 1cg on tlio "ftifli. "Otiose TH step out If It's bouse cleanln time," said Grandfather Nich ols as he beat a retreat, In pretended dismay, to the living room. "Here's four numbers from tbe three years' ago Die that haven't got any thing of no Krvnt Interest to me la 'em," said the old man, cautiously opening the kitchen door at about 10 o'clock with a little package of old uewepapcrs lu his hand. : "Will that I enough for your purposes? Bpenis to be great doln's In here this momln'. Haven't I smollod moles" "Grandfather!" said Bsrsh Mary In a warning tone, and the old man drop ped the paixrs and retreated. "Jot like her ma, that child Is," he said to bluinelf as he put on his coat, preparatory to a trip to the cold gar ret, where be expected to find some ar ticles suitable for his afternoon's mas querade. "There ain't no atumpln' her, not for long, I carl tell ye." Dinner was what Sarab Mary called "slim" that day and waa eaten with all possible expedition. Sarah Mary's tbln little checks were flushed, and ber eyes were unusually bright "Do you s'pose-do you reckon it's silly for me to be prctendinT' she asked. "Hud I ought to consider I'm too old for play, grandfather?' "Let's see how old be yon 'xactly?' Inquired the old man. "I'm Jest about "leven," responded the child. "Wey, that's gettln' on, o course; but, seelu' you're small for yonr age, I presume It might be allowed ye to play a littlo spoil longer If you get a good chance like this one." Tbe child's last doubt vanished with this assurance. , It had bceu agreed between them that when Grandfather Nichols had placed the chunk, with Its twig branches tightly notched In according to Sarah Mary's directions, she was to take possession of rho living room and beautify it as she saw fit. All hor grandfather had to do wltb it was to give her a few more particu lars about the docoratlons he bad seen that other Christmas so long ago. lie was not to be pormltted to see the liv ing room till 0 o'clock. Precisely at that hour Sarah Mary in tbo character of guest and Bantu Claua in the person of her grandfather were to enter the apartment, one from the kitchen and tbe other from the entry. , ' Tlmo bung rather heavily on tbe old man. At C o'clock he muttered to him self, "I wlsht I could see bow I look," and vainly tried to got a glimpse of bis figure In tbe little cracked looking glass, six inches square, which hung lu his room. ' v "There," exclaimed Sarah Mary, de scending rrom a chair on which sue had been standing and looking about tbe room with pride; "I've done the very best I could. I hope grandfa ther '11 be pleased It's half past 6 now, and I must hurry and get dressed." A few, minutes before 6 o'clock a lit tle figure stopped softly down the steep back stairs, and at about the same time a large, cumbersome form descended the front stairs laboriously. Aa tho old clock In the kitchen struck Q vQt&L its. sharp, curt strokes these two figures entered tbe living room from opposite directions and gnxed at each otlir. " ;.;: Rnmh Mnry wns bravely sltlrod In u chnugoiihln silk wulst wblcb bad once belonged (0 her mother awl a skirt of some sort, the exact sty' of . which eould not be determined, inasmuch as It was completely covered by Sarab Mary's best opron, a very largo white one wltb strings of grout length. These strings were crossed diagonally ou tbe child's back and brought over ber shoulders to tbe frout, where tboy ter minated In a large bow securely pinned to ber dress. Her curly hair bad been made to lie as flat as such balr aver would, ttbo stood wltb ber eyes rivet ad on Santa Claua, on whose face was a broad smile. Truly he was a won derful Santa Clausl An old buffalo akin, plentifully besprinkled wltb flour, wss gathered about blm and tied lu place about bis neck, arms and legs. It was easy to set that getting down stairs at ever so slow a pace must have been a difficult matter. His hair and beard were well covered with flour, and so waa tbe old fur cap on bis bead, There was even a dash of flour here and there on the boots be wore. ' "Obi Oh! I'd never know you In tbe world!" gasped Sarah Mary. Then, recollecting herself, she walked sedate ly to a cbalr placed In one corner of the room. Santa Claua for bis part was onable to suppress an admiring "Well, I de clare to inan!" aa be looked about the room. On tbe wall In several places were strips of brown cambric on which were pasted sentiments appro priate to the season. The letters were of various sIzm, cot from tbe papers. "Peace on Earth," read Santa Clans, looking at the words over the stove through a tremulous mist that made them waver. A wreath of autumn leaves was pinned ou one window curtain and a bunch of dried "everlastings" on tbe other. There waa a big candle in tbe center of the wooden mantel and a email one at each end. A lamp burned on tbe oue table, and tbe smallest can dle of all shone from a little tin can dlestick placed on tbe top of tbe tree. Tbe Inverted wssbtub waa bidden by an old red cloth, and above It tbe tree rose resplendent Its bare twigs glis tening with strips of tin and scraps of colored psper and hung wltb strings of popcorn. Tied to tbe two largest branches were two packagea wrapped In a newspaper. Sarah Mary's eyes shone with pride as she looked at the tree. . ' This la a glor'ous, blessed time, chil dren. aald Sunta Claua, advancing slowly to tbe tree and turning bla eyes on bla sedate but beaming audience. "We've got a sight of Iblngs to be Joy ous abort, and, wlsmV you aTT 4 mer ry Cbrlstmas-New Year, I will now pcrcede to distribute the present." Bo saying, Snnla C'laus put out bis band and cautiously untied one of the newspaper packsgos, "'for , Grandfather Nichols,':' be read slowly aloud. "1 understand he's expected to be with us this evenln' and will probably be along In a few minutes." He untied the other package and read, "'For Sarah Mary Nichols Will tho little gnl step forrard and got her present?' Sarah Mary received the package and a pat on the head from Santa Clau. She turned away and then stopped. "Grandfather." she cried, ..facing about and throwing ber little arms w far around the befloured buffalo robt as they would reach, "you've been s splendid Santa Claua, and now will you take your package and be tbe rest of tbe children with me? It's only Jest niolsKsc candy, but It's real good. I tasted It to see." "Well, I reckon I will," said Grand father Nichols heartily as be burst tbe bonds of his buffalo rolie and kicked off the clumsy boots with a right good will. ' lie and Sarab Mary were sitting to gether lu tbe big old rocking chair, the candles were burning low and tbe mo- "TBS SUNDAY KCHMIL TURK IS POSTPONED Til tojiobbow." lasses candy was nearly gone when th two Christmas-New .Year revelers beard the sound of sleigbbells, follow ed by a knock at tbelr door. . "I Jest stopped on my way home from the Corners," said Nicholas' near est nelghlior when the door opened. "I tbougbt I'd come in and tell yon tlist the Sunday school tree Is post poned till tomorrow night on account of the bad travelln. and I can tlx it to take- Sarab Mary and you, too, along Wltb us to tb- enftalnment Good night" "Much obliged I Much obliged!" !d Orsiulfathclr Nichols as he.(.lrov.aaj. SaralTMnfy, prewiring to go to Dea, took a peep at tbe outside world. "Why, grandfather." she exclaimed Joyfully, "It has stopped snowln. and tbe moon Is comln' out! . Wbat a bee-yu-tlful time Christmas ani New Year Is!" "The Nsarsr the Bon; the 8weeUr tha Mest" CUT THIS OUT. Fine Recipe (or the Quick Cure of , , Coughs and Colds. "Mix half ounce of Concentrated oil of pine with two ounces of glycer ine and half a pint of good whiskey; shake well each time and use in doses of a teaspoonfui to a tablespoonful every four hours. , , This is the formula prescribed by the renowned throat and lung special ist who established the camp for con sumptives in the pine woods of Maine and whose remarkable cures attract ed widespread attention among the medical fraternity. ; He declares that it will heat the lungs, and cure any cough that is curable and will break up an acute cold in 24 hour. The ingredients can be secured from any prescription druggist at a small cost and is easily mixed at home. : fie sure not to buy the ordinary bulk oil of pine nor patent medicine imitations, as they will produce nau sea on account of the impurities they contain and frequently do permanent injury to the kidneys. The real "Concentrated" oil of pine is put up for medicinal use in half ounce vials inclosed in small tin screwtop cases which protect it from heat and light It is also said to be an excellent remedy for lumbago and all forms of uric acid rheumatism. For this purpose it is taken raw;' a 1 few drops on sugar night and morn ing. -Sketch. The month, Morning Astorian 60 cents per If it is all tbe same to Uncle Sam the jackies would prefer to be com manded by the paymaster rather than the doctor. Congress will be expected to settle the currency trouble before taking up the profound question of antimony in bullets. Irritation of the throat and hoarseness little swallow of Kemp's Balsam, tha best cough cure. Grip patients should make a note of this. CASTOR I A . Pox Ia&ata and Children. , More signs of a four-leaf shamrock sprouting. But Sir Thomas rightly leaves the fussy New York Yacht I Gab to take the initiative. He is ; tired of seeing his cup challenges j blocked by technicalities. Jlta Kind Yoa Hai8 Alwajs IzztiX to cubb a cold a oax day I Take LAXATIVE. BROMO Quinine Tab Beara tho yT ' IS7-- feta,, Druggists .efund money If It fails Signature of CVT&A te cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature Is sn each box, 25c . S1.,. ,,..,..,. : - B lank Books Up to the Highest Standards, Bookbindin After Strictly Modern Methods, p ting nn of Every Description Our Facilities arie the best and we can promptly execute all orders. J elMneir Co, 'p ASTORIA, OREGON